tip Travel magazine Croatia 014 (English edition) 02-04/2016

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ISSN: 1849-059X


Number 14 • Year IV • February - April 2016


Kvarner Islands Issue topic:


The fortresses in the heart of Dalmatia

Rab, Krk, Cres, Lošinj


The return of forgotten flavors

Plitvice Lakes NATIONAL PARK

Salzburg AUSTRIA

Dubrovnik-Neretva County • City break: Ogulin • Istria gourmet Zagreb • Brela • Krka National Park • Weekend: Ljubljana kolovoz / rujan 2014.

ITB Berlin: Fifty years of global success tipTravelMagazine


Travel and tourism magazine ISSN: 1849-059X Publisher: Tip Kreativa d.o.o. Headquarters: Jordanovac 119, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Office: Sermageova 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia  +385 1 5805466,+385 91 7958016 info@tiptravelmagazine.com www.tiptravelmagazine.com www.facebook.com/tiptravelmagazine VAT ID Number: HR21136573248 Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. SWIFT: ESBCHR22 IBAN: HR4524020061100663844 Editor in Chief: Željka Kunštek zeljka@tiptravelmagazine.com Graphic Editor: Robert Kunštek robert@tiptravelmagazine.com DTP: Tip Kreativa d.o.o. Associates in this issue: Alma Radoš, Vlatka Vužić, Sanja Plješa Translator: Marija Crnogaj Marketing: marketing@tiptravelmagazine.com Photo source: tipTravel magazine archive, archives of Croatian Tourist Boards, PHOTOnet.hr, fotolia Cover page: Rab, Island of Rab, Croatia photo: Renco Kosinožić / CNTB

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tipTravelMagazine kolovoz / rujan 2014.

Spring is in the air


omehow, writing the Editorial is always the last thing left to do. The page that is, logically, always located at the beginning of magazine, is always the last one, while the final corrections and proofreading are being wrapped up, when it seems that inspiration has somewhat dwindled, and our focus is on the technicalities that need to be solved before all three editions of the magazine are published online. Luckily, the view through the window on sunny Medvednica and the scent of spring that can already be felt in the air have awoken new inspiration in us, mostly for new journeys. Although our "travel wish list" was already made at the beginning of the year, it seems to be too ambitious given the time and office work that needs to be synchronized with it. Although most of us are running a race against the clock these days, it is said that the only important thing is to have a goal, persistently try to reach it, and everything will fall into place. So, we hope that this year we will be able

to walk in many of the destinations on our wish list, but also visit a few "old" destinations, which we love to return to, and that we will share our impressions with you in as interesting a way as possible in the upcoming issues. We have also tried to prepare this new issue of the magazine in an interesting and diverse way so that with the arrival of spring and warmer days we motivate you to get active and spend time outdoors. It's a pleasure to explore destinations under the warm sun, soak in their natural beauty and the charm of their cultural attractions, and then allow the enticing flavors of autochthonous ingredients to take you on an exciting gourmet journey. Croatia is full of such delights. So, head out, explore, discover and taste something new, try a new activity, release some endorphins, and feel truly happy this spring. We hope the following pages will motivate you to do so. Željka and Robert Kunštek

CROATIA Croatia - Full Of life

tipTravel magazine is the first Croatian online travel and tourism magazine, which is exclusively in digital format and available to all readers free of charge. It has been issued in Croatian and English since July 2013, and in German as of 2015. It is designed for readers in Croatia and abroad who are avid travelers. In each issue, through original reports and photos, it introduces readers to Croatian coastal and continental destinations and their diverse and rich tourist offer, it reveals the less known facts, brings tourism news, announcements of events and festivals that shouldn't be missed, and first-hand advice and recommendations. The second part of the magazine is dedicated to presenting global destinations and their travel offer.

Š Croatia Full OF Life, www.croatia.hr

50 km


highway main state road other state and county roads


MAP OF CROATIA - Source: Publishing house Meridijani


More information can be found at www.tiptravelmagazine.com, where you can also find a direct link to all the issues. The magazine can be read on all computers, tablets, and smartphone devices via the Issuu.com platform or application. Other than using Issuu on iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch), the magazine can also be downloaded free of charge in the AppStore, where the application has additional interactive features to enable an even higher quality reading experience. To find it, simply type in 'tiptravel' in the AppStore. Along with active links inside the magazine (that lead to certain web sites, videos and virtual tours), additional interactivity is enabled to all iOS Newsstand application users: a fullscreen preview (available for all photos marked with a magnifying glass)


photo galleries slideshows + integrated videos

kolovoz / rujan 2014.


Content The importance and quality of tipTravel magazine in the online promotion of Croatian tourism has been recognized and recommended to readers, tourists, by:







Croatian Camping Union

6-7 NEWS - CROATIA 8-21 ISSUE TOPIC - Kvarner islands - Rab, Krk, Cres, and Lošinj: Spring on the Kvarner islands 22-23 TIPS4YOU 24-25 CULTURAL TOURISM Zagreb: Zagreb's spring of culture 26 WEDDINGS - Zagreb 28-29 HISTORICAL TRACES Zagreb: Cravat Regiment

Hrvatski ferijalni i hostelski savez 30-31 CITY BREAK - Ogulin: Croatian Youth Hostel Association Hrvatski ferijalni i hostelski savez rvatski ferijalni iHrvatski hostelskiferijalni savez i hostelski savez Escape to the world of Hrvatski ferijalni i hostelski savez oatian Youth Hostel Association Croatian YouthHostel Hostel Association fairytales Croatian Youth Association Croatian Youth Hostel Association 4

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

 ACTIVE TOURISM 32-35 Plitvice Lakes: Active in idyllic Plitvice 37 Lika-Senj County: Lika Active  CULTURAL TOURISM 38-42 Šibenik-Knin County: The fortresses in the heart of Dalmatia 44 Vodice: In Croatian Mycenae

46-49 NAUTICAL TOURISM Šibenik-Knin County: In full sail through Šibenik's archipelago 50-51 ACTIVE TOURISM - Krka National Park: An educational hike through Krka National Park

Environmentally Friendly

The option to show photos in fullscreen view is available to users of the application on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.

not a single tree has been destroyed in publishing this magazine



98-99 72-74

62-63 52-55 INTERVIEW - Anamarija Cicarelli, owner of Interligo, the first Counselling Center for Family Accommodations: Family accommodations in rural areas more and more popular 56-57 BIKE TOURISM Central Dalmatia: Cycling in Central Dalmatia  EXPERIENCE CROATIA 59 Kaštela: Following lovers 60 Podstrana: A trump card of Croatian tourism

61 CONGRESS TOURISM Dugopolje: For business travelers

100-111 62-63 ACTIVE TOURISM - Brela: Love at first sight  EXPERIENCE CROATIA -

64-65 Baška Voda: Spring at the foot of Biokovo 66-69 Dubrovnik-Neretva County: Rejuvenated tradition of the Croatian south 70-71 Istria: Istria gourmet 72-74 GOURMET CROATIA Continental cuisine: The return of forgotten flavors 78-79 UNESCO - The "Following the Cross" Procession on the island of Hvar: Five centuries of traditional piety

82-83 CROATIA ONLINE 86-87 CULTURAL SCENE Parni valjak interview 88-89 UNICEF 90-91 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND NEWS - WORLD 92-93 TRAVEL FAIR - ITB Berlin: Fifty years of global success 98-99 WEEKEND - Ljubljana 100-111 WE'RE TAKING YOU TO... Salzburg: All the colors of Salzburg 114-115 WORLD ATTRACTIONS Palau February - April 2016





© The Šibenik City Museum / Šibenik Tourist Board

Barone Fortress opened in Šibenik

The German 2016 ADAC guide includes 119 Croatian camps, or five more in comparison to last year. This year, ADAC BestCamping, the German award for best European camps once again confirmed five Croatian camps: Zaton, Krk, Valalta, Lanterna, and Park Umag, and Straško camp on Pag got the award for the first time. Along with those camps, another 28 camps were marked with the symbol that shows visible improvement of the quality of the facilities and offer in comparison to the previous year, eight of which are in Istria, 12 on Kvarner, three in Zadar, two in Šibenik and in the continental region, and one in Split. Interestingly, of the 119 represented camps, 110 are marked at (above average) beautiful locations.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© The Šibenik City Museum / Šibenik Tourist Board © Croatian Camping Union

The ADAC guide includes 119 Croatian camps

© Željka Kunštek

© Croatian Camping Union

In late January, the 17th century Barone Fortress, located on the Vidakuša Mountain, 80 meters above the city of Šibenik, was opened. Along with the other three fortresses in Šibenik, it is an integral part of the city's unique defense system that resisted the city's enemies for hundreds of years, and today it represents incredible historical value recognized throughout Europe. After the repair of the fortress walls and the restoration of the plateau, various facilities were created, which make up the cultural and tourist offer of the Barone Fortress: a gastro-cultural center with a special offer of autochtonous ingredients and a souvenir shop, a digital platform that uses the technology of augmented reality, and a playground with a boat-shaped multiple-use play apparatus, as well as the amphitheater for smaller events.

EUROSTAT: Croatia placed sixth The European statistical office (Eurostat) recently published a report on the changes in tourism revenue in Europe for the period from January to October 2015. According to the percentage of growth of total tourism revenue (measured in overnight stays), Croatia took sixth place in comparison to other European Union countries (and some other countries that aren't members yet, but were included in the report) with a result that was 2.46 times better than the average. Iceland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, and the Czech Republic beat Croatia, while amongst the Mediterranean countries, Slovenia was closest to Croatia at eighth place, followed by Spain at 12th place.

A successful year for Croatian camps Last year was a very successful year for Croatian camps. A little more than 17 million overnight stays were recorded, which is an increase of four percent in comparison to 2014. Of that, 33.6 percent of the stays were by campers from Germany. Croatia has a total of 571 camps, of which 185 are mid-sized, 86 are small, and there are 300 family camps at estates and country estates. The total capacity can accommodate more than 237000 people, while the average Croatian camp can accommodate 416 people. Around 28 percent of the Croatian camp capacities are of the highest quality and are in the four-star category.

In late January 2016, the Tourism Development Strategy for the Zagreb County was presented in Zagreb, and by 2020, the county plans on the additional development of countryside-based tourism, with relaxed and active vacations, as well as the increased quality of the offer, spending, and overnight stays of five to ten percent per year. The development of a countryside offer is planned for the eastern part of the county, near Ivanić Grad, Vrbovec, Dugo Selo, and Sveti Ivan Zelina. The western part of the county, near Zaprešić, Samobor, Jastrebarsko, Krašić, and other places, would be focused on lifestyle and a hedonistic offer, which includes wine and food, wine roads, activities, and enjoying nature.

© Željka Kunštek

© Czech Airlines

© Lužnica Castle

Tourism strategy of the Zagreb County: The countryside, relaxed and active

The new (EU) 2015/2302 Directive of the European Parliament and Council dated November 25, 2015 on traveling in package arrangements and associated travel arrangements was presented in early February 2016 in the Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb. The new Directive applies to package arrangements salespeople offer or sell travelers, and the associated travel arrangements salespeople enable travelers to buy. The Directive also marks the official entry of tourism into the digital era by including online sales channels and non-traditional travel packages that clients create on their own by choosing the elements of their journey. The Directive is valid as of July 1, 2018.

© Lufthansa Pixels

Tourism entering the digital era

Czech Airlines returning to Croatia

Lufthansa: New Zagreb - Frankfurt flight As of March 28, 2016, the Lufthansa airline company is introducing an additional morning flight to Frankfurt. The new flight departs Zagreb at 6:35 AM and lands in Frankfurt at 8:05 AM, therefore allowing travelers an excellent connection with Lufthansa's wide network of destinations, especially with the rest of Europe and North America. The return flight departs Frankfurt at 9:20 PM and arrives in Zagreb at 10:45 PM. On this flight, passengers will be flying in a two-engine Bombardier CRJ900, which seats 84.

After a four year break, the Czech national airline company, Czech Airlines, is returning once again to its traditional market. Czech Airlines will connect Zagreb and Prague four times a week in the summer schedule, and offers passengers the possibility of further connecting flights to other European destinations from Prague. The ticket costs 72 euro for a oneway ticket, and a return ticket costs 141 euro with all taxes included. The first arrival from Prague is planned for April 27, 2016. Two flights a week are planned from Zagreb, on Mondays and Thursday, as well as two from Prague on Wednesdays and Sundays. During the summer season, another two flights will be added per week. The flights last 90 minutes, and seats will be offered in economy and business class.

February - April 2016



KVARNER ISLANDS: Rab, Krk, Cres, and Lošinj




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Issue topic



tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016




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Spring on the Kvarner islands



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Close, but still far enough from one another. Similar, but different in many ways. With a shared story, yet each has its own unique and exciting story. Still, each one of the four largest Kvarner islands: Rab, Krk, Cres, and Lošinj haven't stopped attracting the attention of all those seeking new adventure and experiences in unique and exotic island surroundings. Immersed in the warm Kvarner Bay, splashed by the crystal clear sea, and heated by the sun most of the year, you will find inspiration for your dream spring vacation at each of these four beauties. Which one should you choose? Why not all four?

February - April 2016



Issue topic


© T To o w ur n o ist f Bo Rab ar d

tip: Walking, cycling, diving, kayaking, sailing... Enjoy an active spring on the island of Rab.


on Happy Island Written by: Željka Kunštek Photos: Town of Rab Tourist Board, Lopar Tourist Board, Rab Pix, Goran Novotny, Luka Perčinić, Gerald Nowak, Sea Kayak Croatia, MTB.si

There are many reasons Rab is called Happy Island, and there are even more reasons you will feel truly happy on the island. Kayaking is a form of active holidays in Rab that is growing in popularity; The Kalifront peninsula; One of the sandy coves; Lopar Geological Garden.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


here's no island like Rab Island sang Croatian music stars in a song created on a fishing boat in 2009 while celebrating 120 years of tourism on the island of Rab. Those who have swum in its emerald coves,

felt the warm sand of Lopar's Paradise beach, walked through the medieval streets of Rab, taken a picture in front of at least one of Rab's four bell towers, seen a performance of Rab's crossbow archers, tasted Rab cake,

and experienced Rabska fjera at least once will confirm that. This pearl of Kvarner, and the entire Adriatic, is one of the greenest, sunniest, and most romantic islands in the Adriatic, and in 1936, King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson swam in Kandarola cove far away from the public eye. Rab is also one of those islands that will motivate you to be active. There truly isn't any point to just lying on the beach and lounging about when the island offers so many opportunities to release endorphins (happy hormones). So, grab an oar, jump into a kayak and paddle away, in good company, to hidden coves and beaches, which can only be accessed from the sea. You can also easily reach the Kalifront peninsula, where you should come ashore and continue exploring the karst landscape of this island on foot. Take a walk through Dundo forest with rare specimens of the evergreen oak, which can live for up to a thousand years, and KomrÄ?ar park, and then

head over to Lopar, a sandy paradise, and the place where nature played a different game. Here, wind and erosion created canyons and many sandy coves, leaving behind fossilized remains and unusual geological formations, and the most beautiful ones can be seen in Lopar Geological Garden. This garden is part of the Rab Island Geopark, which has three attractive hiking trails, marked with a hundred geo-points, which are suitable for recreational athletes, walkers, and hikers. Since sand is one of the main features of the island, every year, the people of Lopar organize a "Sand Sculpture Festival", which results in creative sand sculptures lining the beaches of Lopar.

For cyclists and gourmets The island is also crisscrossed with walking trails that will take you through park-forests, next to city walls and coves, and for those who want a bigger adrenaline rush, there is a skraping trail. The hundred kilometers of cycling trails

Cycling, jogging, and walking are just some of the activities the island invites you to enjoy in the spring; Kayaking in front of the old city center of Rab; The "Sand Sculpture Festival" is held in Lopar every year; Paradise Beach in Lopar.

tip: Starting in June, join one of the guided tours that will introduce you to the many interesting features of the Rab Island Geopark.

February - April 2016



Issue topic


The magical waters of Rab are enticing for many divers; Touring the island on bicycles; While kayaking you will discover many coves that can only be accessed from the sea; The second leg of the "4 Islands MTB Stage Race" will be held on the island of Rab.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

are a magnet for both recreational and professional cyclists, and the most attractive ones are the ones that lead through oak forests and end at the beach. If you are a fan of mountain biking, then be on Rab on April 14, where the second leg of the "4 Islands MTB Stage Race" will be held. On that day, competitors will rush through the old town center of Rab, also passing through forests, sandy deserts, and the rocky part of the island. This unique mountain biking race lasts four days (April 13-16) and is held on four islands (Krk, Rab, Cres, and LoĹĄinj). The participants of the race will pass a total of around 270 km, ascend approximately five thousand meters, and pass by some of the most beautiful locations on these Kvarner islands. Another good reason to visit Rab in April are Asparagus Days. This wild island plant, prepared in the most diverse ways possible, will win you over with its flavor in Rab's restaurants from April 24 to 30. The main event will be the festival held on April 30 on St. Kristofer square, where the

preparation of a large asparagus frittata will start at 10:30 AM. The month of May will be in the sign of the Festival of Island Lamb, and the locals are preparing the final ceremony at the Padova III camp, where you will have a chance to see an exhibition of Rab's sheep. It will also be an opportunity to try delicious dishes made of roasted lamb and sheep's cheese. June is also full of many events, including the Rab triathlon (June 12), which gathers more than 200 competitors. All of them are winners since they all receive the priceless view the route offers. Come and see for yourself... ď ś

© Town of Rab Tourist Board

Town of Rab Tourist Board Trg Municipium Arba 8, 51280 Rab, Croatia  +385 51 724064, info@rab-visit.com www.rab-visit.com

Lopar Tourist Board Lopar 284, 51281 Lopar, Croatia  +385 51 775508, lopar@lopar.com www.lopar.com

February - April 2016


Issue topic


Krk's golden spring Written by: Željka Kunštek Photo archive: The Municipality of Baška Tourist Board, City of Krk Tourist Board, The Municipality of Punat Tourist Board, and The Municipality of Vrbnik Tourist Board

Of the more than a thousand islands in Croatia, only one is golden - the island of Krk, or Insula Aurea, as it was called in ancient times. Make your vacation this spring golden... Throughout the year, the island of Krk is visited by hikers, cyclists, and tourists.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


hanks to its mild Mediterranean climate with plenty of sunny days, but also easy accessibility - whether you come by land, sea, or air, Krk is an island that invites you to come and enjoy yourself all year long. In the spring months, many recreational athletes, professional athletes, but also tourists and nature buffs find peace, adrenaline, and inspiration on its romantic seaside promenades and wild shepherd's trails. Here you have more than 300 kilometers of cultivated, marked trails at your disposal, and you can choose from those that pass next to the sea and many coves, to those that lead into the interesting interior of the island. As pass through, you will expand your knowledge on various flora and fauna, the rich history, folklore, and culture of the island. All the settlements on the island are connected with a circular path, known as the Krk bypass. Cyclists will also find a place for themselves here. It is possible to ride

bikes on most pedestrian trails, and in order to attract even more cyclists to the island, the locals also regularly organize various events. So, in Baška, on April 13th, the start of the four-day "4 Islands MTB Stage Race", a unique international mountain bike race on four Kvarner islands: Krk, Rab, Cres, and Lošinj, will take place. Ten days later, on April 23 and 24, the Adria Spring Trail, an international race that heads from the Krk Bridge through the island's attractive trails, will be held. The winner will be announced in Njivice, and the event will be accompanied by an abundant offer of food, professional workshops, and a concert. At the same time, Baška awaits you with an unforgettable event - "Photo Hike Weekend". Cyclists definitely won't want to miss out on the "Đir po Dubašnici" race for all generations, which is traditionally held in May, with a start line in Malinska, accompanied by great food and an entertainment program.

tip: In April, head over to the highest peak of Krk island as a part of "Pohod na Obzov", and in May enjoy dishes made of sheep's cheese.

from May 2 to 8. There you will have the opportunity to taste various dishes made of sheep's cheese, while also having a good time. May will also be in the sign of sailing. The international "Austria Cup" sailing regatta will be held from May 22 to 26 in Punat, and the "Croatia Cup" cruiser regatta will be held at the same place from May 27 to 29. A bicycle adventure, the "Krk Spring Bike Adventure", awaits you in the city of Krk from May 20 to 22... Whichever reason you have for coming to the island, take some time to walk through the picturesque stone streets of its towns, to enjoy the island's delicacies, and make sure to raise a glass of the renowned Vrbnička žlahtina. 

