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淡江大學建築系│一年級工作室│第 八 組。設計作品集 EA1_Studio。Dept. of Architecture。Tamkang University


[時間皮層│ Second Skin]

│黃昱豪│ │朵雅拉│杜昱琳│呂冠沂│賴珮盈│陳冠霖│黃嘉俞│呂奕賢│塗家伶│


時間皮層這題目裡,我希望學生對於時間 有個尺度的觀念,建築因涵有環境與事件, 在時間的催化下產生了二次皮層,這樣的 改變有的是一夕之間,有的則是幾百年的 堆疊。 操 作 上,studio 從 基 地 選 定 後, 以 微 觀 的 方 式 去 回 溯 建 築 原 本 的 模 樣, 運 用 mapping 的方式來描繪路徑與空間的衍 生。

最後的階段裡,我希望同學們運用自己的 想像創造一個事件,並 mapping 出事件、 環境與時間結合後所產生的新時間皮層。 我很喜歡學生的成果,大一的學生富有想 像,對於事件與環境的設定極其有趣。雖 此題僅一個月的操作時間,過程中有著對 題目的疑惑與掙扎,但他們確實給出了驚 喜的成果。

20130622 黃昱豪

Introduction In this project(second skin),I try to help students to develop a concept of time in their projects. Time in architecture containing environment and event has specific scale that will change the original form and recreate the new skin. The time of these changes might take one hour, one day, even hundred years depending on events and environment. After selecting a real site , students traced the original form by using micro perspective. They need to map the path which were created by environment and find out the process of second skin between now and past. Finally, I expect students using their imagination to input a new event in this site. They need to define the scale of time and map the new event and environment to recreate the future second skin. Actually, I enjoyed their final design. The year one students have strong imagination about events and environment. Although the process of this project was just one month and have uncountable questions about "second skin",they presented us the fantastic project in the final presentation. 20130622 Yu Hao ,Huang


Old encounter the Modernity

這個設計一開始是在位於淡水的意大利風格老房子 外牆的研究。這個項目的目的是觀察和學習一直在 發生時間中的變化推移,結果找到方法來觀察一個 建築物“第二層皮層”。 原來的牆面很簡單與平整沒有任何的破壞,後來, 他們決定關閉的陽台,為了擴大每個樓層的面積。 他們也加蓋了一個新的廚房。這個新建築的特點是 用木頭和金屬鐵框覆蓋。 由於這改變超過原來的限制,這所老房子經歷最後 的變化,他們建立了一個三樓露台。這些就是我觀 察老房子的變化。 有一天我去那裡拍房子的照片,因為最近這幾天下 雨所以我要去找尋雨遺留在牆面上的痕跡, 我也注意到,與此相同的事件,由於放置的木材和 金屬,因為水的關係破了一個缺口,那裡的水是從 廚房內洩漏的。不知怎的,當水遇到一些硬會引起 爆炸,將損壞的門面上的差距導致。當這種情況發 生時我的“第二層皮膚”將如期舉行。 由此而生的差距,我將開始重建它使用爆炸留下的 剩餘材料和尋找附近房屋的材料。我會用一些材料 塗層混凝土,木材,金屬,鐵,和植被。金屬作為 支持,因為我會用這種材料沒有金屬與水接觸,因 此遭受多大的損害將是承受 新的創造更好的條件。鐵木結構的扁平部分,為我 們服務,因為這兩種材料與水接觸,改變了這種材 料的形狀受到 明顯的損壞。最後植被的材料,這將使“第二層皮 膚”,它的生命將被放置在較小的地方,其他材料 和對稱結構更 難以建立。在這裡的植物和樹木成長,將使這個新 的地方更加和諧和溫馨。

時間皮層 Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Cristina Toala │朵 雅 拉

This project is the study of an old house facade with an Italian style in Danshui. The original facade was simple and flat without any relief. Later they decided to close the balcony that each floor had to expand the inside area of the house. They also built a new kitchen. This new construction is an iron frame covered with wood and metal. Due to this changes the new facade has surpass the limit of the original one. To end with the changes they built a third floor in the terrace. This is how the facade of this old house has been changing until today. Raining day: the rain is forming its own route on the facade, while wounding the concrete, also due to the unwell placed of the wood and metal it creates an opening sides where the water was leaking inside the kitchen. Explosion: water encounter with some hardwired it will cause an explosion that will damage the facade and resulting in a gap on it. Rebuilding the gap: using the remained materials left by the explosion I will use: Metal I will use as support, this material did not suffer much damage with the contact with the water so the metal is going to be in better condition to withstand the new creation. Wood and iron use for the flat part of the structure, these two materials had suffered visible damage with the water contact. Finally the vegetation will be placed in smaller places where symmetrical structures are more difficult to build, making this new place more harmonious and cozy.

