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Artist Spotlight: Brail Watson


Our Featured TopCity Rise Artist

Follow Brail Watson on: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music or visit him at www.braillionaire.com!

Local music artist, Brail Watson grew up in East Topeka which is a big part of why he is passionate about being a catalyst for growth and change in the community. He is ardent about his relationship with his heavenly Father, his family, music and cultural and racial reconciliation. In his latest release, Everybody Eats, you will hear him talk about the hard stuff.

This new album uses hip-hop, R&B and tints of gospel music to shine light on concepts like acceptance, togetherness and community development. Combined with elements of his personal story of overcoming depression, poverty and hate. Brail paints a picture of leaving the famine of dark days for the promised land where Everybody Eats. We recently got to ask Brail some personal questions to shine a little more light into his album:

What drives you?

My goal is to be a part of Cultural and Racial reconciliation first within the Church and then to the world at large. I believe that the way God has shaped me is to help others be able to fully engage with the world around them. Sometimes that means being able to use their gifts more fluently or understanding the music industry or seeing the world differently.

What place do you go to get inspiration?

The shower. I creatively execute well when I’m able to bounce ideas off others, but I tend to do my best thinking and dreaming when I’m alone on a walk or in a quiet space with my thoughts.

What is your hope for our community?

My hope is that Topeka becomes a place where people are able, to gain the necessary skills to use their musical gifts to change their realities, whether that be poverty, needed community development, or social justice and world change.

What legacy do you hope to leave?

I want to change the world through music. That may sound like a lofty goal, but as a Christian, I believe that the life of one man undeniably transformed the entire world forever. That means that transforming the life of one person has immense value. That also means that if I can’t change the life of anyone, then I can’t really change the world. That’s why I’m starting at home.

What do you hope will happen to the hearts of those who hear your music?

I hope that people will be able to experience the love of Christ. A real love that pursues them, that reminds them of their value when they can’t see it.

What are you working on next?

I’m currently raising missionary support to become a full-time employee of Fellowship HiCrest. As a full-time member on staff I would be able to continue serving my community in my worship pastor role, but it would also include the work that I do with our local schools and as a mentor to those in the music industry.

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