T.O.F.U. #3

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cats, squirrels or kangaroos, yet we accept eating chickens, pigs and cows as “the norm”. It is not that we are unsympathetic to cruelty and abuse. Billions of dollars are spent to make sure that we remain blind. Vegans have a moral responsibility to speak on behalf of those that cannot speak. We have made the decision to lift the veil of ignorance, to not be swayed by the propaganda pushed by those who have the most to gain by using animals. If we don’t take every opportunity we can to spread the truth, who will? Burst free from the vegan closet and be proud and thrilled that you are no longer blinded by ignorance. Rejoice in your freedom from dependance on animal flesh and secretions. Spread your joy and the truth at every occasion so that we can abolish oppression once and for all.


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T.O.F.U. Third Time`s the charm? 23

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