The Island of Krk Tourist Board Trg svetog Kvirina 1, 51500 Krk, Croatia,  +385 51 221359 tz-otoka-krka@ri.t-com.hr, www.krk.hr

Two sailing regattas will be held in Punat this May: the Austria Cup and the Croatia Cup; The Cheese Festival will take place in Malinska in early May; There are more than 300 km of cultivated and marked hiking trails also available to cyclists.

© The Municipality of Dobrinj Tourist Board

Still, plan your visit to the island of Krk even sooner, especially if you want to experience a warm Easter welcome. For the Easter holidays, on March 27 and 28, the city of Krk traditionally awaits its first guests with warm Krk bread, colored eggs, and Krk delicacies. In April, the air in Baška will be full of the aroma of flowers since the town will host the "Baška rožica - Bašćanski fiori & odori" flower festival. To find out what is part of the "Protuleće va Puntu" program, visit Punat on April 9 and 10. One of the most attractive events of this program is "Pohod na Obzov" - a trip to the highest peak of the island of Krk and all the northern Adriatic islands. Reserve April 30th for "Hello Spring", where you will find plenty of good music and entertainment. May will also lure you to the island of Krk with various events. Labor day will be celebrated on May 1st in the city of Krk with a festival called "Prvomajski šušur", and extend your stay on the island for a few more days, when the "SENSA" cheese festival will be held in Malinska

© Studio Conex / The Municipality of Vrbnik Tourist Board

Hiking and sailing

February - April 2016



Issue topic









Stone tablet of Baška


In the mid-19th century, a priest from Baška, Petar Dorčić, discovered a large stone tablet dating back to the year 1100, written in the Old-Slavic Glagolitic alphabet, in the floor of the early-Romanesque church of St. Lucy in Jurandvor, near Baška on the island of Krk. Although it was initially thought that it was a text that contained secret information, it was revealed that it was a confirmation King Zvonimir gave land to the Benedictine monastery. This tablet has been kept at the Croatian Academy of Science and Art in Zagreb since 1934, and its copy is located in the church of St. Lucy.

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


Malinska, on the island of Krk

Malinska, on the island of Krk

Malinska, on the island of Krk

Essential regal comfort as an imperative


he quality of Bernarda beds and mattresses is confirmed by a lengthy reference list including renowned European hotel chains. That long-time successful cooperation was the reason company owner Bernarda Cecelja invested in the tourism-hotelier profession via her daughter company Bernarda-nova. Today the company has newly built contemporary suites in Novalja on the island of Pag, two luxurious villas in Malinska, on the island of Krk, accommodations in the center of Varaždinske Toplice, and a health and recreation center is under construction in the same town. The accommodations are furnished with the highest quality

Bernarda company bed systems, so that guests may have a complete and unforgettable vacation guaranteed under the motto "good sleep for a healthy life". In accordance with the business philosophy based on the production high-quality bed systems, the tourist offer also follows the essential superb comfort and furnishing and modern design, and at each of the destinations, the locations were carefully chosen so that guests are offered total relaxation. So Villa Bernarda in Malinska, on the island of Krk, is located near Uhić beach and the convent of St. Mary Magdalene in Porto, and an intimate atmosphere in a luxurious ambiance

can be found in the private heated outdoor pool or with a glass of wine next to a crackling fire in the fireplace. With the villa's superbly furnished spacious area, you will want for nothing, so your dream vacation may start. In Novalja, one of the most visited holiday destinations on the Adriatic, Bernarda suites are located only 800 meters from the town center. Attractive beaches can be reached with just a five-minute walk, and if you are a fan of active vacations, you can use a bike at any moment free of charge. Each of the suites offers a special ambiance, perfect for relaxing after a day spent in Novalja. 

Novalja, on the island of Pag Novalja, on the island of Pag

Novalja, on the island of Pag

BERNARDA NOVA d.o.o., Varaždinska 29/A, Nedeljanec, 42205 Vidovec, Croatia

 +385 40 373308,+385 99 7334603, bernarda.nova.ap@gmail.com, www.apartmani-bernarda-novalja.com February - April 2016




© PHOTOnet.hr

Issue topic

Trapped in beauty

A Griffon vulture; The city of Cres; Cres during the Semenj festival; Lubenice.

Written by: Željka Kunštek Photo archive: Cres Tourist Board and Robert Kunštek

Different from the others, slightly mystical, and unbelievably beautiful... That's the island of Cres, the largest island in Croatia.

© Cres Tourist Board


Cres Tourist Board Cons 10, 51557 Cres, Croatia  +385 51 571535 info@visitcres.hr



tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

picturesque town on a steep cliff, beneath it a long white stone beach and a griffon vulture on the cliff that guards that unbelievable beauty like a guard... Welcome to Lubenice, a medieval town located on the top of a 378 meter high cliff above the sea that tirelessly defies time. The old fortress, two meandering stone streets, many churches, a sheep or two on the road, an irresistible view of the surrounding archipelago, and a feeling that time has stopped. It's no wonder that the town is a place of eternal inspiration for photographers and curious tourists. Those who are a little more persistent will head down to the hidden St. John beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. In the middle of the island, you will find the city of Cres, nestled in a protected bay and surrounded by olive groves that are used to produce the famous Cres olive oil. Pass by the majestic tower on the city walls, and while walking through the narrow city streets, pay attention to the building façades with old crests on them - markings of the crafts the old inhabitants of Cres had when they

were living in those buildings. Beli, on the north side of the island, is also a place worth visiting, with interesting churches, a beautiful beach, and an environmental research center for the protection of griffon vultures. This island is home to one of the last habitats of these magnificent birds who nest high on the cliffs above the sea. Beli is also a great place to start out from on a long walk along the attractive educational eco-trails in the Tramuntana forest, which is rich in caves, ponds, and archeological sites. Stop by Valun, a settlement of fishermen and workers, where the Church of St. Marko holds the Valun table, written in the Glagolitic alphabet back in the 11th century. Don't miss out on Martinšćica, where you will find traces of ancient villas in its coves. Enrich your stay on the island with gastronomic specialties island lamb, which they say is the best in Croatia, "Mosaico premium" - the first olive oil in Croatia that received the label of authenticity, and fresh fish. Some of the many festivals that are held on the island are sure to give you a reason to stay longer. 

© PH OT On et .h r

Guards of natural attractions Did you know you could adopt a griffon vulture on the island of Cres? At the Eco-Centre Caput Insulae-Beli, located in the town of Beli, you can give your contribution and participate in the protection of these magnificent birds. Here you can also see an exhibition dedicated to griffons, and there is also a Recovery center for griffon vultures at the Center. One of the interesting features is a glass tunnel through which you can watch them from up close. When they aren't flying, the high cliffs above the sea are a favorite place for the griffon vultures. So, you will probably see them near Lubenice, as they sit on the surrounding cliffs, as if they were guarding and admiring the beauty of the St. John beach, located at the foot of the cliff. This beach on Cres, one of the most beautiful in the world, took 15th place on the list of the top 40 most beautiful beaches in the world, according to the German newspaper Bild.

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February - April 2016



Issue topic


Mali Lošinj is an attractive destination for an active holiday all year long; The Apoxyomenos has become the island's trademark; Did you know you could adopt a bottlenose dolphin in Veli Lošinj?

Health on the island of vitality Text and photo archive: Town of Mali Lošinj Tourism Office

Thanks to its mild Mediterranean climate, superb air quality, lush vegetation, and rich biodiversity, Lošinj is the ideal destination to relax and regenerate.

D Town of Mali Lošinj Tourism Office Priko 42, 51550 Mali Lošinj, Croatia  +385 51 231884, +385 51 231547  +385 51 233373, losinj@visitlosinj.hr


id you know tennis can be played outdoors on Lošinj all year long? Croatia's top tennis players have chosen Lošinj for training and recreation. With a tradition of health tourism more than 120 years long, Lošinj is rich in programs for preserving vitality and health based on scientific evidence. Inhale deeply and take your daily recommended ten thousand steps on a walk through the 280 kilometers of aromatic paths on the island of Lošinj, and if you're lucky, maybe you'll be greeted by a bottlenose dolphin. It is well-known that around 180 bottlenose dolphins live in the Lošinj archipelago, and the Lošinj Marine Education Center - Blue World is located in Veli Lošinj, where you can "adopt a dolphin" and help

with their preservation. Not only is Lošinj located on tourist maps, but also on the world archeological map because a unique ancient bronze statue of the Apoxyomenos, a masterpiece of Croatian and global cultural heritage (dating back to the 1st or 2nd century B.C.), was found in the rich blue waters of Lošinj. The young athlete is depicted in the moment when he is cleaning the strigil (scraper) he used to remove the oil, dust, and sweat after a competition. After it was exhibited in famous museums worldwide (Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence, Musée du Louvre, the British Museum, J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles), and in most Croatian cities, its great return to its home in Mali Lošinj has been announced. 

tip: Visit the Apoxyo­menos Museum in Mali Lošinj, which is expected to be opened this spring.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© To j in oš ce i L ffi al M mO of ris n w To u


In ancient times, Cres and Lošinj were one island. It is assumed that the Romans divided them by digging up the 12-meter wide Osor Channel. Every summer for the past 40 years, the town of Osor becomes a unique stage for many cultural events, and Osor Musical Evenings stand out amongst them.


Losinia Camps I f you would like to experience unique summer holidays, come to our beautiful island of Lošinj! Situated in Croatia, in Kvarner bay, Lošinj offers untouched nature: a clear blue sea with a colony of around 180 bottlenose dolphins, fragrant air perfumed by more than 1100 healing herbs, and warm sun that shines more than 2580

hours per year. But, that's not all! The nearby islands of Cres, Susak, and Ilovik are well known for breathtaking beaches, special gastronomy, and are easily accessible by boat. Let us be your guide for perfect holidays as we have over 40 years of experience in tourism. Contact us with complete trust. LOSINIA - always at your service! 

10% discount until April 15, 2016 | Promotional code: LPT016TT Losinia Camps,  +385 51 231077, losinia@losinia.hr, www.losinia.hr February - April 2016



u o y 4 s tip

© Opatija Tourist Board

t... u o s s i m t ' Don

Wellness month in Opatija

Fourth edition of ICE'16

25th Days of Croatian Film From April 21 to 24, the 25th Days of Croatian Film (DHF) will be held in Zagreb's Europa and Tuškanac cinemas. Along with an attractive competition, a record number of titles will be shown as a part of the program, and there will also be time to meet the filmmakers and have fun. www.danihrvatskogfilma.net


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


Conference on special forms of tourism © Association of Chefs from Mediterranean and European Regions

At the two-day international "Innovation and sustainable development of products for special forms of tourism" conference, which is organized by the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA) and will be held April 5 and 6 in Zagreb, representatives of the travel industry and renowned experts will gather. There will be discussion on current topics and changes that affect the conduct of travel agencies, trends, and examples of good practices.

Pearl of the sea


© Days of Croatian Film

© Robert Kunštek


© Robert Kunštek

From March 11 to 13, the Arena Zagreb sports center awaits you with the fourth edition of the International Charter Expo - ICE'16. This exhibition, amongst the largest in the world of its kind, is a place for charter companies to meet charter agents, suppliers, and service providers in the yacht charter tourism field.

In March, Opatija turns into an oasis of healthy living. Health, beauty, relaxation and recreation are promoted in many of Opatija's hotels and specialized medical institutions, and organized sports and recreational tours and outdoor exercise sessions, accompanied by licensed coaches, have also contributed to that.

This year, once again, one of the largest food events in Croatia will gather more than 300 participants. The 11th International Culinary Festival will be held from April 7 to 10 in Supetar on the island of Brač. With good fun and entertainment, an important part of the event are the culinary competition and food and wine workshops. www.skmer.hr

23rd Festival of Actors

From May 12 to 15, Rovinj will host four international polo teams with players from India, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and Croatia with fifty Argentinian horses. So this regal sport, once a favorite on the Istrian islands of Brijuni, will once again be played in Istria. However, in Rovinj, its classic version will be replaced with a newer one that has been played on sand in the past few years, with slightly different rules.

Every year, the cities of the Vukovar-Srijem County host the Festival of Actors, an event that focuses on actors and the theater. Although Županja is the hosting city of this year's 23rd festival, performances will also be held from May 13 to 21 in Vukovar, Vinkovci, Ilok, and Otok. The awards ceremony for the best actors and best play will be held on the last day of the festival.


© Vukovar Croatian Center / Vukovar Tourist Board

This year, on May 21 and 22, Diocletian's cellars in Split will become a wine cellar with a respectable offer of wine and delicacies from all over Croatia. It is part of the fourth Wine and Delicacy Fair, organized by Slobodna Dalmacija and the Vino Dalmacije Association, which brings together more than a hundred Croatian vintners, olive growers and producers of delicacies, presenting Croatia's ample offer of food and wine to the people of Split and to tourists.

© DUNEA Development Agency

DanceStar 2016


Dubrovnik FestiWine

© Slobodna Dalmacija


This year, the Dubrovnik FestiWine, a regional wine festival, will be held from April 18 to 24. The event will gather a hundred regional vintners in Dubrovnik, whose wine will be evaluated by international experts, and guests will have the opportunity to try red and white sorts from the Pelješac and Konavle area. The professional part of the festival is dedicated to wine tourism.

This year, from May 23 to 29, Poreč will host the final DanceStar 2016 competition, the largest international dance event. In the eighth, even larger and more spectacular DanceStar Season, there are 50 thousand dancers from 55 countries participating, and they must pass the qualification round to reach the finals in Poreč. www.dancestar.org

© DanceStar

© Maistra d.d.

Wine cellar in Diocletian's cellars

Rovinj Beach Polo


February - April 2016




© Sanjin Kaštelan / Zagreb Tourist Board

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board

Cultural tourism

Zagreb's spring of culture This spring, Zagreb's attractive cultural scene will once again thrill all those who immerse themselves in its sounds, colors, scenes, flavors... Head down Zagreb's cultural path.


Photo archive: Zagreb Tourist Board

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board

A girl in a folk costume from Šestine; Zagreb's knights as a part of the Zagreb Time Machine; Many events attract a younger crowd to Zagreb; The Cest is d'Best street festival is a magnet for all generations; The new building of the Academy of Music; Dolac Market is one of the symbols of Zagreb.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board

Written by: Željka Kunštek

you, but also teach you a lot. The same year, the Tortureum, or the Museum of Torture, was also opened, and it frightens almost every guest to the core. The museum that hasn't stopped getting the attention of both tourists and foreign media since it was opened is the Museum of Broken Relationships. It is dedicated to unsuccessful relationships and broken hearts, and their stories are told by many personal belongings of former lovers. This museum received the prestigious Kenneth Hudson award for most innovative museum in Europe in 2011. In 2014, the new building of the Academy of Music was also opened in Zagreb, while the concert hall at the academy was opened in January 2016. Over the past few years, more and more tourists have visited Zagreb for its many

© Sanjin Kaštelan / Zagreb Tourist Board

lthough it is the youngest capital in the European Union, as far as culture is concerned, Zagreb is one of the oldest cultural meccas in Europe. Theaters, museums, and galleries have long inhabited Zagreb, and today they attract many visitors to the city with a million hearts. While the older ones are adding to their collections and surprising with new, often spectacular, exhibits, many new museums and galleries are opening their doors to the delight of many. So, for example, in 2015, the Museum of Illusions, where nothing is as it seems, was opened in Zagreb. This interactive museum houses the largest collection of holograms in this part of Europe and more than 70 exhibits that will thrill you, confuse you slightly, definitely surprise

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board © Sanjin Kaštelan / Zagreb Tourist Board

© Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board © Julien Duval / Zagreb Tourist Board

happenings and events. Each part of the year brings along diverse cultural treats so any time of year is a great time of year to visit Zagreb. This spring, Zagreb awaits you with a wide range of events. It will be a mix of gastronomy, concerts, dance, design, reenacted history... In early March, from the 4th to the 13th, Zagreb will win you over with flavors and aromas at Restaurant Week, when even the most prestigious restaurants offer their superb delicacies to the people of Zagreb and their guests at affordable prices. The formula is always the same - you can enjoy three courses and a glass of wine for only a hundred kuna. Many guests will surely be thrilled with the Zagreb Auto Show, which will present novelties and trends from the automotive world from April 5th

The INmusic festival will be held in the second half of June; In July, the most beautiful courtyards in the Upper Town become a stage for various events; Zagreb's Time Machine; The interactive Secrets of Grič night tour reveals the mysterious part of Zagreb.

to 10th in Zagreb. Artikuliranje, the spring version of winter's Fuliranje, is a street event that will present culture and art to guests in an attractive way, along with many concerts. This year it will be held from April 14th to May 7th. Design Week is scheduled for May 3rd to 8th, and one of Zagreb's greatest attractions, Zagreb's Time Machine, will take place from April 23rd to October 1st. Zagreb will take you way back in time with music, costumed characters, folk dance performances, and other surprises that make the Time Machine one of the most attractive ways for getting to know more about Zagreb's exciting history. Are you ready to travel back in time? 

tip: Don’t miss out on Enrique Iglesias' concert in Zagreb's Arena on May 8th. The global pop star will perform in Zagreb on his birthday. Find out more information on events in Zagreb at:

ZAGREB CARD Make ZAGREB CARD your irreplaceable travel companion in the capital of Croatia! ZAGREB CARD offers you unlimited travel on public transport, discounts in the city museums, reduced prices at many restaurants, shops, and much more… More information is available at: www.zagrebcard.vestars.hr


February - April 2016




k, ša s Du hic d ko ap ar ar Gr t Bo M r © ake uris o in Sp eb T gr Za


An unavoidable backdrop For many young couples, Zagreb's Upper Town is an unavoidable backdrop on their dream day. The romantic and picturesque streets of the Upper Town are their favorite backdrop for photos, just like the Strossmayer Promenade, which offers an attractive view of the Lower Town.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

k lja d do ar Vr B o ko rist u To







Symbols of love return to Zagreb Once again, this year in honor of the largest Christian holiday, Easter, large Easter eggs painted by artists from the KoprivnicaKriževac County in a style used by Croatian folk painters will be displayed on Kaptol. The people of Zagreb and their guests will be able to see these symbols of the love and joy of Easter in front of the cathedral from March 19 to April 3. Over the past few years, these Easter eggs adorned many squares and galleries in cities in Croatia and abroad, so they also travelled to Rome, the Vatican, New York, Milan, Budapest, Brussels, Prague, Vienna, Paris...


ne of the most important events in life are weddings, when two people in love pledge themselves to each other for life. Celebrate this magical moment with your dearest friends and relatives in the most beautiful way - in the center of Zagreb, at the elegantly decorated Hotel Dubrovnik, with exquisite food and service. The day you start your life together will be truly unforgettable and the most beautiful day of your life.

The most exclusive ballrooms in Zagreb, located on the first floor of the historical building of Hotel Dubrovnik, with a breathtaking view of Ban Jelačić square and Gajeva street, and a maximum capacity of 220 people, present a unique opportunity for you and your loved ones to remember your wedding day forever. All the details of our wedding offer, including menus and other information, can be find on our web site and via the contacts listed here. 

Hotel Dubrovnik, Ljudevita Gaja 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia,  +385 1 4863517  +385 1 4863504, pbaloban@hotel-dubrovnik.hr, www.hotel-dubrovnik.hr

© Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb

Stylish weddings O

February - April 2016



Historical traces...


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Vr do l Bo jak ar d

Prepared by: Željka Kunštek

id you know that Zagreb is the cravat capital of the world and that the basic idea for that male fashion accessory came from a 17th century Croatian handkerchief? It all started with the Cravat Regiment, a Croatian light cavalry regiment from the 17th century that was recognizable not only for its brave soldiers and heroic feats, but also for their uniforms with the attractive handkerchiefs that the soldiers tied into knots around their necks, which is how the cravat got its name. Croatian soldiers spread its popularity throughout Europe in the Thirty Years' War, and the cravat became a recognizable fashion accessory. The French, who called them "Cravattes", were amongst the first to accept them, followed by the Germans ("Krobatten"), and other European countries. In 1664, the same year the Croatian "Royal Cravattes" Regiment was founded as part of the French Royal Army, the cravat officially got its certificate of originality. You can find out more about this interesting cravat story, and much more, during the attractive two-hour ceremony held every weekend on the streets of the Upper Town according to the seasonal schedule. Each changing of the guard starts with a ceremony for preparing the guards and inspecting the weapons, while the Changing of the Guards of Honor of the Cravat Regiment starts precisely at noon on St. Mark's Square. Besides dividing the ranks at the side entrance to St. Mark's Church on St. Mark's Square, the 12-soldier regiment also divides the ranks at two other locations: on Zagreb's main square (Ban Josip Jelačić Square), and at the statue of Our Lady on Kaptol, in front of Zagreb's Cathedral. Armorers, trumpeters, drummers, flag bearers and a commander all participate in the ceremony. They will all give you a glimpse of the tradition of soldiers with a famous past. 



