Free topic unit3

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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 三 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


[看不見的密室│ Invisible Room]

│吳順卿│ │廖昶安│黃敬婷│王柏閔│王欣玫│何震軒│洪儷瑞│

空間中的空間 Space in Space

看不見的密室 Invisible Room 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Liao,Cheng-An │廖 昶 安

從微觀 PU 發泡棉的組成出發,了解 PU 發泡棉的 組成原則是由軟劑與硬劑依照兩者相互的比值高低 決定 PU 發泡棉的觸感與柔軟度。 蛋捲廣場的基地觀察,發現固定的人群聚集分布 密度與綠帶植披的生長濃度也會依照兩者相互的比 值高低決定行人走過蛋捲廣場周圍的心情,在海報 街上因為有攤位的擺設而引來大量的人潮,並且因 為周圍只有一兩棵行道樹,而導致經過的路人,被 迫要接受這些吵雜、擁擠、並無任何陰影可以遮蔽 的環境,因此心情的感受會是整個蛋捲廣場周圍最 糟、最令人無法放鬆的空間。 最後藉著改變皮層,產生一個地下空間給攤位使 用,並且皮層的上方可以給學生散步休憩用,分開 一般人與逛海報街攤位的人動線,改善人潮擁擠的 現況,也改變行人的心情感受,使人經過可以是帶 著愉快放鬆的心情。

Began from viewing the components of p o l y u re t h a n e f oa m ; we ’ ve u n d e r s to o d the way of polyurethane foam combining was according to the mutual ratio between hardener and softener to decide its touch and softness. By watching at Egg Roll Court, we found that the density of stationary crowd-gathering and the concentration of vegetation growing are also according to their mutual ratio to influence those who walk surround Egg Roll Court. On the Poster Street, it draws a lot of crowds because of the vendors. Owing to lack of sidewalk trees, pedestrians who walk by are forced to accept such a noisy, crowded environment. Besides, there is no shadow to hide. That’s why relaxing here will be an exactly the worst and the most intolerable place around Egg Roll Court. Finally, by changing the contribution of green zones, we made an underground space for those vendors, cleaned out the original vendors’ space for students walking or resting, separated the moving lines between pedestrians and those who want to hang out or shop here, improved the crowded situation and also improved the pedestrians’ mood. Make sure whenever they walk by, they can be always in the relaxing and happy mood.

流向 ‧ 邊界

flow and bounding

看不見的密室 Invisible Room 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Hwang,chin-ting │黃 敬 婷

這次的題目名稱事消失的密室我對於他的 解讀是當我們用一中不同於平常的方法去看一件物 品的時候裡頭往往會有一些有趣的空間出現。 這次的題目我選擇了一種包裝紙去觀察, 由細線所組成。裡頭同時存在匯聚以及發散兩件事 情,當我施加外力去拉扯他時中間會出現空間,中 間的空間並沒有明確的邊界,可以區分對於空間的 想像。我把它類比為人群的動線,因為在同一個場 域中雖然路徑相同但因為加入時間軸的關係一條動 線附著在一個時間切片上 層層堆疊就像原本的包 裝紙一樣。 再進入基地設計的部分我先拿一張完整的 紙做切割的動作並脫開出相對高度進而產生出一些 包覆性的半開放空間,從新置入回基地做為一個同 時具有休憩和展演功能的空間,考慮到基地是在坡 地上有高層差的問題很多方向無法看到基地上發生 的事物,所以我再基地上先畫分切割線並利用基地 中原本的建築語彙 ( 曲線 以及緩坡 ) 去順應整個基 地中人群的流向創造出誘因使人們願意在廣場停 留。

