tip Travel magazine Croatia 009 (English edition) 12/2014 - 01/2015

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ISSN: 1849-059X


Number 9 • Year II • December 2014 - January 2015


Issue topic

Croatia: South Dalmatia


T I C K E TS Concerts & performan



Plitvice Lakes Opatija Trends

Samobor and Krašić • Vukovar-Srijem County Advent: Zagreb • Gourmet: Holiday spread • Skiing: Austria


UNESCO: Festival of St. Blaise kolovoz / rujan 2014.


Travel and tourism magazine ISSN: 1849-059X Publisher: Tip Kreativa Ltd. Jordanovac 119, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia tel: +385 1 2348 488 mob: +385 91 7958 016 info@tiptravelmagazine.com www.tiptravelmagazine.com www.facebook.com/tiptravelmagazine MB: 4055845 EU VAT Number: HR21136573248 Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. IBAN: HR4524020061100663844 Editor in Chief: Željka Kunštek zeljka@tiptravelmagazine.com Graphic Designer: Robert Kunštek robert@tiptravelmagazine.com Associates in this issue: Sanja Plješa, Vlatka Vužić, Tatjana Miščančuk, Alma Radoš, Andreja Milas, Lidija Erceg Translator: Marija Crnogaj Marketing: Tip Kreativa Ltd. marketing@tiptravelmagazine.com Photo source: tipTravel magazine archive, archives of Croatian Tourist Boards, PHOTOnet.hr, fotolia Cover page: Dubrovnik, photo: Boris Kačan (archive: Croatian National Tourist Board)

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tipTravelMagazine kolovoz / rujan 2014.


A winter of diverse experiences


hy not go somewhere in December or take a nice trip to start off the new year? It really doesn't matter where you go and for how long. Head out somewhere even if only for a day. Travel opens new horizons, enriches us in many ways (even though we might not be aware of it), and fills us with the energy we really need for the new adventures and challenges that lie ahead in the new year. Over the past year, through a series of reports and articles, we have tried to show you destinations in Croatia and abroad to reveal at least some of their assets, and to show you the trends in that large world of travel... all with the aim of intriguing you and motivating you to travel. We hope we have succeeded, at least partially, and that in reading tipTravel magazine you have discovered something new, gotten an idea for a trip, and headed out to explore some destinations of your own. Winter is truly magical in Croatia, and it offers different experiences, flavors, and aromas in coastal areas than it does in continental destinations. Walking through, for example, Dubrovnik, in the winter months, drinking tea or mulled wine outdoors, nibbling on sugared almonds, and listening to Dubrovnik's

carols is a completely different experience than walking through the idyllic winter landscape and silence of the Plitvice Lakes National Park, with its frozen waterfalls, and the aromas of homemade dishes of Lika wafting from the restaurants nearby. Find out more about these tourist meccas in the magazine. In this issue, we also bring you an overview of winter events on the Opatija Riviera, in Zagreb, Samobor, Krašić, and in the cities of the VukovarSrijem County, in the hope that it will be an inspiration for a trip possibly this or next year. We also bring you a first-hand story about Tanzania, and as far as trends are concerned, we present shopping tourism, which cannot be avoided by any tourist. In order to delight you once again in the month of giving, we have prepared, in cooperation with our partners: tickets for concerts and performances in Croatia, tickets to the Vip Snow Queen Trophy 2015 on Sljeme, interesting books and guides... Find out more in the magazine. We wish you a happy and successful new year, filled with many pleasant and inspirational journeys, Željka Kunštek

All issues of tipTravel magazine can be found in English and Croatian at... tipTravel magazine is the first Croatian online travel and tourism magazine, which is exclusively in digital format and available to all readers free of charge. It is published in English and Croatian, and it is aimed at domestic and foreign tourists, travel aficionados. In each issue, through original reports and photos, it introduces readers to Croatian coastal and continental destinations and their diverse and rich tourist offer, it reveals the less known facts, brings tourism news, announcements of events and festivals that shouldn't be missed, and first-hand advice and recommendations. The last part of the magazine is dedicated from topics around the world.

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photo gallery slideshow + integrated video

kolovoz / rujan 2014.


Content The importance and quality of tipTravel magazine in the online promotion of Croatian tourism has been recognized and recommended to readers, tourists, by:

12/2014 - 1/2015




Croatian Camping Union



8-9 NEWS CROATIA 10-25 ISSUE TOPIC - Dubrovnik: A city for all the senses 26-27 UNESCO - The Festival of St. Blaise 28-31 TIPS4YOU - In December 2014, January and February 2015, don't miss...

32-45 TRENDS - Shopping tourism: Shopping as a Hrvatski ferijalni i hostelski saveztravel experience

Youth Hosteli Association ferijalni i hostelski savez rvatski ferijalniHrvatski iCroatian hostelski savez Hrvatski ferijalni hostelski savez 46-47 Hrvatski ferijalni i hostelski savez oatian Youth Hostel Association Croatian YouthHostel Hostel Association EVENTS - Zagreb: Croatian Youth Association Croatian Youth Hostel Association


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Zagreb's Holiday Magic

48-49 HISTORICAL TRACES Medvedgrad 50-51 LOOKING BACK... Events 52-55 INTERVIEW - Ružica Rašperić, Director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board: 'I see the greatest potential in the development of rural tourism' 56-61 EXPERIENCE CROATIA Samobor and Krašić: Winter stories of Samobor and Krašić

the option to show photographs in fullscreen view is available to users of the application on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.

Environmentally Friendly

not a single tree has been destroyed in publishing this magazine







62-65 EXPERIENCE CROATIA Plitvice Lakes: Tourist inspiration all year long 66-75 EVENTS - Opatija Riviera: From idyllic holidays to the 'Winter Rio' 78-85 EVENTS - VukovarSrijem County: Winter experiences in the easternmost part of Croatia 86 CROATIA THROUGH PHILATELY - KorÄ?ula 88 CROATIA ONLINE

90-93 GOURMET CROATIA Holiday spread: The aromas and flavors of the Christmas spread in Croatia 96-98 CULTURAL SCENE Tickets for a 'warmer' winter 100-101 CULTURAL SCENE interview Gibonni: 'Dalmatia is my Tuscany' 102-105 TRAVEL WRITERS Jasen Boko: Down the route of great explorers and conquerors

106-108 SEND AND... WIN 110-111 UNICEF 112-113 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND NEWS - WORLD 114-117 SKIING - Austria: Winter experiences at Austrian ski resorts 120-133 WE'RE TAKING YOU TO... Tanzania My African adventure 134-135 WORLD ATTRACTIONS - Singapore

December 2014 / January 2015




Destinations in this issue Samobor

Zagreb Vukovar-Srijem County

Krašić Opatija

Plitvice Lakes National Park Legend:

highway with junction motorway with junction main road (regional and local roads are not included)


Uganda Lake Victoria






TANZANIA Lake Tanganyika


Zanzibar Dar es Salaam

Lake Rukwa

DR Congo

Zambia Malawi Mozambique


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Indian Ocean


General information on Croatia  Geographic position

Croatia extends from the furthest eastern edges of the Alps in the northwest to the Pannonian lowlands and the banks of the Danube in the east. Its central part is covered by the Dinara mountain range, and southern ends at the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

 Highest peak

 Power supply

 Climate:

 Drinking water

 Surface area

The mainland covers an area of 56.594 km² and coastal waters cover a surface area of 31.479 km².

 Population

Croatia has 4,29 million inhabitants (2011.).

 Demographics

The majority of the population are Croats (90,42%), with the largest minorities being Serbs, Bosnians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Czechs, Italians and Albanians.

 System of government

Croatia is a multi-party parliamentary republic.

 Capital

With 792.875 inhabitants, Zagreb is the economic, transport, cultural and academic centre of the country.

 Length of the coastline

6.278 km, of which 4.398 km is made up of island coastlines, solitary rocks and reefs.

 Number of islands, islets, solitary rocks and reefs

1.244. The largest islands are Krk and Cres. There are 50 inhabited islands.

Dinara, 1.831 m above sea level. There are three climate zones in Croatia: in the country's continental interior the prevailing climate zone is moderately continental, while the mountain climate prevails at 1200m above the sea level. The areas along the Adriatic coast have a pleasantly mild Mediterranean climate with a large number of sunny days, summers are hot and dry and winters are mild and wet. The average temperatures in the continental interior are: January -2°C to 0°C, with somewhat lower temperatures in the mountains; July temperatures reach 20°C to 22˚C, and around 13˚C in the highlands. The average temperatures in the Littoral (Adriatic Coast) are: January 5°C to 9°C and July 23°C to 26°C. Winter sea temperature is about 12°C and it reaches approximately 25°C in the summer.

 Currency:

The official currency in Croatia is the kuna. Exchange rate (7,5 kunas ≈ 1 euro). Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices and in the majority of tourist information offices, hotels and campsites. Credit cards (Eurocard / Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners) are accepted in almost all hotels, marinas, restaurants, shops and cash machines.

Power supply: 220 V; frequency: 50 Hz

 Number 112

Tap water is safe to drink in all of Croatia.

 Travel documents

Since 1 April 2013, the visa system of the Republic of Croatia has been fully harmonized with the visa policy of the European Union. In 2013 all foreign nationals, who are holders of valid Schengen documents, are not required to have additional (Croatian) visa to enter Croatia and a enjoy short stay. More information: www.mvep.hr/en/

 Public holidays

1 January - New Year's Day 6 January - Epiphany Easter Sunday & Easter Monday 1 May - Labour Day Corpus Christi 22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day 25 June - Statehood Day 5 August - Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day 15 August - Assumption Day 8 October - Independence Day 1 November - All Saints' Day 25-26 December - Christmas Holidays

 Shops and public services working hours

During the tourist season, most shops are open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. on weekdays, and many are also open during the weekend. Public services and business offices generally work from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.

If you notice a natural, technical or technological threat or an accident which might threaten the life or well being of people, property or environment Dial 112, free of charge, 24 hours a day, from every telephone in the Republic of Croatia. By dialling 112 you can reach emergency medical services, fire department, police department, mountain rescue, coastguard recsue, the help of other emergency services and protection and rescue operation forces. When dialling 112 it is possible to communicate in: English, German, Italian, Hungarian, Slovakian and Check.

 Important telephone numbers

International country code for Croatia: +385; Information on international numbers: 11802; Weather forecast and road conditions: 060 520 520 (automated service); Road traffic information: 062 777 777; Road rescue: 1987 (If you are calling from abroad or from a mobile phone dial +385 1 1987).

 Speed Limits

Within settled areas 50 km/h; outside settled areas 90 km/h; on major roads designed exclusively for motor vehicles and on highways 110 km/h; on motorways 130 km/h; for motor vehicles with a trailer without brakes 80 km/h. Driving with dipped headlights is obligatory during winter time.

December 2014 / January 2015



CROATIA Photo archive: Dubrovnik Tourist Board


New lines from France to Croatia

Croatian camping congress held On October 28 and 29, 2014, Starigrad Paklenica was the host of the 8th Croatian Camping Congress, with a total of around 230 participating camp representatives. At the event, there was word of trends in the development of the camping industry, its market approach, and the tasks left for an even better quality market position. It was emphasized at the congress that the camping industry, which achieves a quarter of tourism revenue in Croatia, proved its vitality in 2014, but also showed the potential for further improvements. Assistant to Croatian Minister of Tourism, Daglas Koraca, said at the congress that it is expected that in 2020 camps will achieve a gross use of 23%, which is 3 percent higher than in 2011.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo archive: Split Tourist Board

Photo archive: camping.hr

In 2015, the offer of flights from France to Croatia is expanding with three new seasonal lines. Representatives of the low-cost airline Volote, specialized for flights from larger European cities and regional centres, have announced the opening of two direct lines to Croatia: Nantes-Split and Bordeaux-Dubrovnik. The Nantes-Split line will be active as of April 1 with one rotation per week - on Sunday, and two rotations per week in July and August - Wednesdays and Sundays. The Bordeaux-Dubrovnik flight will start on April 18 with one rotation per week - on Saturday, and two rotations per week in July and August - Wednesdays and Saturdays. Croatia Airlines, the Croatian airline company, has announced a new line that will connect Nice and Dubrovnik starting April 10, 2015. The new line will fly twice per week - Fridays and Mondays.

Slano, photo archive: PHOTOnet.hr

Marina construction started in Slano The Dubrovnik coast and marina in Slano will greet its first sailors in the 2015 season. The construction of the project, with a total estimated investment of 60 million kuna, is of extreme importance for the enrichment of the offer of nautical tourism in Croatia. The onshore facilities of the new marina, the 22nd in the ACI group, include a building with food services, stores, an outdoor pool, and a parking lot for a hundred cars, as well as landscaping of the marina with the construction of a seaside promenade. The offshore part of the marina includes the installation of a wave break, pontoon, and anchor system with two hundred berths for vessels 11 to 25 meters in length.

The importance of internet marketing in Split At the conference on the vision of the future of Croatian tourism, (FU)TURIZAM, held in Split and organized by the Tourist Board of the Split-Dalmatia County (TZ SDĹ˝) and Koncept ITDE, it was emphasized that the internet has helped Croatian tourism a lot, since high quality internet marketing shows a destination in its true light. At this educational conference, a lot was said about how Croatian tourism should develop, and about the use of information and communication technology.

Vueling adding extra flights for Croatia

Photo archive: Institute for Tourism

Photo archive: Zadar Tourist Board

Upon recognizing the potential of Croatia's travel offer, the Spanish airline Vueling has decided to introduce new lines towards Croatian destinations from Spain and Italy. With direct flights from Barcelona to Zagreb starting April 3, 2015, which will be available until late October, another novelty are flights from Barcelona to Zadar, once weekly from late June to early September 2015. During Advent, from early December 2014, a Barcelona-Zagreb line was introduced, and the company also announced the introduction of a Barcelona-Dubrovnik line from March 27, and flights from Barcelona to Split starting April 2 with two flights weekly, which become daily lines during the season. Also, the possibility of introducing a Barcelona-Pula line is being considered. "With these lines, Vueling has positioned itself as the leading airline for transporting the largest number of Spanish guests to Croatia, taking a direct and important role in the increase in the number of guests arriving from Spain", said Director of the Head Office of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Ratomir Ivičić.

55th anniversary of the Institute for Tourism celebrated "Croatia has the knowledge and ability to be amongst the most desired travel destinations, and it would be good to near that goal by 2020, for which we need high quality tourist products, a stable political situation in the country, and more understanding for the development of tourism", said head of the Institute for Tourism, Sandra Čorak, on November 15, 2014 in Zagreb, at the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Institute for Tourism. Since there is such great demand from tourists in Europe and the world, director Čorak emphasized that the future of Croatian tourism isn't in question, even though it is difficult to foresee how quickly it will develop physically and in the quality of the product.

Mlini, photo archive: PHOTOnet.hr

New Sheraton Hotel opening in Dubrovnik in 2015 On November 19, 2014, representatives of the Hotel Dubrovačka rivijera d.d., whose majority owner is HUP Zagreb d.d., signed a contract with Starwood Hotels and Resorts in Mlini where Hotel Orlando became part of one of the most prestigious hotel brands. As of the grand opening, which will take place just before the 2015 tourist season, the hotel will be known as the Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera Hotel, with more than 750 rooms and additional facilities. The largest hotel congress center in Croatia will be built as part of the hotel, with a main conference room that will hold a thousand people.

Tourist Board courses to start in January As of January, the Croatian National Tourist Board (CNTB) will be starting with a series of educational workshops for employees of tourist boards with the aim of teaching the lower ranks at the tourist boards the conditions of the Strategic Marketing Plan of Croatian Tourism (SMPHT) for the 2014-2020 period. In that way, they will find out more details of the system with SMPHT conditions, and the realization of goals listed in the document. "Goals of the SMPHT: Strengthening the national tourism brand and increasing revenue from tourism in the pre- and postseason, as well as the average spending of tourists, will be supported by strong cooperation that the CNTB will offer the travel industry", said director of the Head Office of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Ratomir Ivičić. December 2014 / January 2015





Ph o tio (a to: na rch Bo l T iv ris K ou e: ris Cro aÄ?a t B at n oa ian rd )

Issue topic


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Dubrovnik is a combination of stories. The many stories already told, along with those you will discover at every step in the unique ambiance of this city. Anyone who has been lucky enough to find themselves in this city, inscribed on Croatian and global tourist maps long ago, will tell you the same. Here we bring you only a few "chapters". Consider them an invitation and come to find out the rest on your own...


A city for all the senses Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photos: archive of Dubrovnik Tourist Board, archive of Croatian National Tourist Board (Boris Kačan and Hrvoje Serdar), PHOTOnet.hr, Željka Kunštek and Robert Kunštek

Photo: Dubrovnik at dusk.

December 2014 / January 2015





tio (a Hr na rch vo l T iv je S Pho ou e: e t ris Cro rda o: t B at r oa ian rd )

Issue topic

Photos: Dubrovnik's dance, Linđo, is the most popular dance in Dubrovnik and the surrounding area, accompanied by lijerica, an old musical instrument (top); Onofrio's small fountain (left); the entry gate to the Duke's palace with a knocker - maskeron (right).


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Placa or Stradun is the main city street. It got its name Placa from the Latin phrase "platea communis", which means place for holding the most important public events, while the name Stradun is of Venetian origin and means big street.

December 2014 / January 2015



Issue topic


Photos: a view of Dubrovnik from the city walls (top left); Stradun and Orlando's column during the holidays (top right); Sponza palace at Christmastime (bottom left); dried figs and almonds are an integral part of Dubrovnik's holiday fare (bottom right).


