Jan-Feb 2001

Page 10

he world is awash in dangerous— yet pleasure-producing—chemical substances. Millions use and abuse these potentially deadly substances as selfadministered drugs—in spite of well-publicized risks and documented fatalities. But why do people do this? Why do young people and adults alike deliberately take such risks? Why would someone willingly court disaster? Surprisingly, the real keys to understanding and combating substance abuse are not found in clinical programs or medical textbooks, but in the Bible! This may sound strange to modern ears, but the evidence is available. It is clear. It is sobering—and it is encouraging!


The Chemical Minefield! Substance abuse is a global problem encompassing a broad range of chemicals. If something can be By Douglas S. Winnail ingested, injected, inhaled or absorbed into the human body, it can be abused! In America over 90 million people (nearly one-third of the population) either abuse these drugs or have a relationship with someone who is chemically dependent! Other countries face a similar problem. Alcoholic beverages are consumed and abused around the world. Alcohol produces pleasurable effects by relaxing muscles and sedating the brain so that worries temporarily vanish. In moderate amounts, alcohol produces healthful changes in the human body. But frequent use at intoxicating levels clouds judgment, slows reflexes, causes memory loss and blackouts, damages the heart and liver, weakens the immune system and causes birth defects.

Why do millions abuse chemical substances? Is there a missing dimension in their lives? Are there real answers to these troubling questions? 10 Tomorrow’s World

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