現況照片│ Site Image

平面配置│ Plan 模型照片│ Model Image


Moss circulatory system

時間皮層 Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 TU-YU-LIN │杜 昱 琳

這次的自由題是時間皮層 , 主要是分析一 個基地上長時間因為外在因素而產生的變 化 , 我認為這是一個很有趣的題目 , 對於創 造力和分析能力 , 我的基地位於斜坡上的青苔生長 , 分析因 為斜度和養分及水分的傳遞 , 而造成青苔 生長上的變化 , 第一個置入設定是一個垃圾對基地產生的 改變 , 可能因為有了另一個生長方式 , 幫助 水分的累積或是培育新的養分 , 第二個置 入的是一個廢棄果汁機 , 因為水流的位置 協助葉片的轉動 , 幫助青苔的生長產生水 的累積和循環 這次題目讓我學到很多 , 從對環境的創造 力和分析 , 都給我很大的新領悟 , 也在對於 圖繪和模型的製造 , 更有新的想法和體悟 , 非常喜愛這個題目

The problem is that the free Second Skin , is to analyze a base for a long time because of the changes resulting from external factors, I think this is a very interesting subject, for creativity and analytical skills, My base is located on the slopes of moss growth and nutrient analysis because of the slope and moisture transfer, resulting in the change in the growth of moss, The first set is placed in a garbage generated on the base of the change may grow because of another way to help the accumulation of moisture or nutrients foster new second placed an abandoned juice machine, because the water flow position to assist the rotation of the blade, to help the growth of moss and recycling water produced cumulative This topic made me learn a lot from the environment of creativity and analysis, gave me a lot of new insights, but also for the manufacture Drawings and models, more new ideas and realized that, really love this topic

現況照片│ Site Image

模型照片│ Model Image

平面配置│ Plan



Tide and Shipbuilding

Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Lu,Guan-Yi │呂 冠 沂

Seconfd skin 在建築上指的是空間因為時間以 及事件使基地產生新的樣貌。我這次所操作的基地 位於淡水老街星巴克旁的ㄇ字型淺灘,我先觀察到 連日的大雨導致上游紅樹林一帶漂流大量漂流木和 一些小垃圾流進淡水河,又因為潮汐的關係堆積在 我觀察的ㄇ字型淺灘,我分析潮汐對這些漂流木在 路徑上的影響,並且依照潮汐的幾種不同狀況對水 底下的東西以 pattern 的方式分析,最後發現了潮 汐與漂流木是如何互動的,到這裡為止都是以觀察 過去發生過的事情為重點,並且深入了解當地狀 況,在巨觀和微觀之間徘徊。 我假設了第二個事件。有一天發生了一場劇烈 的地震,星巴克垮了,當地的樣貌有了劇烈的改變, 大量的人造物掉進河裡,與漂流木們有了第一次的 邂逅,日月星移影響著淡水河的潮起潮落,不久後, 漂流木和人造垃圾漸漸混合了起來,有些在水面上 漂浮著,而有些不再漂浮而沉積在水底,在大自然 的作用下有些東西輕輕的卡起來。這時,有一個人 發現了這個地方,他爬上漂浮著的東西,開始做一 艘截然不同的船,把一些東西用鐵件焊起來,形成 了主架構,有一些東西只是自然的留在那裏,等潮 水一來又會自動更換新的皮層,或許有一天他覺得 準備好了,把船帆揚起,就能駛出淡水河。

To architecture,second skin means that places creat diffirendt condition by times and event . On this time, I choose a shoal by a starbucks coffee store of Tamsui river to be my site. When raining,lots of floodwoods floated inthe river. Because of the tides,floodwoods have kinds of condition about pathroutmethoud. Analysis of the floodwoods appears special patterns.Up to now everything had happened .I just analyze the place. The scond event need to imagine by myself. If a severe earthquake happened,the coffee store crumbled .The site was changed,but the river and tides still can bring in something and take sometking out .When floodwoods and something mixed, there would be a special thing to be construct by nature.One day,a man found this place,and then starting shipbuilding. His ever y motions made the ship became manmade.If he was ready he even could handle the ship away from Tamsui river.