Dubrovnik's city walls are one of the best preserved fortification systems in Europe and the second most attractive outdoor museums in the world. They are made up of five fortresses and sixteen towers and bastions.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

t really doesn't matter what time of year you visit Dubrovnik, the southernmost and "most touristic" Croatian city: in spring, when the days get longer, the sea smells spring fresh (after the bora wind), and the oysters are tastiest, or in summer, when tourists occupy the city, and the city streets are packed with street performers and various events. Autumn, which is often called "Indian summer", is a special experience: the sea is still pleasantly warm, the beaches are only yours, and the crowds disperse so you can avoid long waits for touring the city sites. Winter in Dubrovnik is an inspiring story, filled with music, idyllic holiday ambiance, the aromas and flavors of Dubrovnik's holiday meals, and many events. This city, an "outdoor museum", as it is often called, has another advantage. No matter what time of year

you decide to come, you will always be able to drink your favorite coffee or tea outdoors, thanks to the gentle Mediterranean climate that graces this pearl of tourism all year long.

The aromas and flavors of the holidays December, January, and February are the months when you can truly enjoy Dubrovnik with all your senses: they smell of mulled wine and fritule, they taste like Christmas cookies, and sound like Christmas carols, and it all happens in the ambiance of a dreamily decorated renaissance city. Tour the Christmas fair during December and the first week of January, where the craftsmen and artists of Dubrovnik present their handiwork: Christmas ornaments, candles, toys, and glass, ceramic, and

tip: Greet the New Year on Stradun, with a concert by Tony Cetinski and other musical guests, and on January 1, be at the same place precisely at noon, this time for the New Year's concert.

porcelain items and decorations. The fair is also a great opportunity to listen to traditional carols, treat yourself to tasty Christmas cookies and sugared almonds, and try one of Dubrovnik's traditional sweets: kontonjata, mantala, prikle, and hrostule. From mid-December to the end of the first week of January, the Christmas tent on Pile, at the old town's west gate, will take you on a gourmet tour of all of Croatia. Here you will be able to try various specialties from all Croatian regions with acceptable prices and diverse entertainment and musical programs. In late December, Dubrovnik will be filled with the aroma of cod, a mandatory dish on the holiday table in Dubrovnik. During Cod Days, from December 20 to 24, chefs in Dubrovnik's restaurants will prepare this fish in many delicious ways. There will be cod soup, white cod, cod stew, cod pate, etc. Of course, all that along with fritule, dried figs, and a shot of domestic brandy.

Photos: New Year's and Santa Claus on Stradun (top left and right); many events happen on Stradun in the winter in the city's churches and palaces (middle and bottom left); the Pile gate (bottom right).

New Year's on Stradun Saying goodbye to the old, and ringing in the New Year on Stradun will be a night to remember. The introduction to the New Year's party will happen on Stradun on December 29 in the evening hours, with a concert by Croatian musical band "Prljavo kazalište", and the "Valeduto" band. The musical story will continue on December 30 with a concert by Željko Bebek and Darive, while the morning December 2014 / January 2015



Issue topic


Photos: concerts in Dubrovnik's churches are held all year long (top left); the original Mare and Bare, bronze statues of mythical warriors, are kept in Sponza palace (top right); the PloÄ?a gates in the evening hours (bottom left); decorations on Stradun for the Festival of St. Blaise (bottom middle); the Dubrovnik Summer Games (bottom right).


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

musical and entertainment program on December 31 will take place from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and Silente's evening concert will start at 9:00 PM. Guests will ring in the New Year on Stradun with Tony Cetinski, a famous Croatian musician, after which they will be entertained by Petar Dragojević & Band. Precisely at noon on January 1, Stradun will be filled with the sounds of the New Year's concert of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, while at 8:00 PM on the same day, the "Cambi" and "Sv. Juraj" klapas will have a concert. The next large, and most important, city event for the people of Dubrovnik will, as is tradition, be formally celebrated on February 3. The Festival of St. Blaise, the protector saint of Dubrovnik includes many events: a formal procession with many believers, religious and secular concerts, exhibitions, book presentations,

theatre performances dedicated to Dubrovnik's patron saint...

A reminder of freedom When you're in Dubrovnik, especially the first time, it is logical that you will spend most of your time on touring the city. Once you enter the old city center of Dubrovnik, encircled by strong city walls, it will be clear that you are not in a 'classic' city, nor will your tour be a 'classic tourist' tour. In order to best see the city landscape and "find your way", first climb the impressive city walls, the pride and joy of the people of Dubrovnik, and an attraction that sets it apart from its Mediterranean neighbors at first glance. It is open all year long, and can be accessed through three gates: at the church of St. Luke on the east, the church of St. Spas next to the entrance

Photos: the statue of St. Blaise protects Dubrovnik from its sea side (left and right); Dubrovnik from a bird's-eye view (middle).

OGLAS TZG DUBROVNIKA December 2014 / January 2015



Issue topic


tip: When touring the city walls and fortresses, wear comfortable shoes and take a bottle of water and camera (with extra batteries), since you will constantly come across impressive views.

Photos: the Lovrijenac fortress is a symbol of the freedom of Dubrovnik (left); Onofrio's Great Fountain (right); the Minčeta fortress and bell tower with the replicas of Bare and Mare, the mythical warriors that ring the bells (middle).

In the past, the people of Dubrovnik entered the city through two main gates: through the east on Ploče and the west on Pile. At night, the wooden drawbridges would be pulled up so that uninvited visitors could not enter. In the summer months, the city is protected by costumed guards at the Pile gate, who tourists love to take a picture with.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

to the city center from Pile, and at the Maritime Museum, at the fortress of St. John. Get ready for a walk of nearly two kilometers, during which you will come across fortresses, towers, and bastions. The fortresses were used to defend the former Republic of Dubrovnik, and of the five of them, three are an integral part of the walls: Minčeta, Bokar, and St. John, while two are freestanding: Lovrijenac and Revelin. Each of them had their own role in defending the city, and each has its own story. For example, the Lovrijenac fortress, built on a 37 meter high cliff, defended the city on the west, and became a symbol of Dubrovnik's freedom. If you look a little closer, above its entrance you will see a Latin sign that regularly reminds the people of Dubrovnik of the importance of freedom, which roughly translated means: "Freedom is not sold for all the

treasures of the world". The sign is also a reminder of the value of freedom for all the tourists who pass through the gate, as well as the visitors to one of the largest city events, the Dubrovnik Summer Games, which are held here in the summer.

The lifeline of the city After you have discovered the story of the other fortresses and towers, and eternalized your visit to the walls with a photo with the view of the island of Lokrum in the background, head down to Stradun, the lifeline of the city. The widest city street, which divides the old city center into the north and south part, is a favorite gathering place and promenade for the people of Dubrovnik. Here people socialize and have fun, make toasts for New Year's and other

December 2014 / January 2015


Issue topic


Photos: narrow and steep stone streets with a lot of stairs are typical for Dubrovnik (left); the Sponza palace is one of the prettiest city palaces (top middle); the cloister of the Franciscan monastery (bottom middle); the church of St. Blaise, protector saint of the city, and Orlando's column (right).

Orlando's column is a symbol of nationality, where the national flag of the Republic of Dubrovnik used to fly. During the Festival of St. Blaise, the protector saint of the city, Orlando's column is adorned with a flag with his picture, and during the Dubrovnik Summer Games, a Libertas flag is flown.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

events, processions pass through, events take place, and tourists walk by. If you find yourself on Stradun during the hot summer months, seek refreshment at the Great Onofrio fountain, on the eastern part of the street. It got its name from the builder of Dubrovnik's water way who, along with this one, also built a smaller fountain near the city bell tower. There are many details here to attract you attention. If you have a look, for example, at the top of the bell tower, you will see 'zelence', as the people of Dubrovnik call them, Maro and Baro. These bronze moving sculptures tell the time and are a symbol of the passing of time. Here you will also see Lu탑a, the old bell tower, and Sponza, one of the prettiest palaces in the city. This romantic palace, built in the gothic-renaissance style, currently houses the Dubrovnik National Archive. Orlando's column with a depiction of a medieval knight with a sword takes a central position in this part of Stradun, and his "back" is covered by the best known church in Dubrovnik, dedicated to St. Blaise, the patron saint of the city. It is a true refreshment for the soul, and in the summer months for the

body, to duck into this church, light a candle, feel the scent of incense, look at the stained glass windows with the sun shining in, and, if you're lucky, hear the sound of the church organs. One of the greatest possessions of the church is the gothic statue of St. Blaise, who holds a model of the city where you can see all the buildings that were, unfortunately, destroyed in a large earthquake that hit the city. Tour the other churches in Dubrovnik, pop into the old pharmacy from 1317, which is still working today, and where certain medications are still prepared according to ancient recipes. It is located next to the baroque church in a cloister of the Franciscan monastery. Stop by Dubrovnik's cathedral, which houses a rich treasury, and the church of St. Dominic, one of the largest gothic buildings on the Croatian coast.

Dubrovnik "at the palm of your hand" The narrow stone streets will take you to numerous squares and courts, and as you pass through, many taverns and restaurants will tempt you with

Photos: Stradun, the main city promenade and gathering place of the people of Dubrovnik and their guests (top left); the statue of St. Blaise (top right).


Ston Saltworks


he production, transport, and trade of salt is a tradition of the Dubrovnik region, or more precisely, of the town of Ston, located 50 kilometers from Dubrovnik. Ston is home of the oldest saltworks in Europe, Solana Ston, from the 14th century, where sun, sea, wind, and man still come together to produce superb organic salt and fleur de sel. Annually, Ston Saltworks, 20230 Ston, Croatia www.solanaston.hr

around two thousand tons of this precious ingredient are produced, and every year, the harvest lasts from July to September and turns into a true tourist attraction. You can tour the saltworks all year round, and while you are here, stay at the Villa Koruna in Mali Ston on the PeljeĹĄac peninsula. There you will find six luxuriously furnished rooms and suites, and a

Vila Koruna, Mali Ston b.b., 20230 Ston, Croatia, tel: +385 20 754999, vila-koruna@du.t-com.hr www.vila-koruna.hr

fantastic restaurant with Ston's delicacies, made of local, organic ingredients. There is also a hall for event organization and a pleasant summer terrace. If you decide to stay in Dubrovnik, look for Villa Micika on the Lapad peninsula. The villa is open all year round and located only 300 meters from the attractive Lapad beach. ď ś

Vila Micika, Mata Vodopica 10, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia, tel: +385 20 437332, info@vilamicika.hr www.vilamicika.hr December 2014 / January 2015



Issue topic


Photos: there are many taverns and restaurants in Dubrovnik's streets with various types of cuisine offered (left); grilled mullet with olive oil as the mandatory accompaniment (right); in Dubrovnik there are many restaurants with international dishes (left and right middle).

tip: If you would like to taste something domestic and local, visit a tavern or smaller restaurant that offers typical Dalmatian dishes.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

the aromas of various delicacies of Dubrovnik. They are simple, tasty, and often drenched in olive oil, which brings out the flavor of the organically grown ingredients. Try the prosciutto, and cheese from oil, the octopus salad, green minestrone, shellfish and fresh fish, freshly caught in the depths of the Adriatic, then treat yourself to rožata, fritule or sugared almonds. In Dubrovnik, you will also come across restaurants with an offer of international cuisine, Italian and French cuisine, as well as sushi bars, and restaurants that offer steaks that even fantastic Argentinian chefs would be proud to serve. Still, if you want to try domestic and local, visit one of the taverns or smaller restaurants that offer typical Dalmatian dishes. The pulse of the city can best be felt at the marketplace, where fresh and aromatic ingredients from the Dubrovnik region, such as fruit, vegetables, cheeses, honey, and aromatic spices, which will remind you of the city long after you have returned home, are brought in every day. Take a walk to the fish market and city harbor, tour the lazareti. Since caravan paths used to pass through the

city, there was a danger of the plague, so the people of Dubrovnik constructed the lazareti to act as a quarantine. Today, some of them are used as stages for various events, and they are also used as venues for various workshops, exhibitions, etc. There are a lot of interesting features and attractions that you will discover on the way, and if you would like to have everything "at the palm of your hand" (which we definitely recommend), go to the top of Mount Srđ, which looks over the city on its northern side. Don't worry, you won't have to climb up the 413 meter tall mountain, since there is a cable car that will reveal more of the impressive panorama with each meter you pass. Srđ is the place where many photos of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area are taken that attract your attention from the many postcards and promotional material you will come across. Here you will find the Imperial fortress, which Napoleon used to the control the waters and hinterland of Dubrovnik, and which also had an important role during the Homeland War. Near the fortress you will also see a large stone cross made of the widely famous Brač stone.

Photos: fresh fish can be bought at the city fish market every day (top left); a summer home was built on the ruins of a former monastery on the island of Lokrum (top right); the view from Srđ of Dubrovnik, the island of Lokrum, and the surrounding archipelago (middle).


Lokrum Island


hen you set foot on Lokrum, you encroach upon a mystery. You can hear the murmur of the whispers of all the lovers who have gazed at the stars from this very spot, hear the rustling of silks and the beating of wings, the sound of poems and the muttering of Latin prayers, as if you were hearing them now in

the cloister of the Benedictine monastery. Lokrum is under a spell, a spell that you cannot hope to undo, wrote Luko Paljetak, famous Croatian writer and academic, about the island of Lokrum. Back in the time when plants from all ends of the earth grew here, and the tradition continues today. With interesting collections of

eucalyptus, cacti, and succulents, you will also find many other unusual things such as the Dead Sea, the star-shaped Fort Royal fortress, and many paths and hidden trails. It only takes ten minutes to get to this exotic and mysterious island with its many legends from Dubrovnik by boat. And then the story starts... ď ś

Javna ustanova Rezervat Lokrum, Od Bosanke 4, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia, tel: +385 20 311738, lokrum@lokrum.hr, www.lokrum.hr December 2014 / January 2015



Issue topic


Photos: one of the beaches on the island of Lopud (left); a Dominican monastery on Lopud, the island of St. Andrija, and Koločep (top middle and right); a fountain in Arboretum Trsteno (bottom right).

A botanical garden was established on Lokrum in 1959, and several years later, the island was proclaimed a Special Reserve of Forest Vegetation under the protection of UNESCO.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Island paradise The view from Srđ looks at not only the city and the surrounding area, but also at the island of Lokrum, which is known as the island of those in love, but also as the island of legends and secrets. According to legend, when King Richard Lionheart was returning from the Crusades in Palestine in 1192, he found refuge from a shipwreck here. Although he vowed that he would build a church on his place of rescue if he were saved, he fulfilled his vow only partially and donated the money to the people of Dubrovnik for the completion of the construction of the city cathedral. Several centuries later, in 1859, Mexican emperor Maximilian Habsburg was so enamored with Lokrum that he decided to buy it. He built a summer home on the ruins of a monastery, and continuing the tradition of the Benedictine monks, he built an exotic garden with paths. It is a true pleasure to visit the island today, to enjoy the walk amongst the heady scents of various exotic plants from Australia and South America and have a look at the impressive collection of eucalyptus, cacti,

and succulents. If you find yourself on the island in the warmer months, take a swim in the crystal clear sea, or in the Dead Sea, a lake located in the middle of the island. Lokrum will also surprise you with many other interesting features, so board a boat in the Dubrovnik city harbor that will take you to this island paradise in only ten minutes. Make time to take an excursion from Dubrovnik to the attractive Elaphite islands. There are a total of thirteen, and only three are inhabited: Koločep, Lopud, and Šipan. It's not far from Dubrovnik to Trsteno, only about twenty kilometers. It is well known for its unique Arboretum, which connects cultural and natural heritage harmoniously. Here you will also be intoxicated by the scents of Mediterranean and exotic plants, and you will also find a renaissance garden with a summer home, old olive grove, photogenic fountain... There is a lot to see in Dubrovnik, but also in its surroundings, which will intrigue, delight, surprise, and motivate you to come back to this City, written with a capital C. 

Stećci – kameni nadgrobni spomenici, vrijedni ostaci baštine kasnog srednjeg vijeka, nijemi svjedoci pogrebnih običaja stanovnika šireg područja zapadnog Balkana


Stazama stećaka [stetɕtsi] - medieval monolithic tombstones, valuable heritage of the late Middle Ages,

Upoznajte stoljetnu mističnost stećaka na stazi koja se prostire na području četiri države, njihovu ljepotu i ornamentalnost, prošlost predaka, simbolizam života i smrti... Meet the centuries old mystic of stećci on the trail which extends on the territory of four states, their ornamental beauty, the history of

the silent witnesses of funeral customs of inhabitants in the wider area of the Western Balkans

On the trails of medieval tombstones Stećci

ancestors, the symbols of life and death....

Valorization of Medieval Tombstone CULtural HERitage in the Western Balkans

Ovaj projekt je financiran od strane Europske unije. This project is funded by the European Union.

Kroz projekt HER.CUL Staza stećaka uspostavljena je na području Hrvatske (Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija), Bosne i Hercegovine (Općina Ljubuški), Crne Gore (Općina Pljevlja) i Srbije (Općina Prijepolje). Od strane sve četiri države stećci su nominirani za UNESCO-vu svjetsku listu kulturne baštine. Sadržaj ovog oglasa isključiva je odgovornost RRA DUNEA i ne odražava stavove Europske unije The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of RDA DUNEA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

HER.CUL project has established the Trail of Tombstones in Croatia (Dubrovnik-Neretva County), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Municipality of Ljubuški), Montenegro (Municipality of Pljevlja) and Serbia (Municipality of Prijepolje). All four states have nominated stećci for the UNESCO World Heritage List as Joint Cultural Heritage. www.hercul-project.eu


December 2014 / January 2015



Photo archive: PHOTOnet.hr


The story of a city and a saint Prepared by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photos: archive of Dubrovnik Tourist Board

The story of Dubrovnik, the southernmost Croatian city, is the story of St. Blaise, the patron saint the city has been celebrating for more than a thousand years.