The topic is the Missing Chamber. My interpretation is that when we use an unusual way to perceive an object, some interesting space will show up. I chose to use a unique wrapping paper made of threads to observe the phenomena of convergence and divergence. When I pulled and dragged some of the threads, a space in between will emerge. It is not a clear-cut space, and without definite boundaries, to distinguish the space of imagination. I compared it to people’s lines of motions. Because it is in the same space, the paths are the same. But if added with another line of motion—time, these lines will pile up like the threads in the wrapping paper. As to the base design, I cut a piece of paper, and propped it open. Then different layers of similar height were created, and furthermore, a semi-open space was presented. I put this into the base so it became a space for entertainment and performance. Considering the problem—differences between the levels of height of the slope, I found that people on the base might not see what was happening on the base from many directions. Therefore I drew the cutting lines, and used the pattern language, bounding and the gentle slope to cope with the flow of people in the base and to create an incentive to make them want to stay in the square.

The topic is the Missing Chamber. My interpretation is that when we use an unusual way to perceive an object, some interesting space will show up.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

I chose to use a unique wrapping paper made of threads to observe the phenomena of convergence and divergence. When I pulled and dragged some of the threads, a space in between will emerge. It is not a clear-cut space, and without definite boundaries, to distinguish the space of imagination. I compared it to people’s lines of motions. Because it is in the same space, the paths are the same. But if added with another line of motion—time, these lines will pile up like the threads in the wrapping paper.

平面配置│ Plan

大地之歌 The Symphony of Earth

看不見的密室 Invisible Room 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wang,Bo-Ming │王 柏 閔

【看不見的密室】這一道自由題是藉由生活中 的物件為發想的起點,研究並且轉化後置入淡江大 學書卷廣場上的某一個地方。希望藉由了解物件與 觀察基地環境的訓練,來讓我們能夠進入真正實體 空間的操作。我所選取的物件是「止滑墊」,藉由 了解止滑墊上結構與孔隙之間的形變,用三角函數 歸納出角度與表面積的關聯性。並把二維空間的形 變擴展到三維空間,與書卷廣場上的人群互動作結 合。 【大地之歌】探討的是人群踩踏土地的力量是 如何讓地表受力進而造成土層的壓實甚至是下陷。 重量是一種看不見的力量,但是當重量施加在某一 物件上而造成物件外型的改變時,重量的存在便被 轉譯了出來。我想利用這自然踩踏而造成的下陷的 環境,置入一表演的展演廳,讓原本就是會有人群 群聚的地方,可以更加活化與發展。

【Invisible Room】is an project through finding a object like a starting point, studies and transformes a concept into the square i n Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y . H o p e t h a t b y understanding the object and observation environmental bases, to enable us to enter the real physical space operations. I selected object is a "non-slip mats," By understanding between slip mat deformation and pore structure, summed with trigonometric angle and the surface area of ​​relevance. To extend twodimensional to three-dimensional deformation space, with the crowd on the square interactive books for binding. 【The Symphony of Earth】explore the power of the crowd stampede is how to make the land surface force and cause soil compaction and even subsidence. Weight is an invisible power, but when the weight is applied on an object and the resulting shape of the object is changed, the weight will be translated out of existence. I want to use this natural subsidence caused stampede environment into a performance hall performances, so that the original cluster that is where crowds can be more activation and development.

現況照片│ Site Image

Time passed


Weight is an invisible power, but when the weight is applied on an object and the resulting shape of the object is changed, the weight will be translated out of existence. I want to use this natural subsidence caused stampede environment into a performance hall performances, so that the original cluster that is where crowds can be more activation and development.

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan


connection And Transformation

【連接變形】 先由細胞分裂時,細胞骨架的變化作為出發點, 發現,細胞骨架的增長與縮減與細胞的型態有密切 相關,以此開始發想設計。 之後去觀察淡江大學的蛋捲廣場,分析基地, 發現蛋捲廣場與圖書館之間關係密切,所以我以先 前的觀點結合基地,做一個串聯廣場與圖書館的空 間,並且根據使用狀況,設計空間增長縮減變形後, 有不同的使用方式。

看不見的密室 Invisible Room 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Wang,Hsin-Mei │王 欣 玫

【Connection And Transformation】 First, I observed Cytoskeleton's transformation during cell division. Based on this observation, I started to designed my models. And then I observed the plaza in Tamkang University. I found out that the plaza is closely associated with the library. So I combined with the previous view, desined a connetion between the plaza and the library. And then according to conditions of use, let the space could transform to adapt different conditions.

decrease An End of cytoskeleton

from Google Image

the other End of cytoskeleton


from Google Image

Cytoskeleton  s direction tend to be single

when cells are separating. Cytoskeleton becomes a bridge between two cells.

