Performance Assessment: narrative

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will use different strategies to prevent bias. For example, I will score one criterion for all students at the same time, and I will revisit some of the first few projects after scoring all of them. Validity The criteria being evaluated in this assessment are derived directly from the learning targets of the preceding lesson. In the analytic scale, these criteria are listed next to the sections of the assessment in which they can be measured. By making sure the assessment corresponds with what was taught in class, I tried to ensure that the inferences made using this assessment tool are valid. On the other hand, only written evidence is accepted in this assessment; this limits its validity for determining students’ ability to measure surface area and volume. This assessment would need to be supplemented by classroom discussions and observations to get a well-rounded picture of students’ learning in this area. Reliability The reliability of this assessment is enhanced by the number of measurements students are required to complete. I also made an effort to improve reliability by wording questions clearly and presenting only one question at a time. Positive Consequences As mentioned above, this assessment was designed to motivate students. The worksheet also guides the students in metacognition and self-reflection, which have been shown to lead to improved learning. Lastly, the analytic scale is available to the student. The criteria are clearly delineated and intuitively grouped, enabling students to understand teacher feedback and engage in self-assessment. Practicality and Efficiency The assessment is practical; it can be completed during class with a reasonable amount of materials. The analytic scale is also an efficient method of grading when the criteria are so numerous. Performance or Scoring Criteria As mentioned above, the criteria were designed to be specific, student-friendly, and closely aligned with learning targets. There are a large number of critera so that students can receive accurate feedback on where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Anticipated Feedback Students Will Receive Students will receive feedback from teacher comments and the analytic scale. After they receive this feedback, they will be guided in self-assessment. Students will be prompted to reflect in their math journals on what they learned; what skills they have mastered; and what skills need improvement.

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