The Festival of St. Blaise has been on UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2009.



tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

very year since 972, on February 3, the people of Dubrovnik have been opening the gates of their city wide open and releasing white doves, whose flight reminds them of the greatest treasure of the Republic of Dubrovnik - freedom and peace. The flight of the doves also marks the start of the Festival of St. Blaise, the patron saint of the city. Truly, it is very rare to come across a city anywhere in the world whose identity is as connected to their patron saint as

Dubrovnik is. The people of Dubrovnik say "The Saint and City are one, and the Festival of St. Blaise is a bridge that takes us through the years of Dubrovnik's famous history". The worship of St. Blaise amongst all the citizens of the region is best seen in the celebration of his feast day, which is celebrated as only the people of Dubrovnik know how. The celebration starts on Candlemas, February 2, with the said releasing of the white doves in front of the saint's church and the raising of St. Blaise's flag in the

Photo: Ivo Pervan, archive: Croatian National Tourist Board

Photo archive: PHOTOnet.hr

central point in the old town center on Orlando's column. During that time, the saying "Candlemas calls for winter, BlaĹž follows and calls its bluff", is often repeated. Truly, the people of Dubrovnik say that on that day, when European countries are often under snow and rain, Dubrovnik will await you with the aroma of mimosa, daffodils, various spring flowers in the airy, and a sunny spring day. At dawn on February 3, with the historical Dubrovnik brigade, the 'festanjuli' (people responsible for the organization of the festival), consisting of a respectable craftsman and seaman, wait for the flags from the east and the west that will participate in the formal procession in honor of this patron saint of Dubrovnik.

Formal procession On February 3, the day of the Festival, a solemn holy mass is held outdoors, followed by a religious procession of flags and many believers from the

entire Dubrovnik area. The relics of St. Blaise are carried by the faithful down Stradun and the streets of the city, while the most precious relic of Dubrovnik's cathedral, Jesus' loincloth, is carried under a canopy. Flags are waved in a special way in front of the church of St. Blaise, and they bow in sign of respect for the saint that has watched over the city for centuries. In the streets of Dubrovnik on that day, you will see the opulence of the folk costumes of the Dubrovnik region. Sunset on the feast day is a special experience, when the stained glass windows and laurels of St. Blaise's church shine a special light. One of the priest's traditions that day is the blessing of the throat of the faithful with blessed candles, which according to belief, protect the throat from illness. Every year, many domestic and foreign guests gather for the Festival, which is not only a holy and secular event, but also a unique tourist attraction. ď ś

tip: On Tuesday, February 3, be in Dubrovnik for the Festival of St. Blaise, a unique event that the people of Dubrovnik have been celebrating since 972.

Dubrovnik's 'festanjuli' are true gentlemen and are responsible for organizing all of the details of the Festival. These guards of the tradition and dignity of the celebration of Dubrovnik's patron saint are dressed in black, with the mandatory accessories of hats, white scarves, and gloves. One of the festanjuli is always a seaman, while the other is a craftsman, which confirms the importance of maritime affairs and craftsmanship, the professions that the fame and wealth of the Republic of Dubrovnik were based on.

December 2014 / January 2015



following e h t n o t u o Don't miss December 2014 in events ry 2015 and Janua

Christmas fair in Solin

Advent Rijeka, Cod and Chocolate Week Photo archive: Green Gold Centar

In Rijeka, December is reserved not only for Advent, where many events for all generations will take place, but also for a gastro adventure. Ri Gastronomy will be held from December 5 to 12: The Week of Cod and Chocolate. At that time, many restaurants and taverns invite Rijeka's guests to taste diverse specialties based on fishy-sweet combinations. The event is accompanied by a rich program and a Gastro Cooking Show on Rijeka's Korzo, with the aim of learning about and preserving the tradition and prosperity of Mediterranean cuisine.

Family fun in Green Gold Centar




Photo: Lutvo Mekić (archive: Kapulica&Lampioni)

Saturday without cooking and a delicious lunch in fantastic restaurants at great prices... Sounds good, doesn't it? The Dobra vina, Les Ponts, Asia Gold, Fast & Healthy, and Green Gold restaurant and pizzeria restaurants at Zagreb's Green Gold center await you on December 6, 13, and 20 starting at 12 PM for delicious Saturday family lunches. The menus, at the price of a hundred kuna for adults and 70 kuna for children, include appetizers, main courses, desserts, and a glass of juice or wine. During December, January, and February, the center awaits you with many musical treats/ concerts: Pump up the Jam (Dec. 6), La Fiesta white edition (Dec. 13), Jole (Dec. 28), Jelena Rozga (Jan. 30) and Petar Grašo (February 13).

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

The Christmas fair in Solin will take place from December 20 to 24 in Gašpina mlinica in Solin. Besides Christmas decorations, toys, and souvenirs, along with the traditional Christmas culinary offer (mulled wine, punch, sausages, doughnuts, fritule, etc.), visitors will be greeted by Santa Claus, accompanied by his elves who will take the young visitors to "Dreamland", where they will be able to have fun in the company of elves, Christmas stories, and workshops. The last day of the fair will be dedicated to the old tradition of carol singing, with socializing, and a spread of holiday fare. www.solin-info.com

Kapulica&lampioni in Zagreb The spectacular "Kapulica& lampioni" event, where many lanterns will be released into the sky on Zagreb's winter night, will take place on Zagreb's Dolac market on December 22 at 6:00 PM. The event was launched by academic painter and graphic artist Krešimir Tadija Kapulica with the desire of, by releasing lanterns into the sky, motivating his fellow citizens to believe in their wishes and dreams and to fight for them. www.adventzagreb.com

Photo archive: Solin Tourist Board

u o y 4 s tip

This Christmas, under the slogan "Reviving Christmas as it once was", "Advent in Osijek" is being held on Osijek's city squares this December. Advent will bring together many events, and its main event is "Advent in the Fortress" or the "Christmas town", which will be held from December 6 to 24 on the main city square in the old city center. Here, influenced by Advent and Christmas fairs in larger central European cities, you will be awaited by idyllic wooden houses with proper culinary fare: mulled wine, tea (with rum), domestic brandy, Christmas treats, sausages, and other tasty holiday treats. It is also a chance to buy small Christmas presents or souvenirs, and various events will be held on the square throughout December.

Source: The State Stud Farm in Đakovo



Lipizzaner Christmas Ball in Đakovo The Lipizzaner Christmas Ball, or the new Christmas story named "A Winter Night's Dream" in Đakovo is a theater performance with horses, riders, and extras dressed in extravagant baroque clothing. The ball will be held twice on December 20, 2014 at the indoor riding circle of the Đakovo stable: the first show will be at 5:00 PM, and the second at 8:00 PM. Along with the graceful Lipizzaners and the sounds of Christmas songs, December in Đakovo will also greet you with the aromas and flavors of traditional Advent food and drink, while the many craftspeople, with their wide range of handmade goods and items, will enable you to take a piece of Đakovo home with you.

Unforgettable celebrations in elite Zagreb hotels Exciting New Year's celebrations await you in Zagreb's elite hotels, members of the HUPZagreb group. The Westin Zagreb is preparing a New Year's celebration in the rhythm of salsa, a gala New Year's buffet in the Crystal ballroom, with the Creativo band, and dancing with inevitable salsa moves, await you at the price of 825 kn per person. At the Sheraton Zagreb Hotel, a luxurious New Year's party in the newly renovated Grand ballroom, with celebratory music, plenty of champagne, and selected delicacies await you at the price of 695 kn per person. Hotel International is preparing an exciting New Year's Eve program, which includes a fantastic band, traditional dishes from the New Year's gala dinner menu, and dancing until dawn at the price of 450 kn per person. www.hotelwestinzagreb.com www.hotel-sheratonzagreb.com www.hotel-international.hr

Photo archive: HUP-Zagreb d.d.

Advent in Osijek

Throughout December, and part of January, the cities of the Zagreb County will be filled with various holiday events, and we will name just a few: the Angel Festival in Dugo Selo (Dec. 12-14), the Christmas fair in Ivanić-Grad (Dec. 13 and 20), Advent in Jaska (Nov. 29, 2014 - Jan. 11, 2015), the KUD Josip Torbar Christmas concert in Krašić (Dec. 24), Formal Christmas concert with the lead opera singers of the Zagreb CNT and celebration of Milka Trnina's birthday in Križ (Dec. 18), Workshop and exhibition of Christmas ornaments and children's crafts in Pisarovina (Dec. 13), Christmas fair in Marija Gorica and Dubravica (Dec. 1314), Advent in Samobor (Nov. 29 - Dec. 20). However, those are just some of the events that 'Zagreb's Green Ring' has prepared for you for the last month of the year.

Photo: Josip Grđan, www.srceko.webs.com

Holiday events in the Zagreb County


December 2014 / January 2015



u o y 4 s tip Photo archive: Studio Hrg

e following h t n o t u o Don't miss December 2014, events in February 2015 d January an

Photo archive: Arena Centar

Vip Snow Queen Trophy 2015 Christmas fairy tale in Čazma The Salaj family estate, located on the slopes of Moslavačka gora near the town of Čazma, expands its Christmas fairy tale every year. This year's Christmas story offer the youngest visitors the chance to discover the magical village of the Smurfs with many workshops at the estate, decorated with nearly 1.5 million lights. The estate is opened from December 6, 2014 to January 11, 2015, every day from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and besides enjoying the Christmas spirit here, you can also enjoy the abundance of gourmet delicacies of the Čazma area.

Arena Centar - center of Christmas Magic




Photo: Robert Kunštek

Once again, Arena Centar is the place to be for the holidays for all those who want great shopping and good fun. Daylong entertainment awaits the entire family daily during December and January: the "Ice Fairytale" ice rink in front of the center, children's shows, get-togethers with Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus. On St. Nicholas' Feast Day, December 6, 2014, the ice rink will be officially opened, and the youngest visitors can expect to meet St. Nikola and Krampus with a free show. Just in time for Christmas, Magical Santa Claus will be at the center for photos on December 20, 21, and 24. It will also be a great opportunity to buy the prettiest and most affordable holiday gifts in the more than 200 stores that work from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM in December.

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

The Vip Snow Queen Trophy skiing spectacle, which has been held the first week after New Year's for years on Zagreb's Sljeme, is an event that takes place over the course of several days that attracts the best female and male skiers in two Audi FIS World Cup slalom races. The women's day race will be held on Sunday, January 4, 2015, with the first run at 10:00 AM, and the second run at 1:00 PM. The same day, the dm Zagreb Ski Legends charity race will be held at 4:30 PM. The men's race is scheduled for Tuesday, January 6, with the first run at 2:45 PM, and the second at 6:10 PM. www.snowqueentrophy.com

TICKETS In cooperation with our partners, the Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines companies, we are giving away 2x2 Gold Club tickets for the female slalom race on January 4, 2015, and 2x2 Gold Club tickets for the men's slalom race on January 6, 2015. Would you like to go? Tell us why and send your answer to: contest@tiptravelmagazine.com

Advent in Crikvenica Advent magic also awaits you this December on Crikvenica's Riviera. The diverse program for all ages at the "Advent in Crikvenica 2014" festival will take place until December 30, and it includes, amongst other things, a fair of authentic products with an offer of gifts and homemade products and creative workshops, group gatherings, and shows for children. New Year's Eve on December 30, starting at 5:00 PM in Crikvenica's Advent Park will be a special event, with entertaining music by "Belfast food", and the lighting and releasing of thousands of lanterns, and hidden desires, into the sky. The holiday treats, wine fair, hunt for St. Nicholas's gifts, lots of song and dance, Santa Claus' fun train, and a lot more awaits you in Crikvenica.

Famous British musician Morrissey, who became famous in the '80s as head singer of the band The Smiths, will perform in Zagreb, at the Zagreb Fair, on December 12, 2014, starting at 8:00 PM. When The Smiths fell apart, this musician, who is often called "one of the most relevant artists", started his solo career, and his first solo album "Viva Hate" took first place of all the top lists in Britain as soon as it was issued. His solo career has been marked by hits such as 'Everyday is like Sunday', 'Irish Blood, English Heart', 'First of the Gang to Die', 'You Have Killed Me', etc. www.croatiaweek.com

Photo archive: Zagreb Coffee & Chocofest

Morrissey in Zagreb

4th Zagreb Coffee & Chocofest The Zagreb Coffee & Chocofest will be held from February 12 to 15, 2015 at the gallery of the Croatian Association of Artists on Trg žrtava fašizma in Zagreb, with many novelties and surprises. The goal of this irresistible festival, of a promotional-retail character, is to present the world's best chocolate and coffee. At the festival, you can enjoy presentations of the preparation and tasting of coffee and chocolate, talk to experts, participate in various thematic workshops, have fun, learn something new, enjoy art...



Advent in Split

Advent Magic in Varaždin

During December, and until midJanuary, in the center of Split, on Split's promenade and squares you can enjoy the diverse Advent in Split program. Good fun is guaranteed in the "city at the foot of Marjan" by, amongst others, "Adventilacij na Rivi" and numerous DJs and other performers, and a special program, with Srdelice and friends, has been prepared for the youngest visitors. For the fifth year in a row, the unique

Gastro Advent will be held, along with "Advent na Pjaci", where the Christmas traditions of various Croatian regions will be presented weekly along with a rich offer of food. The "Festival of Advent Joy", a series of educational workshops and traditional Christmas ornaments awaits you in the cellars of Diocletian's palace... Enjoy the holiday ambiance of the largest city in Dalmatia. www.visitsplit.com

A large ice rink, 17 free concerts, 20 little houses with an abundant offer, Santa Claus' house, 'Disko sklisko', and a large offer of culinary delights await you during December at Advent Magic in Varaždin, on Kapucinski trg. Be in town on New Year's Eve as well, when many athletes and recreational runners will head out at the stroke of midnight to win yet another Varaždin New Year's Race. www.turizam-vzz.hr

December 2014 / January 2015






tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Shopping as a travel experience kao turistiÄ?ki doĹživljaj Shopping while travelling has become not just the rule, but almost the imperative experience while on the road, just as much as seeing or tasting something new, having fun, or just relaxing. December 2014 / January 2015





Written by: Tatjana MiĹĄÄ?anÄ?uk Photos: fotolia


here is no travelling without shopping, nor is there a tourist/ traveler without a wallet and a few 'coins' to spend on some trinket as a memory of their trip, and such trinkets and plenty of other things can be found in every destination visited by tourists worldwide. Be it a magnet or postcard of the place, souvenirs, local authentic food goods, pottery or textiles, or expensive brand name clothing, shoes, perfumes, etc., shopping while travelling has become not just the rule, but almost an imperative experience while on the road, just as much as seeing or tasting something new, having fun, or just relaxing.

The connection between tourism and trade However, more than ever, shopping, a known and generally accepted phrase, has become one of the main motives for choosing a destination for today's 'modern nomads'. World-famous shopping meccas, such as Paris, London, New York, Milan, and more recently, Dubai, have been joined by some new cities and countries worldwide who boost their city budget, employment, and generally, destination development with their shopping offer. The intensified research conducted on the relationship between tourism, travel, and shopping has shown this. It has shown that today, worldwide, there 34

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

are no other two sectors like tourism and trade that infuse and complement one another so well, directly enhancing each other by creating added value. Here emphasis is placed on 'small' shops, in the form of craft shops, designer stores, and trinket shops, but also on shopping centers and entire zones in certain destinations. Not only has the number of people travelling the world increased (in 2014, there will be more than 1.2 billion, but around 600 million less than is expected by 2030), but also, the amount spent by travelers has also increased. Although a large portion of the spending is on the costs of travel, accommodations, and food, there is still a noticeable trend of the increase of spending on shopping, even to the point that the costs for food, culture, and entertainment have decreased.

Tourist shopping before and now While in the past people travelled and then, sometimes, bought something, mostly souvenirs or some other typical local products, which always, even today, depends on the buying power of tourists, today, significantly more is spent on shopping while travelling, and it is more common. The shopping expense has also increased, from a humble few percent of total travel in the 1960s to more than 70 percent of the cost, especially if the trip is one of the more and more common 'shopping tours', where the main goal and only motive of travel is shopping. As trends in the habits, needs, and desires of tourists have changed, so has their spending, and that which was once unimaginable is now a normal and

Famous global shopping meccas such as Paris, London, New York, and Milan, and more recently, Dubai, have been joined by some new cities around the world who are strengthening their destination development with their shopping offer.

December 2014 / January 2015





The top 5 countries where shopping is popular include France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, and Singapore.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

unavoidable phenomenon, especially caused by the development of new mobile technology. Almost every modern tourist has bought, for example, at least one mobile SIM card for the phone and internet while on the road, so they could use the local mobile and internet connection and save on communication during their trip. With the appearance of modern shopping centers and the development of store networks, various goods, clothing, shoes, sports equipment and many other things have become available to everyone worldwide. Although some of the formerly popular shopping tours have somewhat ended due to that, for example, Trieste (late 1970s), Hungary (1980s), or Turkey (1990s) from Croatia and other surrounding countries, shopping hasn't stopped, but it has increased, even in countries where it

wasn't popular before. Terry Stevens, global expert on tourism and trade from Wales, who has stayed in Croatia several times over the past thirty years, confirms this. On his trip to Zagreb in 2014, at a round table on shopping tourism, he emphasized that the picture of a classic travel spender has changed because they have stopped being passive spenders, or consumers, and they have taken over an active role that requires an openness to shopping in itself, but also to participating in certain activities of creating the product and services they are buying. So, shopping tourism, as a special form of tourism, has gained greater importance than before and, according to Stevens, is becoming more important in the total tourism result of cities and countries focused on tourism. With the strengthening of the middle class in Asian countries, especially

As trends in the habits, needs, and requests of tourists change, so does their spending. What was once unimaginable, now becomes a normal and unavoidable phenomenon, under the influence of the development of new mobile technologies.

December 2014 / January 2015





Globeshoppers are tourists who travel the world and simply like shopping wherever they go. Besides spending money on famous brands, they also like to spend money on local products.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

China and Japan, the appearance of the globeshopper, which leads that growing segment in global tourism, has occurred worldwide.