Cravat Regiment D

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

tip: Don't miss out on seeing the changing of the guards of the Cravat Regiment, which will be held every Saturday and Sunday starting March 28 (Easter Monday) to October 18, 2016 (International Necktie Day). The changing of the guards starts precisely at noon on St. Mark's Square, after Zagreb's famous cannon on the top of LotrĹĄÄ?ak tower sounds off, and ends around 2:00 PM.

February - April 2016



City break


Escape to the land of fairytales Far from the rush, stress, city bustle, and even reality, you will find Ogulin, a city in continental Croatia, located only two kilometers from the Zagreb-Split highway. It is a city where you can find everything many long for - indescribable peace, idyllic nature, and an escape to a world of imagination, fairytales, and legends, a world where anything is possible. Here we singled out some attractions you must see when you escape to Ogulin this spring. Written by: Željka Kunštek Photo archive: Ogulin Tourist Board

1. Frankopan castle and the Heritage Museum Above the Dobra River chasm (Đula's Abyss) the Frankopan Castle has proudly stood since 1500. This renaissance fortress, located in the heart of Ogulin, was built by Bernardin Frankopan, one of the most powerful men of his time. Today, the castle walls are home to the Heritage Museum with several collections, archeological, ethnographic, a collection of ancient weapons, a memorial room of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, a hikingalpine collection, and there is also an exhibition of the works of academic painter Stjepan Galetić, who hailed from Ogulin.

tip: Ivana's Ogulin Adventure is a costumed tour of Ogulin that will teach you a lot about this homeland of fairytales. Find out more at:

City break OGULIN 30

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

2. Ivana's Fairytale House Visitor's Center Ivana's Fairytale House is definitely one of the greatest attractions in the city that will draw you into the world of fairytales and fairytale creation in a creative and interactive way. Here you will get to know more about the fairytales written by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, the most famous Croatian fairy tale writer, but also works from other Croatian and international fairy tale writers. You will walk through the Magical Forest and Enchanted Castle Hallways, stop in front of the Magic Mirror, take a break at the Fireplace, express your creative side in the Creative Room... and find out a lot about fairytales.

3. Klek

4. Sabljaci Lake

Ogulin will continue to keep you far away from reality and continue to intrigue you, this time with many legends. A lot of them are tied to Klek, a mountain with an amazing shape and frightening beauty. On its hiking trails, which follow an educational botanical trail, you will meet many hikers, alpinists, travel writers, nature fans, and at the top you can expect a prize - a view that reaches the picturesque landscape up to a hundred kilometers away. You will also find the Klek Mountain Lodge, where many hikers seek refreshment on weekends. Who knows, maybe they'll tell you the legend of Klek's witches...

Sabljaci Lake or "Ogulin's Sea" is a magnet for all fans of an active vacation. There you will see cyclists, walkers, and fans of Nordic walking, while its calm surface is regularly rippled by rowers, and by swimmers in the summer months. Next to the lake is a campground surrounded by a playground, beach volleyball court, and a restaurant. Nearby is Šmit Lake, Rupećica spring, and the interesting Ethno House in Zagorje Ogulinsko that will tell you a lot about life in this area in the past.

5. Đula's Abyss Đula's Abyss, or the Dobra River chasm bears the name of a young girl named Đula, or Zulejka, who was of noble origin. The legend that dates back to the 16th century says that her parents, in accordance with the customs of the time, promised her hand in marriage to an older nobleman. However, after a large battle against the Ottomans, a young captain from Krajina, Milan Juraić, who was defending the Frankopan fortress in Tounj, arrived in Ogulin. When Zulejka saw him, it was love at first site. Milan died in battle, and when she heard the news of her love, Zulejka threw herself into the Dobra River chasm, which then got the name Đula's Abyss. If you look carefully at the cliff above the chasm, you can see the profile of a man looking towards the chasm. The people of Ogulin say it's Milan looking for his lost love, Đula.

Ogulin Tourist Board, Kardinala A. Stepinca 1, 47300 Ogulin, Croatia  / +385 47 532278, tz-grada-ogulina@ka.t-com.hr

www.tz-grada-ogulina.hr February - April 2016



Active tourism


Plitvice Lakes are an eternal inspiration for photographers and tourists.

© Na Th tio e " na Pli l P tvi ar ce In k" P Lak st u e itu bl s tio ic n

tip: While in the park, always walk on marked paths in groups. Take a trail map with you, pay attention to the weather forecast, and wear proper shoes and clothing.

Active in idyllic Plitvice Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photo archive: The "Plitvice Lakes National Park" Public Institution

Imagine this scene: clear turquoise lakes, bubbly cascades and waterfalls falling into them, trails that adeptly lead through the aromatic forest surrounding them, and idyllic mountain meadows that offer views of that fairytale landscape. To prove this creative image can truly become reality, come to Plitvice Lakes, which is visited by more than a million guests per year, and see for yourself. Head down its education recreational trails this spring, when the park exudes a special freshness...


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


his part of Croatia has always been famous for dense forests and the strength of nature, which has always gained the deep respect of man. They called it the Devil's Garden, and today, that formerly isolated area is the scene of legends about the Dark Queen, lake fairies, harsh winters, forest beasts... If you head out to explore the park, you will find out a lot about forests and forest ecosystems and discover the role forests have in preserving these clear lakes, which attract your attention at all times. You don't have to be in great shape to head out on a walk through the educational paths of the park. Both the Plitvice trail and the Čorkova uvala trail are suited for recreational athletes and nature fans who want to find out something new, feel the strength of nature, spend the day (or days) actively walking through idyllic

landscapes... As you walk down these paths, pay attention to the educational panels, which will tell you a lot about the natural and cultural attractions in this area, and don't be surprised if you come across a doe, deer, rabbit, wildcat, or squirrel along the path... Hikers will surely be intrigued by the eight-kilometer long Medveđak hiking trail, where members of the famous Habsburg-Lothringen dynasty once walked. This trail also has educational signs with plenty of interesting information on forest ecosystems, which cover 3/4 of the park area. Besides hikers, recreational athletes and photo­ graphers regularly take this trail, knowing that it offers an attractive panoramic view of part of Plitvice Lakes and of the area between the mountain peaks of Mala Kapela and Lička Plješivica.

Plitvice Lakes are one of the most attractive national parks in the world; "Borje" camp, near the park, is a favorite destination amongst campers, cyclists, and fans of nature.

tip: At the park, besides enjoying long walks, you can also enjoy hiking, photography, rowing, riding the electric boats on the lakes, riding the panoramic train through the forest...

February - April 2016



Active tourism


Spring is the perfect time to walk through the park and enjoy the magnificent nature; "Korana" camp is a magnet for many campers; The dock for the electric boats; Every year, the Plitvice Marathon gathers more than two thousand participants from all ends of the earth; Dishes roasted under the bell are a specialty in Lika.

tip: The Plitvice Marathon will be held June 5, starting at 9:00 AM, and you can sign up here:


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Plitvice Marathon Those who desire a little more adrenaline will likely decide to explore the park surroundings on two wheels. Since cycling isn't permitted within the park area itself, bike trails are located nearby at the southern edge of the park. High mountains and karst fields with clear rivers, forgotten villages, herds of sheep in green valleys, old cities, and caves... Plenty of attractions are located next to these trails that attract more and more cyclists every year who know how to appreciate untouched nature, fresh mountain air, and time spent in unique surroundings. Another reason to visit Plitvice Lakes this spring is the 31st Plitvice Marathon, which will be held June 5. This international festival of sports, recreation, and healthy living has been held since 1981, with a break during the time of the Homeland War, and it gathers more than two thousand participants, and unites them in three races: a 42 km long marathon, a 21 km

half-marathon, and a 5 km recreational race. The special feature of the Plitvice Marathon is the Family Marathon. Although there are several comfortable hotels at Plitvice Lakes, in the spring, nature fans love to stay at one of the two camps. The "Korana" camp is located only six kilometers from the entrance to the park, and it is located in the close vicinity of the Korana River. It can accommodate around 2500 campers on its 35 hectare area, and campers can choose between campsites for RVs, camp trailers, or tents, and there are also 47 comfortably furnished bungalows. If you decide to stay in the smaller and more intimate "Borje" camp, located 15 km from the south entrance to the park, then you have chosen to stay in the picturesque surroundings of the LiÄ?ka PljeĹĄivica Mountain and forested Mrsinj hill. The camp can accommodate around 350 campers on 6.5 hectares, and nearby there is a restaurant of the same name with a familiar offer of food based on domestic specialties. ď ś

Did you know? Legend has it that the Black Queen headed down from the mountain after a drought and sent the exhausted people strong wind and thunder so rain finally fell to the ground. That is how the 16 lakes came to be. The queen spoke to the grateful people and said: "From now on, people from all over the world will come to see your magnificent Plitvice Lakes".




Information, reservations, and payments: Plitvice Lakes NP Sales Department  +385 53 751015  +385 53 751013 info@np-plitvicka-jezera.hr www.np-plitvicka-jezera.hr










United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization




Plitvice Lakes National Park inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1979

Plitvice Lakes National Park is the oldest national park in Croatia (since 1949). UNESCO added Plitvice Lakes to its list of World Heritage Sites in 1979 for the unique, natural beauty and value of the national park. February - April 2016


Interesting facts


Š Th Na e "N tio or na th l P ern ar V In k" P ele st u bi itu bl t tio ic n

At the top of Velebit


You don't have to be a fan of active vacations, hiking, or climbing to enjoy the view of the sea or Lika from the top of Velebit. At this mountain, where the continental and Mediterranean climates meet, spring will reveal the abundance and diversity of plant and animal life. Get to know more about it...

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


Lika Active

Active tourism

tip: The Plitvice Lakes, North Velebit, and Paklenica National Parks, and Velebit Nature Park... There are plenty of reasons to come and have an active vacation in Lika. Find out more at:

Written by: Alma Radoš ◆ Photo archive: Lika-Senj County Tourist Board

Families, couples, athletes, recreational athletes, fishermen and hunters, and fans of adrenaline sports and speleology often choose the Lika-Senj County in the spring.


ursting with the colors of spring, the Lika-Senj County offers a bounty of experiences, especially if you are a fan of active vacations. Adventurers will head out to discover the unexplored areas of mysterious Lika, mountaineers, free climbers and fans of trekking or trail races will choose Velebit, while paragliders will enjoy the skies above Bjelopolje near Korenica. Grabovača near Perušić, Cerovačke pećine near Gračac, Lukina jama in North Velebit National Park, and many other still unexplored caves and grottos are attractive to both spelunkers and tourists alike. The emerald Gacka River and pearly Lika River, which is mostly an underground river, the second largest in Europe, and

Whichever activity you choose in the Lika-Senj County, you will be impressed by the diversity of nature and the rich heritage.

are perfect for canoeing. Fishermen enjoy the quiet of Kruščica Lake, although over the past few years, the lake has also become a favorite swimming ground for those who appreciate quiet. Bike trails meander on both sides of Velebit, a mountain marked by history and life in this area. The steepest trails, with difficult inclines and a unique view of the Kvarner Bay and islands, which lead from the city of Senj to the western slopes of Velebit, are made for cyclists in top form. However, there are also many bike trails of various categories leading from Lika over Velebit and Podgorje to Novalja on the island of Pag. Choose the one that suits you best and simply immerse yourself. 

Lika-Senj County Tourist Board Budačka 12, 53000 Gospić, Croatia  +385 53 574687 info@lickosenjska.com


February - April 2016



Cultural tourism


The fortresses in the heart of Dalmatia Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photo archive: Šibenik Tourist Board, Šibenik-Knin County Tourist Board, The Šibenik City Museum, and Knin Tourist Board Throughout the year, the St. Michael Fortress attracts tourists; Concerts are often held on the stage at the St. Michael Fortress; The stage with a view of the surrounding archipelago.

All the fortresses in Šibenik are named for the sacral buildings located near them, except for the Barone Fortress, which was named after Baron von Degenfeld. Due to the role he played in defending the city, he became the fourth saint and hero of the city, so the people of Šibenik decided to name one of the fortresses after him.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

For centuries, Šibenik's fortresses have been quiet and kept their secrets. Now, one by one, they have started revealing them to curious visitors.


our fortresses - four stories - four cultural inspirations. The people of Šibenik will also add - four things of pride when speaking of the medieval fortresses that still watch over their city. True, they have replaced their former defensive function with cultural and touristic one that, admittedly, suits them well. Over the past three years, two of the four pearls of the city have gotten a new facelift... When it was opened in 2014 in its renovated glory, the Fortress of St. Michael took the breath away of the people of Šibenik and their guests, along with many members of the media, who continue to fill the media space

with stories about its stage, the most prestigious outdoor venue in Croatia, which is reasonable, isn't it? Since opening day at that fortress, which offers a spectacular view of Šibenik and its surrounding archipelago, a new page in history was written, this time intertwined with music, performances, and gastronomic experiences that win over every visitor with ease. The fortress and its stage have become the ultimate site to organize various cultural and business events. Depending on the type of the event, some are held on the already mentioned stage under a starry sky, some are held in the somewhat more intimate stone stage

with amphitheater-style seating, some choose the medieval walls and towers for their backdrop, while others choose to impress their participants with the somewhat mysterious underground rooms with cisterns.

More than reality Not much time passed before the renovated Barone Fortress was opened in late January 2016. Another dream of the people of Šibenik came true, and gave everyone a clear vision of how Šibenik continues to strongly develop the future of its tourism and strengthen its image of an important capital of culture in Dalmatia, but also in the Mediterranean. Barone will tell you the exciting story of enlivened history and, with smart devices or AR glasses, it will take you through augmented reality back to the time a battle was fought for

Šibenik in 1647. The fortress' offer has been expanded and the gastro cultural center will reveal a lot about the exciting gastro past, but also the present of the city, which has always been based on healthy, Mediterranean cuisine. Here you can buy superb olive oil, liqueur, sugared almonds, dried figs, and various homemade jams, including one made of bearberry, a forgotten fruit that the locals are bringing back to the tables in Šibenik. Over the next few years, the Fortress of St. John could also return to Šibenik's cultural scene, and the renovation and refurbishment plan has already been submitted for application for European Union funds. A promenade, trim and jogging trail, viewpoint, and café with a terrace is planned for the fortress, along with facilities for children and youth. The people of Šibenik would also like to see a new look for the Fortress of St. Nicholas, which is an

The newly renovated Barone Fortress; The opening of the Barone Fortress; The Fortress of St. Nicholas; The gastro cultural center with an offer of homemade products.

This year, representatives of UNESCO will decide whether, after the St. James Cathedral, the Fortress of St. Nicholas will also be under the protection of UNESCO.

February - April 2016



Cultural tourism


tip: Add a tour of the Knin Fortress and Burnum site to your planner for this year.

The remains of stone arches at the Burnum site; Burnum Ides are held every year at the Roman amphitheater; The Knin Fortress; The Burnum Ides festival will take you back to the time of Roman emperors, gladiator fights, and ancient delicacies.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

official candidate for being added to the UNESCO list of world heritage sites.

A region with many advantages Besides in Šibenik, there are many cultural attractions scattered throughout the Šibenik-Knin County. Few regions can boast 230 cultural monuments, eleven medieval fortresses, two national parks, and 600 archeological sites. Head out to explore the heart of Dalmatia, it's impossible to imagine where it can take you. Explore not only the fortresses in Šibenik, but also Burnum, an ancient Roman military camp, where you will find the ruins of stone arches. Near Burnum is a Roman amphitheater from the year 76/77, the only military amphitheater in Croatia, which could

seat up to ten thousand people. Every year in the summer months, on nights of the full moon, Burnum Ides, a festival that takes you back to the time of Roman emperors, gladiator fights, Roman games, and ancient delicacies, is held. Take some time to walk on the Knin Fortress, the second largest military fortification in Europe, and one of the largest Croatian fortification monuments. You will feel safe within its tall, sturdy walls, and as you pass through the lower, middle, and upper city of this fortress, you will discover many interesting facts about its tumultuous past. You can find out more about the interesting past of this part of Dalmatia at many archeological sites, such as Arauzona, a LiburnianRoman settlement. But that is a topic for another story... 

February - April 2016


Cultural tourism












Šibenik - a city of festivals


For a total experience, spice up your spring visit to Šibenik by visiting one of the many festivals in Šibenik. Be a guest at the traditional Easter Breakfast held on Easter Monday (March 28), where with tasty dishes, you will also find plenty of music and fun. Travel buffs shouldn't miss out on the Croatian Travel Festival from May 12 to 15, and gourmets should make sure to be at the Taste the Mediterranean festival of Mediterranean culture, food, and lifestyle from May 26 to 29. The youngest guests in Šibenik are sure to enjoy the 56th International Children's Festival held from June 18 to July 2, and fans of Klapa music can enjoy the Evenings of Šibenik Klapa Songs every Thursday from July 7 to September 15. Šibenik will also host Supertoon, an international festival of animated film from July 24 to 29...

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


© Šibenik Tourist Board

© Šibenik Tourist Board


Spring break in Dalmatia

or many people, spring is their favorite time to travel. If you plan on visiting the Dalmatian coast, stay at the Solaris Beach Resort, where you can spend your time partaking in many activities starting in early spring.

Discover Dalmatia at Easter In early spring, Solaris offers an abundant program full of events. For Easter, you can participate in creative egg-decorating and bread-making workshops, try your hand at sports tournaments, explore the surrounding area, and relax during music nights. The traditional Easter breakfast

in the Dalmatian Ethno Village is an experience truly worth having. Experience the customs first-hand while socializing and enjoying the superb flavors of Dalmatian dishes in the warm family atmosphere at the Village.

Celebrate May 1st at Solaris Solaris Beach Resort also has many events scheduled in May. Both adults and children can choose their favorite activities all day long from the specially designed entertainment program. The May 1st holiday program lasts all week, and recreational activities, entertainment, and live music await you every day.

The impressive new Hotel Jure The new Hotel Jure, with a totally contemporary design, will open its doors in early May. For all those looking for a good time, there is an attractive seaside pool with live DJ music. When you're ready to relax after partying, there is also the new Wellness & Spa center in Hotel Jure that exudes luxury, and offers exclusive sea-based treatments. Spring is the ideal time to discover the natural beauty of Dalmatia, so we recommend taking the Galija cruise to the islands surrounding Šibenik, and the Kornati and Krka national parks, as an excellent way to spend the day. 

Solaris Beach Resort, Hoteli Solaris 86, 22000 Šibenik, Croatia  +385 22 361001, info@solaris.hr, www.solaris.hr February - April 2016



Cultural tourism


In Croatian Mycenae

A cistern; The site is located on a hill; Every year the Bacchanalia festival is held here; Old coins found at the site; Tourists touring Croatian Mycenae; A riton.

Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photo archive: Vodice Tourist Board

© Vodice Tourist Board

Formerly just a coastal town, today it is a strong tourist destination, famous for its many lively events. But, do you know why Vodice is also called Croatian Mycenae?