平面配置│ Plan

新舊木的交會 The intersection of tree and ship

我的基地在淡水河畔旁的老榕樹,我的觀察發 現樹只要有突出檔到人行道的部分都會砍去,我就 更深入地去觀察這個斷面經過時間的歲月後,樹會 怎麼成長,所以我去研究樹的運輸系統。然後發現 樹的運輸只有在表皮的部分,而中間的部分是死 的,所以中間會慢慢的爛掉,而新生的枝枒會從旁 邊生長出來。 我的事件二是有一天因為溫室效應河水慢慢上 升到有一天淡水暴雨河水突然暴漲,有一艘漁船因 此撞進樹中斷成兩半卡在中間,然後也把原本的樹 撞成兩半。 因為溫室效應河水上升,每逢大潮就會淹到那 棵樹,時間一天天過去,船跟樹的斷面也慢慢長期 泡水腐爛,最後也慢慢的長出大量的菌類,從樹幹 的上半部接到船的部分在接到樹幹的下半部都是菌 類的生長,構成了一張菌類的密網,而樹的運輸因 為菌類的關系,慢慢又構成一個新的系統,養份可 能從土壤運到樹幹下半部在接到菌類的密網在接到 樹幹上半部 [ 系統 : 土壤 - 樹幹下半部 - 菌類密網 船上的各種桿件 - 樹幹上半部 ][ 彼此在某層意義上 是分離的元素 ]。 大潮三十天為一個週期,每逢大潮,讓爛掉的 木頭變潮濕,菌類因此大量繁殖成一片密網,奪取 了樹原本的營養。 大潮過後,濕氣慢慢退去,菌 類又慢慢地枯萎,變成土壤的一部分,營養又從新 流回樹的系統, 如此一個月一次的反覆。 在年輪上,可觀察到新的一層可能有快速成長 有突然停止生長的狀況,可能可以從此知道一個月 的周期。將樹以人為的方式 [ 脫開 ]--- 因自然時間 的流動置入了新的 事情 [ 菌類的流入 ]---- 最後樹 與船 [ 連續 ] 的方式重組 ---- 一個月一個週期 [ 重置 ]

時間皮層 Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Chen,Kuan-Lin │陳 冠 霖

There are three parts in my final project. Observate and image one thing through three stage of time: past, now and future. The base of my project is a Banyan near Tamsui MRT station. First I study the tree's transportation system. What i discover is that the tree transport nutrition by its epidermis. And in the middle of trunk all is dead wood. So when tree's branches had been amputated. The new branches would grow from epidermis. That is past event. My future event is the river rise suddenly and sharply and a boat crashed into the tree because of Greenhouse effect that make the river rise and there has a storm. The boat stuck in the tree. Because of Greenhouse effect that make the river rise, they met the tide ever y mouth. The dead wood and boat rot day after day. Perhaps, one day there have mushrooms grow there , their dense network change the tree's nutrition transportation and create a new one. However it make the dead wood decay slowly and slowly. The tide come monthly . When dead wood met it , they become wet. this is a good chance for mushrooms to bloom. they will seizure the nutrition of tree. But when the tide gone, the mushrooms die slowly and it return to the earth again. The most important thing is the nutrition turn back to the tree. It will be a circle monthly . Because of it we can find the ring's new layer grow quickly and then quit growing in a month. In other words, the annual ring will become monthly ring.

平面配置│ Plan

崩壞。牆 To collapse Wall

時間皮層 Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Hunang,Jia-Yu │黃 嘉 俞

我的基地是一面舊牆與新牆的交界,位在學校 圖書館下方的隧道,第一部份我去分析那面牆的時 間軸,最先佇立在那的是磚牆再來是風管,最後才 是圖書館的新牆,接下來我發現這面牆的表面有被 侵蝕過的痕跡,所以我開始分析自然因素還人文因 素所產生的侵蝕,去想像他們發生的時間軸,再來 觀察基地的環境,有趣的是這個隧道平常會有車子 經過這裡,這個事件會帶來風、溫度、還有震動, 這些都是會侵蝕牆面的因素。 依照我的觀察與分析,我開始置入第二事件, 如果把一般會經過這裡的車改變成速度快的賽車, 那所帶來的風、溫度、震動都會更加劇烈,使牆面 因為這些因素開始風化、崩落、崩解,甚至是通風 管也會因此被拆解,那麼可能在五十年後的牆就會 因為我置入的事件而變得不一樣。 我開始想像這面牆被崩壞的地圖,去想像裂開 的路徑圖,做出未來牆面的模型。