Who are the globeshoppers? The globeshoppers are, as Stevens explains, tourists who travel the world and simply love to shop wherever they go. Besides spending on globally famous branded goods, they also love to spend on authentic, local crafts, often expecting to help create, taste, test, and promote products themselves, while they expect to be treated with kindness and respect. It is part of the reason for the growing popularity of shopping centers and zones amongst tourists, especially in large cities such as Milan, Barcelona, Paris, London, Madrid, New York, Istanbul, and other large shopping destinations, whose fame isn't wavering, but instead goes on. Amongst the globeshoppers, the main, or the 'biggest' shoppers are the Chinese, Russians, Japanese, Indonesians, and tourists/travelers from the USA, but also

more tourists from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, and Malaysia, whose buying power surpass other nations by far. Still, according to total spending for shopping on trips, the Chinese, who spend almost 30 percent of their travel budget for shopping, currently are first amongst the top 5 nations in the world. They are followed by the Russians, with 17 percent, Indonesians with 4 percent, and the Japanese and tourists from the USA, who set apart 3 percent for that purpose. Amongst the top 5 shopping destinations are France, Italy, and Great Britain, who achieve 15 to 18 percent of the total global travel shopping spending, along with Germany and Singapore. For globeshoppers, shopping is a special travel experience, which they love to share with posts on social networks. So that experience is in a way, as Stevens says, equal to that of experiencing the most beautiful sunset, extraordinary work of art, blue sea, or mountain peaks. For them, shopping is the main motivator and travel delight,

but all other tourists, regardless of the group they are a part of, through every other special form of tourism they utilize on trips, definitely contribute to spending in shopping tourism - whether they travel to Austria or Germany for Advent, discover a boutique on Champs Elysees in Paris, or just buy someone a special gift in a duty free shop at the airport, get lost in the bazaar in Istanbul, or dive into night shopping in downtown Hong Kong.

A phenomenon requiring caution Due to such trends, shopping tourism is a phenomenon that attracts the ever greater attention of the creators of travel policies, academic, and business leaders worldwide, becoming an even more important element of destination marketing and management. In its recent first report on shopping tourism, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) warns that there are a lot of investments, knowledge, skills, and cooperation

between the public and private sector required. Increasing tourist shopping spending definitely contributes to revenues, but the UNWTO warns that the current development of shopping tourism, as with other special forms of tourism, requires the adoption of a sustainability model so that destinations do not turn into large shopping centers that push all other attractions into the backdrop.

Croatia also has something to offer As it has inscribed itself on the global travel map over the past 20 years and has become more recognizable amongst foreign tourists, both for business and pleasure, Croatia has also increased its shopping offer. Although those two facts cannot be linked, nor do they depend on one another, the fact is that it is noticable that there are more tourists, both domestic and foreign, in Croatian destinations amongst an ever larger selection of various local

According to total spending on tourism shopping, the top 5 nations in the world are led by the Chinese, who spend nearly 30 percent of their total travel budget on shopping. They are followed by the Russians, Indonesians, Japanese, and tourists from the USA.

December 2014 / January 2015




Photo: Robert Kunštek

Photo: Nenad Ruszkowski (archive: Croatian National Tourist Board)


Croatia has excellent crafts and other local products and services that tell a story about destinations, regions, culture, and history, creating a certain experience for tourists-shoppers.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

and international goods and services, showing interest exclusively for shopping. The boom of shopping centers, who opened their doors to many fashion, food, and other brands, contributed in part, along with the expansion of small local production based on indigenous plants (cosmetics, food, oild, wine), skills of traditional master craftsmen (class, pottery, wood), and shipbuilders (yachts and smaller vessels, tourist submarines), as well as cultural-historical heritage (embroidery, lace). Now, in comparison to life twenty plus years ago, everything can be bought in Croatia, although some luxurious and expensive brands are still missing such as, for example cars (Ferrari, Mustang), jewelry (gems, diamonds), etc. Croatia has, emphasized Terry Stevens, excellent crafts and other local products and services that tell the story of the

destinations, regions, culture and history, creating a certain experience for the tourist-shopper.

Greatest spending in Zagreb The most money spent in tourism shopping in Croatia is currently recorded in Zagreb by one-day visitors who spend an average of 27 euro of the total 50 euro spent daily. A large portion of that money is spent in shopping centers in Zagreb, which offer visitors, besides shopping, a lot of other experiences. Centers have become the venue of various social events such as concerts, workshops, lectures, and promotions, and besides offering a wide range of shops, they often offer diverse food options, play centers, and mini amusement parks for children, while some also have cinemas. That is a fact well known by domestic, but also by


An unrivalled Zagreb shopping experience

Welcome to Arena Centar!


hen you think about great shopping in Zagreb, you likely think of Arena Centar right away, where you will find the most famous fashion brands in the world. An impressive list of superb brands have positioned themselves on the center's three floors, including the largest retail chains: Inditex/Zara and H&M, but you can also find Marc Jacobs, See by Chloe, Liu Jo, Michel Kors, Armani, Burberry, Paul Smith, Strellson, Joop!, Church’s, DSQUARED, Cavalli, Moschino, and many others who can be found in the multi-brand stores in the center - XYZ, Fashion&Friends, and Élysées Boutique. There is a great selection, and it

is up to you to enjoy the rich offer and the most affordable shopping. Along with great shopping, Arena Centar also awaits you with plenty of entertainment: the CineStar cinema awaits you with Gold Class and IMAX, but also the first 4DX cinema in the region. Getting hungry after a long day of shopping? Take the entire family to the popular Food Court where you will find a large selection of diverse foods: the daily menu at Fifty Fifty, the Quick and Fresh salad bar, excellent chicken at KFC, many delicious sandwiches at McDonalds, the exotic offer at Wok'n'Roll, the refreshing shakes at Happy Bubble, and the entire food offer is rounded up by the Koykan health food restaurant. You

can find everything you could want for a delicious and tasty lunch at the Arena Centar Food Court! With more than 20 stores for babies and children, Arena Centar has the best offer on the market supplemented with a lot of family-friendly content. Children can spend quality time in the Kupid play center (the 1st hour is free), and enjoy movie hits in CineStar IMAX Arena. Delight your child with a fun ride on the mobile horses or automobiles in the center's pleasant atmosphere! Come to Arena Centar, the center of shopping and entertainment, where everyone can find what they need. 

Arena Centar, Lanište 32, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, tel: +385 1 6661411, info@arenacentar.hr Sign up for Arena Centar's newsletter at: www.arenacentar.hr December 2014 / January 2015




Photo archive: Zagreb Tourist Board


The most money spent in Croatia on tourism shopping is currently spent in Zagreb, whose shopping centers have also become venues for various social events.

the ever more numerous foreign guests who are discovering the charms of the Croatian metropolis. Over the past few years, the shopping offer has also gotten stronger in coastal destinations, which are most visited in the summer months. Experts have recommended a stronger link between shopping centers with agencies, hoteliers, and other companies in tourism in the destinations where they are, for the organization of shopping tours, excursions, etc. They agree that for the stronger development of shopping tourism it is necessary to work even more on destination marketing and branding the country, as well as connecting all employees of the tourism sector, trade, and local governments.

New York's example New York, along with Paris and London, has been the world's shopping center, as many call it, for a long time, which, 42

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along with other things, is probably what makes it one of the most visited travel destinations in the world, with a population of 8.5 million, and visited annually by 53 million guests. With many stores of all kinds, shopping centers and zones, this city also has unique shopping neighborhoods, small boutiques, but also street stands where they sell everything. You can literally buy anything here. Shopping is an integral and important part of the Big Apple, its history, and, everyone believes, its future. It is estimated that more than 10 million international visitors annually come to New York only for the shopping, and that nearly 25 cents of every dollar tourists spend is spent on shopping. According to estimates, in 2012 alone, tourists spent more than 8 billion dollars in the city's stores, which filled the city coffers with more than 750 million dollars in collected taxes. Impressive, isn't it? ď ś


Much more than a business center


Green Gold Centar

hen a business center is so much more. The peace of the inner courtyard, the green heart of Green Gold Centar, makes you think it's a place of relaxation. And you would be half right. It's best described as a place where your work, entertainment, free time, and shopping overlap in an ideal ratio. Its offer is best described as a place that must be visited more than once. Easily accessible by most methods of transportation, Green Gold Centar is located only a few minutes away from the inter-city and international bus and train terminals. There is enough parking outdoors and in the center's garage so you can be free to explore the center

all day long. The city center where you can forget about the city rush. Here, it's completely irrelevant whether you think relaxation should be active or exclusively relaxing. It's as if you were worried, for example, if you should get a massage before or after bowling, a manicure or hairstyle before or after a game of billiards. Go shopping as soon as you come, or just before you go. The order is up to you. You would like to explore the magical worlds of wine and food. You would like something new, different. You have chosen the ideal wine, and, of course, you would like the ideal food pairing. You are interested in Oriental cuisine, the aromas and flavors of the Far East, or modern gastronomy. You would

like to organize a world class business conference, but you also need a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, entertainment and gastronomy, elegant modern design and architecture. You have fulfilled all these desires, had a successful day, entertained yourself, pleased business associates and friends, and you still haven't left Green Gold Centar. That is the essence of Green Gold Centar. Regardless of whether you have come for the services, stores, sports, or food, you will definitely be happy and leave with the best impressions, and with your shopping done. The question isn't whether you will come again, but, with such facilities, the only question is when. ď ś

Green Gold Centar, RadniÄ?ka cesta 52, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, tel: +385 1 6052680, reception: +385 1 6052681, dubravka@pbgrad.hr, www.greengold.hr December 2014 / January 2015




ot Ph M








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Shopping capital The capital of fashion, shopping, food... Paris is all that. It's a metropolis where you will truly find everything: from brand name clothes, shoes, perfumes, and expensive cars to local authentic products, souvenirs, tasty treats, and globally famous wines.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

December 2014 / January 2015





Photos: various programs take place on the stage on the main square during Advent (top); Christmas classics and waltzes, unique souvenirs, and Christmas ornament await you on Zrinjevac (top left and right).


Holiday Magic Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photos: archive of Zagreb Tourist Board and Robert Kunštek

This year, Advent in Zagreb will once again fill the air with the aroma of hot chocolate, mulled wine, cinnamon, cloves, and various delicacies, make you dance with many concerts and musical programs, endear you with children's pageants and Christmas songs, invite you to take a ride on the jolly Christmas tram, relax you with Fuliranje next to the funicular...


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo: every year, the live nativity scene on Kaptol attracts an ever-growing number of visitors (top).

tip: This Advent, take a walk through Zrinjevac and get a few unique Christmas ornaments, warm yourself up with hot chocolate at the funicular...


oliday magic has already caught the Croatian metropolis by storm, and during December it takes every visitor to Zagreb and passerby on Zagreb's squares, streets and parks through an entirely different story, one where everything is possible. The story of Zagreb's main square will intrigue you every day with different programs for visitors of all ages: children's shows, folklore programs, and various musical treats. The romantics amongst you should definitely take a walk to Zrinjevac, where you will find a fairytale version of the old musical pavilion, Christmas classics and waltzes, but also unique souvenir and Christmas ornaments made by Croatian artists. This park in the center of the city will also pamper your taste buds with

delicious Zagrebian specialties and the unavoidable hot chocolate and mulled wine.

Musical surprises Trg kralj Tomislava will await you with an icy Christmas fairytale - an ice rink, accompanied by various musical programs, while the sounds of classical music will drift from a select few balconies in the center of the city on Sundays at 7 PM, creating a unique experience in the streets of Zagreb. The traditional Christmas fair, with the most diverse Christmas gifts, ornaments, and souvenirs made by domestic artists, will await you in your walk through the streets surrounding the main city square. Artomat, a fair of unconventional artistic objects, will be held on Trg žrtava fašizma

from December 14 to 24, and don’t miss out on the relaxed ambiance of Fuliranje at the funicular. Cvjetni trg will be in the sign of classical music and jazz, and a real Christmas ambiance can also be found on Kaptol with a live nativity scene. The jolly Christmas tram will ride through the streets of Zagreb from December 6 to January 6, and this year a lot of Advent events, named AdvEUnt, can be found on Europski trg. One of the novelties this year is the first Croatian New Years' Festival, Playground NYE, which will host many famous artists from the world of electronic music on December 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015 in Boćarski dom. Don't miss out on the New Years' Eve party on the main city square... 

December 2014 / January 2015



Historical traces...




Google Street View: Address: Nature park Medvednica Zagreb, Croatia

tip: Medvedgrad can be reached on foot from Zagreb's Ĺ estine neighborhood, by car to the parking lot beneath KraljiÄ?in zdenac, or to the one at the base of Medvedgrad.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015



ne of the prettiest views of Zagreb and the Sava River valley can be seen from Medvedgrad, an old town built in the 13th century on the southwestern slope of Medvednica, the mountain north of Zagreb. Clergyman Benko first started building the town with beautiful halls, several towers, strong fortresses, and the chapel of St. Phillip and Jacob after the siege of the Tatars so that they could use it to hide the church treasures of the Zagreb diocese if attackers from the east came again. Construction was completed six years later, during the rule of Bishop Phillip, and the maintenance of that magnificent building was relatively expensive. After a strong earthquake in 1590, when the Medvedgrad fortress was badly damaged, its owners changed: aristocratic families, county prefects, captains, counts, and bans. The most recent owners of the town, who owned it until 1945, were the Barons of Kulmer. Although it was never attacked, the town had an exciting history, and many stories and legends are tied to it, of which the most famous is the one about the infamous Black Queen, the cruel town leader. Today, the Altar to the Homeland, a monument built in memory of Croatian soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of Croatia, is located at Medvedgrad. On a clear day, the view from Medvedgrad stretches beyond Zagreb all the way to Klek and the mountains of Gorski Kotar. 

Prepared by: Željka Kunštek Photo archive: Zagreb Tourist Board

December 2014 / January 2015



Looking back

EVENTS Croatian Tourism Days 2014 The largest annual meeting of Croatian tourism professionals, Croatian Tourism Days, was held on October 16 and 17 in Opatija. During the event, several lectures, presentations, and meetings were held, and some of this year's topics included managing travel destinations, trends, and digital challenges in tourism. Participants were presented the "Strategic Marketing Plan for Croatian Tourism by 2020", as well as the "Croatia 365" project for developing the pre- and postseason. On the second day of the meeting, as is tradition, a meeting between the professionals and representatives of the Government of the Republic of Croatia was held, and awards were handed out on the first and second evening for campaigns by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Croatian National Tourist Board, and the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia, who were the organizers of this grand event.

Photo archive: UHPA

Photo archive: www.mint.hr

Over the past few months, we followed important events and heard about the novelties and trends in the travel industry: we heard about the challenges of the tourism industry and the position of travel agencies, the importance of sustainable development and ecotourism in Croatia, the popularization of digital business in tourism, travel destination management... Here is an overview of some of the leading events in the travel sector that have marked the past two months in Croatia.

World Congress of Presidents of Travel Agency Associations From November 6 to 8, 2014, more than 120 representatives of the travel industry gathered in Zagreb for the second World Congress of Presidents of Travel Agency Associations, where they spoke about, amongst other things, the greatest challenges the tourism industry faces today, and the position of travel agencies. Amongst the participants of this three-day event were fifty heads of the leading travel associations in the world from 34 countries. The congress officially started with the signing of the World Tourism Association (UNWTO) Global Code of Ethics, which was, along


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

with Boris Žgomba, president of the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA), also signed by representatives of seven foreign associations of travel agencies from the following countries: Montenegro, Argentina, Malaysia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, and Slovenia. "Human rights are the basis of our mandate as the UN's specialized agency for tourism. It is the core of the basic strategic document of the UNWTO, the Global Code of Ethics", said Taleb Rifai, the Secretary-General of the UNWTO, who attended the signing.

He added that the code represents a guide for the development of tourism with the aim of guiding tourists, tour operators, and host communities worldwide. The signing of the code was also supported by Croatian Minister of Tourism, Darko Lorencin, who didn't hide his satisfaction that this important event was held in Zagreb and Croatia. The organizer of the event was the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA), in partnership with the Croatian National Tourist Board, and the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Photo archive: LUX promocija

Photo: Bosiljko Domazet

Sustainable development and ecotourism in Croatia, the sustainability of beaches, socially responsible business as the basis of the sustainable development of society, biodiversity as a basis for tourism attraction, ecological agriculture, investing in protected areas, and the sustainable development of nautical tourism are just some of the topics from the first Congress of ecological and sustainable tourism, held November 25 in Zagreb. "Environmental protection and sustainable development are a guarantee for the future of Croatian tourism, where it's important to add that around three percent of holiday trips worldwide are motivated by ecotourism, with a strong growth trend", said Croatian Minister of Tourism, Darko Lorencin, at the congress, and added that there is great potential for ecotourism in Croatia, especially due to the availability, attractiveness, and preserved state of natural resources. The beauty of the landscape and its preservation are the elements where Croatia has an advantage over its competitors, emphasized the minister. The congress was held under the organization of LUX Promotions, whose owner, SunÄ?ana Matić, is publically known as the author of the "Irresistible Croatia" project.

Photo archive: Zadar DigIT

First Congress of ecological and sustainable tourism

Zadar DigIT 2014: Digital tourism as the future With the goal of expanding awareness of digital marketing, as an ever more present communication channel, and the importance of digital marketing and digital business in tourism, the second conference on digital tourism, Zadar DigIT 2014 was held in Zadar on September 14 and 15, 2014. This year's conference also gathered some of the best Croatian digital experts, but also lecturers from abroad, such as Gianluca Laterza from TripAdvisor and Hans Petter Aalmo from Visit Norway. Amongst other things, the conference focused on digital signage, mobile applications, and new trends in tourism, augmented reality, the future of local travel, sustainable tourism, and the optimization of Google and Facebook platforms for advertising, and there were also questions asked and answered on how to inexpensively

find out where tourists are and how to get to them, as well as what is required to achieve a career in digital marketing. Besides the interesting and inspirational lectures, there were also several workshops held at the event, including workshops on advertising on YouTube, Google Analytics, and preparing and running a travel blog. The latter was held by married couple Sanne and Bart von Poll, owners of the famous "Spotted by Locals" blog, which has a total of 310 'spotters' in a total of 57 countries in Europe and North America. This couple from Amsterdam emphasizes that it is always better to visit a destination as a local than to tour the tourist attractions, and, with their other colleagues, they regularly add new travel tips and write about their favorite places on their blog.