Vodice Tourist Board Obala Vladimira Nazora bb 22211 Vodice, Croatia  +385 22 443888 info@vodice.hr



tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


ince 2014, when work began on excavating the Velika Mrdakovica - Arauzona archeological site, located on a hill that offers an attractive view of the Vodice Riviera, curators and archeologists started calling it Croatian Mycenae. At that rich archeological site from pre-Roman times, which should soon be opened as an archeological park, a hundred graves were found, some of which date back to the 4th century B.C. It was a LiburnianRoman settlement, once encircled with walls and divided by roads, and the buildings were built of finely carved stone. Some even had cisterns for collecting rain water carved in the stone. Amongst the many ceramic, glass, and metal artifacts found, there was also a snail-shaped riton (an ancient dish for storing ceremonial fluids), and only a dozen such artifacts have been found in the world. The archeological park will take you on an unforgettable adventure - an

archeological safari, where you will, accompanied by an archeologist, be able to independently search for archeological treasure, and, just like an archeologist, explore a site that dates back to the time of the Roman empire. The park will also be the venue for various festivals, such as Bacchanalia in July and September, when Roman mythology and rituals are traditionally brought to life at the site, along with the lifestyle of a lost time. It is also an opportunity to participate in ancient craft workshops to make various items, but also to enjoy delicacies, prepared according to ancient recipes. Every year, the festival is accompanied by a fair with ancient products, and a musical performance program. At Bacchanalia, you can experience true Roman ceremonies and get to know more about the customs for blessing wine and olive groves that have always had an important role in the Vodice area, both in Roman times, and today. 

© ić) ol d c v C oar Ge ko B t o Vu i s t Fo k o o u r oj T (G rin a Zl

© Ro be rt Ku nš te k

Zlarin Island Did you know that Zlarin has about 2700 hours of sun per year and that it is one of the sunniest islands on the Adriatic? Tourists are attracted to this small island in the Šibenik archipelago not only for the sun and crystal clear sea, but also by the indescribable peace the island offers along with the feeling as if time has stopped. Despite the fact that there are 16 kilometers of roads and paths on the island, cars are not permitted so Zlarin is the ideal place to rest and relax with long walks or bicycle rides. The island is also a favorite destination for sailors, but also coral aficionados since it is famous far and wide for its six century long tradition of coral harvesting. One of the greatest Croatian poets in the 20th century, Vesna Parun, was born on Zlarin, and Ante (Anthony) Maglica, founder of the American Mag Instruments Inc. company, famous for its Maglite flashlight, also comes from the island. He has never forgotten his roots, loves to return to the island, and upon buying land on the island, he has become the owner of 12 percent of its territory.

February - April 2016



Nautical tourism


In full sail through

Šibenik's archipelago Those who experience sailing through Šibenik's archipelago, one of the most rugged in the Mediterranean, at least once, always return...

Written by: Željka Kunštek Photo archive: Murter - Kornati Tourist Board and Robert Kunštek

Every year, the Kornati Cup regatta attracts competitors from many countries; Sailing through the Kornati archipelago attracts all generations; A view of Murter and the surrounding waters; The Kornati islands.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


very year, nautical dreams come true for many sailors from all over the world as they sail the waters around Kaprije, Krapanj, Murter, Prvić, Zlarin, and Žirje, six of the largest inhabited islands of Šibenik's archipelago. Other than relaxing, exploring, and discovering new stories and experiences, other things that strongly attract them to this part of the Croatian Adriatic are the clear and warm sea, a large amount of sun per year, many picturesque sheltered coves, and high-quality marinas. The Kornati islands, the most rugged group of islands in the Mediterranean, made up of more than 140 uninhabited islands, islets, and reefs, are also an endless source of nautical inspiration. Due to their incredible beauty, untouched nature, and abundance of flora and fauna, 89 of them were pronounced a national park in 1980.

Each of the islands has a story of its own. On some you will see dry stone walls, hundreds of meters long, which laborers built in the past to guard their property, protect their pastures, and keep their sheep from travelling from one property to another. On the Kornati islands and Žut, there are Illyrian forts, which are the oldest buildings on the islands, and the Tureta fortress, which used to watch over ships sailing on the Adriatic, can also be found on Kornati. There is also the Church of Lady of Tarac - Queen of the Sea, and the pilgrimage to Our Lady of Tarac and the votive procession of boats are one of the most beautiful and interesting religious events in Croatia. It is also interesting to drop anchor next to the islet of Vela Panitula, where you can find the Venetian fortress. Kornati are a favorite destination not only for sailors, but also for fans of Robinson Crusoe style tourism. 


NCP & mare Luxury Yacht Charter Croatia

© NCP Charter, www.ncp-charter.com

A different sailing experience


hanks to one of the most beautiful and diverse coasts, with more than 1244 islands, Croatia is one of the top nautical destinations in the world, while Šibenik, as a city in the center of the Adriatic Sea, is an ideal starting point for travelling to, for example, Vis, Hvar, Korčula, and Dubrovnik in the south, as well as to Istria or Brijuni in the northern Adriatic. So it is no wonder that NCP & mare, as the leading Croatian charter fleet, set up head­quarters there, only five minutes away from the A1 junction and a 40-minute drive from the inter­national airports in Split and Zadar. Their fleet includes 60 motor­boats, sail­boats, and catamarans, which can be rented with or without a crew. The fleet includes luxurious Yaretti, Fairline, and Sea Ray yachts, as well as more economical Beneteau and Adria boats. Fans of challenging sailing will be awaited by Grand Soleil sail­boats, while for those who favor a smoother family

sailing trip, the ideal boats are Dufour, Beneteau, Jeanneau, Elan, and Hanse, or the incredibly spacious Lagoon catamaran.

Support 24/7 In order to make vacation for sailors as safe and comfortable as possible, NCP & mare has introduced an online reservation system, which ensures the timely reservation of the desired boat. Also, it secures payment and deposits and a free berth in the Mandalina marina. During the preseason and post­ season, courses are given at a 50 percent discount so that sailors can get to know the yachts and navigation routes and be as carefree as possible while on vacation. This experienced team offers technical support 24/7 on land and sea, and potential investors - boat owners are offered charter management programs for Dufour, Grand Soleil, and other boats. As a result of that, they were awarded

the title of the Best Business Yacht Charter Company for Europe in 2008 by Business Destinations magazine, and in 2015 they were named one of the top five charter companies in Croatia according to the Croatian Chamber of Economy, Ministry of Tourism, and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport, and Infrastructure.

RYA sailing school NCP & mare also has a long tradition in the organization of various sea events: corporate regattas, team building and incentives, as well as various tailor made programs. The company also houses a sailing club. It is a certified RYA (Royal Yachting Association) sailing school and, in cooperation with the RYA, offers the most prestigious globally renowned courses and licenses for motor boats and sailboats. So, Šibenik was also added to the prestigious list of RYA training centers in the world. 

NCP & mare, Obala Jerka Šižgorića 1 (Mandalina marina), 22000 Šibenik, Croatia,  +385 22 312999  +385 22 312988, +385 98 336580, ncp@ncp.hr, www.ncp-charter.com February - April 2016



Nautical tourism


Croatia is more and more attractive for sailors ©M


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a ©M





tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

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Once again, the Frapa sailing club is organizing one of the most successful business regattas in this area - the Business Cup. One of the largest business regattas in the Adriatic will be held from October 16 to 20 in the waters in front of Marina Frapa in Rogoznica. This is a high class international regatta, with a tendency to continue the tradition of gathering a large number of business partners. The regatta presents nautical, business, and personal pleasure and is accompanied by a great program. In accordance with the size and importance of the regatta itself, there is an incredibly ample prize fund, which makes participating even more enticing. Come and form new business relationships, improve existing ones, and have a great time!

Pe rv a CN n TB

Frapa Business Cup 2016

Evidence that Croatia, as a maritime country with a long tradition of sailing and tourism, with a unique archipelago with more than a thousand islands, is a favorite destination of sailors is given by the latest data from the Croatian Chamber of Economy. In 2015, more than 362 thousand sailors vacationed in Croatia (which is an increase of 4.5 percent in comparison with the previous year), who stayed for a total of 2.5 million nights, or 4 percent more than the previous year. The number of yacht and boat rentals through charter companies also grew in the same period by a total of 4.5 percent, with a total of more than 63 thousand rentals, while the number of active boats, sailboats, and motorboats grew by 3.3 percent. Research showed that the average sailor visiting Croatia is 45 years old, while more than three-quarters of the sailors (77%) have college or university degrees. Every second sailor comes from a household with a monthly income of more than 3500 euro, and while sailing in 2012 they spent an average of a hundred euro per person per day (not including transportation to and from the harbor of departure).



The most beautiful marina in the Mediterranean

ocated in the heart of Dalmatia, in Soline bay, protected from all sides, and "anchored" in the picturesque town of Rogoznica, Marina Frapa is attractive for its architecture and many facilities. With its ten piers and 462 berths, and a transit pier that, due to the depth of the sea, can easily dock even mega yachts, Marina Frapa is a must-visit destination for many sailors. All those who love the sea, but stick to shore, have two four-star hotels at their disposal, Otok and Kopno, and the abundant offer of food is a magnet for many intentional visitors. Guests who have discovered it have remained loyal to the marina from the first day, which was nearly eighteen years ago. The offer of food is impressive at the

marina. The Konoba restaurant is the ideal place for relaxed socializing and enjoying the food and wine offer in a Dalmatian setting. The Ancora restaurant is a favorite for its enormous offer of food, high-quality wine and laid-back atmosphere. The Amfora pizzeria lures you in with the aromas of several kinds of pizza made in a bread oven, and it is the ideal place to drink morning coffee. There are also the Kapetanski klub, Zmajeva terasa, and Zmajeva špilja bars, as well as the ice cream café, wine bar, Champagne bar... Marina Frapa is also famous for organizing various events: congresses, seminars, business meetings and conferences, and at the hotel resort there is also a large conference hall that seats 500, along with a small meeting

room. All halls are air-conditioned and equipped with audio-visual equipment.

Frapa Business Cup 2016 After several years off, the Frapa sailing club once again decided to let its sails loose and organize the biggest business regatta in this area - the Frapa Business Cup, an international regatta with the tendency to continue the tradition of gathering a large number of business partners. The regatta presents sailing, business, and personal satisfaction with an ample side-program, and is also an excellent opportunity to create new and improve existing business relationships, all in a laid-back setting. 

Marina Frapa, Uvala Soline 1, 22203 Rogoznica, Croatia,  +385 22 559900 frapa@marinafrapa.hr, www.marinafrapa.com, www.frapabusinesscup.hr February - April 2016



Active tourism


An educational hike through Krka National Park Spring is the ideal time of year for an active visit to Krka National Park. Walking through the educational hiking trails at various sites in the park is a true experience for all nature fans. Text and photos: Krka National Park

The most beautiful part of Roški slap, called the 'necklace'; The Stinice - Roški slap - Oziđana pećina educational hiking trail; Ključica.


n one side, the trails pass through enchanting landscapes of preserved nature, and surrounded by indigenous plant and animal species, they offer the sense of a total connection with nature. On the other side, all trails are equipped with educational panels with information of the living world the guest sees with cultural and historical sites in that area.

There are a total of twelve walking trails in Krka National Park, one of which is a bike trail that leads to Skradinski buk, the most famous and most visited waterfall on the Krka River, which was admired by Emperor Franz Joseph I and Empress Elizabeth 140 years ago at the same spot. The beauty of the Ključica stone fortress can be admired from the trail that leads to the Čikola riverbed, or, on the

The Educational Hiking Trails in the Krka National Park Trail name


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Trail length

Duration of tour


Skradinski buk

1900 m

1 hour


Lozovac - Skradinski buk

875 m

20 min


Skradinski most - Skradinski buk

3400 m

1.5 hours


Rupe - Rogovo

2400 m

45 min


Brnjica - Čikola riverbed

1450 m

45 min



1600 m

25 min


Stinice - Roški slap - Oziđana pećina

8.5 km

2.5 hours


Roški slap

1360 m

25 min


Niz ploču

1550 m

35 min


Krka Monastery

2100 m

45 min


Manojlovački slap

360 m

15 min


Bilušića buk

300 m

15 min

other side of the canyon, from the trail that ends at a viewpoint that offers a spectacular view of the fortress. The newly renovated Niz ploču trail, the former trail the locals used to reach their fields, is located at Roški slap, and due to the special configuration of the terrain, it offers guests a challenge and excitement. One of the most beautiful educational hiking trails in Croatia, 8.5 kilometers long, leads from the Oziđana pećina archeological site, over the silver cascades of Roški slap, to Stinice across from the island of Visovac, a pearl of natural and cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia. The landscape changes on the trail, from a swampland, one of the most important ornithological areas in Europe due to the number of species of birds during migration, to a forested area with

Downy Oak and Hornbeam. Although small in size, at only 8 hectares, this forest is one of the most valuable with those species in the Mediterranean. While walking on the trail, visitors can see the emerald green Među gredama strait, the Šuplja stina cave, the remains of the medieval Kamičak fortress, and at the end, in the centennial forest, the Forester's cabin exhibit has been opened at the visitor's center in the Kuželj house on Visovac, as a place to relax, but also to learn about the indigenous species of the forest ecosystem and information on the natural and cultural heritage of the Krka National Park. The diverse landscapes shaped by the Krka and Čikola rivers can be enjoyed at three more viewpoints: Bilušića buk, Brljan slap, and in Krnići Gornji, which offers a view of the confluence. 

Oziđana pećina; The Stinice - Roški slap - Oziđana pećina educational hiking trail; Kamičak.

February - April 2016





ANAMARIJA CICARELLI, owner of Interligo, the first Counselling Center for Family Accommodations, emphasizes that modern guests love peace and nature, a healthy lifestyle, organic food, comfort, and the vicinity of tourist attractions.

Family accommodations in rural areas more and more popular Conducted by: Alma RadoĹĄ Photo archives: Interligo and M - traveltouristservice

Guests will enjoy homemade ingredients, and if they can pick the vegetables they want to eat from an organic garden, such as tomatoes, spinach, peppers, Swiss chard..., the experience will be even greater.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


amily accommodations are an important segment of the tourism sector in Croatia. According to the latest data, 67 000 households with around 300 000 family members are in that business, and they own 55 percent of the total accommodation capacity, or around half a million beds. "The trends show that most new suites and vacation homes in Croatia are comparable to the best five-star hotels worldwide. Their owners are young, educated people who have travelled the world and seen what high-quality travel offer includes. Such a high level of quality affects the drastic decrease in

price of low-quality accommodations that exceed the profitability limit. There is also a great demand for high-quality family accommodations, which have the advantage of a lower price in comparison to luxury accommodations", pointed out Anamarija Cicarelli, author of several books on family accommodations and owner of the first Counselling Center for Family Accommodations, Interligo. Her family started renting out rooms and suites on the island of BraÄ? in the 60s, and Anamarija successfully continued the family business she has been a part of since she was little.

How would you define a successful proprietor? That is anyone who manages to make at least five thousand euro per suite, if the suite accommodates four people and is from 40 to 60 square meters in size. The recipe is very simple, and isn't much different than learning a foreign language - six hours a day for four years and you will learn any language. That's similar to this situation. If you have six suites, the independent management of such a building can offer you a monthly salary all year long. But in order to achieve that, you have to work for eight hours every day, just like a real job. Only such an approach can guarantee success. It seems that quality is key when choosing family accommodations? Besides investing in quality, it is also incredibly important to invest in additional facilities such as a pool, jacuzzi, gym, spa, bike rental, and especially attractive programs such as, for example, picking olives or mandarin oranges. The quality of the

presentation, but also internet marketing will also affect the booking of the family accommodations. However, the offer of the destination itself is also very important, because no matter how good the family accommodations are, an individual can't do much on their own. Those are all important parts of successful sales of accommodation capacities. What is the weakest link in that process? It seems that today the weakest link of family accommodations is the fact that proprietors don't cooperate amongst themselves. They should simply understand that their building will be full if their neighbor's is full, and that agencies and websites will promote their destination better if there are a larger number of highquality proprietors there. A good example of cooperation can be seen in the opening of the first diffusive hotels similar to the Italian "Alberghi difusi". It is highly unlikely that the owners of one or two suites will survive on

Besides investing in quality, private proprietors should also invest in additional facilities such as pools and bike rentals.

the market if they don't join forces. On the other hand, those who have buildings with four or more suites need to approach the management and sales of their accommodation capacities professionally to have a decent income, and such a type of an association offers them that. Have you noticed new trends in family accommodations in Croatia? Family accommodations are expanding daily. Several years ago, cottages at the sea started being rented out as vacation homes, suites, or rooms. The same happened with

February - April 2016





tip: Getting to know more about the life of the locals is one of the strongest motives for guests to visit a destination.

Modern tourists love peace and nature, a healthy lifestyle and organic food, and love to pick vegetables themselves from the garden.

apartments in cities, which the owners turned into suites. That isn't unusual if you take into consideration that demand is growing for this kind of accommodation in tourist hubs on the coast. However, it is completely unusual to work in tourism in rural areas that were never tourist destinations and are almost completely unknown to foreign visitors. That is precisely what has been happening over the past few years in rural areas throughout Croatia. If you take into account that many owners of vacation homes, suites, and rooms in those areas are successfully working in tourism, then we can conclude that those are new trends in tourism. What is the profile of guests who choose houses, suites, and rooms in rural areas? Those are modern tourists who love peace and nature, a healthy lifestyle, organic food, comfort, and the vicinity of tourist attractions. While the locals find it far to go, for example, from Sinj to Dubrovnik, our guests staying in the Cetina area: in Vrlika, Sinj, or Trilj, don't consider it far to take an excursion not only to Dubrovnik, but also to Plitvice, Krka falls, Brijuni, Hvar... Such trends in family accommodations in rural areas in Croatia can be compared to those in Provence or Tuscany. For example, you will rarely hear of someone booking seven days in a hotel on the Italian


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

coast and spending their vacation at the beach. Guests prefer Tuscany, where they spend their vacation in a beautiful house with a pool, surrounded by vineyards, enjoying Italian cheese and pasta, and touring cities and landscapes by car. This is what is happening now with the hinterland of the Croatian coast, where almost 99 percent of capacity is in family accommodations. However, in contrast to small proprietors at the coast, proprietors in rural areas lack the tradition and experience of working in tourism. That is the reason why local tourist boards, individually or in cooperation with the county tourist board, are organizing workshops and seminars to help small proprietors do business. So, for example, in the Split-Dalmatia County, many years of work have started to produce tangible results, coming from many country estates, country homesteads, eco-ethno villages, taverns..., and mostly from the large increase in the number of vacation homes, suites, and rooms. What kind of workshops give the best results? The Interligo Counselling Center for Family Accommodations - which is also the Center for Competent Entrepreneurism in Tourism, has organized many workshops for small proprietors throughout Croatia, in

The cleanliness of accommodations is of great importance to every guest, and choosing the details in the room carefully will make their stay even more pleasant.

urban, coastal, island, and rural areas. On-field workshops have given the best results. For example, the head of the Tourist Board of the City of Vrlika, Dijana Maras, was the first in the Dalmatian hinterland to recognize the need for such a workshop. In cooperation with our Counselling Center for Family Accommodations, a five-day workshop was designed, and the Croatian National Tourist Board secured funding through a Public Tender for supporting Tourist Boards in areas with undeveloped tourism. What can small proprietors learn at such workshops? At those workshops, small proprietors learned about legal regulations, how

to communicate with guests, the possibilities for promotion and advertising, cooperation with travel agencies, branding accommodations... Since the presentation of accommodations is one of the most important elements of successful business, two workshops are dedicated to it with an on-site portion where a photographer also participates. The on-site portion was held at one of the proprietors where the decoration of the building was changed there and then: renovation of a terrace, garden design, living room, bedrooms. Besides teaching the participants how to get the most from their building, they also learned how important it was to connect with small local businesses,

and complement the offer of their accommodations so as to make them attractive to their future guests. Are the results after such workshops visible and tangible? This kind of workshop shows how excellent cooperation between tourist boards, small proprietors, local businesses, and external consultants can lead to successful business. That was also shown by the reservations that started coming in a few weeks after the first onsite workshops. For example, the first workshop of that kind was held in November 2015, and the first reservations started coming in during early December 2015. ď ś

February - April 2016



Bike tourism


Cycling in central Dalmatia Written by: Alma Radoš Photo archive: The Bicycle Association of the Split-Dalmatia County, and Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board

Cyclists who visit the Split-Dalmatia County this spring can enjoy 83 marked and cultivated trails, with a total length of 2730 kilometers. A panoramic view of the island of Brač; A bike tour along the channel in Vrboska on Hvar; Supetar on the island of Brač can also be toured on two wheels; Hvar is crisscrossed with bike trails; The attractive nature of Dalmatian Zagora lures bicyclists.

