5 minute read

Youth Ambassador

Flying the Dream

Do you know? I was young when God put the dream of flying in my heart. As a kid, every time I see a lady pilot, it makes my heart dream of the day where I see myself sitting in the flight deck, looking at the sky and all that’s below, is a beautiful creation. I told myself when I grow up, I wanted to be one of them.


But when I got to college and had the opportunity to choose the things I wanted to pursue, our family did not have enough funds for me to chase my dream, so I took up Tourism Management instead. With that, I planned to be a part of the cabin crew, so at least I would have a chance to ride an airplane and travel the world.

I was accepted into a public university, with free tuition and great friends. I studied hard to make my Plan B work. After four long and stressful years, I graduated with flying colors. After graduation, I still did not have an idea on how to work on my dreams. So, I chose to stay and help my family and work in their business. Here, I have learned a lot of things; it not only prepared me to be an employer but also tested my character and faith.

Every day, I come to work like an employee. Sometimes I remained in the office to work on inventory, marketing materials or graphics design, but most of the time, I was outside, walking under the hot sun, selling our products to different offices and dealing with different people.

Sometimes, I would visit government offices to sell our products, and other

Clariz Abujen

IKMA Muntinlupa Philippines times we participated in exhibits and bazaars; every day, I got a chance to deal with different people with differing personalities. I learned to be more patient, understanding, and stronger. Because being an exhibitor or seller requires to be strong physically and emotionally, I would awaken 8 in the morning to prepare and avoid traffic and by 9 am I would be in the mall ready to open our store. I spend 12 hours a day giving out samples and moving our product and be home by 10pm. Throughout all of this, I thought I was ready and equipped.

The first time I applied to join the cabin crew of Cebu Pacific, I was rejected, so I returned as an exhibitor and I told myself maybe I needed more training. One day I saw a Flight Attendant School on Facebook and it was near us. So, I told my parents I wanted to enroll and with the blessings and provisions from the Lord, I was accepted. For 28 Days, I was trained and acted like a real flight attendant. We were taught the essentials to become a part of the cabin crew. I learned to swim, how to put out fires, how to save a life using the Heimlich maneuver and how to give a public announcement. They also taught us how to nail every interview and after 28 days we finally graduated. For the second time, I graduated with special awards, I thanked God that day and told myself with full confidence, “this is it!” So, with all that I learned, along with the training, experience and an endorsement letter from the training center, I knew and truly believed I was going to be accepted.

PAL Express was the first airline I apply with. I was actually happy and excited while standing in queue for a long time. When I finally got my turn, they asked us three things, first our name, second where did we get the information of the Palex Open Day and lastly, “what word would we use to describe us?” I thought I did well, but I heard the words, “Unfortunately no one got in, but you can apply again after 6 months.” This was my second rejection, it made me sad and I was disappointed with myself. Why wasn’t I accepted?

In spite of what happened, I kept on fighting. I applied to Airasia and Cebu Pacific, but again I failed; I always failed the first test, the height requirement. After all the failures and rejections, I faced, I took some rest and decided to return to help our family business. However, just as I was about to give up my dream, He gave me Aurabella. He gave me a business to manage, and I realized when He said I would fly, it meant that I would fly products, sell and excel in this field and industry. I will fly!

I praise Him for being faithful to the dream He placed in my heart. We may never understand His will, but I know when He promised, He would make it happen. And I know someday, my dream of flying will still happen. ✽

Psalms 23

A psalm of David.

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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