December 2014 / January 2015





RUŽICA RAŠPERIĆ, Director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board We spoke to Ružica Rašperić, Director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board about the development of tourism in the Zagreb County as well as the main assets and potentials of Zagreb's green ring. www.tzzz.hr Conducted by: Željka Kunštek Photos: archives of tourist boards of Zagreb County, Sveta Nedelja, Jastrebarsko, Ivanić-Grad and Dugo Selo, Romeo Ibrišević, and archive of Lužnica Castle

'I see the greatest potential in the

development of rural tourism' With intensive promotion, we have managed to create the image of a county as an excursion destination all year long.



tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

ou have been running the Zagreb County Tourist Board since 2007. It is a responsible, dynamic, challenging, and, I believe, creative position. What do you love the most about your job? My primary task is to promote the value and beauty of the Zagreb County as a tourist destination. How to achieve that? The possible selections of tools and methods are very complex. Then you come to the expression of personal creativity, knowledge and experience. Challenges are constantly present, it is a job that

demands innovation and dynamics. I am the kind of person who enjoys that. The Zagreb County is a famous destination for excursions, but it is also a destination with a large number of events that attract tourists all year long. What are the main assets of Zagreb's green ring? The area surrounding Zagreb is tied to the capital city of Zagreb, one of the largest centers of tourism, which tourists are become rapidly more interested in. I would say that is Zagreb County's

Photo: Romeo Ibrišević

strongest asset. However, it has also been a green oasis of relaxation for all Zagrebians and the tradition of tourist destinations has been linked to it for more than two centuries. Tourism in the Zagreb County is mostly defined by excursions. Our main assets are, along with natural and cultural heritage, village homesteads, wine roads, cycling, recreational and adventure tourism. A large number of interesting events, around 300 annually, also attract a large number of visitors to our county. I see the greatest potential in the popularization of products in rural areas and the idea of staying in the country, or in nature. Trends of spending in tourism abroad have recorded growth in vacations in natural surroundings. Because of that, we have increased the promotion of tourist products in rural areas. How has tourism in the Zagreb County developed over the past few years? In planning the development of tourism, we started with an analysis of the basic

resources, because, as you know, the economic success of tourism depends on the efficient use of resources. Taking into account the natural and culturalhistoric heritage, climate conditions, infrastructure, tourist services, and content we created new tourism products: festivals and events, wine roads, and various selective forms of tourism such as country, active, health, religious, cultural-historic, and transit tourism. With intensive advertising, through promotional campaigns in all media, we managed to create the image of a county as a year-long excursion destination, with all its comparative advantages. Furthermore, with the aim of creating a mini season for each of the travel destinations in the county, animating regional demand and motivating new visits and additional spending, we have invested great effort in the development of the proper infrastructure: roads, road signs, brown tourism signs and info

Photos: a view of picturesque Sveta Nedelja (top); Lužnica castle in the Zaprešić area (bottom left); beautiful examples of wooden architecture have been preserved near Velika Gorica, such as the Church of St. Barbara (bottom right).

I see the greatest potential in the popularization of products in rural areas and the idea of staying in the country, or in nature. Tourist spending trends abroad also show an increase in vacations in natural surroundings.

December 2014 / January 2015




Photo archive: Patisserie "U prolazu", Samobor


Photos: a čardak near Ivanić-Grad (top left); the Zagreb County is a favorite destination for cyclists (top right); winegrowing hills near the city of Jastrebarsko (bottom left); the Samobor kremšnita is a famous gourmet brand (bottom right).

Along with natural and cultural heritage, the county's main assets are country homesteads, wine roads, cycling, recreational, and adventure tourism.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

boards, parking lots, tourist information, and landscaping. Also, we launched the development of tourism projects at strategic locations, enabled support and loans for establishing businesses and renovating travel facilities, provided support for travel agencies to bring in new guests, and we also put in effort regarding tax breaks in order to attract entrepreneurial development projects. Over the past few years, certain changes have become visible in the structure of tourists. Which are the "traditional" and which are the "new" markets that have started discovering the charms of the Zagreb county? In comparison to the same period last year, we have recorded an increase of 8.6 percent in arrivals and 4.9 percent in overnight stays. According to country of origin, German guests take first place,

followed by guests from Poland, Italy, and Bulgaria. Last year, besides German and Italian guests, there were also guests from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interestingly, there is a growing trend in the arrival of guests from South Korea. This year, the Zagreb County was named the recommended destination of the year by the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA). What exactly does that mean for the county? Through intensive cooperation with travel agencies, we will try to create a communication system where the key values will be consistently promoted and recognized with the aim of even better quality travel destination development. The aim of destination management is connecting all the participants in

tourism so such collaboration will result in increased activity such as additional promotion on domestic and foreign markets, additional education, and holding special presentations, all with the goal of creating new products. What will the Zagreb County Tourist Board focus on in the near future? In the near future, the Zagreb County Tourist Board will focus on improving, preserving, and promoting all the elements of tourism products in the county, as well as motivating and aiding the development of new products in the county, in its cities and municipalities. Increasing the activities of coordination functions and collaborating with lower and higher administration, along with companies and private individuals, indirectly or directly involved in county tourism, but

also offering professional and all other kinds of assistance, are all in the focus of our work. One of the topics of this issue of the magazine is shopping tourism, and the Zagreb County is home to the largest shopping center in Croatia. Is shopping one of the motives of tourists visiting the county? Transit travelers in our county, mostly foreigners, go shopping in large numbers. The numbers are especially noticeable in the summer months. The trend is also visible for more than a quarter of domestic tourists who come to the county for a day. Statistics show that around 40 percent of guests who stay in hotels and hostels, besides paying for accommodations, food, and sightseeing, spend a large amount of their money on shopping. ď ś

Photos: the lakes of Sveta Nedelja are popular amongst anglers (top); preserving the tradition and customs of the area are the main focus of the inhabitants of the Zagreb County (bottom left); the ruins of the old church on Martin Breg in Dugo Selo (bottom right).

tip: Another reason to visit the county is to participate in some of the three hundred various events that take place in the county throughout the year, which are a magnet for the ever-growing number of visitors.

December 2014 / January 2015




Photos: idyllic winter in Samobor (left); the youngest participants of Samobor's Carnival (top right); "Marija cake", a famous Samobor delicacy (bottom right).

Photo: Josip Grđan (www.srceko.webs.com)

Experience Croatia

Winter stories of Samobor and Krašić Written by: Željka Kunštek Photos: Josip Grđan (www.srceko.webs.com), Romeo Ibrišević, archives of Samobor Tourist Board and Krašić Tourist Board

When Zagreb's green ring turns white in the winter months, its story also changes. It is a special delight to pass through Samobor's main square at that time and enjoy the colors, aromas, and tastes of the Christmas fair, which will be replaced in early February by the fun, colorful and loud Samobor carnival. February will be calmer and quieter in the spirit of a large community with Stepinčevo in Krašić... 56

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo: Josip Grđan (www.srceko.webs.com)

Photo: Josip Grđan (www.srceko.webs.com)

tip: Let the Christmas fair in Samobor be your inspiration for Christmas present shopping, and the Samobor Carnival, from February 6 to 17, a chance for excellent entertainment.

Photo: Romeo Ibrišević

Photos: at the Christmas fair you can find various ornaments and souvenirs made by Samobor artists (top left and right); Firework Days (middle left); fun is guaranteed for all generations at the Samobor Carnival (middle right and bottom left); lighting the Prince Carnival doll (bottom right).

Samobor's Carnival is one of the oldest carnivals in Croatia, and will celebrate its 189th anniversary in 2015.


he people of Samobor have done a lot this year, and one of the larger events that will definitely be remembered for a long time by the hosts of and visitors to this town near Zagreb are Samobor's first Firework Days, held in early October 2014. The introduction to this heavenly spectacle were a large chestnut festival and Samobor's Oktoberfest, and the Firework Days were competitive in nature, and transformed the sky above Samobor into an explosion of color and various shapes, accompanied by a diverse musical program. The Firework Days were also a good warm-up for the people of Samobor for Samobor's City Days, which came in the days that followed. The people of Samobor proudly boast another sweet autumn event, which was held in their city in early October. To preserve old recipes from falling into oblivion, which they have treated themselves to along with their guests for the past two centuries, they organized "Samobor's Sweet Nocturno". Twelve

local pastry chefs participated in the workshop for the creation of Samobor's treats, led by Dino Bebić, winner of this year's 10th "Golden Apple" and pastry chef at "The Westin Zagreb" hotel. The goal was clear - to prepare "Marija torta", a Samobor delicacy named after Marija pl. Hotković, according to the old recipe from "Grandma Ivka's cookbook" by Milan Žegarac Peharnik. The workshop also marked the continuation of the project launched in 2013 with the publication of the "All gourmet roads lead to Samobor" food guide, the "Little Samobor Cookbook" with traditional recipes from the late 19th and mid20th century, and the "Samobor Chef" workshops.

From idyllic fairs to adrenaline-filled carnival With the arrival of the holidays, the streets and squares of Samobor will invite you for a walk. With a cup of mulled wine, tea, or hot chocolate in

hand, tour the Christmas fair on the main city square in mid-December. The fair will surely be an inspiration for Christmas gifts since domestic artists and producers will exhibit their handiwork and products there. There will also be unique Christmas ornaments and souvenirs, glass, porcelain, and ceramic items, jewelry, candles, licitar hearts, and the gourmet delicacies of this region: cake, honey cake, homemade bread, jams, bermet, muštarda, blackberry wine, spirits... After the holidays soften you up, your adrenaline levels will soon be lifted by Samobor's 189th carnival. From February 6 to 17, Samobor will once again become the carnival republic, which will be overtaken by masked people with entertainment for all generations. In the spirit of the century-old tradition, many artists will once again, in a satirical and unique manner, show their opinion of the current social-political situation in the city and country, and December 2014 / January 2015



Experience Croatia


Photos: Krašić in winter (top); the parish church of the Holy Trinity dominates Krašić's main square, with a statue of Aloysius Stepinac standing in front of it (bottom left); Krašić in summer (bottom middle).

The Krašić area is also called the Valley of the Cardinals, since several Croatian cardinals and bishops were born and raised there.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

allegoric floats will ride through the city, as is tradition. More than 4500 performers, children's parades, dance ensembles, choirs, 30 floats, 800 carnival participants from Croatia and abroad, and 400 various performers guarantee great entertainment. Carnival will end traditionally on Tuesday, February 17, with the sentencing of Prince Carnival, and the burning of his doll, which will ensure that the year ahead will be without negative influences.

The paths of the Cardinal Many worshippers from all parts of Croatia, but also from abroad, leave messages to the beatified Aloysius Stepinac in his hometown of Krašić, a town in the southwestern part of the Zagreb County, in hope of a better future. Although there are many reasons to visit Krašić, religious tourism has marked this area, also known as the "Valley of the Cardinals". Besides Zagreb Archbishop and Cardinal Stepinac, Cardinal Franjo Kuharić also hailed from this area, as well as Bishop Juraj Jezerinac and Bishop Josip Mrzljak. The central location of religious gatherings is the church of the Holy Trinity, which dominates Krašić's main

square. The building of this sanctuary is around seven hundred years old, and the church still houses a gothic shrine, baroque altar, and wooden Golgotha relief. Pilgrims who have been to the Holy Land compare it to the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, but on a smaller scale. Stepinčevo, or marking the 55th anniversary of the death of beatified Aloysius Stepinac will be held at this church on February 10, 2015 at 10:30. However, the oldest church in this area is the church of St. Sixtus Pope in Pribić, built in the early medieval ages, and is also the only church in Croatia to bear the name of this saint, a pope who was of Croatian heritage. Besides religious tourism, many visitors are attracted to Krašić by the scenic and beautiful landscape, where forests, valleys, rivers, streams, hills, and charming villages, which still live as in the past, intertwine. Here you can also find the "Gates to Žumberak", so you can head out from this tame valley to conquer the hills of the Žumberak range. There you will find a truly idyllic world of preserved nature, bubbling cascades, and quick forest creeks, picturesque vineyards, aromatic meadows, and traditional farm estates. Explore them... 

Explore Zagreb County SSOCIA TA T IS












Zagreb County Tourist Board Preradovićeva 42, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385 1 4873665, fax: +385 1 4873670 e-mail: info@tzzz.hr, www.tzzz.hr December 2014 / January 2015








ot o đa : n

New Samobor souvenirs Fans of belot visiting Samobor, an idyllic town near Zagreb, will be even more delighted to play their favorite card game. A new innovative souvenir - "Samoborske mađarice" has recently been launched by "Srčeko", the creative workshop of two enthusiasts and artists enamored with their town, which can be found on the main town square. Belot now has its own story, which will take you through the streets and squares of Samobor, reveal the charming churches and poetic chapels of the area, the picturesque hills, and main attractions of the town, while also introducing you to Samobor's famous people. Besides being an attractive souvenir, the cards are also a creative gift with which you can delight your dearest, along with the new "Croatian village" calendar, which will remind you of the diversity and wealth of traditional customs and costumes of the Samobor region all year long.

Photo: Josip Grđan www.srceko.webs.com


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

December 2014 / January 2015



Experience Croatia


Photos: frozen waterfalls in the winter months (left); the crystal clear, blue-green lakes are best emphasized in the spring and summer months (top and bottom right).

Tourist inspiration all year long

Written by: Željka Kunštek ◆ Photos: archive of Plitvice Lakes National Park

Even though they are rare, there are destinations in the world that are unaware of the word "season". For them, tourism is a daily thing, curious visitors explore them all 365 days of the year, and whatever season you visit them in, they will always impress you again. One such destination are the Plitvice Lakes, the most popular national park in Croatia and one of the most beautiful natural attractions in Europe... 62

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Plitvice Lakes are the oldest national park in Croatia. They received the title in 1949, and precisely thirty years later, in 1979, UNESCO inscribed them on the list of world heritage sites. They are located between the mountains of Mala Kapela and LiÄ?ka PljeĹĄivica, in the middle of the Dinaric mountain range, near the road that connects Zagreb and Dalmatia, which makes them easily accessible.


very time I come to the Plitvice Lakes and cast a glance at the waterfalls, I recall the anecdotes of a friend, a tour guide, who was once asked by a tourist upon touring the park what time the waterfalls are turned off. That anecdote always brings a smile to my face, for one because the tourist was obviously convinced that it was impossible that nature created such natural beauty, but also because of the pride that this natural attraction is located in my country, and only two hours away from the Croatian metropolis.

Eight tour programs It is truly difficult to say whether it is better to 'lose yourself' amongst the lakes, frothy cascades and falls in the spring, when the falls are extremely loud and abundant in water (due to heavy

rainfall), and when the forest, which covers a large area of the park (around 30 thousand hectares) releases its aromas, while the meadows are in full bloom, or in summer, when the crystal clear blue-green color of the lake is especially emphasized, and the millions of drops spraying from the waterfalls offer visitors true refreshment. Autumn, with its explosion of colors and strong contrasts will make a walk through Plitvice an unforgettable experience, and winter... it is truly special. Professional and amateur photographers both find it hard to drag themselves away from the frozen falls, along with many other artists who find great inspiration in Plitvice's winter wonderland. Even if you aren't artists, don't worry. Plitvice are a great source of inspiration for all tourists, and your method of touring the lakes depends on you.

Photos: the park is also attractive in the autumn months, when the forest turns the most diverse colors (left and right).

tip: Before visiting the park, get information on the available guided tours, which are greatly defined by the season, or weather conditions.

December 2014 / January 2015



Experience Croatia


tip: Wear comfortable sportswear while touring the park, since there is a great 133 m difference in altitude between the first and last lake, a large number of stairs and inclines.

Photos: Plitvice Lakes are also a favorite destination for newlyweds, who just said their vows of eternal love here (left); an idyllic winter scene at the lakes (right).

Tours are available at the park in Croatian, English, Italian, German, French, and Spanish for organized groups of visitors.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

You can choose between eight tour programs, half-day (three to four hours in duration) or full day (five to six hours in duration). The tours are circular and you will mostly tour the park on foot, and partly with a panoramic train and electrical boat. Although the park is intertwined with trails and wooden bridges that will mostly take you next to the lakes and waterfalls, there are also hiking trails and two educational trails available for the braver visitors.

Main attractions The main attractions of the park, sixteen lakes, are split into the Upper and Lower lakes, filled with creeks and streams, interconnected with waterfalls. The largest lake is Kozjak, which has an electrical boat running on it. It is 2350 meters long, and 46 meters deep at its deepest point. Legend says it got its name because a herd of goats (koze) tried to cross from the shore to the island in the winter when the ice wasn't deep enough and they drowned in the lake. The special feature of this lake is Štefanija's island, 275 m long and 60 meters wide, made up of dolomite rock. The Upper Lakes hide many other interesting features, such as a cave garden, which could once be passed through, and a small stone building, which was once used to try to produce electrical energy. Still, the park's greatest attraction, which you will see on every postcard, are the Lower Lakes, formed in a canyon. There you will find the largest, most impressive, and most photographed waterfall, the "Great Waterfall", 78 meters in height. This group of lakes is also interesting for many other things. Along with several stone viewpoints, which offer

a fantastic view of the park, you will also be able to pass through the Šupljar cave, and duck into Modra Špilja, which was formerly accessed by boat in the past. Another park feature are the limestone barriers, made of porous stone, which were formed over tens of thousands of years, with the deposit of calcium carbonate from running water, and thanks to special types of algae and moss. As far as vegetation is concerned, the park is covered in forests of beech, fir, spruce, and pine forests, along with many meadows, and as far as protected plant life is concerned, saxifrage, yew, and peony all grow here. Along with the many kinds of birds and small wildlife, the park is also home to does and deer, otters, and many butterfly species. Still, the park's "trademark" is the brown bear. After the tour, gather your thoughts and rest in one of the restaurants within the park, try local specialties, and get a souvenir or original product made by local producers in Croatia. If you would like to enjoy the beauty of Plitvice for more than a day, stay at one of the hotels, camps, or with a private bed&breakfast owner.