This place is the border of new wall and brick wall . The wall is located at tunnel beneath school library . The first part , I analyze this wall timeline .The first is the brick wall and then the bellows .the last is library new wall.The next step , I find this wall surface had been destoried. Therefore I start to analyze natural factors and artificial factors how to effect wall and imagine thier happen timeline . The second part , I oberservate this place environment .The funny thing is there is car through the tunnel .this incident can bring the wind, temperature and shake . these factors can bring the wall collapse. According to my oberservation and analyze . I try to put the second incident in the tunnel. If I change the car to race car through the tunnel.It can bring much big wind , much hot temperature and much more shake .Even though the bellows may be disassemble.After fifty years this place will be changed beacuse of my put incident. I try to imagine this wall collapse mapping and split trail . Finally ,I make a future wall model.

樹洞 蟻窩 hollow ant nest

時間皮層 Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Kyle Lu │ 呂弈賢

藉由對現況場景的觀察,研究建築面對時間,環境 及事件的變化。想像建築經過時間的推演之後,與 未來事件交融後的模樣。 我選擇的基地是在位於女宿松濤館前松樹的樹洞, 樹洞本身得生成有意意象事件的發生,加上環境等 變因,或是本身的熱漲冷縮,及乾濕度的變化下, 造就了獨一無二的樹洞奇景 我置入的變因是螞蟻,想像螞蟻在樹洞裡築巢的過 程,依據樹洞本身的地形特徵而讓蟻巢有所改變, 再加上本身的變因,讓蟻巢不再是一般的蟻巢,而 是時間皮層下的一環。 我還加入了手機掉入蟻巢中的人為事件,並產生爆 炸,讓人為晶片散落其中,在人造物的介入之後, 相對於螞蟻的尺度,這又是一個螞蟻的另一項空間 類型。

By observing the scene for the current situation, research buildings face time, environmental changes and events. Imagine building after deduction of elapsed time, and after the appearance of future events blend. I chose to base is located in the female residents before Shotokan pine tree holes, tree holes themselves have intentionally generated imagery events, coupled with environmental factors like, or their own heat and cold, and dry humidity changes next, creating a unique hollow wonders I placed changed due to ants, imagine ants nest in tree hollows in the process, according to the characteristics of the terrain itself is hollow and let the nest change, coupled with the variables of its own, so that the nest is no longer a general nests, but time subcortical part. I also joined the phone fall into the nests of human events, and to produce an explosion, people scattered among the wafer, after the intervention in the human creature, relative to the scale of ants, which in turn is an ant another type of space.


Iron bridge reborn

時間皮層 Second Skin 2013.05.20-06.15 Student │學 生 Lynn Tu │塗 家 伶

選擇的基地有一座活動式鐵橋。永遠都矗立在那 裡,從未放下來使用過。藉由這次的設計題目,探 討過去、現在與未來後,能夠改變鐵橋的型態。連 接起學校與學生住宿的這兩個區塊。 而演變的角度由微觀去出發。先行觀察鐵橋外部型 態,生鏽占大多數,然後將分布狀況給標示出來, 然後以想像方式,繪出生鏽的型態。除此之外,探 討鐵的支架連接至水泥牆的狀態,同樣以想像方 式,將水泥牆以及與植物接合所改變的型態手繪呈 現。 進入到未來部分:置入的事件為火災。運用火改變 周遭原有的環境狀態,影響橋原有的型態,以及周 邊植栽的狀態。再結合前面的分析,植栽佈滿鐵橋, 想像經過大火侵蝕後所產生的改變。以及河面上原 有植栽的改變。並想像生鏽所產生較為脆弱的部 分,跟鋼架是較為堅固的部分,將鐵板與鋼架脫離 開,想像造成的狀態。最後鐵橋倒下,看似是一座 橋,但仍是不能使用的。得出模型。

My base has a movable iron bridge.Has been standing there for a long time,never used. Though this project,researching past,present a n d f u t u re , c h a n g i n g t h e pa t te r n of t h e iron bridge.The two blocks of school and accommodation of students can be connected. Though microscopic to do these project.I oberserved external patterns of iron bridge. The bridge is covered rusty mostly,then marked all the rusty patterns.In addition,the h beam connected concrete walls was imaged by drawing.In the same way to present the concrete walls connecting plant. The second event is fire.Though fire to change the original state of the environment.Combined with the previous analysis,plants covered iron bridge and imaged the change of iron bridge. Final the bridge will collapse.Althought bridge will look like a bridge,it can't be used.

分析圖│ 分析圖│Drawing Pattern

基地照片│ Site

模型照片│ Model Image

模型照片│ Model Image


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