Transformation process



Sprinkler System

看不見的密室 Invisible Room 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Ho,Chun-Hin │何 震 軒

這題目我是以觀察水珠做出發 , 觀察出水珠的結構 , 發現到水珠由兩顆到一顆 , 是一個越來越穩固的結 構 , 從細而多變成粗而少 , 然後我在基地觀察發現 到 , 有一個地方是草長得很少的 , 接著我去把灑水 系統跟積水的地方進行疊合 , 發現道主要因素是那 裏沒有養分 , 所以我才在那個區域置入我的灑水系 統 , 當我置入時 , 我有觀察到水珠 , 本來是個不規則 的形狀 , 當兩顆水珠接近時 , 一顆會根據另一顆的 形狀 , 進行貼合 , 另外結構的方面 , 我發現到水珠在 結合的時候 , 會把兩顆變成一顆 , 所以我在結合的 時候是把兩顆單元組合起來,並去除中間的結構 , 所以得出這個不規則的模型。

I have observed this subject is to make fat droplets, water droplets observed structure found by a two to one to drops, is an increasingly robust construction, from thin and become more coarse and less, and then I base observed that there is a place that looks very little grass, and then I went to the place where sprinkler systems, laminated with water and found the main factor is the road where there are no nutrients, so I was placed in that area of my shed water system, when I placed, I have observed that drops of water, was originally an irregular shape when two drops of water close, one will be based on the shape of the other one, is bonded to the other aspects of the structure, I found that the water drops when combined, would two become one, so I combined the two units when it is combined and remove the middle of the structure, so come to this irregular model.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan

( 依附 )


看不見的密室 Invisible Room 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 LI-JUI,HUNG |洪 儷 瑞

一開始得選一物件去做微觀的分析,而我選的是 香菇。我被那密密麻麻的菌褶所迷住,它呈放射狀 擴散出去,於是我開始研究它的組成,發現是由菌 絲去構成整個香菇,以 Y 型為一單元 ,相互連接 成支,再成體。又香菇屬於真菌類,無葉綠體,所 以無法行光合作用製造養分,所以他們必須依附在 其他的植物上,經由菌絲中空的部分傳送養分和水 分。 我把人類比成養分,從圖書館地下室把人引導至 戶外,配合水管灑水系統,希望能在原本炎熱的空 氣導致人活動量稀少的廣場,做一個人們願意使用 的戶外空間,例如,原本待在冷氣房看書的人會到 廣場讀書甚至辦讀書會。

Outset have to choose an object to do microscopic analysis, and I chose the mushroom. I was fascinated by that dense gills, which spread out radially, so I began to study its composition, is found to constitute the entire mushroom mycelium to Y-type as a unit, connected to each other support, and then into body. Also mushrooms are fungi, no chloroplast, it is not OK photosynthesis nutrients, so they must rely on other plants, through the hollow par t of the mycelium transfer of nutrients and moisture. I put into nutrients than humans, who guided the basement from the library to the outdoors, with the water sprinkler system, hoping the hot air in the original amount of rare events cause people to the square, people are willing to make a use of outdoor space, for example, the original stay in air-conditioned room reading a book people will do to the square even reading book club.

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan

淡 江 大 學 建 築 系 │ 一 年 級 工 作 室 │ 第 三 組。 設 計 作 品 集 E A 1 _ S t u d i o 。 D e p t . o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 。 Ta m k a n g U n i v e r s i t y

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