Design Diary

Page 74


Reaccomodation with respect to the site PROJECT PROPOSAL The aspirations of the project is to create architecture that is able to respond to a changing site. The site I have chosen is environmentally very significant, it has large quanitities or rare wildlife and provides a natural breakwater that has helped for the safe development of the Humber River port towns. Therefore I am looking to work with the site in a ‘soft’ manner. Using methods that have minimal impact on the natural activities of the site, and also work withe the geographical processes that are continuously affecting it. At the same time, combining four different functions into one architectural language that allows them all to co-exist and perhaps gain benefits from each other unlike their current independent states. Not only will the building respond to the directly changing land beneath it, but it should also be reactive to the environment. Spurn Head is an exposed location to brutal North Sea weather conditions, but at the same time offers a beautiful landscape that should be embraced by the architecture, it therefore goes to stand that the building would benefit from being able to adapt on a day to day basis to the surrounding conditions.

In a similar vain to being able to respond to the extreme climatic variations, the materiality of the construction should be able to cope with the rapid erosion processes that occur on the site. Either through accepting that impact or by resistance to shelter the interior spaces. Although the processes of weathering and erosion are fast on the site, the cyclic nature of the spit and its history of inhabitation are not. The design of the building must respond to trends of demands in occupation with an expansion or reduction of facilities with changing need if it is to remain relevant as the it responds to the landscape. The final aim for the project would be to look into helping to ‘heal’ the spit of land using ecology in order to maintain its future as a bird migratory site and natural barrage over the river estuary.

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