Best Advantage Credit Union Case Study

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An environment has the ability to strengthen or impair member and team member attachment to an organization. This occurs by reducing or encouraging existing conditions and feelings. Since 1910, one environment that has existed within the financial service industry has been the ‘teller line’.

Typically, when designing a facility, very little thought or experience design energy is focused on issues related to the integration of the teller line as it relates to the experience. The “ line” has been designed into 98% of the financial facilities in America and has served the industry for over 100 years. However, it is clear that many barriers exist within this setting when creating ideal outcomes for the member. By understanding the flow and barriers within the current system, 5 experience barriers were uncovered. The Miron Barrier Observation Tool is used to uncover possibilities. Five questions are asked and modeled to begin the process of breaking down the ideal member interaction: What are the physical barriers to the ideal outcomes? What are the communication barriers to the ideal outcomes? What are the sight barriers to the ideal outcomes? What are the spatial considerations for the ideal outcomes? What is the movement sequence that is created? After reviewing the existing barriers, BACU knew it was time for a change. Leading thought processes indicated that pods should be used to eliminate the barriers between team members and members. But not just any pod would do. A unique pod design based on the BACU culture and operating philosophy would need to be constructed. Enter Rapid Access Prototyping. This is a unique Miron Experience-Based Design Tool that replicates the existing design into a life-size foam model. This enabled users to understand the integration of human elements into the design and determine if ideal outcomes were being created.

After modeling and interacting, 54 design changes were made to the original design. Without this tool, BACU may have designed a pod with little understanding of expected outcomes, thus creating forgettable experience.


A Miron Case Study in Financial Innovation

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