If you haven't missed a single season of Game of Thrones, you will soon have the chance to tour the sites where this popular show was filmed. The Game of Thrones bike trail, 40 kilometers long, takes you from Split to Kaštela via Klis.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


ou don't have to be a passionate cyclist who spends most of their holidays on two wheels to enjoy cycling through the Split-Dalmatia County. Some of the 83 trails aren't demanding and so

they can be enjoyed by beginners and recreational cyclists of all ages, while the large inclines and steep drops will thrill the adventurers who take ten-day tours two to three times a year. Dalmatian Zagora will thrill you with

the wild nature of the rugged karst, Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1, 21000 Split, Hrvatska the high mountain peaks, fertile plains tel/fax: +385 (0)21 490 490Cetina 033, 490 036 and valleys next032, to the River or Peruča Lake, the water springs, stone houses and churches. If you choose one of the 25 trails in the area of Dugopolje, Trilj, Sinj, or Vrlika, you will w w w enjoy . d abeautiful l m a tlandscapes i a . h r and ithen f o @ hospitality of the local people. If you decide to explore the hinterland of Biokovo, you will find two trails in the area surrounding Vrgorac, and spring is the best time to visit the city famous for dishes made with wild greens and delicious strawberries. Along the Makarska Riviera and Biokovo Nature Park, there are six trails with a total length of 250 kilometers passing by attractive beaches and coves, and continuing on up the mountain that drops steeply towards


the sea, creating a unique landscape. On the two largest central Dalmatian islands, you will enjoy riding next to the sea, discovering picturesque towns to rest in, and a rich cultural heritage, and 13 trails 450 kilometers in length on Hvar and 25 trails 850 akilometers l m a t long i a .onh Brač r will take you to the most hidden parts. If you choose one of the six trails on the western part of the Split Riviera, you will find out more about the center of Split, the Podstrana tourist resort, and towards the hinterland you will come across the Klis fortress. Six trails 200 kilometers in length lead from the western part of the Split Riviera, five of which pass through Marina, and one through Kaštela, cities famous for their renaissance fortresses. 

If you decide to explore the islands of Brač and Hvar, you will learn about Dalmatian nature and the cultural history, and the unique views will remain imprinted in your memory for a long time.

tip: Make the decision to ride accompanied by a licensed bike guide and reserve accommodations in one of the 30 highcategory Bike&Bed facilities.

Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1, 21000 Split, Croatia tel/fax: +385 (0)21 490 032, 490 033, 490 036


info@dalmatia.hr February - April 2016



Ka št el aT



Interesting facts

ou ris tB oa rd

Following the Game of Thrones

© fotolia

What do Split, Klis, Kaštela, Žrnovnica, Baška Voda, Šibenik, and Dubrovnik have in common? All those cities were filming locations for episodes of the globally popular "Game of Thrones". The stone streets, old cellars, magnificent fortresses, and untouched nature are ideal locations for this fantastic medieval TV show, enjoyed by millions of people worldwide.



Cesta Dr. Franje Tuđmana 1270, 21217 Kaštel Štafilić, Croatia Passenger information: +385 21 203506, +385 21 203507 informacije@split-airport.hr, www.split-airport.hr 58

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


Experience Croatia

Following lovers Written by: Alma Radoš ◆ Photo archive: Kaštela Tourist Board

The stone renaissance fortresses scattered along the coast of the city were once the centers of seven lively places, and two were home to unhappy lovers. "Ružo Crvena - Klapa Sv. Juraj HRM"

This video was filmed at the historical sites of the Vittura castle in Kaštel Lukšić, the Kaštilac castle in Kaštel Gomilica, and next to the old Croatian church of St. George of Radun in Kaštel Stari, based on the true story of the unhappy love of Kaštela's aristocrats, Miljenko and Dobrila, that dates back to the 17th century.

© Hrvoje Svalina


rom the moment Czech doctor Henrik Šoulavy opened the first tourist accommodations with a cultivated beach in Kaštel Lukšić in 1909, Kaštela has been greeting guests from all over the world with open hearts. Today, not only can accommodations be found in several family-run hotels, but also in many suites and rooms, along with several smaller camps. You will find a place for yourself on one of the fifteen attractive stone beaches, most of which are for families with children, while adults can find privacy at some of the smaller beaches. Kaštela attracts with its leisurely Mediterranean lifestyle, relaxed gettogethers with morning coffee in lively cafés, autochtonous gastronomy and wine, amongst which crljenak kaštelanski, better known as zinfandel, a sort that started its journey around the world from this area, especially stands out. The stone streets hide a rich history and many legends, and the one about Miljenko and Dobrila, unhappy lovers

from the 17th century buried in the Church of St. John in Kaštel Lukšić, is still told. Even four centuries later, the splendor of this love hasn't faded, and poems, stories, and plays have been dedicated to it, along with the summer festival of love in Kaštela "The Days of Miljenko and Dobrila". If you follow the path of these lovers, you will discover a destination perfect for your summer vacation. 

tip: Don't miss out on the unique view from the Kozjak Mountain of the Kaštela bay, the neighboring UNESCO cities of Split and Trogir, and the row of islands.

Kaštela Tourist Board Dvorac Vitturi, Brce 1 21215 Kaštel Lukšić, Croatia  / +385 21 227933  +385 21 228355 info@kastela-info.hr


February - April 2016



Experience Croatia


Perun Mountain and the Žrnovnica River are attractive places for adventure tourism; The churches on Perun and Vršina bear the name of St. George; Traditional dishes will offer an unforgettable experience.

A trump card of Croatian tourism Text and photo archive: Podstrana Tourist Board

Everything that makes the Croatian Adriatic so special is brought together in a completely original and unrepeatable way.

K Podstrana Tourist Board Davora Jurasa 2 21312 Podstrana, Croatia  +385 21 333844 ured@visitpodstrana.hr



tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

ilometers of stone beaches within reach of all the hotels, villas, and suites in Podstrana, a green strip of orchards, vineyards, and olive groves, and easily accessible mountain peaks and tame slopes, with rocky crests and panoramic views that leave you breathless, are all just the backdrop for the abundant tourism offer. In Podstrana, history and present, legends and reality are all at the same table: a low round Poljica table around which an Illyrian shepherd and Greek trader, Roman Lucius Artorius Castus and King Arthur, Croatian Duke Mislav and great Prince of Poljica, old Slavic God Perun, and Christian St. George sit. Proudly emphasizing their rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage, which matured for such a long period of time undisturbed like few places on the eastern Adriatic coast, Podstrana has profiled itself as a tourist destination of the highest category with content ready to challenge even the most demanding

and satisfy the most insatiable. You will enjoy lying on a beach, as well as dynamic recreational content, and for walking, cycling, and hiking tours with attractive climbing zones for adrenaline buffs, there are dozens of kilometers of promenades, hiking paths, and educational trails. Those paths run along the Žrnovnica River, and up and across the once sacred Croatian Mount Perun. The intoxicating aromas, flavors, and colors of Podstrana's produce, prepared according to traditional culinary arts, await you at all times. 

Over the hundred days of the Summer of Culture festival, you can enjoy authentic scenography like the stone Stara Podstrana palace, and the luxurious gardens at the Cindro summer residence.


Congress tourism

The new congress hall is located in Hotel Katarina in the heart of the business zone; After business meetings, visit Vranjača cave and the area surrounding Dugopolje.

For business travelers Written by: Alma Radoš ◆ Photo archive: Dugopolje Tourist Board

The congress hall has made Dugopolje the new place for business travelers to meet, but also an excellent starting point for exploring Dalmatia.


hroughout history, Dugopolje has sat at the intersection of transportation routes, connecting the coast and the Dalmatian interior. Over the past decade, with the construction of the business zone, it has become an important business center with more than 250 companies, but it is also a must-see shopping destination. Located at the exit from the A1 highway, it has excellent road infrastructure, and Split is a pleasant ten-minute drive away. Located at the center of Dugopolje's business zone is Hotel Katarina, a modern destination for business travelers, but also for fans of the Adriatic

Find out more about the congress offer in Dugopolje at:

coast and hinterland, along with the rich cultural and historic heritage that Dalmatia is famous for. In the newlybuilt multi-purpose congress hall, with 1200 seats in a theater layout and 900 seats in a banquet layout, three events can be held simultaneously. Next to it, there are five more halls, for larger or smaller meetings, conferences, workshops, presentations... The business center and technical staff are available 24 hours a day, and it's easy to organize any event, with computer and audiovisual equipment rental, catering and banquet services, and the possibility to use the exhibition area. If you decide to explore the Dugopolje area, located on the north side of Mosor, you will discover the typical villages of the Dalmatian hinterland, fantastic authentic cuisine with delicacies such as Dalmatian prosciutto, and unique karst phenomena, amongst which the Vranjača cave stands out. If you head further into the hinterland, you will discover the wild nature of Dalmatian Zagora, perfect for an active holiday. If you decide to head towards the sea, explore the Dalmatian cities and islands rich in history and unique beauty. 

Dugopolje Tourist Board Matice hrvatske 11 21204 Dugopolje, Croatia  +385 21 656189 +385 98 744326 info@tzo.dugopolje.hr

www.visitdugopolje.com February - April 2016



Active tourism


Love at first sight Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photo archive: Brela Tourist Board

Brela is a place that will win you over at first sight. You will fall in love with its heavenly white beaches, turquoise sea, long promenades, aromatic pine trees, old olive groves... Enchanting sunsets are a typical sight in Brela; Šakan (the monk seal) used to live in Brela; The Brela Stone is a symbol of both Brela and Croatian tourism; Divers are regular visitors to the waters of Brela; The seaside promenade is perfect for walking and Nordic walking.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


f you have ever had a travel brochure on Croatian destinations in your hand, you have probably seen a photo where a large boulder covered with Mediterranean pines, proudly showing their strength as they grow from stone, sits in the middle of crystal clear water. This attractive view and natural phenomenon, anchored in Brela, is impossible to forget so it is no wonder the Brela Stone, as it is often called, has become a recognizable

symbol of Croatian tourism. However, few know the story of this stone, which was originally called Šakan... The old inhabitants of Brela called the monk seal, which used to have its natural habitat here, the Šakan. They also called it "man of the sea", "sea bear", and "sea monk", and one of the caves, which has a small beach, still bears the name Medvidina (bear's cave), after this cute animal. That small beach was a favorite place for

Punta Rata beach is one of the most awarded beaches in Croatia; Fans of mountain biking can get their adrenaline pumping on the trails of Biokovo; Kayaking.

the seal to relax after a hearty meal of fish it regularly found in the abundant and preserved waters surrounding Brela. Since it often damaged fishermen's nets, fishermen didn't like it. Still, the people of Brela were sad when it disappeared from the Adriatic coast in the 1960s.

Active in Brela The monk seal also loved to stay on one of the currently most attractive and most awarded beaches in Brela, Punta Rata. Many will say, even it knew how to recognize what is good, just like the many tourists whose main reason for coming to Brela is often this world-renowned beach. The beach is located in a protected area, at a point with a lush pine forest, and its beauty has also been recognized and confirmed by a lot of respectable global media. So in 2004, the American magazine Forbes named it one of the top ten most beautiful beaches

in the world, along with the famous Copacabana, St. Tropez, and Costa del Sol. Ten years later, in 2014, The Huffington Post also recognized it and named Brela a dream destination. Punta Rata also was awarded - European Best Destinations, a Belgian website, named it one of the best beaches in 2015. Croatian awards are also abundant. Even when the sun hasn't yet heated up the sand and stones enough to rest on the beach, nor the sea for swimming, Brela is still gladly visited by tourists seeking an active vacation in this heavenly landscape. Long seaside promenades are perfect for walking, jogging, Nordic walking, and cycling, while the sea beckons you to try some other activities. Kayaking is great for your health, but also to see Brela from the sea. Those looking for a little more adrenaline can go parasailing and admire Brela from a bird's-eye-view. Some will decide to take a ride on water scooters or rent a boat to plan their view on their own and explore Brela's hidden coves. Pedal boats are always a good solution, especially if you are on holiday with children. The youngest visitors will have fun with various entertainment programs and a water park. Divers are attracted by the interesting waters surrounding Brela, while hikers and mountain bikers can find the mighty Biokovo, a majestic mountain that offers an unforgettable view, at their fingertips. The Cetina River, which offers a true water adventure - rafting and canoeing through untouched nature, is also located nearby... ď ś

Brela Tourist Board Trg A. Stepinca bb, 21322 Brela, Croatia,  +385 21 618455 info@brela.hr


February - April 2016



Experience Croatia


The statue of St. Nicholas, protector saint of sailors, children, maidens, and travelers (tourists) on the entrance to the Baška Voda harbor, and the many boats in the harbor bear witness to the fact that people have always lived from the sea here.

Spring at the foot of Biokovo In early spring, Baška Voda and the surrounding areas attract guests who know how to appreciate clean air and a crystal clear sea, along with a rich offer of happenings. Written by: Alma Radoš Photo archive: Baška Voda Tourist Board (Antonina Cherpak, Ante Jurišić, Nediljko Marušić, Matko Granić and Ivan Tomaš)

The statue of St. Nicholas in the heart of Baška Voda; Sailors guarding Jesus' grave; Believers in a procession through Baška Voda and the surrounding areas; The church bell tower with a view of the sea.

Rich in water springs and with a unique landscape where the high Biokovo Mountain and crystal clear sea meet, Baška Voda will give you the unique feeling that you have always belonged here.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


raided olive and palm branches in the procession that passes down Baška Voda's promenade on Palm Sunday, a week before Easter, are a unique introduction into the Holy Week. Around the same time, Baška Voda bids farewell to winter and awaits spring with many attractive events, which attract not only a large number of tourists, but also several thousand visitors from the Makarska Riviera. If you visit this romantic Dalmatian town during Holy Week, you will bear witness to the centuries-old expression of folk deity. The people of Baška Voda have intertwined their deep dedication to their faith with their traditions, where sailors play an important part. On Maundy Thursday, in a symbolic ceremony, a priest washes the feet of men from Baška Voda, who are dressed in sailor's uniforms. On Good Friday, sailors also await and see

off the procession that heads out from the small town of Bast at the foot of Biokovo and continues on for twenty kilometers through Baška Voda and the surrounding towns. Following three crosses, more than 1600 believers sing the Lamentation, and after the procession, the lead cross-bearer treats the participants to traditional cod and other fish as part of the fast. From the afternoon hours of Good Friday to the evening mass on Holy Saturday, sailors in the church of St. Nicholas in Baška Voda guard Jesus' grave, while changing the guard every ten minutes. There is so much symbolism and humility in celebrating Easter, and the role of the sailors is confirmation that the people of this fishing town have always lived from the sea. Thanks to the long fishing tradition of Baška Voda, the restaurants and taverns scattered throughout the place offer

only the freshest seafood, although pašticada, Biokovo peka, and the desserts of rafioli and fritule, famous far and wide, will also attract you with their incredible aromas. You will also be able to enjoy the autochtonous specialties of the area if you visit Baška Voda during their Festival of May 1st, which will be held for the 39th time this year. Amongst other things, spit-roasted lamb, tripe, and Venetianstyle liver will also be served in the restaurants and taverns on that day. The rich program, with music and free food, will start the evening before

May 1st, and the event will continue with local competitions and performances by klapa singers and folk ensembles late into the night. The Day of the Municipality, which includes Baška Voda and five other communities at the foot of Biokovo, is celebrated in a similar way on May 29. Along with the main folk festival, the festivities last two to three days, and they start with the formal raising of the Blue Flag on the most attractive beach in Baška Voda, Nikolina, which is an excellent start to the swimming season. See you in Baška Voda! 

The May 1st Festival is traditionally accompanied with a rich program: performances by folk dance ensembles and klapa singers, international donkey races, alka competitions in chariots, etc., all accompanied with fantastic food; Dishes roasted under the bell.

Water has marked the history of Baška Voda, and as the basic elixir of life, it will offer you the necessary balance and energy, so you will want to stay here forever.

Baška Voda Tourist Board Obala sv. Nikole 31 21320 Baška Voda, Croatia  +385 21 620713 info@baskavoda.hr


February - April 2016



Experience Croatia


tip: Come to the "Easter on the Coast" festival and find out how to paint eggs, what a coastal wedding looked like, and then try typical coastal specialties.

Rejuvenated tradition of the Croatian south Visit the upper villages of the Dubrovnik hinterlands for the Easter holidays and get ready to return to the past, full of interesting customs. Then head out to the island of Korčula, where a tradition that dates back to 1301 is still preserved... Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photos: Robert Kunštek and Igor Brautović along with archives of Dubrovnik-Neretva County Tourist Board, Dubrovnik Tourist Board and Korčula Tourist Board

Girls and young men dressed in folk costumes from the Dubrovnik region can often be seen on the streets of Dubrovnik at Easter time; A procession in Stradun, the main street in Dubrovnik; Painting eggs.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


o you know how eggs are painted, why the girls in the villages in Dubrovnik's hinterland used to wash their faces with water infused with flower petals, and what a coastal wedding looked like? The members of the Dubrovnik Coastal Wedding Association will show you the answers to all those

questions this Easter holiday, as part of the unique "Easter on the Coast" event, which is traditionally started with the shot of trombuns set off by Dubrovnik's trombunjeri. It is an opportunity to get to know the customs of Gromača and Ljubač, old, but not forgotten villages in Dubrovnik's hinterland.

During Easter, Sirnica is traditionally prepared on the island of Korčula. The original recipe was given to us by Franica Tasovac, author of the book "Sweet Korčula".

Ingredients 6 egg yolks 3 egg whites 250 g sugar 1 vanilla sugar 300 ml milk 120 g of fresh yeast 1.5 tsp salt 250 g butter 1.20 kg of flour zest of one lemon zest of two oranges 1 tablespoon of rose brandy a little egg white 1 tablespoon of rose brandy 5-6 sugar cubes

To paint eggs, you need real beeswax, a dish to melt it in, pins, dye, eggs, a steady hand, and plenty of patience and good will - explain the girls from these villages who carefully preserve this old-fashioned way of decorating Easter eggs from falling into oblivion. They explain how this old tradition symbolizes the seed of life and represents the allusion of the birth of life and life's joys, just like the holiday of Easter. Besides in the coastal area of Dubrovnik, the egg-painting tradition is also nurtured in Konavle, a unique region in the Dubrovnik area, located in the far south of Croatia. Part of the preparation for the largest Catholic holiday include washing one's face in water which was infused with flower petals on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. By doing so, they say, faces will remain white, smooth, and rosy, eyes will be fresh, and minds will be wise. The depiction of a coastal wedding is a special attraction at this festival. The custom of youths marrying in formal folk costumes dates back far into the past, and contains military elements.

As a rich spread is an integral part of every wedding, both in the past, as is in the present, it will be an opportunity to taste typical coastal specialties: prosciutto, fresh cheese, asparagus, young vegetables, various sweets, figs, crystalized citrus peel, and, of course, the must-have painted eggs, which you will have the opportunity to make yourself. Many folk dance ensembles, klapa singers, and associations from this southernmost part of Croatia will take care of the happy ambiance at the event.

A tradition of brotherhood The southern Dalmatian islands also keep many interesting customs connected with preparing for and celebrating Easter. The island of Korčula is a great guardian of tradition, where Holy Week (the week before Easter) is especially celebrated. At that time, the medieval streets of the city of Korčula are filled with processions of brotherhoods: All Saints, St. Rocco and St. Michael (brotherhood of Our Lady of

Preparation Cut the butter into pieces and place in a pot over low heat to melt. Crumble the yeast into the warmed milk, stir, sprinkle with a little flour and leave to double. Beat the eggs with the sugar and salt until the mixture is frothy. Add the brandy, lemon zest and orange zest into the mixture. Sprinkle with flour, add the proofed yeast and melted butter. Mix the dough by hand, slowly adding flour. It should be soft, not stiff. Place the dough in a bowl, cover it, and let it rise until it has doubled in size. Re-knead the dough and divide it into six equal pieces. Form each piece into a ball. Place the sirnice on a baking sheet lined with greaseproof paper, making sure to leave enough space between them so they do not touch. Let them rise for another 1-2 hours. Heat the oven to 150°C. Before baking, score each sirnica into three parts. Bake them for 40 minutes. Beat the remaining egg white and brandy with a fork; at the end of the baking time, coat the sirnice with the egg white mixture, sprinkle with crushed sugar cubes and place them back into the oven for a short time to dry the coating.

Mantala, a traditional dessert in the Dubrovnik region; An Easter bunny; Sirnica, a dessert traditionally prepared for Easter on the island of Korčula.