Weddings and New Year's celebrations Besides the many tourists from many countries and from all continents, at the park you will also often come across newlyweds who have decided to say "I do" amongst the century-old forests and sparkling waterfalls. Plitvice Lakes are also a favorite destination for sending off the old year and ringing in the New Year in completely different, idyllic surroundings. Check them out for yourself... 

December 2014 / January 2015




Photo: you can try chocolate pralines in various combinations at the Chocolate Festival.

The camellia is a gentle flower that blooms in the winter, when all other vegetation is still dormant. This refined flower is the symbol of Opatija, but also of the entire Opatija Riviera.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

tip: Visit the Chocolate Festival in Opatija from December 5 to 7, and enjoy the imaginative versions of this beloved global delicacy.


Photo: Villa Angiolina in the winter.

From idyllic holidays to the 'Winter Rio' Winter on the Opatija Riviera is a special experience. When the snow cover reaches the sea, the holiday lights light up the cities and towns of the Riviera, and the camellia is in full bloom, an entirely different story starts. One infused with flavors, aromas, colors, sounds, and experiences you will remember for a long, long time... Prepared by: Željka Kunštek Photos: archive of Opatija Tourist Board and PHOTOnet.hr

December 2014 / January 2015





Photos: the girl with the gull is Opatija's symbol (top and bottom left); the ice rink on the Summer stage (top right); you will see luxury hotels and villas in Opatija at every step (bottom right).



tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

t was established as a winter retreat for the Austrian elite, but now Opatija continues its tradition for guests from all over the world in the winter months, during which various programs interchange on its terraces and stages, squares and streets, in parks and luxurious hotels. Here you will find, amongst other things, the Ice Fantasy, or the skating rink, the Christmas fair, and the Chocolate Festival, dedicated to the world's favorite treat, which you will be able to taste in hundreds of impressive variants. Not even Santa Claus, who will be coming from distant Laponia with a sleigh that horses will pull up to the "residence" on UÄ?ka mountain, which dominates over the Kvarner bay, will be able to resist the Christmas magic. Once the idyllic holidays pass, the Opatija Riviera turns into the "Winter Rio". Here, there is a "fifth season" that

take place between winter and spring. It is the time of carnival madness, carnival folk traditions, masquerade balls, noisy bell ringers, the Balinjerada, and many other attractive events. Let's start from the beginning...

The sweetest event Advent in Opatija starts on November 29, 2014, with the spectacular Christmas Tree Lighting on the terrace of Opatija's Hotel "Continental". No, you heard that right. The traditional ceremony of putting up the Christmas tree and lighting the lights, which can be seen in famous cities worldwide, such as London, New York, Paris, Sydney, Prague, and Berlin, can also be seen in Opatija too! The following day, on November 30, "Ice Fantasy", which lasts until December 27, will be opened on Opatija's summer stage, only a few

steps from the sea. That small winter center, with an attractive ice rink and diverse program will be especially attractive for the younger guests, who will also have the chance to visit St. Nicholas here. On the first weekend of December, Opatija's coffee houses, cafés, restaurants, hotels, summer stage, Villa Angiolina, and the Juraj Šporer Art Pavillion will be filled with the aroma of chocolate. December 5 to 7 is reserved for the sweetest event in Opatija, the 2014 Chocolate Festival, where all the best domestic and foreign chocolate brands will be presented, along with small specialized producers of original chocolate treats. The exhibition and sales portion of the event will be located on the Summer stage, while attractive programs such as chocolate workshops, lectures, tastings, concerts,

and exhibitions will be held in all of Opatija's hotels and restaurants, but also at the art galleries, exhibition halls, and museums. A classical concert, "Pure Chocolate", with a Zotter chocolate tasting, will also be held as part of the festival on December 6, while the "Opatija Paradox", where chocolate and wine will be paired together, will be held the same day at the Villa Angiolina from 5:00 to 10:00 PM. Various Choco programs, Gastro Choco, and Choco wellness & spa packages will await you in Opatija's hotels.

Photos: Santa Claus, who will thrill the youngest visitors, will visit the Učka Nature Park this winter too (top left); you can enjoy original chocolate treats at the Chocolate Festival (top right and middle right); a sculpture of violinist Jan Kubelik in front of the music pavilion (bottom left); you can choose between various Choco wellness & spa packages in Opatija's hotels (bottom right).

Disco New Year's Eve, toasts, caroling... Children will come into their own from December 12 to 14, when Santa Claus will surprise them with his arrival at the Učka Nature Park. It will be a chance for December 2014 / January 2015





Photos: the Mayor's New Year toast will be held on January 1 precisely at noon, as is tradition (top left); the disco New Year's party is to take place on the Summer stage (bottom left); New Year's fireworks (right).


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

them to whisper their Christmas wishes and talk to him in idyllic surroundings. The peak of the Christmas and New Year's program on the Riviera will be the disco New Year's party on Opatija's Summer stage called "New Year's Fever - Crazy 70s and 80s Disco Party". You will dance your way into 2015 with hits from the 70s and 80s, and famous DJ Luca Montecchi, and the traditional New Year's toast by the mayor will be held on the terrace of the Remisens Premium hotel Kvarner on January 1 at 12:00. Since thousands of guests visit Opatija for New Year's every year, the mayor of Opatija, along with his closest associates, will greet them, wish them a lot of luck, and invite them to return to Opatija. Toasts are made with champagne served in an exclusive glass with a famous symbol of Opatija, the girl with the gull, engraved on them, and the guests may take the glass home as a unique gift. During the Christmas and New Year's holidays, various shows and concerts are also held in Kastav, a town near Opatija, amongst which the holiday concert prepared by the "Spinčići" musical ensemble are one of the favorites.

The Christmas concert will be held on December 25 in the parish church of St. Jelena, and the New Year's concert will be held on December 26 in Kastav's school gymnasium. After New Year's, the members of the "Kastav" klapa, in keeping with the old tradition of caroling (singing Christmas songs) and good hands (a symbolic token to those who host the carolers), on the Feast of the Epiphany when they visit homes in Kastav, wishing everyone a happy and successful new year, like the holy three kings.

Carnival time After the idyllic holidays, masked madness starts on the Opatija Riviera. Starting on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6 in Žejane, and from St. Antony's Day on January 17, "Pust" (the carnival) starts in all places on the Opatija Riviera, with the handing over of the keys to the cities and the municipalities. One week later, on January 23, a festival of carnival food will be held in Matulji, where you will have the chance to try typical carnival food. At the very end of the month, on Saturday, January 31, in Rijeka, 14 km away from

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.o w ww SUBOTA / SATURDAY, 17.01.


Antonja, početak pusta / St. Antony’s Day, begining of the carnival

RIJEKA: Dječja karnevalska povorka / Children’s Carnival Parade • 13:00 h

PETAK / FRIDAY, 23.01.


MATULJI: Festival pusne hrani / Food Festival • 20:00 h, Hangar

OPATIJA: Ples pod maskama / Masquerade Ball • 20:00 h, Hotel Royal



RIJEKA: Carnival Snowboard Session 2015

OPATIJA: Balinjerada / Balinjerada - race of homemade vechicles on ball-bearing wheels • 10:00 h trening, 12:00 h start


OPATIJA: Dječji karnevalski korzo / Children’s Carnival Parade • 13:00 h PETAK / FRIDAY, 06.02.

OPATIJA: Maškarani klapski maraton / Carnival à Capella Singing Marathon 20:00 h, Sportska dvorana / Sport Hall M. Cvetković


LOVRAN: Međunarodna karnevalska povorka / International Carnival Parade 14:00 h SUBOTA / SATURDAY, 14.02.

MATULJI: 20. Smotra zvončara / 20th Bell-ringer’s Gathering • 12:00 h

Grad Rijeka


RIJEKA: Humanitarni karnevalski bal / Charity Carnival Ball • 21:00 h, Guvernerova palača / Governor’s Palace



KASTAV: Doček halubajskih zvončara / Welcoming the Halubje Bell-ringers • 13:00 h SRIJEDA / WEDNESDAY 18.02.

MOŠĆENIČKA DRAGA: Smotra pusnih zastava i spaljivanje rakete te lansiranje Gobota / Parade of the Carnival Flags and Condemnation of the Rocket with Mascot Gobo • 17:30 h

December 2014 / January 2015




Photos: every year, the elite Masquerade Ball gathers many tourists and public figures, and the exquisite masks, formal suits, and elegant evening gowns are the mandatory dress code for the evening (bottom).

Opatija, the 2015 Carnival Snowboard Session, an international snowboard competition, will be held, unique for the fact that the slope is located only a few meters from the sea. Be in Opatija the following day, February 1, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, when the children's masked parade will go through the city. Thousands of children from Croatia and abroad will walk from the central square, in front of the marketplace, to the main city beach, while cheered on by many spectators, and entertained by animators and musicians. The main event will be held on the plateau of the Slatina beach, where children will get together with refreshments and an entertaining program. The masked klapa marathon, organized by the "Volosko" female klapa, will be held in Opatija's "Marino Cvetković" gymnasium on February 6 at 8:00 PM. At that time, traditional Croatian vocal groups will have the task of creating a 72

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

polka rhythm and performing some of the more popular carnival songs. Other that vocal abilities, masked expression also comes to play here, since the audience will be evaluating not only the quality of the performance, but also the attractiveness of the masks and accompanying choreography.

Masquerade ball and Balinjerada The following day, on February 7, the Children's Carnival Parade will pass through Rijeka, and the same evening, at 8:00 PM, the elite Masquerade Ball, which gathers many tourists, but also public figures, will be held at Opatija's Hotel Royal. Exquisite masks, formal suits, and elegant evening gowns are the mandatory dress code for the evening, which is accompanied by an excellent musical and performance program. Get a lot of rest that night, and don't miss out

Hotel Mozart *****


ocated in the very heart of Opatija, only a few steps from the city beaches and famous promenades is Mozart, the first 5* hotel in the region, ready to fulfill the requests of even the most demanding guest. Mozart is a synonym for an open and honest welcome, a place where anyone who appreciates a romantic atmosphere and high level of service will gladly stay. This wonderful boutique hotel, built in 1894, wrote the history of Opatija's tourism from its very establishment. The building that houses the hotel is a protected cultural monument, and the unique building, inspired by art nouveau, played host to the crème de la crème of times past. Those high standards are still kept at the Hotel Mozart. The hotel offers the most modern spa offer and cosmetic studio, and they also offer a deluxe residential suite, 26 luxury rooms, and two suites with balconies and gorgeous


For you, Hotel Mozart has prepared the following packages: Romance at Mozart "Pure Pleasure - a Cultural and Chocolate Symphony" New Year's

views of the bay. You will feel as if all your dreams are coming true, even without the help of a magic wand in the rooms, equipped with LCD TVs, wireless internet, and other conveniences of modern technology, and in the restaurant with famous cuisine, an intimate garden terrace and superb service. Hotel Mozart combines all the best of the past with the most modern achievements of the present, designed exclusively for your pleasure. ď ś

Hotel Mozart, M. Tita 138, 51410 Opatija, Croatia, tel: +385 51 718260, fax: +385 51 271739, info@hotel-mozart.hr, www.hotel-mozart.hr

on the Balinjerada the next morning. It starts precisely at noon, and this exciting race on "balinjere" or soapbox carts on ball bearing wheels that go down the main street while cheered on by large crowds, has been one of Opatija's unique carnival attractions for thirty years. The Balinjerada is part speedy competition in steering unusual homemade soapbox cart, and part masked parade where they present elaborately made travelling constructions that the carnival groups spent months of work making, and which often present ironic commentaries on current social happenings. After the Balinjerada, the carnival festivities continue in nearby Lovran, where the International Carnival parade passes through with thousands of people. The especially attractive 20th Bell-ringer's Gathering will take place on Saturday, February 14, at 12:00 in Matulji. The gathering attracts thousands of spectators and hundreds of participants, members of bell-ringing groups from Croatia and Slovenia, and it is a must-see event. That same evening, the Charity Carnival Ball will be held at the Governor's Palace in Rijeka, starting at 9:00 PM.

Photos (bottom): Balinjerada, the exciting race of soapbox carts on ball bearing wheels (left); welcoming the loud Halubaj bell ringers is an experience not to be missed (right).

tip: Don't miss out on the attractive Balinjerada in Opatija on February 8, and on Monday, February 16, welcome the Halubaj bell-ringers in Kastav.

December 2014 / January 2015





The bell ringers are strong masked men, carrying heavy bells that "chase away evil spirits". The annual carnival parade of the bell ringers from the Kastav area has also been inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Photos: bell ringing parades are popular on the Opatija Riviera, and that tradition is handed down from generation to generation (top left and right); Kastav in the winter months (bottom).

The city of Kastav is the only one to have a "Carnival Statute" according to which the Golden Kale award is awarded to the best mask in the past year.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

On Sunday, February 15, the International Carnival Parade will pass through Rijeka, and the following day, on "Carnival Monday", February 16, welcome the Halubaj bell-ringers in their century-old parade and natural surroundings.

Bell-ringer processions Carnival lasts from the Feast Day of St. Antony, on January 17, to Ash Wednesday in the town of Kastav as well. Blowing the Antony horn announces the beginning of carnival madness, and members of all of Kastav's carnival groups gather on the main city square to present their carnival program, and the Pust (a straw doll), who will be sentenced and burned on Ash Wednesday, February 18, with a special program. The Pust is the symbolic scapegoat for any troubles that affected the people of the area over the past year. A carnival mayor is also chosen amongst the masked carnival-goers every year.

The bell-ringer's parade, for which it is guessed that it dates back to the pre-Christian times, when they used the bell-ringer's bells and scary masks to scare off winter and attract spring, is still popular in the Kastav region today. From the first Sunday of the carnival, some of the many bell-ringer groups, such as the Halubaj, Rukavički, Zvonejski, and Brežanski bell-ringers, can be seen here at their traditional parade. You will have a chance to see them all on Carnival Sunday (February 15), Carnival Monday (February 16), and at the Carnival (February 17) on the Opatija Riviera, where you will also be able to see masked dances over the entire duration of the carnival. The Carnival madness on the Opatija Riviera will end on Wednesday, February 18 at 5:30 PM in Mošćenička Draga, where, with a show of the carnival flags, the only living "mesopust" will be launched to the moon named Gobot in a wooden rocket. 


City of Opatija

December 2014 / January 2015

V. Nazora 3, Opatija 51410 Tel: +385.51.271.310 E-mail: tic@opatija-tourism.hr


Nautical news



tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Lighthouse Adventures

o: šp ot Ga Ph ica r Ju ar

They have been standing strong on steep cliffs since the 19th century, since the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, resisting all storms, and showing the way for many seamen, sailors, nautical buffs... Of course, we are talking about lighthouses, the ones on the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, which have the main role in the interactive "Lighthouse Adventure" stories. That name hides the successful combination of travelling, or sailing and navigation, and the professional documentation (in words, photos, and film) of valuable heritage - lighthouses. The story is actually about light and the sea, the life of lighthouse keepers, and life in general... The project initiator is Gordan Smadilo, director of the ANA International Sailing School, who found artistic and journalistic support in Prof. Jurica Gašpar and his lifelong fantasy with lighthouses for the completion of the project. The ANA school is the nautical sponsor of this adventurefilled and slightly mystical program, and the instructor Vlatko Ignatovski is charismatic, both in sailing and project implementation. Find out more at: www.anasail.com

"Legends of the light" Documentary Trailer, Igor Goić (studio KREATHIA)

December 2014 / January 2015





Photo: Slavonia offers many experiences in the winter as well.

Winter experiences

in the easternmost part of Croatia Written by: Alma Radoš ◆ Photos: archives of Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board, Ilok Tourist Board, Iločki podrumi d.d., Ilok City Museum, Vukovar Tourist Board, Vinkovci Tourist Board, Nijemci Tourist Board, Županja Tourist Board

Thanks to their many events, the cities of the Vukovar-Srijem County are an attractive destination in the winter months as well. Reserve December and Advent for a visit to Vinkovci and Vukovar, January for the Vinkovo festival and New Year's in Ilok, and February for the Šokac Jamboree in Županja and Carnival horseback riding in Nijemci. 78

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo: Zvonimir Tanocki (archive: Croatian National Tourist Board)

Fotografija: pogled na Ilok, crkvu sv. Kapistrana, zidine i dvorac Odescalchi.

Photo archive: Ilok City Museum

Photo archive: Iločki podrumi d.d.

New Year's and Vinkovo in Ilok

In the 17th century, the noble Odescalchi family sold the first bottled wines in Europe, famous at the English court since the 19th century. Proof that the British especially appreciate wines from this area lies in the fact that sixty years ago, Ilok Traminac, which is enjoyed by wine connoisseurs worldwide, was consumed at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Photo archive: Iločki podrumi d.d.

