Tivon Digital Portfolio

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A Arial


Typography Cards


OVERVIEW These are cards that showcase typography in a visually appealing way. In this scenario, the visual appeal is that each card has a different font that also corresponds with the alphabet.

A contemporary sans serif CONCEPT My concept is to designcontains twenty-six cards,more each with a different letter, font, the design, Arial year the font was created, title of the typographer, and a description, fostering a comprehensive exploration of typographic diversity and history. humanist characteristics than many of its predecessors and as such is more in tune with the mood of the last decades of the twentieth century.

Book Cover Redesign TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Overview

Designed a new cover design for a previously published book to increase the book’s visibility, attract new readers, or better communicate the book’s content and themes through the use of visual elements such as typography, imagery, color schemes, and layout.


My concept is to redesign the book cover of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ aiming to capture the essence of Harper Lee’s timeless narrative through a fresh and visually compelling interpretation that resonates with contemporary readers.

Casual Cuisine Project CHEESY’S MAC SHACK Overview

Crafted a distinctive brand and theme for an athletic performance team chef’s table, encompassing the creation of a unique logo, a delectable menu, eyecatching stickers, a dynamic banner, engaging table tents, and a customized cookbook, seamlessly blending culinary artistry with peak athletic performance.


My concept is to design a Mac and Cheese-themed pop-up restaurant that originates from Burlington, Vermont. Which has a lively atmosphere, with a fun mascot that has a big cheesy smile. The color palette features blue, yellow, orange, and more, enhances the fun and inviting ambiance, promising a visually appealing and satisfying pop up.

Partner Leah Frith








W H E RE :





Burlington Vermont Inspired Dishes

Adam B., Alexa C., Hunter Z., Jalen C., Jenaka L., Kayla S.

JavaScript Database ACTION MOVIE WEBSITE Overview

I always wanted to learn about JavaScript. As a graphic designer, there is minimal opportunity for coding, so I took the chance to learn this essential language of front & development. At the same time, it was interesting because I was learning something new. JavaScript had its challenges, but the end result can be very rewarding. I designed a hypothetical movie-based website using JavaScript to gather information like the movie database to make it become a legitimate movie website for everyone to see.


My primary goal was to create an action movie website database that not only showcased my graphic design skills but also allowed viewers to explore and learn about specific action movies. I envisioned a website that would serve as a comprehensive resource for movie enthusiasts. The planned features for the website included, movie details, interactive movie images, and rating reviews.

Quote Poster STRENGTH & HEART QUOTES OVERVIEW These are posters where I utilized my typographic skills to design the quotes to create a more unique and visually interesting composition. CONCEPT My concept was to match the typography to the meaning of the quote. For example, I used the quote “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” The concept for this was to have a whimsical font and for the quote “Mastering others is strength, Mastering yourself is true power.” I chose big and bold fonts to convey the meaning of these quotes.

Boutique Diner App TROPICAL HOTEL Overview

As a graphic designer, there are opportunities to design mobile apps. Mobile websites can be a challenge in some respects, whether it’s the layout for the mobile website, the amount of information to put on it, and the appeal of the app. I designed a hypothetical mobile app with a theme of my choice that has access to a few activities to choose from.


My goal for this mobile app was to design a tropical-Hawaiian themed graband-go and diner experience that captures the essence of tropical places like Hawaii. I envisioned a mobile app with a dining feature that serves a similar purpose to a popular platform like DoorDash. The primary objective was to create a seamless and user-friendly application that would not only allow users to order Hawaiian-inspired cuisine for takeout or delivery but also offer an immersive dining experience, both in-person and virtually.

Font Posters FUTURA AND GARAMOND Overview

In this design project, we had the opportunity to create posters for both serif and sans-serif fonts, incorporating information such as the typographer, the year of creation, and more.


My poster features the geometric sans-serif typeface Futura and the classic serif typeface Garamond. For Futura, I incorporated both normal and mirrored versions of the letter ‘F’ and displayed information about the typeface. In the case of Garamond, I created a poster divided into half black and half white, demonstrating the contrast between each side.

Weather App FOOD FREAKS Overview

In this project, we explored new design techniques that provided us access to the weather database. I created a hypothetical weather app with a theme of my choice, utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop a weather application.


My primary objective was to craft a unique weather app that goes beyond traditional weather icons. I envisioned a concept where the app creatively associates food with weather conditions. For instance, a bright, juicy orange could symbolize a sunny day, while a cup of steaming cocoa might represent a chilly, overcast afternoon.

Event Poster ICE CREAM EVENT POSTER Overview

Created a dynamic visual communication tool that is designed to promote and provide comprehensive information about an upcoming event, engaging and captivating the audience while ensuring a dissemination of key details.


My concept is to design and create eye-catching event posters to effectively advertise an upcoming ice cream and popcorn social. These posters will not only capture the essence of the event but also entice attendees with visually appealing graphics and enticing details.





Developed a mini magazine with a personally chosen topic, focusing on the exciting theme of sports, particularly soccer. This project explores and celebrates the dynamic world of soccer through engaging content and captivating design.

ability to bring people people of of world world culture come Concept My concept is to design a compelling sports magazinetogether that delves into soccer,

explaining and motivating readers to not only embrace soccer but also to engage in sports as a broader lifestyle. The magazine aims to inspire a love for sports and highlight the numerous benefits of a sports-oriented lifestyle.


Brand Identity Package CARIBBEAN COFFEE SHOP OVERVIEW Designing a visual brand identity for a hypothetical coffee company, developed with a specific target audience in mind. Crafting a cohesive logo system, business card, uniform, vehicle wrap, company merch, print collateral and a visual brand standard would be a challenge, but I was up to the task. CONCEPT The Caribbean Coffee Shop is a theoretical company known for their coffee and care-free atmosphere. I chose the caribbean being they are known for their good coffee and I’m part Jamaican. I wanted to take the opportunity to create a brand that was related to where my family originated from.

Website Redesign THE GALILEE MISSION Overview

In this design project, my goal was to revamp an existing company’s website by incorporating the logo I created and integrating their new brand elements. The motivation behind this initiative stems from the outdated nature and incomplete functionality of the current website, with the aim of providing a fresh and improved online presence for the company.


My goal is to create a functional and modern website that seamlessly incorporates all the new elements, including color schemes, typography, logos, and various other design components. The objective is to deliver a cohesive and visually appealing website that reflects the brand’s contemporary identity.

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