Roof Maintenance Throughout the Seasons

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Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Part 1

Roof Maintenance Through The Seasons Taking care of the roof isn’t just about making sure it’s free from holes. Some factors are present only during certain times of the year. Knowing how to take care of the roof during each season can make the difference between a fully functional roof and something that could barely pass as one. Before we get to season specific problems, you must first understand the various types of roofing damage that can happen any time of the year. Every single type of damage tends to start out small, but can quickly escalate to a major issue if not addressed as soon as possible.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Moisture This is perhaps the most well-known type of roofing damage. Moisture-related damage usually comes in the form of leaks, and they often lead to other problems later on. Some roofing materials such as wood are extra vulnerable to moisture damage, while others are totally immune to it. However, any roofing material won’t protect you from moisture if it’s been compromised.

Wind This type of roofing damage is closely associated with moisture damage because they often go hand-in-hand during hurricanes. Well-maintained roofs can easily withstand moderate winds, but strong ones can still tear tile or panel off the decking. In case that happens, the roof will be immediately vulnerable to a host of other roofing problems.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Animals Your roof offers great protection against weather, and animals will take advantage of that fact. Animals that pose a threat to your roof can be anything from small insects to large birds and mammals. They could tear off parts of your roof, cause unsightly stains or rusting, and even damage your home’s insulation and wiring. Unfortunately, getting rid of them can be more difficult than repairing the damage done.

Physical impact That overhanging branch may provide a nice shade during a sunny day, but it won’t do you any good if it breaks off and fall on your roof. If you’re living near a park or a baseball stadium, you’ve probably had your share of errant baseballs hitting your roof. Last but not least, hailstorms can happen any time of the year, and are bad news all around. That’s about it for the general types of roof damage.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Part 2

Roof Maintenance Spring and Summer The warmer seasons of the year may be easier on your roof, but it doesn’t mean you should go easy on roof maintenance. Spring and summer bring about problems that are only present during the warmer times of the year.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Heat damage Unlike in fall or winter, when the air is cold throughout the day, outdoor temperatures during spring and summer tend to reach a very high point at noon and eventually cool off at night. This means roof shingles or panels tend to expand and contract more, and are vulnerable to being warped out of shape. Fortunately, proper installation (leaving enough room for tiles to expand without pushing against each other) can help avoid this problem. Warped tiles or panels can leave gaps where water can pass through and should be replaced as soon as possible.


roof shingles or panels tend to expand and contract more, and are vulnerable to being warped out of shape.


Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Birds Birds usually start building nests during spring, and your roof is a perfect, safe building spot for most bird species. Most birds will usually make their homes under the roof eaves, but some will try to find the smallest gaps on your roof and try to make it bigger by tearing at it. Since getting rid of inhabited bird nests is illegal in some states, the safest way to avoid bird-related damage is by preventing them from building a nest in the first place. This can be done by placing barriers in possible entryways such as gutter spouts, chimneys, and air vents.

Mold and Mildew Although rain occurs more often during colder season, mold and mildew tend to grow faster during the warmer months. In fact, many cases of mold formations start from condensed moisture that accumulates on air vents, because air conditioning units work extra hard to keep the indoors cold during spring or summer. Check vents in the ceiling for dark spots or stains and get rid of the moisture before mold starts developing. Spring and summer is also the perfect time to search for possible roof leaks since the sun shines brighter. We are done with the warm seasons and hopefully your roof is still problem free

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Part 3

Roof Maintenance Fall and Winter This is it – the part of the year most homeowners have prepared for. Fall and winter season are widely considered more difficult for roofs than spring and summer because of one thing: precipitation. During the colder half of the year, rainstorms and hurricanes happen more often, bringing strong winds and massive amounts of rainfall with it. Aside from the extra stress on the roof, it’s also more difficult (and dangerous) to conduct repairs and maintenance during the colder seasons.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Dead leaves Dead leaves piling on your roof may seem harmless at first glance, but they can cause multiple types of damage if left alone. When dead leaves rot, they provide nourishment for bacteria and fungus, which can cause roof stains and even pose a health hazard. The porous surface of decaying leaves can form a slippery film over the roof surface, making roof inspections dangerous. Dead leaves can also form a dam and force water to flow into gaps between roof panels instead of going straight to gutter. Fortunately, avoiding this problem is just a matter of pushing off dead piles of leaves before they accumulate too much.

Small Mammals If spring has nesting birds, fall and winter has rodents and other small mammals. These unwanted guests tend to look for a warm, safe place where they can hibernate during winter (your roof). Rodents have sharp teeth that they can use to tear through panels, while larger animals such as raccoons can use their claws. Getting rid of these animals almost always requires help from a professional, since their bites can inflict rabies or debilitating infections.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Snow Snow is widely regarded as the ultimate threat to roofs during winter season and for good reason. A thick layer of snow distributed throughout the roof area can weigh a few tons, and can pose a real danger to anyone or anything indoors. As if that wasn’t enough, snow can also cause the formation of ice dams, which trap snowmelt and force the water to seep into gaps and cause moisture damage (like how leaves trap rainwater). Getting rid of snow before it reaches a foot deep is the best way to avoid these problems, but it’s also important to have a professional check the integrity of roof supports in case a sudden snowstorm dumps a lot of snow on your house in such a short time.

Keeping track of a different set of problems every season may seem like a troublesome task, but the cost of preventing major roof issues in the first place is a lot more manageable than repairing your roof after the damage has been done.

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

Tittle Brothers Construction 787 Southfield Road Lincoln Park, MI 48146

877-228-5658 (313) 382-6186

Roof Maintenance Throughout The Seasons

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