Perfect Persuasion

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that the most lasting impression is made in about the first four minutes. Be sure you demonstrate confidence in those first four minutes, because the cement dries fast! Nothing can replace a bad first impression, even if you try to make it up later. Fixing a first impression is like fixing a wrecked car. Even after exhaustive time, effort, and expense, you still know it was wrecked, and you’re even more apt to detect anything that might be wrong with it.

Avoiding Too Much Confidence It is important to know that coming across as too confident will likely have the opposite effect. Rather than gaining peoples’ confidence, you’ll turn them off. In fact, if you make a mistake or do something inept, people are more likely to be won Opportunity is missed by over by you if you can laugh at yourself and not take most people because it is yourself too seriously. Coming across as selfdressed in overalls and absorbed or egotistical will make you appear looks like work. - Thomas A. Edison incredibly unbecoming. Being more sincere and natural will make you more approachable and likable. According to Jay Conrad Levinson of Guerilla Marketing fame, confidence is the number one reason people are persuaded to buy. When the buyer has confidence in your selling strategy, your ability to influence him increases. Confidence can also be defined as a belief and assurance in yourself.

4. Credibility “One can stand as the greatest orator the world has known, possess the quickest mind, employ the cleverest psychology, and have mastered all the technical devices of argument, but if one is not credible one might just 6 as well preach to the pelicans.” – Gerry Spence, trial lawyer Daniel O’Keefe defines credibility as “judgments made by a perceiver 7 concerning the believability of a communicator.” Edward Murrow said, “To be persuasive, we must be believable. To be believable, we must be credible. To be credible, we must be truthful.” Credibility is in the eye of the beholder and it is a quality that is constantly changing. Credibility can be high and low in the same presentation with the same audience. Credibility can change with time, presentation, or somebody else’s opinion.

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