Once you visit Ilok, the vision of this city will definitely remain with you forever, as well as its aromas and the taste of its rich enological and gourmet offer. One of the most beautiful cities in this part of Europe found its home between the powerful Danube and the Srijem vineyards on the slopes of Fruška gora. Here, grapevines produce high quality grapes, which make superb wines that have been exported to the rest of Croatia, Europe, and the world for centuries. Wine has been produced in Ilok for 1800 years, and the importance of the tradition in this area is confirmed by the celebration of the Feast Day of St. Vincent, the patron saint of winegrowers and winemakers, which is celebrated on January 22nd every year, in combination with the closest weekend, in the vineyards and cellars throughout the Srijem wine region, in the company of hospitable hosts, famous winemakers. The central event is held on Vukovo, the winegrowing location of the Ilok Cellars, the largest producers of wine in this region of Croatia, and with parties on Fridays and Saturdays in the evening hours in a large tent in the center of the city. St. Vincent's Day, or Vinkovo, is a great time to visit Ilok for those who love good fun, an abundance of food and superb wine. If you can't wait until the end of January, it will be equally as fun at the end of the year, when, at the attractive Old Cellar tourist community, on December 30th, they will say goodbye to the old year, and on December 31st, they will await the New Year in the formal hall on Principovac, surrounded by vineyards. With a ride on the tourist train, a tour of the medieval center of Ilok and the Srijem wine

region, and the most famous wine growing location of Principovac, you will be greeted with surprises and numerous contests, accompanied by a wealth of Ilok food, superb wines, the sound of tamburica, and the inevitable fireworks. After good fun, the calm mornings in Ilok invite you to take a walk to the protected cultural-historical complex, with its Roman fortification Cuccium standing in the middle, but also with its preserved fortress from the 14th and 15th century, once the command center of Nicholas of Ilok, Croatian Ban and King of Bosnia. You will also find the church and shrine of St. John of Capistrano, and rare Ottoman monuments - türbe and hamam dating back to the time of Suleiman the Great, the castle and old wine cellar of the Counts Odescalchi.

Photos: This year, the New Year's Eve party in Ilok will be full of surprises (top left); the Museum of the City of Ilok in the winter (top right); Ilok in the winter (center); the Principovac castle is located in the heart of the winegrowing region (bottom).

tip: The celebration of St. Vincent's Day in Ilok on January 22, which starts with the pruning of grapevines in vineyards, and continues in the cellars of hospitable winemakers, is an excellent opportunity to find out why the Srijem winegrowing region is recognized worldwide.

December 2014 / January 2015





Vučedol, the most important Eneolithic site that bears the name of an entire culture with a unique pottery production, was found on the right bank of the Danube, six kilometers down the river from Vukovar. Evidence of that is the Vučedol dove, an ornate, bird-shaped dish with a harmonic shape, but also a ceramic boot found several years ago, with equal artistic value.

Photos: the Christmas fair in Vukovar (top left); the formal Christmas concert is traditionally held in the Church of St. Phillip and Jacob in Vukovar (top right); the center of Vukovar for the holiday season (bottom).

tip: Visit Vukovar before Christmas and enjoy Vukovar's Advent celebrations, and also use the opportunity to tour the Eltz castle, which now houses the Vukovar City Museum.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Vukovar's Advent celebrations The people of Vukovar will tell you decisively that their city is unique and special for many reasons, but it is difficult to decide which time of year is the most beautiful. So, you won't be making a mistake if you visit Vukovar in December, the month when everything is in the sign of "Vukovar's Advent Celebration", an event which has been organized since 1997 by the Vukovar City Museum and the Franciscan monastery. With the Sunday lighting of Advent candles, concerts, exhibitions, and the Christmas fair, the main event is the Croatian Radiotelevision Christmas concert "Silent Night", which is traditionally held in the church of St. Phillip and St. Jacob. The wealth of cultural events, tied to the customary tradition of celebrating Christmas, aren't the only reason to visit Vukovar. The Franciscan monastery and Church of St. Phillip and Jacob are an integral part of a protected historical entity with exceptional townscape

values. From the church and monastery, located next to Vukovar's secondary school, a walk down the banks of the Danube takes you to Eltz castle, an impressive representative of baroque in Croatia. Across from the palace, you will see the Palace of the Srijem County, which dates back to the 18th century, and a little further on, the beautiful Grand Hotel, better known today as the Worker's Home, a superb piece of historical architecture from the late 19th century. At the end of last century, Vukovar became a symbol of the defense and suffering of Croatia in the Homeland War, and the story of the tragedy of a nation, the defiance, and the pride is shown through "Vukovar Nocturno", which brings together all the memorial locations in the city: The Place of Memory - Vukovar Hospital 1991, the Ovčara - Memorial Center and mass grave, the Memorial grave of victims of the Homeland War, the Cross on the estuary of the Vuka and Danube, and the Homeland War Memorial Center in the Vukovar army base.

Photo: Dražen Bota

Photo: Dražen Bota

Taste Golden Croatia Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board, Glagoljaška 27, 32100 Vinkovci, Croatia tel: +385 32 338425, tel/fax: +385 32 344034, mob: +385 98 269034, e-mail: turisticka-zajednica@vk.t-com.hr

www.visitvukovar-srijem.com December 2014 / January 2015


Photo: Dražen Bota

Photo: Darko Puharić


Photo: Gordan Panić


Photos: costumed guides will teach you about the history of Vinkovci in an interesting way (top left); many Slavonian dishes are offered at restaurants and country estates in Vinkovci (top middle); Orion, the first Indo-European calendar (top right); the Sopot site in the winter (bottom).

If you visit Vinkovci with an organized tour group, you can learn more about the city from the costumed guides: Ban Josip Šokčević, and writers Matija Antun Reljković and Ivan Kozarac.

tip: Visit Vinkovci during Advent, when young musicians play classical, jazz and film music in cafés on weekends.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Advent in Vinkovci If you visit Vinkovci before the holidays, you will enjoy its special ambiance and the music of young musicians that will perform jazz, classics, and movie music in cafés on Saturdays during Advent. It is part of the "Music in Advent" festival, organized by the Josip Runjanin Music School and the Vinkovci Tourist Board, where students and professors of this musical school will perform. If you are coming to Vinkovci as part of an organized trip, historical figures from the 18th and 19th century, such as Ban Josip Šokčević and writer Matija Antun Reljković, will teach you about the history and life of this city as part of the "Living History" program. Vinkovci are a city you cannot leave and be hungry. Its restaurants and country estates offer various dishes from Slavonia and Srijem. On the other hand, the baroque façades of its center preserve secrets up to eight thousand years old, as long as life has been in

this area. Over that long period of continuous existence, cultures, customs, and beliefs changes, leaving deep impressions and creating the identity of the city as it is today. Did you know that the Orion, the first Indo-European calendar, was found in Vinkovci? Or that bronze was first produced here, that this city was the first to produce metal industrially, that superb pottery has been produced here for thousands of years, and the oldest pottery kiln is proof of it? Vinkovci are also the birthplace of two Roman emperors, Valentinian and Valens, and two early Christian saints, Eusebius and Polion. Vinkovci are also known as a city of bikes, so this picturesque area was made to be seen on two wheels. There are around two hundred kilometers of mountain and road bike trails. If you head out from the bridge on the Bosut River, the blue bike trail will take you to the community of Borinci, while the yellow and red trail will allow you to enjoy the idyllic "Kunjevci" forest park.

tip: On Fat Thursday, visit Nijemci, where traditional carnival horseback riding, a tradition that dates back to the time of Turkish reign, will be held.

Carnival horseback riding in Nijemci In western Srijem, you will come across Nijemci, a municipality with lively towns surrounded by forests, endless fields, and the clear Bosut and SpaÄ?va rivers. Although most famous for its summer festival, "Beautiful is the gilded Srijem", Nijemci also have their advantages in the winter, so it's definitely worth a visit. On February 7, the event "To our village with love" will be held with plenty of folklore and folk customs, and on Fat Thursday, which is in late February or March, depending on when Easter falls, there is the traditional carnival horseback ride. This custom, which has been preserved since the reign of the Turks, shows how the people of Nijemci used to bring border officers food, stopping on their way back in villages to see their friends who treated them to food and song. There is also an abundance of food and song during the time of the traditional pig slaughter, which takes place once a year, from St. Katherine's feast day to Christmas. If you visit Nijemci at that

time, your hosts will teach you the oldfashioned way of preparing dishes and smoked meat products, which have made this region famous far and wide. Who hasn't heard of kulen, kulenova seka, sausages, cracklings, and crackling and lard biscuits, made of pig lard? Besides the rich tradition in gastronomy and customs, in Nijemci, you will best feel the unbreakable bond between man and nature that is handed down from generation to generation. Here you can relax on your own catching carp, pike, or one of the twenty species of fish living in the marshland rivers, and if you visit the Sopotac park, you will be able to enjoy the view of nature and diverse bird life from its viewpoint. The surrounding fields and forests can be explored either by bicycle or simply by renting a boat and enjoying the calm waters of the river. Near Nijemci, you will be thrilled by the peace of the SpaÄ?va forest, where the famous Slavonian red oak spreads over 40 thousand hectares, and while there, definitely visit the Hunting Lodge that dates back to the time of the AustroHungarian empire.

There are several family owned country estates in the Nijemci municipality where you can try kulen, sausages, cracklings, specialties from black pigs, and various domestic brandies.

Photos: kulen holds a central place on the Slavonian table (top left); carnival horseback riding is a tradition in the municipality of Nijemci (top right); carnival masks (bottom left); a performance of folklore dances and customs is an integral part of every festival in Nijemci (bottom right).

December 2014 / January 2015





tip: Come to Županja for the 48th "Šokac Jamboree" and experience their song and word, dance Slavonian dances and get to know more about the folk traditions here.

Photos: The Šokac Jamboree is one of the largest festivals in Županja, and it includes a formal parade of the hosts in elaborate folklore costumes, various shows, exhibitions, performances, and theater productions.

If you take the Gold Thread Road in Županja and its surroundings, you will get to know hardworking hosts, Šokci and Šokice, and experience authentic customs with homemade food. However, this area is known for more than golden embroidery and preserving tradition. More than 130 years ago, it was where the first football rolled, and tennis was played for the first time, in Croatia.


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Šokac Jamboree in Županja Županja is especially entertaining during the oldest and largest Šokac festival of traditional culture. The 48th annual Šokac Jamboree, titled "Grandma wove, Mom preserved", will be held from February 6 to 17, 2015. During that time, the people of Županja will take the carefully preserved and cherished ornate Šokac clothing from their grandmother's old wooden chests, and wear the clothes while passing down the streets of the city in traditionally decorated coaches. This formal parade is the crowning moment of the festival, which features many shows and performances, theater productions, and exhibitions, folklore and poetry nights, "The Golden Thread Fair" with a depiction of old crafts and "Šokac Flower", a pageant to choose the most beautiful girl in a folk costume. The festival traditionally ends on Carnival Tuesday with a "Country Party",

on the day before Ash Wednesday, so marking the end of the carnival period, and start of Lent. The Šokac Jamboree is just another reason to visit this city, which will greet you with the world-famous Slavonian hospitality, festive songs, and delicious specialties, prepared and served with a lot of effort and love. In contrast to the other cities of the Vukovar-Srijem County, Županja hides an entirely different ambiance of unique country architecture, typical for traditional border towns. It is located on the banks of the Sava, surrounded by centuries-old oak forests, and it got its urban form in the mid-18th century with the linking of smaller surrounding communities into one village. Here you should visit the 19th century border čardak, the only preserved example of military region architecture in Croatia, which currently houses part of the exhibits from the Stjepan Gruber museum. 

Ilok Tourist Board Trg Nikole Iločkog 2 32236 Ilok, Croatia tel: +385 32 590020; +385 32 592966 e-mail: info@turizamilok.hr e-mail: tourismilok@gmail.com www.turizamilok.hr

Vukovar Tourist Board J. J. Strossmayera 15 32000 Vukovar, Croatia tel: +385 32 442889 e-mail: tz-vukovar@vu.t-com.hr www.turizamvukovar.hr

Vinkovci Tourist Board Trg bana Josipa Šokčevića 3 32100 Vinkovci, Croatia tel: +385 32 334653 e-mail: info@tz-vinkovci.hr www.tz-vinkovci.hr

Nijemci Tourist Board Trg kralja Tomislava 6 32245 Nijemci, Croatia tel: +385 32 280376 e-mail: turistickazajednicaon@gmail.com

Županja Tourist Board Veliki kraj 66 32270 Županja, Croatia tel: +385 32 832711 e-mail: tz-zupanja@vk.t-com.hr www.tz-zupanja.hr

Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board, Glagoljaška 27, 32100 Vinkovci, Croatia tel: +385 32 338425, tel/fax: +385 32 344034, mob: +385 98 269034, e-mail: turisticka-zajednica@vk.t-com.hr

www.visitvukovar-srijem.com December 2014 / January 2015


Croatia through philately


Presenting postage stamps

Fifty years later, in 1265, under the Venetian nobleman Marsilius Zorzi, they confirmed and amended the stipulations of the Statute.

Care for the community

800 years of Korčula's Statute Prepared by: Željka Kunštek

The stone town with a rich culture and history, attractive coves, aromatic Mediterranean vegetation... "Marco Polo's Island" is truly famous for many things. But, did you know that the city and island of Korčula have a Statute that dates back to 1214, the oldest legal tip: document in Croatia? Philatelists in Croatia can get the stamp in Croatian Post's postal offices. Readers and philatelists from abroad can order the stamp via email: filatelija@posta.hr


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015


he people of Korčula created and approved a Statute for its communes back in 1214 with the aim of cultivating its internal social relations and protecting its island communities.

The statutes of Dalmatian towns have been implemented since medieval times in the spirit of communal organization between city states. Since Korčula held a strategic location on maritime routes, and its geographical position represented the ideal refuge for trade galleons and war ships, the people of Korčula wished to protect its island communities. Amongst other things, the Statute states: "...that no citizen or islander is permitted to provide accommodations for those people who come from plagueaffected areas under the penalty of fifty perpers". The Statue is actually proof that, for centuries, laws were made on the island that defined the development of the city and island in a planned manner, and that respectable citizens of Korčula, gathered in the Great Council, cared for the protection of their community and surroundings by making these laws. As was usual in Europe at the time, Korčula's medieval statute was written in Latin, and wasn't translated into Croatian until 1987. A stamp with the panorama of the city of Korčula was issued on September 26, 2014 in a 20-stamp sheet, and the Croatian Post also issued a First Day Cover (FDC). The stamp was issued in a hundred thousand copies, 35.50 mm x 29.82 mm in size, and was designed by Dubravka Zglavnik Horvat, a designer from Zagreb. 

Inte res Photo archive: PHOTOnet.hr

Photo archive: Croatian National Tourist Board


With the goal of additionally promoting active tourism, the Croatian National Tourist Board gave its support to an interesting and unique venture on a global scale. Ten years after the video of Felix Baumgartner base jumping into the Mamet cave circled the world, this cave on Velebit has become the location of another incredible feat. Ivan Trifonov, a seventy-year-old Austrian man with a Croatian passport, is the first man in the world who tried and succeeded in flying a balloon into a cave. The experienced hot air balloon pilot has been in the Guinness Book of Records four times so far: for flying over the South and North Pole, flying across the Mediterranean Sea, and he was the first person to dive, be at, and fly over the North Pole, all within 12 hours. Flying into the 206 meter Mamet cave, descending to the bottom of the cave, and successfully flying out is a first-time feat in this sport, and Trifonov's fifth Guinness record. Trifonov was inspired to try this flight by writer and visionary Jules Verne and his book "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

Game of Thrones theme park on Lokrum As of next year, the most famous Croatian travel destination, Dubrovnik, will be able to boast yet another attraction. The island of Lokrum and its monastery, near Dubrovnik, will get a two-story "Game of Thrones" theme park. HBO has already given its consent for the theme park, and it will house the original throne from the show, along with costumes worn by the main characters of this fantastic TV show. The locations in Dubrovnik used to film this globally popular show include the: Trsteno Arboretum, near Dubrovnik, the Bokar fortress, which was used to represent the city of the King's Landing in the second and third season, and the street of St. Dominic, where the scene with the Gold cloaks was filmed. The island of Lokrum was used to film the exterior of the city of Quarth, and Dubrovnik's palaces were used to represent locations in the city of Quarth (Lovrijenac), and Pile harbor was one of the locations for filming in the third season. www.croatiaweek.com

Photo archive: PHOTOnet.hr

Hot air balloon into the depths

ting fact s

Rijeka awarded 2014 Swiss Tourism Award Representatives of the Rijeka Tourist Board were awarded the highly regarded 2014 Swiss Tourism Award at a formal ceremony held in early November 2014 in Lugano. The award is given every year to travel destinations for the online presentation of their tourism offer. After an analysis by the scientific board of Swiss Tourism Awards, which conducted the evaluation process, decided that Rijeka should receive the award for the website category for 2014. Amongst other things, in the award explanation, it is emphasized that "Rijeka is a city that needs to be discovered" and that it is an open and friendly city with rich historical heritage, cosmopolitan character, and architecture.

December 2014 / January 2015




ONLINE websites and mobile applications

From the Kupa to the Adriatic Prepare before you travel and explore Croatian destinations and their offer online first, before you head out on the adventure of exploring their charms in real life.

WEB&APP Prepared by: Željka Kunštek


If you plan on visiting Petrinja, a city in the Sisak-Moslavina County, located on the right bank of the Kupa, and you would like to get to know more about it and explore it virtually before you go, visit the Petrinja Tourist Board's web site. Here, in one place, you can find information and photographs of the most important cultural attractions in the city, explore your options for an active vacation, get to know more about the natural beauty of this region, and in the calendar of events, find out which events should not be missed, and get information on the theme trails that will, once you're in Petrinja, tell you about its natural, cultural, and historical sites. On the website, amongst other things, you will also find information about accommodations and restaurants in the city, as well as a list of farm estates that cater to tourists. The website is available in Croatian.