February - April 2016



Experience Croatia


All generations of Korčula's inhabitants participate in the procession on Good Friday; Liturgical ornaments; The opulent halls of the Brotherhood of St. Rocco in the city of Korčula; Locals decorate the churches on the island of Korčula in a special manner for Easter.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Consolation), the doors of the opulent brotherhood halls are opened, and torci (large candles) are carried out, where the impression is had that the brotherhoods compete with each other over the size of these large candles. The largest and most formal procession takes place on Good Friday when brothers of all generations, dressed in tunics, carry torci, torcini (smaller candles), crosses, and opulent liturgical decorations from the brotherhood halls. They then tour the city and illuminate it with the light

of many candles, sing old songs, and increase the mystical qualities of the medieval stone streets of Korčula even more. It is truly a special experience. This spectacular procession and brotherhood tradition, which has continually taken place since 1301, is followed by many believers, but also tourists. The other towns on the island also have processions of believers touring the churches surrounding the town and they tirelessly preserve the traditions of their ancestors from falling into oblivion. 

Š Dubrovnik-Neretva County Tourist Board

RIVIERA & ISLANDS Dubrovnik-Neretva County Tourist Board www.visitdubrovnik.hr February - April 2016












Experience Croatia

Istria gourmet

Chefs in Istrian restaurants find endless sources of inspiration on this small peninsula, which nature has given incredible diversity that is then shown on plates in the most beautiful way possible. Written by: Alma Radoš

© Restaurant San Rocco, Brtonigla

Istria is famous for a fantastic offer of food and wine, and modern presentation of local ingredients.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


stria will await you with an abundance of local ingredients that the master chefs prepare and superbly present in the taverns and restaurants throughout the peninsula in every possible way from the most modern to traditional. Fans of authentic cuisine will surely enjoy various types of pasta or seafood, prepared in the traditional way, while gourmets seeking innovativeness will choose atypical options, such as raw, freshly caught lobster or bass garnished with truffles and paired with Istrian extra virgin olive oil with a few grains of salt, pepper, and a drop of lemon. As a side dish, you will get polenta, a traditional dish that fed generations of Istrians, and freshly baked, still warm and aromatic homemade bread. Fans of meat dishes shouldn't miss out on rare steak or fiorenti, žgvancet,

goulash, or sauce made of boskarin, authentic Istrian beef. As an appetizer, try boskarin sausage or the unique Istrian prosciutto, which has a special aroma and quality, and in contrast to other Croatian prosciuttos it isn't smoked and is skinless. It is a product highly valued and esteemed, and is affectionately called vijulin, or, roughly translated, violin. So the traditional production rules are handed down from generation to generation, and last year Istrian prosciutto was added to the registry of protected authentic labels and geographic origin. Many gourmets come to Istria to enjoy the handmade Istrian fuži or pljukanci pasta with black or white truffles, but also the fish or shrimp with white truffles, or the truffle ice cream. Famous for the best quality truffles, Istria found

© Istria Tourist Board

© Pepenero Restaurant Novigrad

© Šibiba extra virgin olive oil

© Istria Tourist Board

© Damir Fabijanić / CNTB

itself in the Guinness Book of World Records with the largest white truffle weighing in at 1,31 kg, found in the Motovun forest, located in the middle of the peninsula. These superb dishes are paired with the best Istrian wines. Istrian winemakers recognized the strength of their brand long ago so they have placed their products together on the market and

An innovative approach to cooking; Istria is famous for truffles and extra virgin olive oil; You will feel the wealth of Istrian meadows in the honey and cheese.

have successfully integrated them into the tourist offer of the peninsula. After many years of hard work, Malvazija, made of the grape sort of the same name, has profiled itself as the most famous Istrian wine, followed by Red Teran. Along with Istrian olive oil, one of the best quality in the world, Istria has become a true paradise for even the most demanding taste buds. 

tip: In the spring, Istria will win you over with delicious treats made with wild asparagus.

For all the fans of food and wine, we have prepared a new mobile application with attractive TOP gourmet itineraries, with information on the best restaurants, winemakers, olive growers, and other gourmet attractions!

TOP Awards Istria. TOP Awards forfor Istria. TOP Anerkennungen Istriens. TOP Anerkennungen Istriens.

February - April 2016



Gourmet Croatia


The return

Written by: Sanja Plješa Photos: Robert Kunštek

of forgotten flavors People have a genetic record of flavors that leads us through life and at a certain moment, it can recognize the one and only unique flavor that remained imbedded in our memory.

Potato cream soup with crispy bacon.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Grain risotto (buckwheat and barley) with the addition of vegetables, sour turnip, spring onions, pork belly; Branko Ognjenović.

Renato Humanitarian Association


owadays, when various aromas of food come from all around, since Croatian restaurants offer dishes from almost all parts of the world, it is truly a jackpot to find an old-fashioned autochtonous dish that will take us back to the time when our grandmothers prepared breakfast and lunch with healthy ingredients in their own special way. It has been scientifically proven that people have a genetic record of flavors that leads us through life and at a certain moment, they can recognize the one and only unique flavor that remained imbedded in our memory. Such old-fashioned flavors are the ones that are the basis for the gastronomic work of famous Croatian culinary academic Chef Branko Ognjenović, who with his team, Chefs Sabina Jalšić and Dario Lide, in his small culinary academy Majstor kuhar prepares modernized dishes, but with an old-fashioned flair.

Influence on Croatian cuisine In their desire to keep the old-fashioned flavors of dishes in modern methods of preparing gastronomic delights, truly fantastic food creations come to life. Some of them are dishes that were once prepared in the areas of Zagreb, Prigorje, and Croatian zagorje. They include, for example, potato cream soup with crispy bacon, grain risotto (buckwheat and barley) with the addition of vegetables, sour turnip, spring onions, pork belly, and as dessert, the must-have šnenokle, formerly incredibly popular in Zagreb. Not a lot of money is required to prepare those dishes, and that is the point to show people that it is possible to prepare delicious dishes reminiscent of childhood on a limited budget. Every ingredient used in a dish must be felt, explained Branko Ognjenović, since not a single ingredient should overpower the flavor of another. Besides that,

The "Renato - Chefs without borders" Humanitarian Association is a non-profit organization whose founder is Branko Ognjenović. The association gathers chefs from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Germany, England, Greece, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and many other places, all with one goal - to help others. The association members organize charity dinners, where they prepare various gastro delights, and all the revenue from those events, after costs are covered, are used for ultrasound exams of children's hearts and to educate children who come from families without financial means to become chefs. The association also works to promote the chef profession, and gastronomy, as well as healthy nutritional habits, primarily with children at the age where they attend preschool and school.

February - April 2016



Gourmet Croatia



Šnenokle; Dario Lide, Sabina Jalšić and Branko Ognjenović.

Šnenokle Ingredients 6 eggs 1 l milk 100 g sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch Preparation Heat the milk to a boil. Beat the egg whites to a stiff peak and place spoonfuls into the boiling milk. Turn them over, and after a few seconds, remove them and place them in a dish. Repeat the procedure until all the egg whites have been used. Beat the yolks and sugar until light and fluffy, add the cornstarch, and mix in the boiling milk. Mix with a whisk until the egg yolk and milk mixture becomes a homogenous sauce. Cool the sauce a bit, add the cooked egg whites, and put the dish in the fridge to cool. Serve šnenokle cold, and decorate with grated chocolate if desired. Chef's recommendation: Bodren, Traminac, 2011 ice wine


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

ingredients must be seasonal because that is the only way the best-quality elements can be gotten from them. Such homemade dishes, common in certain regions, should be found on the menus of many Croatian restaurants. Today's Croatian dishes are influenced by various cuisines of other nations that have left their mark in Croatia over the past few centuries. So, for example, from the Czechs a large number of dishes made with dough were adopted, while western Croatia was especially affected by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They left behind the mentioned

šnenokle, as well as various types of roux-based dishes. Those sensitive to gluten can use grated potato or mashed vegetables instead of flour in the roux. Hungarian cuisine greatly affected the continental cuisine of Zagreb and the surrounding area, as well as the entire northwestern part of Croatia. From them, sekeli goulash, goulash, cabbage rolls, and paprika as a spice were adopted. However, Ognjenović warns that paprika needs to be used carefully so that the dish doesn't become bitter. All those who would like to learn more about preparing authentic dishes in a modern way should visit one of the Majstor kuhar workshops. There a lot can be learned about the cuisines from different parts of Croatia, as well as preparing dishes made of meat, fish, vegetables, and thematic workshops, such as pairing wine and food, but also preparing dishes from foreign countries, from places in Europe to the Middle East and Asia. 

18 - 20 March 2016 Zagreb - CROATIA - Boćarski dom

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February - April 2016




Murter Night warmed up Zagreb Once again, "The Night of Murter and Fans of Dalmatia", held on February 19 at Zagreb's Green Gold Club, gathered many Zagrebians and their guests, fans of Murter and Dalmatia. Zoran JajacBizon, one of the most famous master chefs from Murter, was responsible for creating superb gastronomic delights. His menu that evening included lima bean pate, whitefish carpaccio, dried fish with chickpea, octopus with gnocchi, and Murter cuttlefish bread, all accompanied with fantastic wines. The Ultima klapa provided a great musical program that entertained the guests until the wee hours of the morning, and Neno Belan sang as a surprise performer. There were also raffles, a dance competition...

New ViroviticaPodravina County brochure presented

© Robert Kunštek

"Irresistibly attractive..." is the name of the new brochure of the Virovitica-Podravina County, presented on Monday, February 22, at the Slatina Local History Museum. The brochure presents the county's main tourist attractions and offer in a modern way, and takes readers through many experiences they can find in this part of Croatia. The brochure was published in Croatian, English, and German editions. Željka Kunštek, editorin-chief of tipTravel magazine, is the author of the brochure text, and Robert Kunštek, graphic editor of tipTravel magazine, is responsible for part of the photos and the brochure design.

© Place2go


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

This year, the international tourism fair, Place2go, will be held from March 18 to 20 at Zagreb's Boćarski dom. Once again, visitors to the fair with free admission will have the chance to get to know more about the offer of many Croatian and global destinations, their customs and gastronomy, and the easiest ways to reach the destinations.

© www.vpz.hr

Place2go in Zagreb in March

© www.vpz.hr

The Salaj family estate, which has been getting the attention of global media and tourists for their Christmas Wonderland for years, is preparing a new story for the upcoming Easter holiday. From March 19 to 28, at this estate in the small village of Grabovnica in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, many events await you: a traditional Easter-egg hunt, a tour of the Smurf village, workshops, theater performances, tours of the estate, tasting delicious homemade specialties... The estate will be open every day from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM during the mentioned period, and the lights will be turned on every night at around 7:00 PM.

© Bjelovar-Bilogora County Tourist Board

The Easter story of northwestern Croatia



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© oa I t vo To i a n P e r ur Na va ist tio n Bo na ar l d

In all the towns that participate in the procession, it is known who will be the cross-bearer years in advance. So, for example, the next person to sign up to be the cross-bearer in Vrbanja will get his chance in 2044, and the situation is also similar in other towns.

Prepared by: Alma Radoš

The "Following the Cross" Procession has been on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage since 2009.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Five centuries of traditional piety Precisely at 10 PM, every year before Easter, on Maundy Thursday, in the center of the island of Hvar, the "Following the Cross" procession starts, and lasts until the following morning. For a full five centuries, this most expressive depiction of traditional piety connects six parishes on Hvar: Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, SvirÄ?e, Vrbanj, and Vrboska, joining them in faith and prayer on a 22-kilometer journey. The procession heads out from each of these towns in clockwise motion, and during the night they visit all the surrounding parishes in this pilgrimage without the processions ever meeting. In the morning, around seven AM, the most emotional part of the pilgrimage takes place upon return to their parish when the pilgrims are joyously awaited by their parish priest and locals who didn't participate in the night pilgrimage but instead waited on the procession from other parishes and prayed together with them in church. The cross-bearer, barefoot or donning socks, leads the procession carrying a cross that weighs 9 to 18 kilograms, covered in a black veil. The cross-bearer, as the main person in the procession, chooses his own accompaniment who wear brotherhood tunics. He is surrounded by his accompaniment, carriers of large candelabra, choral singers who sing the archaic Lamentation of the Virgin Mary, an octosyllable Passion text that dates back to the 15th century, and other singers. The leader of the procession, or "batiĹĄtrada" ensures everything goes as planned. They are joined by the faithful from all parts of the island together with their guests who, with rosaries and candles in hand, humbly follow the crosses all night long and tour the churches decorated with flowers. ď ś

February - April 2016



Croatia through philately


A stamp to commemorate love Presenting postage stamps

Prepared by: Željka Kunštek

Is there anything better than love? The Croatian Post dedicated a stamp to the exalted emotion to remind us of the importance of love in daily life. The words "I love you" are written on the stamp in various languages and scripts, as well as in Braille.

tip: The stamp can be ordered online at:


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


lthough every day of our lives should be dedicated to love, one day has stood out from the rest worldwide as a reminder of that most magnificent feeling. February 14, the feast day of St. Valentine, protector saint of those in love, is the date in question. Bishop Valentine lived in Rome in the 3rd century, when Christianity was still a young religion, and Christians experienced massive persecution. St. Valentine helped all of them in various ways, conducted religious marriage ceremonies, and supported them in their Christian marriages, while

also gladly giving away roses from his garden. He advised all those who sought help, and opposed the orders of the emperor who forbade engagement and marriage of soldiers at that time, since he thought they wouldn't be focused on their battles if they had a wife and children waiting for them at home. Bishop Valentine was imprisoned and decapitated on February 14 for his devotion to Christianity and for performing marriage ceremonies. The people loved him dearly, and they soon proclaimed him a saint and the patron saint of young couples and those in love. The church designated February 14 as the feast day of St. Valentine, and the first to do so was Pope Gelasius I, in 496. Although it was later erased from the main Catholic Calendar of Saints, and it became an optional holiday, February 14 is still the day when the world celebrates St. Valentine. On that day, women worldwide receive a total of around 50 tons of roses, and many couples get married on that day. The stamp with the motif of the words "I love you" was issued on February 4, 2015, in a six-stamp sheet, and the Croatian Post also issued a First Day Cover (FDC). The stamp was printed in a hundred thousand copies 48.28 mm x 40.54 mm in size (with a heart in the field). The author is Ivona Đogić Đurić, a graphic designer from Zagreb. 

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The Hotel Split Lobby Bar in Podstrana is a combination of top-notch architecture, modern design, and natural surroundings, where the sea plays the main role. Here you can relax with a warm beverage, freshly squeezed juice, a sweet treat, or your favorite delicacy from the hotel’s L’Aroma restaurant. You will feel as if you are on the deck of a luxurious boat and you will enjoy the playful colors and reflection of the sun on the surface of the sea. However, that isn’t the only place that will win you over at the first green hotel in Croatia. At the top, stretching over 350 square meters, you will find the Sunset terrace with unforgettable sunsets and a unique view of the endless blue. Your favorite cocktail or glass of superb wine, and tasty bites the culinary crew will prepare in front of you, will make the experience that much better.

Get to know more about the rich tradition of Easter in Dalmatia at Hotel Ivan, with the best Solaris Beach Resort has to offer. The Easter in Solaris program is full of activities for adults and children. Enjoy the first days of spring outdoors with recreational activities, Easter workshops, and live music every evening. Experience the customs of the Šibenik region at a traditional Easter breakfast in the Dalmatian Ethno Village, where you will find many specialties and a warm family atmosphere. If you plan on spending Labor Day, May 1st, outdoors, in a natural ambiance next to the sea, Dalmatia is an excellent choice. The May 1st Program at the Solaris Beach Resort lasts from April 27 to May 3, and it is full of events, great entertainment, recreational activities, and live music every day. We also invite you to socialize in a fun atmosphere with a bonfire, toasts, and live music in the Dalmatian Ethno Village, where you can enjoy the flavors and aromas of Dalmatia. While on vacation in Solaris, recharge your batteries and enjoy the sun.




Like on a luxury yacht



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Thermana for your pleasure Relax in the embrace of natural and healthy thermal water in Thermana Laško next to the Savinja River in the Slovenian town of Laško. Here you will find attractive spring programs with many deals, so up until April 22, the second person staying gets a 50 percent discount on accommodations. From March 20 to 25, you can expect an additional 15 percent off, and from March 28 to April 22 at the Hotel Zdravilišče Laško****, you will get an additional 20 percent discount. The Thermal Center at Thermana Laško is one of the most attractive in Slovenia with a variety of options in the indoor and outdoor area where both families with children and couples will enjoy themselves. The treatments and therapy sessions at the modern Wellness Spa center will relax you, while at the largest ayurveda center in Slovenia, Thermana and Veda Ayurveda Center, ayurvedic specialists, therapists, and chefs from Kerala, southern India, will take care of your health. www.thermana.si


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Easter and Labor Day in Dalmatia ©H



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February - April 2016




ONLINE websites and mobile applications

For modern travelers and cyclists The global Priceless Cities platform will delight modern travelers who are planning a trip to one of the world's great cities, and cyclists in Rijeka and the surrounding area will find the Bike Rijeka application of great use.

WEB&APP Bike Rijeka

Priceless Cities traveling with benefits

Prepared by: Alma Radoš

MasterCard is offering its users attractive stories with many benefits via the global Priceless Cities platform, which was also recently launched in Croatia. This website offers MasterCard users the opportunity to experience a unique travel experience in more than 35 cities. Priceless Cities gives the modern traveler the chance to enjoy shopping, gastronomic delights, the best happenings, sports events, and good hotels with benefits that will make their trips to cities around the world even more special. The offer can be searched in other languages besides English, including Portuguese, Spanish, and French, and the modern interface is available on all devices. www.priceless.com


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Bike Rijeka, an application for mobile devices, unites forty cycling trails that cross through eight cities and municipalities: Rijeka, Kastav, Klana, Viškovo, Jelenje, Čavle, Kostrena, and Bakar. The most attention was dedicated to showing the trails and navigating them, and the trails can be chosen according to difficulty, or according to geographical location. The trail navigation shows not only the direction, but also the riding statistics, riding time, distance passed, and speed. During the ride, Google Maps also shows the attractions on the way, and it is also possible to find information about food and beverage services, accommodations, and other additional services. The English language application took second place in the selection for the prestigious award for excellence and innovation in tourism of the World Tourism Organization in the category of Innovation in Research and Technology.

atia Tickets © Tom Dubravec / Cro

© Tom Dubravec / Croatia Tickets

Buy tickets for a national park, museum, archeological site, excursion, or concert with just a few clicks on the www.croatia-tickets.com website. It could be a unique welcome gift for the guests of hotels and suites. Avoid unnecessary waiting in lines



ticket to visit one of the city's museums could be a great welcome gift that your guest is sure to appreciate. This nice gesture requires no additional time or great amount of effort. You can get tickets simply, easily, and affordably with a few clicks of your mouse at the www.croatia-tickets.com website. Embellish a printed e-ticket with a ribbon and put it on the bed or night table, or, for an even better impression, add your guest's name and it will become unique personalized gift. Tickets can be bought at the Croatia Tickets site 24 hours a day without prior registration, using any valid credit card, and with the possibility of paying

© Tom Dubravec / Croatia Tickets


Unique gifts for your guests

in installments. The printed tickets with unique QR codes are validated at the entrance of the desired site.

Croatia Tickets is Slobodna Dalmacija's modern online service for ticket sales for tourist content in Croatia, available in Croatian and English, which also promotes the rich heritage, beautiful nature, and interesting events in Croatia. Whether a guest is already in their favorite destination or just planning their trip, just a few clicks of the mouse are enough to find out everything they can do during their vacation. Although it is mostly of a travel character, the website isn't only for foreign guests. If you would like to spend a relaxing evening at a great concert or show, visit an exhibition, or take your family on an excursion, the website is also the perfect place for you. By buying tickets online, not only will you avoid the rush and unnecessary waiting in lines, but you will also be able to make good use of your time.  February - April 2016



© Željko Frankol / The Krapina Neanderthal Museum

© Požega-Slavonia County Tourist Board


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

When Josip Rehorić, a teacher in Krapina sent scientist Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger some "strange bones" in 1899, he had no idea it was the Krapina Neanderthal. Today, the Krapina Neanderthal Museum is located in Krapina, the largest city in Croatian zagorje, near the excavation site at the foot of Hušnjakovo hill. One of the most modern and sophisticated museums, designed as a semi-cave, an authentic habitat for Krapina Neanderthals, is completely built into a boulder and almost completely unnoticeable from the outside. However, behind the glass wall, you will be surprised to find an unforgettable journey over an area of 1200 square meters.

