Pad 525 final exam set 1

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PAD 525 Final Exam Set 1 Click Here to Buy the Tutorial For more course tutorials visit

1 Which of the following is most likely to be primarily governed by federal law:

2 The federal courts that hear appeals from the federal trial courts are called: 3

The following describes the common law:


The following is an accurate description of state constitutions:


Which article of the U.S. Constitution addresses the judiciary?

6 In what part of the U.S. Constitution is freedom of speech identified?

7 The law found to be unconstitutional in Griswold v. Connecticut was:


What does the Ninth Amendment provide?

9 On what basis did the U.S. Supreme Court find that the Equal Protection Clause applied to the federal government?

10 In what part of the U.S. Constitution does an Equal Protection Clause appear?


In Goldberg v. Kelly the U.S. Supreme Court held the following:

12 According to the U.S. Supreme Court, to what extent does the First Amendment apply to state laws?

13 To what extent must a religion be well established in history for its practices to be protected under the First Amendment?

14 Which of the following does the First Amendment provide with respect to freedom of religion?

15 The U.S. Supreme Court has held that which of the following kinds of expressions may constitutionally be forbidden by state law?

16 What did the Court hold in the 1971 U.S. Supreme Court case of New York Times Co. v. United States?

17 Which of the following is the most correct description of state public records laws?


To whom does the federal Government in the Sunshine Act apply?

19 Which of the following is the language from the First Amendment regarding the freedom of the press?

20 The U.S. Supreme Court has held that local zoning regulations are constitutional if:

21 What must a document contain for it to satisfy the Statute of Frauds with respect to a transfer of an interest in real property?

of the person conveying the property and a property description sufficient to identify it

22 All of the following can be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office except:


Lost profits can properly be recovered in a contract case when

24 According to the “mailbox rule” a letter accepting a contract offer is effective when:


No contract arises if the parties did not in fact agree to:


“Quid pro quo” sexual harassment is:


An employee who is “at will”:


Under the usual state whistleblower law a public employee:

29 Which of the following is the most accurate description of a basic requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act?

30 Medical expenses for injuries suffered as a result of someone else’s negligence would be considered what kind of damages?


In a tort claim punitive damages are:

32 Employers are responsible for the acts of their employees’ negligence:


The Fourth Amendment prohibits

34 An agency rule that explains an agency’s understanding of the law or its regulations is known as:


The compilation of all federal rules currently in effect is:


The federal Administrative Procedure Act was enacted in:


The federal Ethics in Government Act applies to:

38 An elected public official who improperly applies public property to personal use:


Local government ethics rules tend to:


In a mediation:


In litigation, the plaintiff:


Injunctive relief is:

43 Which of the following is the most accurate statement of a lawyers’ obligation under their professional rules with respect to offering evidence to a court that the lawyers know to be false?

44 The lawyers’ rules of professional conduct require that the lawyers’ fee always be:


A lawyer who represented the government in a particular matter:

46 Which of the following representations by a lawyer to a court during a trial would likely be a breach of the lawyer’s professional obligations?


Local government ordinances are published:

48 The most commonly used guide to legal citation within the legal community is:

49 Which of the following most accurately describes how state code complications are identified with an abbreviation within the jurisdictions in which they govern:


In an A.L.R. you would find:

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