Using korean a guide to contemporary usage

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• Desirable situation: only ₢㰖 is natural 㥶㠪 ㌂ⶊ㽳㧻₢㰖 㰖⌊㔶 䤢⯃䞲 ⿚㧊㎎㣪. He’s a great man who even served as the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

5 䃦⩕㰲Ⰲ ┺㧊㞚₢㰖 ⹱㞮╖㣪. She even received a five-carat diamond ring.

⁎ ⋾㧦⓪ ⴑ 䞮⓪ Ợ 㠜㠊, 㕂㰖㠊 㣪Ⰲ₢㰖☚. There’s nothing he cannot do well, including even cooking.

19.16 -(㧊)⋮ • The best of the remaining choices (not used with past tense) ニ㧊⋮ ⲏ㰖 ⶮ ⹻㦚 䟊㣪? Why don’t we just eat bread; what are you making rice for?

㺎ἂⰦἶ Ỏ⩞㰞㧊⋮ 䞮㔲㰖. Why don’t you stop butting in and just do the mopping?

㧶☚ 㞞 㡺ἶ 㞶㧎☚ 㠜ἶ ゾ⧮⋮ 䞮㧦. I can’t sleep, nor do I have a girlfriend, so let me just do the laundry.

㧊⻞ ╂㠦⓪ 㫖 䧮✺ἶ ┺㦢 ╂㠦⋮ ♶ Ệ ṯ㦖◆㣪. It won’t be ready this month; it will have to be next month, I’m afraid.

㟮₆⓪ ⋮㭧㠦 䞮ἶ ゾⰂ ⲏ₆⋮ 䟊. You can talk later, so go ahead and just focus on eating.

• Emphasis on quantities that are more than expected ㎇㑮₆⧒ ⁎⩆㰖 㢫⽋ 䟃Ὃ⬢Ṗ 㻲 ⿞㧊⋮ 䞮⓪ Ệ 㧞㬶. Perhaps because it’s high season, the round trip airfare is as high as $1,000.

ⰻ㭒⯒ 㧦⁎Ⱎ䂮 㧒὇ ⼧㧊⋮ Ⱎ㎾㠊㣪! I drank as many as seven bottles of beer! -㝿㧊⋮G expresses even stronger emphasis on something that is more than expected. ⍺? 㻲 ⿞㝿㧊⋮ 䟊㣪? ⁎⩝Ợ ゚㕎㣪? What? A thousand dollars? That expensive? 㧒὇ ⼧㝿㧊⋮ Ⱎ㎾㦒┞ 䞚⯚㧊 ⊠₎ 㑮⹬㠦. No wonder you were totally wasted, having drunk SEVEN bottles. It can also be used casually for unexpected things that don’t involve quantity. ⁎⌻ 㢖☚ ♮⓪◆ ⶮ ㍶ⶒ㝿㧊⋮… You didn’t have to bring anything; what’s this gift for? 㞚ⶊỆ⋮ 㔲䋺㰖 ⶮ Ṟ゚㝿㧊⋮… Anything should be fine; you don’t have to order (the expensive) Kalbi. ⶊ㓾 㭧⼧㧊 Ỏ⪎┺ἶ ⼧ⶎ㞞㝿㧊⋮… What is this visit to check on her health for, as if she has some serious illness?

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