© The Krapina Neanderthal Museum

The medieval castle and fortress in Ilok is considered to be the only royal center in Croatia, besides Knin, which had an area nearly equal to that of medieval Split, and larger than Trogir, Pag, Poreč... There, Nikola Iločki minted silver coins that had visible red and white squares, elements of Croatia's current crest. Upon Nikola's invitation, Ivan Kapistran, who stopped the Ottoman army at Belgrade, arrived in Ilok. When news of victory over the Ottomans reached Rome, the pope decreed that all the bells should ring, and as of that day, it became part of the Christian religious ritual that marks noon every day.

Travelling through evolution in Croatian zagorje

© Požega-Slavonia County Tourist Board

Why is noon commemorated?

Legend has it that Madame Clicquot, owner of a champagne cellar that is still one of the most famous in the world, visited Pleternica in the 19th century and was so delighted with its hills that upon returning to Champagne, she sent the people of Pleternica a grapevine. In her honor one of Pleternica's hills got the name Klikun, which is how the locals pronounced the last name Clicquot. Even today, fantastic wines are made in the Požega-Pleternica wine region, and if you walk down Pleternica's Road of Roses and Wine, you will enjoy the attractive view of flowers and grapevines. Although it will seem at first sight that the roses were planted for esthetic reasons, the wine growers and winemakers will explain that roses are very sensitive to powdery mildew, and they are the first indicators of such symptoms.

© Požega-Slavonia County Tourist Board

© Robert Kunštek

© Robert Kunštek

The Road of Roses and Wine







Health tourism


A relaxing holiday The Bernarda suites and rooms in Varaždinske Toplice are located in the close vicinity of the thermal spa. Near the Roman sites and center, you will want to explore this small town famous, first and foremost, for the healing powers of the sulfurous thermal water that springs out in the center of the former Roman forum Aquae Iasae. With elegant furnishings and high-quality service, a comfortable, warm, and intimate atmosphere has been achieved in the suites and rooms, and for total relaxation in the natural surroundings, there is also a terrace with a view of a cultivated garden. The Bernardanova company, which owns this tourism complex, used new capital investment in Varaždinske Toplice to launch a project for constructing a five-star luxury health and recreation center. The new project will use an abundance of programs to unite the benefits of Mediterranean and continental Croatia, with the use of thermal water and therapeutic mud. All buildings are furnished with Bernarda bed systems so that guests are guaranteed a complete holiday under the motto "good sleep for a healthy life". www.bernarda.hr www.bernarda-tourism.eu


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February - April 2016







Many who have visited this town in Zagorje have been convinced of the strength of thermal water at Varaždinske Toplice. Thanks to its excellent geographic location and the tradition of healing using thermal sulfurous water that springs out in the center of the former Roman forum Aquae Iasae, Varaždinske Toplice have positioned themselves as a must-visit destination for health tourism.



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The strength of thermal water



Parni Valjak


Music is both our profession and our hobby


The legendary band that has successfully been on the music scene for 40 years still exudes creative energy today. They continue to write new songs, spend days and nights in the studio, and still live for their concerts region-wide where they share their musical magic with their devoted audience... Conducted by: Vlatka VuŞić Photo: Bojan Hohnjec (archive: Parni valjak)

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


ne of the concerts you held on tour while celebrating your 40 years of work was at the "Hala sportova" venue in Belgrade. That is where you held your first concert. What was it like to stand on the same stage after such a long time? It was unusual to be in the same venue again. It looked much smaller. Perhaps because of the production that was incomparably larger than then, or perhaps because the dreams we dreamt came true, and so we became used to large venues. In any case, we felt both nostalgic and excited.

Over the course of your long career, you played everywhere: throughout Croatia and the region, upon invitation from the audience abroad, but Zagreb is your city. Is it harder or easier to play in Zagreb? Which concert in Zagreb do you remember most? Zagreb is definitely the hardest place to play. Before concerts in Zagreb we feel nervous and have more stage fright than normal. It is our city and we have to be at our best here. I guess the feeling of responsibility is also the greatest here. As far as concerts are concerned, it's hard to single out a certain one, but it seems

Parni valjak - Prolazi sve, zar ne? [OFFICIAL AUDIO]


© Parni valjak, www.parnivaljak.com

that with the two "Acoustic-Electric" concerts we played in December 2015, two days in a row with minimal overlapping of songs, we raised the bar high not only for ourselves, but also for others. How do things look when you're on tour, how did you divide up the roles? Who is the life of the party, and who makes sure things stay under control? Our trips are comfortable and fun. Even when they are physically totally exhausting, we are still in high spirits. We're a good team and everyone has their own sense of responsibility, so there is no need to keep things under control. Even when we have a good time after a gig, it definitely doesn't affect the next performance. Where do you hang out while off-stage and outside the studio most? Who is the first to grab an instrument or microphone?

If we're not on the road or in the studio, then we're practicing. It's our daily routine. For us, music is both our profession and our hobby. When we do take time off, then we take a break from one another, but it often ends up that we are often together even then. We go out for dinner, play tennis, or go skiing. Along with a devoted audience that has followed you since the beginning of your career, there are also some new faces in the audience. How different is the audience today from the one that grew with you as a band? The times have changed. Today, kids have a significantly greater offer than kids their age in the seventies and eighties. In a way, it's normal that music isn't that important to them, but it's good that it's still present...

Marija Rakuljić (Slavonski Brod, Croatia); Anja Sučić (Brežice, Slovenia)

tip: Would you like to win a Parni valjak CD? Write us why and send your answer to contest@tiptravelmagazine.com The authors of the two most original answers will receive an album as a gift.

February - April 2016


Your career has been rich in large numbers. You've received many professional awards, sold out the largest venues, and your albums have been sold in astonishingly high numbers... still you continue to create more. What are your wishes and plans for the future? We simply cannot accept nostalgia. We have tons of songs that people love and want to hear, but at the same time we are also creating new ones since we are expressing our current selves through them. If they're good, they will also become required listening for some new kids. That's the plan. To make good music that will remain behind, and to play as long as it makes us happy. 

Winners of the Vanna album from the last edition:




© M. Ilej / UNICEF


© V. Kljajo / UNICEF


A chance for a new, fair start Text: UNICEF Croatia Photo archive: UNICEF

Children in the Refugee Center in Opatovac; The boat was made by nineyear-old Shahnaz, and shows her greatest trauma.


very fourth refugee in 2015 was a child. Torn from their homes, fleeing the horrible reality that transformed their homelands into a tragic war zone, children are traumatized, exhausted, and they often fall ill. On their way to a better life, they face the dangers of drowning, frostbite, being separated from their families, and even human trafficking. War is the only reality young Syrian children know since the conflict in that country has been active for the last five years. After so much sorrow, refugee children are in desperate need of rest, clean clothing, food, but also psychosocial support. At the very beginning of the refugee crisis, UNICEF Croatia made sure that children and their families received the proper care and protection in the

Mobile teams, interpreters, volunteers, and partners try to give each child what they need most.


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

shelters. From early on, mobile teams, interpreters, volunteers, and partners have tried to give each child what they need most. In "children's corners", there are recreational activities so that children can feel safe and protected while playing games, resting, and receiving warm support from adults trained in psychosocial aid. A center for mothers and infants was opened for the youngest and their mothers as well as expectant mothers. Tired from an exhausting journey, mothers can change and feed their children in peace, and get some rest themselves before continuing their journey. Teams of doctors ensure that every child gets the treatment they require. Up to 150 children pass through the center for mothers and infants on a daily basis. Some of them were born prematurely and have been on the road since they left their incubators, some were born on the road...

More than shelter and protection Little Djano was born in Slavonski Brod. His family is from Iraq, and their destination is Sweden. When his mother Mariam had to be admitted to the

© J. Tešija / UNICEF

© T. Georgiev / UNICEF

in the refugee crisis, along with the many drawings children leave behind as they continue their journey. Their drawings show that weapons, fear, and uncertainty were part of their daily lives. The heartbreaking stories of refugee children motivate the on-site UNICEF team to offer more than shelter and protection. They try to spend time with each so that, at least while they are in Croatia, they feel safe and supported. The children respond by showing true childish delight because they have had the opportunity to be children again. We remember them by the smiles they give us as they head off on their journey, hoping they will find a place to grow in peace, go to school without worrying that their school will be destroyed, and to go out into the street without the fear that they or their friends could lose their life. Those children deserve a chance for a new, fair start. 

In the children's corners, children feel safe and protected; Husen in his father's warm embrace; Children playing at the Refugee Center in Slavonski Brod; Children at the center in Opatovac; At UNICEF's centers for mothers and infants, children get clean clothing, and mothers have the chance to rest from their journey.

© V. Kljajo / UNICEF

© V. Kljajo / UNICEF

© T. Georgiev / UNICEF

hospital due to frequent labor pains, the remainder of his family was taken care of in the center for mothers and infants. The arrival of the baby boy in his mother's arms delighted not only his family members, but also UNICEF's entire team. Husen Muhamad Khaled is six years old. A month before his journey he was injured in a bomb attack in Syria. He went out onto the street to buy bread. He didn't manage to get any because a bomb was thrown near him at that moment. Husen lost his leg. His parents have been carrying him the entire way. They are on their way to Germany, where they hope to get the best medical treatment for Husen. Shahnaz is nine years old and comes from Afghanistan. While staying in the "children's corner" in Slavonski Brod, she made a paper boat to show how she was saved from drowning. Her boat is a symbol of children's casualties

tip: Find out more about UNICEF's activities here:

February - April 2016



News and announcements


Record number of tourist arrivals in 2015

Amsterdam Denim Days From April 11 to 17, Amsterdam will be denim blue, because Amsterdam Denim Days will be held for the third time in that city. For years, Amsterdam has been building its reputation as the European capital of denim, and so it is no wonder this festival celebrating everything denim is held there. At that time, not only will fans of denim gather in the city, but also producers of denim items, fashion designers, and experts who will discuss trends regarding the production, design, and creation of denim products. There will also be many public events and fairs held at Denim Days.

International fair of the congress industry in Turkey For the third time, the only Turkish congress industry fair, the ACE of M.I.C.E. Exhibition will host many industry experts, exhibitors and clients in Istanbul from March 16 to 18, 2016. Over the three days of this leading gathering of the congress industry, many B2B meetings, symposiums, conferences, and networking activities will be held. The fourth ACE of M.I.C.E. awards ceremony will take place during the second day of the fair, at the Zorlu Performing Arts Center, and more than 2500 industry professionals will attend. www.croatiameetings.com


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© Robert Kunštek © Apriori World

© ACE of M.I.C.E.

© Robert Kunštek

According to the new edition of the World Tourism Barometer, a total of 1.2 billion international tourist arrivals were recorded globally in 2015, which is 50 million (+4.4%) more than in 2014. So, for the sixth consecutive year, an above-average increase in international tourist arrivals has been recorded, and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) also expects an increase of four percent this year. Each of the three strongest regions in the world: Europe, America, and Asia Pacific, marked and increase of five percent last year, and Europe is still the most visited region in the world with half of the total number of foreign tourists traveling the world.

PRO.PR conference in Budva From April 7 to 10, the 14th PRO.PR conference, an international public relations conference, will be held in Budva (Montenegro). At the conference, lectures will be held by 21 global and regional communications experts, who will share their knowledge and experience with conference participants through 16 lectures and four workshops. Some of the topics include "Best Practices as a Legacy for Future Generations", and "The Art of Business Diplomacy: Good PR", and there will also be some discussions on creating destination brands. Some of this year's lecturers are Georg Dieter Herbst and Thomas Musiolik from the University of Berlin, Isabel Evans from Facebook, Irena Šarić Dombaj from L'Oreal Adria...

Presentation of the oldest archeological finding in the world

Airbnb competition for traditional agencies A growing number of private accommodations that are on the market most of the year are being reserved via the Airbnb global rental platform. That was shown by an analysis by Pennsylvania State University, conducted in 12 large cities in the USA. It was the first such analysis of the business of the platform that presents serious competition for traditional agencies, especially when family accommodations are in question. The analysis showed that a growing percentage of Airbnb revenue is due to regular renters, who rent out more than one suite. It was shown that in the 12 American cities analyzed, the website makes 30 percent of its revenue from mediating in the rentals of full-time landlords, who rent out their apartments out 360 days a year, and their percentage is growing. www.croatiaweek.com

The Chinese, Americans and British travelled most According to data from the World Tourism Barometer, last year the Chinese, Americans, and British traveled the world the most, primarily due to the strong currency in those countries and economic recovery. The percentage of those from Russia and Brazil, traditionally strong countries when travel is in question, fell drastically last year due to economic restrictions in those countries. As far as increased spending is concerned, Chinese tourists take first place. Last year, American tourists spent about nine percent more, while British tourists spent about six percent more, and the Canadians and French decreased their spending last year.

© swiss-image.ch / Alan Meier

© Robert Kunštek

© M - traveltouristservice

© Alert

On January 21, 2016, in the Swiss town of Davos, upon the initiative of Şahenk it was announced that $15 million US would be invested in Göbekli Tepe, the oldest archeological site in the world that is believed to be more than 7000 years older than Stonehenge and 7500 years older than the Egyptian pyramids. This archeological site is located at the top of a mountain cliff in the southeastern part of the Turkish region of Anatolia. Known as the "Fertile crescent" and saturated with the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, this area was once known as Mesopotamia. In Davos, where world leaders were invited to express their support of the project, representatives of the Şahenk initiative also presented the site, and its ice sculpture.

2017 - The International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development Next year, 2017, has been proclaimed the International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development. In doing so, the United Nations General Assembly emphasized the importance of tourism, but also greater awareness of the rich heritage of different civilizations, as well as better understanding of different cultures. This decision was made at an important time with the acceptance of the new Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which cover tourism within three targets: sustainable and inclusive economic growth, sustainable production and consumption, and preservation of the ocean, sea, and marine resources. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is responsible for the organization and conduct of the initiative.

February - April 2016



Travel fair


tip: ITB Berlin will be held this year from March 9 to 13. Tickets for the fair can also be purchased from the ITB Berlin representative for Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fair Services d.o.o., at a lower price:

Fifty years of global success More than 180 countries from five continents are represented by ten thousand exhibitors, and every year, business deals valued at around seven billion euro are made at the fair.

F Text: Fair Services d.o.o. Photo archive: ITB Berlin


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

rom the outset, ITB Berlin’s recipe for success was its ability to recognise trends and visionary ideas. However, the events surrounding its launch did not bode well for the fair. In the Messe Berlin archives correspondence can be found that urgently advises calling off the "tourism exchange", labelling it as "totally pointless". The organisers ignored the doubters and refused to be swayed, and in 1966 they launched the first event under the heading of an overseas import fair. Nine exhibitors from five countries (Egypt, Brazil, the Federal Republic of Germany, Guinea and Iraq) displayed their products and services on the exhibition grounds. Fifty years later, ITB Berlin is a genuine

success story "made in Berlin". As a minor event in 1966, with a display area of 580 square metres, it hosted nine exhibitors from five countries and was attended by 250 trade visitors. Today, it has become the world’s most successful platform for the travel industry. Currently, the 26 halls at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, with a floor space of around 150 000 square metres, are completely booked. More than 180 countries from five continents are represented by ten thousand exhibitors, and every year, business deals valued at around seven billion euro are made at the fair. The industry’s largest travel industry convention takes place at the same time, and it is attended by 23 000 visitors. Every year,

the show attracts over 110 000 trade visitors, and more than 40 per cent of them come from abroad.

From Berlin with Love Since 1966, ITB Berlin has grown not merely in terms of size, exhibitors, and visitors. Over the last 50 years it has become the world’s largest travel trade show, displaying a comprehensive overview of the market that includes travel products and services from around the world and growth-intensive niche markets. It also reflects trends in society, as well as technical and economic developments. As a driving force and pioneer in the tourism

industry, ITB Berlin has always been, and still is, a step ahead of the rest. To mark the anniversary, ITB Berlin is visiting 50 travel destinations in cooperation with airberlin. Ambassadors of ITB Berlin are travelling around the world and picking up interesting, fascinating, and unusual stories in encounters with the representatives of the various countries in question. For those who are interested, the meetings can be followed under the heading of "From Berlin with Love" at www.itb50.com, where new stories are published every week. All of these encounters will be recorded in a book which will be presented at ITB Berlin 2016.

The success story of ITB Berlin does not end there. Indeed, it has now become a successful export on the international market. Eight years ago it was launched in Asia, and in no time at all, ITB Asia established itself as the leading B2B show for the Asian travel market. Nearly 800 exhibitors from over 70 countries participate at the fair, which is visited by around nine thousand participants from 110 countries. The future has begun, and with their strategic know-how, experience and the contacts they have established world­ wide over the last 50 years, the ITB Berlin team is ably equipped to meet the challenges that lie ahead. ď ś

February - April 2016



World attractions











CN tower


Every year, more than two million visitors are attracted by the CN tower, one of the main attractions in Toronto, the capital of the Canadian province of Ontario. Although it is 533 meters tall, the highest level that can be reached, using two elevators, is the Sky Pod at 447 meters. The view offered from this viewpoint, especially at sunset, is priceless, and they say even Niagara Falls and New York can be seen on a clear day. There are several other viewpoints and a restaurant at the tower, and for those who are a little more adventurous, there is the EdgeWalk. If you decide to try this adventure out, you will be equipped with a protective suit and ropes so the walk on the outside edge of the tower can start.

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© Brussels Airlines

© Swiss International Air Lines


© Austrian Airlines

© Lufthansa Pixels

Inspired by Travel: Life is a journey | Lufthansa

© Lufthansa, LH.com

Easy traveling with the long with five direct return flights for Frankfurt and Munich, starting March 28, Lufthansa is introducing an additional morning flight from Zagreb to Frankfurt. The 84-seat Bombardier CRJ900 twin-engine plane will fly to Frankfurt in an hour and thirty minutes. So, passengers are excellently connected with a wide network of Lufthansa destinations, especially in Europe and North America. Today, with 5460 flights, Lufthansa successfully connects more than 215 destinations in 77 countries worldwide, and through the airports in Frankfurt and Munich, it is excellently connected with business and holiday destinations in Germany, Europe, and the world. The flight from Zagreb to Frankfurt isn't the only news from this group.

Just like Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines, which already fly to Toronto, as of March 27, Brussels Airlines is also introducing a line that will fly from Brussels to that Canadian city five times a week. Also, two Airbus A330 planes will be joining the Brussels Airlines fleet, and the LOOP program is also

© Swiss International Air Lines


Lufthansa group

a novelty for users of the European destination network, which enables travelers to get a free flight in a quick and easy way. This year, Austrian Airlines also has new novelties and, with its existing flights to Teheran, as of April 4 it is introducing a new Vienna-Isfahan line. Austrian Airlines will fly to this commercial and university center in central Iran four times a week, and the flight lasts four hours and forty minutes. It will also be incredibly comfortable to fly with Swiss Air this year, as their new Boeing 777-300ER offers a unique travel experience. With their new, comfortable seats, wireless internet, and new interior, travelling to Hong Kong, Los Angeles, and Bangkok will take no time at all. 

LH.com February - April 2016



Interesting facts


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Shepherd's settlement on Velika planina


At the top of the Velika planina plateau in central Slovenia, near Ljubljana, there is a picturesque shepherd's settlement. Although there is life on the mountain all year long, it is most attractive in the summer when the shepherds bring the cattle to graze, so creating a unique cultural landscape. Take a walk next to the shepherd's houses, tour Preskar's museum, and the Chapel of Our Lady of Snow, try homemade cheese, and enjoy the fresh mountain air.

tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© Nea Culpa / Ljubljana Tourism

© Kristjan Žontar / Ljubljana Tourism


© Arne Hodalič / Ljubljana Tourism

© Nea Culpa / Ljubljana Tourism

Ljubljena Ljubljana (HD - dolgi)

© Mestna občina Ljubljana MOL

European Green Capital 2016

Ljubljana Tourism, Krekov trg 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

 +386 1 3064590, pr@visitljubljana.si, www.visitljubljana.com

offer attractive destinations for relaxation and nature excursions, such as Kamniške Alpe, hills at the foot of the Alps, the Ljubljanska kotlina valley, the unique natural phenomenon of Ljubljansko Barje, karst fields, underground caves, rivers, and lakes. After an active day full of experiences, it's time to enjoy Ljubljana's traditional specialties in one of the 30 restaurants with the official "Taste Ljubljana" sign. If you join the guided "Taste Ljubljana food tour", you will discover all the flavors and aromas of traditional dishes. 

