Top Choice Magazine - Fall 2013

Page 15

"For more than 20 years now, we have been talking about improving access to justice in Canada. Yet we have made barely any progress. The time for talk is past. The time for action is now."

 Andrew Feldstein, Family Law Lawyer and Founder of Feldstein Family Law Group

The staff members understand that each of their responsibilities as part of the team is critical because the outcome of any agreement between separating spouses or partners will affect them greatly—and for years to come. At Feldstein Family Law Group, clients are provided early on with an evaluated viewpoint of the strength of their case, so that they have realistic expectations of the final outcome. One of the firm’s strengths, believes Feldstein, is communication, both with clients and among the firm’s lawyers themselves. “Our success depends on us working together with our clients, towards common goals,” says Feldstein. What are the practical ways that Feldstein Family

Law Group lawyers work with clients? “We do our best to ensure that clients are continuously informed of the progress of their case, via e-mail. We aim to forward to our clients copies of all incoming and outgoing correspondence. We aim to return telephone calls promptly,” says Feldstein. When time matters and the client’s regular lawyer is unavailable, another lawyer is assigned to the case in an emergency, or on short notice. Everyone at the firm is a big believer in education about divorce and separation. For this reason, Feldstein Family Law Group has a wide range of information on its website about family law in Canada, at And the price is right: it’s free. Here,

you will find articles, blogs, videos, commentary on actual precedent-setting family law cases, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Andrew Feldstein is frequently sought after by reporters, editors, and TV producers for comment and insight on Canadian family law issues. He is frequently interviewed by many news outlets including CTV, CBC, Newstalk1010 radio, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, The Law Times, and The Lawyers Weekly. You can read these articles on our Media Page. “Time spent informing yourself of your rights and obligations is time well spent,” affirms Feldstein, adding that one of the most useful tools is a series of articles entitled “Roadmap to Divorce.” Change Family Law in Canada. Now. “For more than 20 years now, we have been talking about improving access to justice in Canada. Yet we have made barely any progress. The time for talk is past. The time for action is now,” says Feldstein. Simply put, improving access to justice in family law means reducing the time and costs to get divorced. “This is why I have launched I am advocating for desperately needed changes in family law.

I ask the politicians respons i b l e fo r d i v o r c e l a w t o recognize their obligations to all Canadians. I have mailed, via Canada Post, to every federal Member of Parliament, to every Ontario MPP, and to dozens of other politicians across Canada, It's Time For Justice, the first in a series of White Papers examining the processes that make separations take too long and cost too much. You can read the September 2013 White Paper, Edition One, at There will be five more editions of It’s Time for Justice White Papers, six in total, to be released quarterly. I encourage you to get involved to make change happen; please add your voice to this initiative."

Toll Free

1-800-498-DIVORCE (3486)

Offices in Markham, Mississauga, Toronto and Vaughan

Fall 2013


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