Using korean a guide to contemporary usage

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㠒Ὴ㦖 ☯⁎⧮㣪. 㠒Ὴ㦖 㡞㊮┺.

Her face is round. (topic or contrast) Her FACE is pretty. (contrast)

☞㦖 㭧㣪䞮㬶. ☞㦖 㧞㠊㣪.

Money is important, of course. (topic) MONEY,

I have. (contrast)

The element marked by -㦖/⓪ often corresponds to the subject of the sentence, but sometimes it occurs in addition to a subject as in: 䞲ῃ㦖 Ṗ㦚㧊 㞚⯚╋┺.

In Korea, autumn is beautiful.

㌆㦖 ㍺㞛㌆㧊 㾲ἶ㡞㣪.

As for the mountains, Sǂrak Mt. is the best.

19.3.1 Uses of -㦖/⓪ when it marks a topic • To set the stage for the rest of the sentence, by indicating what it is to be about 㧊 䅖㧋㦖 㰗㩧 Ⱒ✲㎾㠊㣪?

This cake, did you make it yourself?

㥺䢎⓪ 㡺⓮ ⍻䌖㧊⯒ ⱎ㠊.

As for Yunho, he was wearing a tie today.

㡂⯚㠦⓪ ⌟Ⳋ㧊Ⳋ ⁎Ⱒ㧊┺.

In summer, naengmyǂn is all you need.

⿯ἶ ⟾㠊㰖ἶ⓪ 㤊㠦 ╂⪎┺. Passing or failing the exam depends on luck. • To express old information (either known to both the speaker and the listener, or part of the shared background) A: ⟷㦖 ⑚Ṗ ⲏ㠞㠊? B: ⟷㧊 㧞㠞㠊? ⋮⓪ ⴑ ⽺⓪◆.

The rice cake, who ate it?

A: 㓺䌖㤢㯞⓪ 㩫Ⱖ ╖㧧㧊㟒. B: 㓺䌖㤢㯞Ṗ 㠊⟺ 㡗䢪㧎◆?

Star Wars is really a masterpiece. What kind of movie is Star Wars?

Was there a rice cake? I didn’t see it.

NOTE: ‘Rice cake’ and ‘Star Wars’ are NEW information to B and therefore don’t appear with -㦖/⓪ in his utterances.

㹾⓪ 㠊⟺ Ỏ⪲ ㌂㔺 ㌳ṗ㧊㎎㣪?

As for the car, what kind are you planning to buy?

• To define or make a broad statement ㌂⧢㦖 㧊㎇㩗 ☯ⶒ㧊┺.

Men are rational animals.

䞮㢖㧊⓪ 㰖㌗⋯㤦㧊┺.

Hawaii is paradise on earth.

䞲ῃ㦖 ㌒Ⳋ㧊 ⹪┺⪲ ⚮⩂㕎㧎 ⹮☚┺.

Korea is a peninsula surrounded by the ocean on three sides.

• To change the topic 㦢㔳㧊 㠊➢? Ṩ㦖? 㔳╏ ⿚㥚₆⓪? How’s the food? How about the price? What about the ambience of the restaurant?

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