© Odprta kuhna / Ljubljana Tourism

© Nea Culpa / Ljubljana Tourism

favorite transportation device, and more than 1.6 million rides have been recorded in the "BicikeLJ" bike sharing system. Motorized traffic in the downtown core has been completely reduced to the benefit of pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation, and Ljubljana has also gotten new green areas and river banks. The wider pedestrian zones have become a unique outdoor stage for music festivals, street theaters, dance performances, sports competitions, and exhibitions. Also the green borders of the city, which includes the 25 surrounding municipalities with diverse landscapes,

© Dušan Zidar / Ljubljana Tourism


ver the last ten years, the traffic network in Slovenia's capital city has completely changed in accordance with high standards of environmental protection, and the city has become cozier and more charming for its inhabitants, but also for the growing number of tourists visiting the city. In Ljubljana, which is this year's European Green Capital, you can jump into an electrical vehicle, the popular "Cavaliers", as famous as their drivers, and take a free ride through the expanded pedestrian zone. Bicycles have also become a

February - April 2016





A weekend in Ljubljana Written by: Petra Albreht ◆ Photo archive: Ljubljana Tourism

What to see? Walk through the center of Ljubljana and see Tromostovje, the most beautiful bridge in the city, and Prešernov trg with the Franciscan church. Don't miss out on Kongresni trg and Mestni trg, which forms a whole entity with two more squares, Stari and Gornji trg. Take some time for a walk on Petkovškovo nabrežje along the Ljubljanica River. Take a break in one of the many cafés on Trubarjeva street.

© Mostphotos / Ljubljana Toursim

© Dunja Wedam / Ljubljana Tourism

© Dunja Wedam / Ljubljana Tourism

Although it is one of the smallest capital cities in Europe, Ljubljana is full of attractions and appealing places to have fun.

© Primož Hieng / Ljubljana Tourism

Visit Tivoli Park and Rožnik hill - green oases in the center of the city. At Tivoli you can enjoy a free outdoor library under the canopy of the trees and outdoor exhibitions from May to December, and Rožnik, with its meadows and exercise trails, is paradise for recreational athletes.

© Dunja Wedam / Ljubljana Tourism

Green oases


tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

© Mostphotos / Ljubljana Toursim

© Mostphotos / Ljubljana Toursim

The Ljubljanica bridges Besides the most famous, Tromostovje, the architecture of Mesarski most is also interesting. Hang a lock on its fence and keep your love safe. Don't miss out on getting your picture taken under the dragon statue on Zmajski most, which is known as the most photographed attraction in Ljubljana.

Where to have fun?

© D. Sipla / Ljubljana Tourism

© Boris Voglar / Ljubljana Tourism

© D. Sipla / Ljubljana Tourism

The capital city of Slovenia is a center of alternative culture, and many abandoned or old buildings have been transformed into generators of cultural events, exhibition halls and galleries, clubs, non-profit centers, gathering places for artists... Amongst them are Metelkova mesto, a former army barracks, the former Rog bicycle factory, and the formerly legendary Šiška cinema now hosts world-renowned musicians. The old power plant, a magnificent monument of industrial architecture, now houses the center for performing arts, while at Križanke, which was designed by the most famous Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik, global stars perform concerts on an outdoor stage.

© Pivnica Union / Ljubljana Tourism

© Andrej Tomazin / Ljubljana Tourism

The Modern Gallery, National Gallery, Contemporary Art Museum, Ethnographic Museum, and Mestni Museum are just a few of the museums worth a visit in Ljubljana.

© Janko Dermastja / Ljubljana Tourism

Museums and galleries

Where to eat?

How to tour the city?

If you would like to enjoy traditional Slovenian dishes, visit Vodnikov hram or Pivnica Union, which is owned by the famous Ljubljana brewery of the same name.

A boat tour on Ljubljanica is always a good choice and bicycles can be rented at every step, so you can head out to tour the city on the bike routes, which are everywhere.

© Dunja Wedam / Ljubljana Tourism

It is best to reach Ljubljana castle, which offers an unforgettable view of Ljubljana and the surrounding mountains, by cable car, and then head down with a short walk. At the café-restaurant at the top of Nebotičnik, the first skyscraper in Ljubljana, sung about in a song, enjoy the panoramic view of the city.

© Mostphotos / Ljubljana Toursim

A panoramic view

February - April 2016



We're taking you to...











Salzburg in the evening hours.

100 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

It is incredibly easy to lose yourself in Salzburg, in the combination of its colors, sounds, aromas, and flavors that will win you over literally at every step you take. Lose yourself in Salzburg this spring, and then start planning for your visit to Salzburg's Advent.


All the colors of Salzburg Written by: Željka Kunštek Photos: Robert Kunštek and Tourismus Salzburg

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 101

We're taking you to...


tip: In the winter, Hellbrun palace will delight you with Advent magic, and from April to October with its trick fountains and interesting collection.

Unique ornaments and crafts adorn the Advent fair in front of Hellbrun palace.

102 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016


ome people, including globetrotters, have told me that after they have visited a destination that impressed them they try not to return to it so that it remains in their memory that way forever. The reason behind that, they say, is that the second visit is usually less impressive. I must admit that I don't agree with these claims, and on the contrary, I love to return to destinations where I feel good, which have a special vibe, and have impressed me, and there are even some that impress me once again every time I visit. Salzburg is one of those places, which I gave the chance to prove itself to me another

time in December 2015, this time with its Advent charms. It succeeded once again.

Different from the others In contrast to my previous trips to the "salt fortress" (which is the literal translation of the name Salzburg), which would start every time with my arrival in the very heart of town on Residenzplatz, this time, my happy group and I first planned on dropping by Hellbrun palace. However, this time, the summer palace and its trick fountains (which are opened from April to October) weren't our reason

Š To ur ism us Sa lzb ur g

for visiting, but instead we came for Hellbrun Adventzauber - the Advent magic that took place around the castle. Along the promenade that leads to the castle, which was now used as a large Advent calendar, there were booths held by craftspeople (mostly from Salzburg and southern Germany) with unique crafts: ornaments, scented soap, jewelry, items made of wool and wood, various traditional delicacies...In the unique ambiance and the offer that surrounded us, it was easy to conclude that this wasn't a classic, commercial fair that exudes the influence of globalization, but precisely the opposite. It was a true small unique

delight, a treat for every true "Advent buff". Of course, it wouldn't be a fair if we didn't warm up with some mulled wine and bratwurst. With a cup of hot chocolate in hand, and intoxicated with the aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, and cloves, we walked through the park that surrounds the palace, and its 460 trees were decorated with 13 thousand large, red, hand-placed ornaments. There was also a part favored by the children: a small petting zoo with farm animals, where, amongst other things, there was also a bakery. This fair is also a favorite amongst families, and every Advent it attracts around 200 thousand visitors.

Around 1.4 million tourists visit Salzburg during Advent and leave the city around 74 million euro in that one month.

Even in the winter months, Hellbrun palace's surroundings look magical; Ornaments by Austrian craftsmen; Every year, 13 thousand hand-placed red ornaments adorn the trees around Hellbrun; Part of the fair is also decorated for the youngest visitors.

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 103

We're taking you to...


In "German Rome" A sweet version of the "Silent Night" chapel; Salzburg's sweets displayed in many shop windows in the city will win you over; The historic center of Salzburg is protected by UNESCO; The interior of Salzburg's cathedral; Attractive stands full of delicacies are one of Salzburg's features.

The historic center of Salzburg was added to UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1997.

104 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

After a large dinner in a pub, it felt good to take an evening walk through the city and head off to bed early so that we could head out to Salzburg's winter wonderland as soon as possible the next morning. We nearly walked directly into Christkindlmarkt, the main Advent fair in the city, from our hotel near Residenzplatz. I say it’s the main fair, because there are many in Salzburg, hidden in picturesque courtyards and squares, and in the entire Salzburger Land region, there are around 150 during Advent. This fair was bigger and different from the one in Hellbrun, and its backdrop was Salzburger Dom, the Baroque cathedral dedicated to St. Rupert, where one of the most famous musicians in the world, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was baptized. Mozart

even composed religious music for this cathedral, and if you have the chance to be in it when the organs in the church are played, you will be able to completely experience this building. Due to the large number of churches in the city, a total of 40, Salzburg was also called "German Rome", and the most magnificent of them all is this cathedral. There, just like in DomQuartier, the complex connected to the cathedral, you will be able to feel the strength of this city.

Walking through the city After warm punch and a slice of Kletzenbrot (bread with dried fruit, which is traditionally eaten for Christmas), we went across the square behind the cathedral, where our attention was caught by a big sculpture of the sun. German artists wanted to give a modern

© To ur ism us Sa lzb ur g

note to the city, letting each passerby interpret this often photographed symbol of the city in their own way. We also stopped by the mill that dates back to the 12th century, and still works tirelessly today, and we couldn't resist the aroma of fresh-baked pastries that wafted from the oldest bakery in Salzburg, located right next to the mill. Every Advent, this small square is also home to the largest Advent wreath in Salzburg, with 24 candles, and

tip: If you plan to visit several sites in Salzburg, get the SalzburgCard, which give you free admission to all the city attractions and museums, free public transportation, discounts on excursions and cultural events...

next to it is the story of its inventor. A young German evangelical priest, Johann Hinrich Wichern, came up with the idea when he created a wooden wreath with 24 candles to symbolize the days until Christmas for the children in the orphanage where he worked.

A view of Hohen-­ salzburg fortress and the sculpture of the sun; Through­out the year, Salzburg's streets are toured by tourists; At the oldest bakery in the city; The largest Advent wreath in the city.

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 105



© Ro Tr ber av t K el u m nšt ag e az k in e

We're taking you to...

106 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

The interior of the catacombs; The exterior of the catacombs; Many famous people from Salzburg's past are buried at the old city graveyard.

We continued our walk through the mystical old graveyard of St. Peter (Peters足 friedhof ), which is considered to be the oldest in central Europe (according to some assumptions, it dates back to the 4th century). It is the final resting place of Mozart's sister, Joseph Haydn's brother, Paul F端rst (inventor of the Mozart ball), along with the architect of the Salzburg cathedral, Hitler's favorite painter... Across from St. Peter's church, in a rock above the graveyard, are the early Christian catacombs. An interesting fact for all movie buffs is that this was a filming location and one of the sets of the globally popular classic, "The Sound of Music". That movie is one of the main reasons many tourists (especially Americans) visit Salzburg.

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 107

We're taking you to...


tip: You can try and buy original Mozart balls in only four stores in the city, named Fürst.

You will recognize the original Mozart balls for their silver wrapping with a blue picture of Mozart; The "Silent Night" chapel; At the oldest school in Austria and the Silent Night museum, where the melody for the song was composed.

108 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Following the path of "Silent Night" Although it isn't a good idea to eat sweets before lunch, we couldn't resist trying the original Mozart balls, called Fürst (named after their inventor). These handmade balls can only be found in four stores in the city (Fürst), and you will recognize them for their silver wrapping with a blue picture of Mozart. The price of one ball is 1.20 euro. Interestingly, Fürst made them about a hundred years after Mozart's death and dedicated them to this musical genius. As far as sweets go, don’t miss out on trying Sacher torte while in Salzburg. After a delicious lunch with a view of the city, in the afternoon we headed out, following the path of Silent Night, one of the most beautiful Christmas

songs of all time. The "Silent Night" chapel in Oberndorf, a town located about 20 km north of Salzburg, looked magical at dusk. The song was first performed here, created by the joint effort of Joseph Mohr, who worked here as a priest, and Franz Xaver Gruber, a composer, organ player, and teacher. We continue on towards Arnsdorf, an idyllic village that is home to the oldest school in Austria, where Gruber worked as a teacher for 21 years. This is where he composed the melody for Silent Night, and songs still echo within the walls of this school every day, performed by young musicians. The "Silent Night" museum was recently opened at the school, and it houses the first copy of the organ notes for this song. The museum also reveals many interesting facts about Gruber's life, as well as legends

Š Tourismus Salzburg

about this song. Here, amongst other things, you will find out that the song wasn't originally liturgical, that is was performed for the first time on a guitar (due to a problem with the organ), and you will also find out how it became universally popular.

A fortress with a view The following morning was reserved for Hohensalzburg, a fortress that has guarded the city since the 11th century, and is the largest medieval fortress in Europe. Within its walls today, there are three museums with valuable collections, and the one we especially dedicated a lot of attention to this time was the Marionette Museum with historical puppets from the puppet theater in Salzburg, such as Papageno from Mozart's Magic Flute, but also with many interesting puppets from Europe and Asia. Throughout the year, the romantic courtyard at the fortress and the count's rooms are a stage for various cultural events, and those who want to enjoy the attractive view of the city and surrounding area climb up to the fortress on a daily basis.

So, you will often have to wait for a free table at many pubs and breweries in the city, unless, of course, you made a reservation in advance. After lunch in one of the pubs, we headed off to Stiegls Brauwelt, the largest private brewery in Austria, which has been family-run since 1492. Even Mozart enjoyed beer from this brewery, the hosts will boast, and they will gladly take you on a tour of the brewery and teach you about the beer production process. An interesting film was also made about beer, and here you will also see various types of beer that were produced throughout history, various beer mugs, and labels that accompanied them, along with many other interesting facts about one of the favorite beverages in the world. Naturally, the visit to the brewery ends with a tasting session.

A night panorama of Salzburg with the fortress and cathedral in the foreground; The Marionette Museum; The film about beer production in Stiegls Brauwelt, the largest private brewery in Austria.

In the area surrounding the city of Salzburg, there are three salt mines, including Hallein, one of the oldest salt mines in the world. Besides giving the city its name, salt allowed the people to survive, provided the archbishops with a fortune, and gave the city luxury.

Salzburg's beer story However, Salzburg is more than a city of culture, Baroque, and music, it is also a true Austrian beer capital. Drinking various types of beer, many of which are produced in the Salzburg region, is part of the culture and lifestyle here.

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 109

We're taking you to...


Salzburg is also a city of superlatives. Here you will find the oldest restaurant in central Europe (St. Peter Stiftskeller), the oldest Benedictine monastery outside Italy, the largest medieval fortress in Europe, the most beautiful administration office in the world (the Marble Hall at Mirabell Palace), and it is the hometown of the most famous musician in the world - Mozart...

Flavors of Salzburg Various types of beer accompany Salzburg's gastronomy, one of the top features of this city, very well. However, prepare yourself for the fact that the portions here are truly large wherever you go, so if you aren't very hungry, often one portion will suffice for two people. Some pubs and restaurants are famous for certain dishes, so in Bärenwirt pub make sure to try the beer soup (Bierschaum­suppe) and/or the dumpling soup (Kaspress­knödel­suppe), fried chicken and baked dumplings (Salzburger Nockerl). The Sternbräu pub is a gastro icon in the old part of Salzburg, where we warmed up with soup made of pumpkin, ginger and chili pepper (Cremesuppe vom Muskatkürbis), tried Wiener Schnitzel, prepared according to the original recipe, and ended our meal sweetly with Sacher torte. Traditional Austrian dishes can

© Tourismus Salzburg

Pumpkin soup; Dumpling soup; Fried chicken; Baked dumplings; Steak tartare; The beer drinking culture is a typical part Augustiner of Salzburg; beer goes excellently with fried schnitzel.

110 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

also be tried in the Weiserhof pub, and dishes prepared using contemporary methods can be eaten in the Skybar restaurant at the Crowne Plaza Hotel with a beautiful view of the city. We had a completely different experience on the final evening, before our return from Salzburg. That pleasure for all the senses is hidden under the name "Mozart Dinner Concert", and it is held every evening throughout the year at the Baroque Hall in St. Peter's Stiftskeller, the oldest restaurant in central Europe (where the Mozart family also loved to dine). It is regularly almost completely booked. This unique event is actually a dinner with several courses, with dishes prepared according to 18th century recipes (which were Mozart's favorites) accompanied by Mozart's arias and duets from Don Giovanni, Figaro, The Magic Flute, and A Little Night Music... They are performed live

by superb opera singers and musicians from the Mozarteum, the famous music university in Salzburg, and they are dressed in costumes from Mozart's time. Superb music, a fantastic dinner, and an ambiance that leaves you breathless (a luxurious Baroque hall, illuminated with candles, which was additionally decorated for Advent), are the recipe for an unforgettable evening in Salzburg. The price of the dinner is 56 euro per person, or 68 euro during Advent.

The heart-chakra of Europe The following morning, before heading back to Zagreb, we took the opportunity to ride a cable car to Untersberg, a famous resort. This mountain is also famous for its marble, which was used to build a large part of Salzburg, for its mountain springs, and it has many legends tied to it. One of them says that when someone goes up

the mountain, it takes them ten years to come back. This mountain, which offers a beautiful view of Salzburg's lakes and surrounding snowy peaks, was also visited by the Dalai Lama. He then said that it is a positive mountain and place with a lot of energy, and called Untersberg the "heart-chakra of Europe". Rejuvenated, we headed down to the town of GrĂśdig, at the foot of Untersberg, where a small but special Christmas fair is held every year during Advent. There it is possible to find various homemade products, crafts, and ornaments, and the prices are truly affordable. The special feature of the fair is that all revenue collected from sales is donated by the hosts to charity, for persons with disabilities. Full of impressions, and Mozart balls (this time from the Mirabell factory), which were slowly melting in our mouths, we headed back towards Zagreb, certain that Salzburg will see us again soon. ď ś

The Mozart Dinner Concert is an experience for all the senses; Part of the St. Peter Stiftskeller restaurant is located in a boulder; At lunch in GrĂśdig; Untersberg; The cross on Untersberg; The view from Untersberg.

Travelling enabled by:

Stage of the World

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 111

World attractions


tip: Stay in Joshua Tree National Park until sunset, when the colors and contrasts in the park become a priceless experience.

Text and photos: Spomenka Saraga

112 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Joshua Tree National Park Every year, many tourists are attracted to Joshua Tree National Park, in an enormous desert area in southeastern California. This spacious park is best toured by vehicle, while stopping at certain parts with a view of unique, breathtaking nature. The unusually shaped boulders attract professional climbers, photographers, and tourists, and every skilled visitor finds it a challenge to conquer its peaks, for which they need to wear the appropriate footwear. The view of the desert landscape, the contrast between the sky and the boulders, the unbelievable silence, and the satisfaction you feel while climbing are simply priceless. The park got its name from the unique Joshua tree, which only grows in this area. Legend has it that the tree got its name from Joshua who led his people to the promised land, and if you have a closer look at the tree and its leaves, you will see that they look like an extended hand. In the past the Native Americans used the wood from this tree in many ways, for example, they used its hard leaves to make baskets and sandals, amongst other things. The park is worth visiting at all times of the year, and besides these unusual trees, it is also home to various wildflowers, and many species of birds. Whether you will just drive through the park or enjoy some activities such as cycling, climbing, hiking, walking, camping, or photography is entirely up to you. But one thing is for sure - if you love nature, you will love it here.

Yucca Valley Located only a 15-minute ride away from Joshua Tree National Park is the town of Yucca Valley. One of the greatest attractions here is Pioneertown, a town built in 1946 for filming western movies. Fans of beer, live music and dancing will enjoy this unique ambiance, as will gourmets who make sure to visit the nearby restaurant, where one of the house specialties is bison meat.

February - April 2016

tipTravelMagazine 113

World attractions


114 tipTravelMagazine February - April 2016

Paradise islands of the Pacific Ocean

fo to lia

February - April 2016


One of the youngest and smallest countries in the world can be found in the Pacific Ocean, around 800 km southeast of the Philippines. Palau is the name of this island paradise with around 250 islands. The main features of Palau are rocky, green islands with heavenly white beaches, and especially interesting is the underwater world of these islands, which is abundant with several hundred species of coral and fish. Interestingly, these islands have a connection with the island of Mljet in Croatia. Harmless jellyfish from the Aurelia genus live in the salt lakes on Mljet, and they can grow up to 55 cm in diameter. These jellyfish don't live anywhere else in the world, and their closest relatives can be found in a salt lake in the Palau islands, which have an ambiance identical to the salt lakes on Mljet.

tipTravelMagazine 115


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