2021 Appeal Letter

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Dear <<Informal_Greeting>>, The voices of a TYM Champion can be seen, heard and felt deeply through the acts of kindness and generosity of everyday people who simply show-up. Take Selina who has faithfully found a way to serve TYM in a variety of ways, impacting the mission and helping to change the life trajectory of disadvantaged urban kids and families. Selina knows all too well their struggles because she was born and raised in the tough neighborhood of Compton, California, during the tumultuous nineties, immediately following the historic beating of Rodney King and the Los Angeles Riots. She became one of many little ones peeking out the window at a community in trauma and cardiac arrest. Her father and mother, both active members in their community, modeled resilience to instill strength, morals, and faith so that she would not be consumed by a sense of hopelessness. Through their example: involvement in their local church, investing in early childhood education, positive relationship with law enforcement and political involvement, Selina learned the importance of bringing a voice to the ‘common folk’ and her heart for changing lives was ignited. Her life’s goal has been to positively impact hurting communities. She has pursued a career that has given her the strength to use her voice for change and encourage others to do the same. Selina, as a blooming psychologist, has focused her career on learning about and treating trauma and she has contributed her time, talents and treasure as a both unique and distinctive voice to helping TYM transform the lives of the girls and boys we serve. With her professional background, she has facilitated several trainings to our volunteers, staff and stakeholders about the realities of the traumas in the communities we are serving. Selina has used her Champion’s Voice as an influence of change for our organization. She has expressed God’s kindness to our youth and inspired families with her warm smile and hospitable spirit while recruiting kids to our programs. Champions are more than donors or volunteers; they enjoy deeper relationships, shared experiences, and a profound understanding of dialogue related to our mission. In 2020, hardships were a blessing-in-disguise as they became sources of deep reflection and conversation about what’s essential for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The experiences we all faced could have led to a sense of hopelessness, as it did for some. As for others, the events of 2020 inspired an awakening of their Champion’s Voice. For TYM, this past year has challenged us to think and act differently regarding our mission. We have come to understand that the Voices of our Champions matter now more than ever. Are you ready to apply the full capacity of your Champion’s Voice?

Like Selina, we are all challenged to embrace our role in a world filled with great need. This need forces us to live with our eyes wide open, truly seeing those around us and listening carefully for ways to demonstrate compassion and generosity. With a sincere desire, we ask you, as a Champion, to express how you can use your time, talents, and resources to bring real support toward progressing the mission of TYM. The social challenges we are now facing, although uncomfortable to consider, are opportunities to reflect on our own moral and spiritual responsibilities. These reflections allow Champions to gain a new perspective on building collaborative partnerships to advance God’s Kingdom in the Bay Area. When we make a point to form relationships across socio-economic, racial, and cultural lines, we reflect God’s heart. This process of reflection increases our tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect while decreasing fear and anger. When we love God and obediently love others it makes God happy. “He replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind... And the second is like it: You must love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Matthew 22:37, 39 CEB TYM’s new frontier of generosity allows our Champions to voice their passions for our shared cause and mission...Transforming the Lives of Urban Youth. In 2020, the window of opportunity opened to reflect upon and refine our vision, mission and core values. Our strategic plan emphasizes the need to foster and grow more partnerships with Champions like you. A relationship that takes us to the front lines, boots on the ground bringing the fight for our kids to the trenches. With your voice of support, we will move forward with our vision to become a catalyst for youth development, actively transforming the lives of over 1,000 Bay Area urban youth in a few years. In this advancing age of technology, we are looking to systematically add on-line learning communities along with increased mentoring relationships in order to deliver real solutions to the hardships our kids face. By leveraging the virtual movement, we can incorporate holistic and robust learning opportunities where we can reach more youth more deeply and more often. By establishing a consistent presence in the lives of our youth, through our small-group mentorship program (aka PODS), TYM is using its voice to earn the right to be heard with the kids and families we serve. Our new frontier, along with the reputation of our dynamic summer camp experiences, will expand our ability to introduce kids to a Transformational Journey with God’s saving grace. Every voice, every person, and every contribution is vital. Add your passion to a partnership with us and help Champion the mission of TYM to fund our year-round programming. Become a Champion. Add your Voice. Join their Transformational Journey TODAY. You can learn more about becoming a Champion and donate at tymkids.org or send a check in the provided return envelope. Kindest Regards,

Billy Coleman, Executive Director e: billycoleman@tymkids.org | p: 1-877-TYMKIDS

Yes, I want to help kids take the Transformational Journey $5,000 Reach more students in more communities

<<Formal_Greeting>> <<Shipping Street>> <<Shipping_Street>>, <<Shipping_State>> <<Shipping_Zip>>

$2,500 Sponsor 3 students to Summer Camp & THRIVE!

$1,000 Sponsor a child to Camp & Thrive!

Other Amount Gifts of any size make a difference

Give Today Visit tymkids.org and click on “Give” Make checks payable to “Today’s Youth Matter”

Thank you for your gift! All gifts are tax deductible. Tax ID 94-3176545

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