If you love the scent of the sea, the wind in your hair, and fascinating views, and exploring the coast and hidden coves of exotic islands boosts your adrenaline, then definitely visit the website of YachtRent, one of the oldest Croatian yacht charter agencies on the Adriatic. Here you will find the largest database of charter boats for rent in the Adriatic, with more than 3800 different boats: from sailboats, motorboats, and yachts to gulets and catamarans. The database is accompanied by pictures, technical data on the boats, and the price of the boats. The website also has parameters for searching for boats, which allows for a quick and easy search of the right boat during the desired period on the Adriatic. Here you can also read interesting texts on Croatian destinations, along with comments by guests, and have a look at attractive video materials and more than 2500 photos with motifs of the Croatian coast and islands from a bird's eye view. The website is available in English, German, Danish, French, Italian, and Croatian.



Petrinja Tourist Board


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015



Check your SEO for free. Send us a link to your website via e-mail on contact@aplitap.com, and we´ll check your SEO, free of charge.

Get your business on the first page of Google. www.aplitap.hr 098/795 784 contact@aplitap.com Zagrebačka cesta 143 A December 2014 / January 2015



Written by: Sanja Plješa Photos: Marko Vrdoljak (archive of the Vilma bakery and Rab Tourist Board), Dražen Bota (archive of Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board), archive of PHOTOnet.hr, archive of Crikvenica Tourist Board, archive of Međimurje County Tourist Board and Robert Kunštek

Photo: Marko Vrdoljak (archive of the Vilma bakery and Rab Tourist Board)

Gourmet Croatia

The aromas and flavors

of the Christmas spread in Croatia Photos: special types of bread are baked for Christmas and New Years in many areas of Croatia (left); Rab cake, almonds, and citrus fruits are an essential part of the holiday table on the island of Rab (right).


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

All over Croatia, the holiday table is full of an abundance of savory dishes and cakes for Christmas, while certain ingredients and dishes are linked to the time of fasting. So, fasting is obligatory on Christmas Eve (December 24).

Photo: Dražen Bota (archive of Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board)


he traditional hospitality of the Croatian people is especially visible during the holidays of Christmas and Easter. During that time, various traditional customs tell us when to eat certain dishes, which ingredients must be avoided, and how to consume food. While the holiday spread in all of Croatia offers an abundance of meat dishes and cakes during Christmas, certain ingredients and dishes are linked to the time of fast. So, fasting is a must on Christmas Eve (December 24). Since believers remember their ancestors on Christmas Eve, on that day they prepare dishes that were once considered to be dishes for the deceased and that, according to folk culture, were prepared for fasting. Those dishes include Lima beans, beans, and fish, and apples, walnuts and hazelnuts are eaten as

dessert on Christmas Eve. In some villages in the regions of Podravina and Pokuplje, the evening meal on Christmas Eve started with a clove of garlic dipped in honey. It was believed that Christmas Eve was the day that evil forces were lurking about, so it was necessary to protect themselves from their effects.

Fruitcake for a better year Up until the mid-20th century, many Croatian regions prepared special types of bread for Christmas and New Year's: božićnjaci, ljetnice and česnice. Pieces of those kinds of bread were then given to the members of the household and the domestic animals. Various types of bread were decorated differently, for example, pricked with a fork, pressed with a glass, or with braided dough.

Photos: grilled fish are also prepared in the Dubrovnik region (top); bundt cake is a modern Christmas cake that has replaced Christmas bread (bottom).

tip: Bundt cake, Rab cake, and walnut and poppy seed rolls are just some of the treats that you should definitely try in Croatia during the holiday season.

December 2014 / January 2015




Photos: turkey with buckwheat porridge is a mandatory dish on the Christmas table in Međimurje (top left); stuffed calamari ("Stuffed domestic squid à la noble") and cod ("Cod in the traditional style") are typical holiday meals in the Crikvenica region, but also in other coastal towns (top and bottom right); kulen is a mandatory appetizer served in Slavonia (bottom left); fish paprikash is a dish typically served on holidays in the eastern-most part of Croatia (bottom middle).


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

The top of the bread had depictions of animals or seasonal symbols. Such bread was a kind of a calendar, and showed the wish for a better new year. In central Croatia, such pictures on bread are still made today, and in one part of Croatian Zagorje, koledni bread, or corn bread, is baked. Other Croatian regions also have their Christmas bread. So, for example, in some areas, apple bundt cake is baked, a common modern Christmas cake that has replaced Christmas bread. Next to it, they place young wheat tied together with a red, white, and blue Croatian ribbon, a symbol of Christmas in Croatia. Wine and schnapps are a must on the holiday table since wine is used for Christmas and New Year's toasts. Modern and some traditional dishes are prepared for the holidays in continental Croatia, which includes the regions

Photo archive: Crikvenica Tourist Board

Photo: Dražen Bota (archive of Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board)

Photo archive: Crikvenica Tourist Board

Gourmet Croatia

of Međimurje, Podravina, Croatian Zagorje, Slavonia, Baranja, and Srijem. So on St. Lucia's Day, December 13, special Lucia bread made of corn flour and water are made in Međimurje and Podravina. That tradition is a hundred years old, and every member of the household had to take a piece and eat it upon their return from the early morning mass to protect them from eye disease. On Christmas, families in continental Croatia prepare soup with homemade noodles, boiled meat with horseradish sauce, turkey, or some other poultry, with mlinci, and for dessert walnut or poppy seed roll. In Slavonia, they serve kulen as an appetizer, and the main course is Ilok pork soup or Fish paprikash from Baranja. Schnapps is mandatory as a prelude to the meal, be it made of plum, mulberry, or pear.

Photo: Dražen Bota (archive of Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board)

In central Croatia, the holiday menu includes sauerkraut with boiled pork, a meat soup with homemade noodles, which are called rijezanec in some areas, roast goose with a special corn flour side dish seasoned with goose drippings, various types of leavened rolls, buns, quick-breads of milk and corn flour. A special bread with figures of various domestic animals is made on Žumberak for Christmas called ljetnica or božitnjak.

Sinj arambašići and Rab cake The Christmas holidays are also celebrated in the mountainous region of Croatia, where they prepare dishes of fresh and dry mutton, as well as 'povitice' stuffed with walnuts or carob. Bundt cake, or kuglof as it is called here, is also prepared. It is a leavened dough, with the addition of milk, eggs, and raisins. In the Dalmatian hinterland, Sinj arambašići, a cabbage or grape leaf roll, filled with prosciutto and ground beef, are made. They also enjoy soparnik or zelenik, a chard filled pie baked in a wood-burning oven, as well as various types of meat: lamb, veal, and turkey, which are roasted together with potatoes under the bell. In coastal Croatia, fish is prepared on Christmas Eve, so on Rab, for example, they prepare "kanji na savur" (a type of fish). On Christmas, the dishes are similar to the ones served in the northern regions of Croatia: chicken or beef soup, roasted turkey or pork, boiled potatoes, and various salads. As far as cakes are concerned, the most popular is the walnut roll, called povetica or povitica od oreh in the coastal region of Croatia.

On the island of Rab, the preparation of Rab cake, with a short flaky pastry and almond and sugar filling, is a must. In Dalmatia, holiday lunches start off with a shot of schnapps, followed by a platter of prosciutto, cheese, and olives. That is followed by beef soup with noodles, and roasted turkey, pork, or lamb. The favorite holiday dish is pašticada, a type of stew, while near Dubrovnik, they prepare a green minestrone with smoked mutton, and on the islands they prepare fish. All of these dishes bring the aromas of the old hearths and memories of our ancestors back to our modern holiday tables. They take us back in time, and prevent our traditions from falling into oblivion so that we never forget our roots and the value of our national cultural and culinary heritage. 

Photos: walnuts are an integral part of various holiday treats in Croatian regions (top left); prosciutto, cheese, and olives are a typical appetizer in Dalmatia, preceded by a shot of homemade spirits (top right); fish is prepared on Christmas Eve in the Coastal regions of Croatia (bottom left); various types of meat are roasted together with potatoes under the bell in the Dalmatian hinterland (bottom right).

December 2014 / January 2015



Alternative medicine


Ayurveda or 'life science' Written by: Andreja Milas (www.relaxino.com)

Photo archive: Thermana LaĹĄko

Ayurveda is known as the oldest natural method that proves that the exclusive preservation of the balance between spirit and body makes for healthy people.

The word "ayurveda" comes from "Ä yus", which means "life", and "veda", which means "science".


tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

tip: Many wellness packages in several countries can be found at one place at Relaxino.com

Ayurvedic massage There are many types of ayurvedic massage, and here we list a few of them:


yurveda comes from India and was used there five thousand years ago. It is a traditional form of healing that holds a special place amongst users of alternative medicine worldwide due to its comprehensiveness. With its knowledge about man, Ayurveda has set the foundations for other old civilizations, such as the Tibetans, Chinese, Greek, Arabian, but also other cultures who used the techniques that are now considered folk medicine. Ayurveda is known as the oldest natural method that proves that the exclusive preservation of the balance between spirit and body makes for healthy people. It recommends a

ABHYANGA - a whole body massage with oils that the therapist prepares specially for each individual. It can be conducted by two therapists simultaneously ("synchronized abhyanga"). A relaxing and healing effect is achieved with the gentle warm oil massage, which soothes tired bodies and relieves them of stress. special lifestyle, nutritional regime, breathing exercises, meditation, massages, and cleansing sessions, which the therapist adapts for each individual. The special care and concern for individuals is what makes Ayurveda unique.

Herbal medication as a foundation Nutrition, physical activity, yoga, breathing, acupressure, massage, various natural herbal products or medicines are a practice used by fans of alternative medicine to ease pain and promote healing. They are also the integral part of ayurvedic medicine, which bases its treatments on a wide range of herbal medication that are mixed or used individually. Traditional medicines have empirically come to see which plants, foods, minerals, etc. affect certain ailments gently. In past times, there weren't any laboratories to test the effect of various plant preparations, but more and more, modern tests confirm and explain the medicinal action of various plants and their extracts, which have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. The mentalemotional improvement, prevention, and therapeutic effect give a complete feeling of physical improvement, and balanced body and soul. So, live in accordance with nature because you are a part of it! ď ś

SHIRODANA - a massage used to achieve total peace, relaxation, and regeneration of the nervous system. Special oil affects the center of conscious experiences, on the forehead, or the place called the "third eye". SVEDANA - a steam bath with special herbal products that boost the metabolism and affect the entire body in the shape of pleasant waves. SHIROABHYANGA - a head, neck, shoulder, and back massage with warm oil that relaxes tense muscles. MUKABHYANGA - cosmetic massage of the face and dĂŠcolletage. Cleansing and skin care with natural products and oils make skin soft and fresh. PADABHYANGA - foot massage with warm oil that relaxes tired feet. MARMA - opening energy spots. KARNA PURANA - ear massage with warm oils. GARSHAN - a dry massage that is conducted with silk gloves. It improves skin circulation and improves its appearance.

December 2014 / January 2015




Tickets for a warmer winter

A Prepared by: Vlatka Vužić


tip: Write us to tell us why you should be the one to win tickets to one of the concerts or shows listed below (of your choice). Send your answer as soon as possible to contest@tiptravelmagazine.com, and those with the most creative answer will get tickets to desired concert or show! Hurryyy!



dvent brings us to what many believe is the best time of the year: the holiday season. The lyrics of a famous pop song describe it as "the season of love and understanding". Whether we will have snow, we do not know, but we believe that everyone can and must have the latter. We hope our little tokens, which we have prepared for you in cooperation with our partners, will make the holiday joy even greater!

* One person can get a maximum of two tickets for one of the listed concerts or performances, so don't forget to mention which concert or show you are interested in, answer the question, and send your contact information (name and surname, mobile phone number, e-mail) so we can contact you.


Josipa Lisac in the Culture Factory Every year, the great musical artist Josipa Lisac (who celebrated the 40th anniversary of her album "Dnevnik jedne ljubavi" last year) pays homage to the memory of her prematurely departed husband, the great musician Karlo Metikoš, with the "Concert for Karlo", which will be held on December 10 in the large hall of the Culture Factory in Zagreb. The LAA Agency is giving away 1x2 tickets for the Josipa Lisac concert, on December 10, at 9:00 PM.

"Pips, Chips & Videoclips" in Dom sportova The famous band from Zagreb last performed in the Dom sportova hall in Zagreb back in 1998, and on December 6, they will remind their audience of their series of hits from their 22-year-long career. The concert will also be a celebration of the success of their latest album, Walt, named the best Croatian album of 2013. The LAA Agency is giving away 1x2 tickets for the "Pips, Chips & Videoclips" concert, on December 6, at 9:00 PM.



Write to us and win TICKETS

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo archive: "Vatroslav Lisinski" Concert Hall




"Psihomodo Pop" in the "Uljanik" club The oldest urban club in Croatia is Uljanik, opened in Pula 53 years ago. The club's calendar of concert events this December has been enriched with the performance of the famous "Psihomodo Pop" band on December 13. Established in 1983, this popular band still comes out with new music hits and surprises all with their energetic performances.

One of the best known Croatian bands, with a 39-year-long career, "Parni valjak" is finally coming to the Vatroslav Lisinski concert hall in Zagreb. Their first concert, announced for December 16th, was sold out within a few days, so a second equally fantastic concert has been added for the following day, December 17. The "Vatroslav Lisinski" Concert Hall is giving away 1x2 tickets to the "Parni valjak" concert on December 17 at 8:00 PM.


LADO Christmas concert The LADO national folk dance ensemble of Croatia invests great effort in gathering, artistically choreographing, and presenting Croatian folk church music. This December, they will celebrate their 25th anniversary of Christmas concerts, where they have performed more than 250 Croatian Christmas songs. The ensemble will celebrate the important anniversary with Christmas concerts in eight different locations: in the church of St. Mary of the Snow, Belec (Dec. 15), in the

Admission to the "Psihomodo Pop" concert on December 13 is free of charge.

movie theater of the public open university, Novska (Dec. 16), in the church of the Holy Mother of the Snow, Trnovec, Varaždin (Dec. 17), in the Franciscan monastery and church of St. Katherine, Krapina (Dec. 18), in the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Sisak (Dec. 19), at the shrine of Holy Mother of Bistrica, Marija Bistrica (Dec. 20), in the church of St. Anthony of Padova, Zagreb (Dec. 21), and in the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary, Varaždin (Dec. 22).

Admission to all the LADO ensemble concerts is free of charge.

Winners of the tickets from the 8th Issue: Hari Rončević and klapa "Kampanel" concert in Zagreb: Melanie Snelec, Samobor ◆ "Vatra" concert in Zagreb: Maja Vitez, Zagreb ◆ "Pavel" concert in Zagreb: Anja Šafran, Novi Marof ◆ "Buđenje" concert in Zagreb: Maja Murgić, Zagreb ◆ "Amadeus" drama in Zagreb: Vesna Sruk, Zagreb ◆ "Spli’ski akvarel" operetta in Zagreb: Nevena Miljuš, Zagreb

Photo archive: LADO ensemble

Photo: Mateja Vrčković, archive: Psihomodo Pop

"Parni valjak" two days in Lisinski

December 2014 / January 2015




Photo archive: "Žar ptica"


Gifts of St. Nicholas / Santa Claus in the "Žar ptica" theatre On the feast day of St. Nicholas, all children (who were good) cannot wait to receive a gift in the boot that they shined and left on the window. However, this year, St. Nicholas had a big accident - the presents were lost! Detective Miško decides to help so that the children aren't sad, and all trails lead to the bad forest wizard...



"How we survived" in ZKM Photo: Mara Bratoš, archive: ZKM

Photo: Ivica Glavaš, archive: CNT Osijek

The "Žar ptica" theater is giving away a family pass (1x3 tickets) for the show "Gifts of St. Nicholas / Santa Claus", on December 7 at 12:30 PM.

In the show "How we survived", written by the motifs of essays by Slavenka Drakulić, and directed by Dino Mustafič, many questions on lost values, moral narcissus, facing fallacies and illusions that the past era left for future generations are asked by famous Croatian actresses: Katarina Bistrović Darvaš, Nataša Dorčić, Jadranka Đokić, Doris Šarić Kukuljica, Ksenija Marinković, Urša Raukar, Lucija Šerbedžija, Nina Violić. ZKM is giving away 1x2 tickets to the show "How we survived", December 21 at 8:00 PM.


The show "260 days" was written according to the diary of Marijan Gubina, who wrote of the cavalry of the war imprisonment of a child and his family in a shockingly realistic way. It isn't a hate-filled show that makes people think of hate or revenge. Quite the contrary, it calls for forgiveness, tolerance, and a calm and peaceful coexistence on Earth... CNT Osijek is giving away 2x2 tickets to the show "260 days", on December 9, at 8:00 PM.

tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo archive: Angel museum


"260 days" in Osijek's CNT


Angel museum

The long-time idea of painter Željko Prstec of an Angel Museum finally became a reality in 2011, when he opened his first exhibition and turned his Varaždin into a "city where angels sleep". The museum is a place that connects artwork based on the topic of angels, but it is also a venue for various other events such as concerts, gatherings, book nights... Along with the museum area, the author has also set up an installation "The city where angels sleep" and "Anđelinjak". He gave the hidden corners of the city an interesting, magical and heavenly note, revealing places in the center of the city that not even the people of Varaždin knew existed, and offering the visitors to the city a unique experience.



Samobor carnival

ore than 4500 participants, including 2500 children in the parade, dance groups, choirs, 800 members of local councils with 30 allegoric floats, 800 participants from Croatia and abroad, 400 various performers... those are just some of the numbers from the Samobor Carnival, one of the oldest carnival festivals in Croatia, which is celebrating its 189th birthday in 2015. The Samobor Carnival Republic will appear again on February 6, 2015 with a clear goal - to entertain all generations of visitors who will visit the city from February 6 to 17.

Once again, the city will become a stage for criticizing the general social situation in a comic way, and a parade of allegoric floats will also pass through the city, as well as a parade of the youngest carnival-goers. Over the weekend, the program will take place continuously for a total of 12 hours, and an estimated total of somewhere between 150 and 200 thousand guests will visit the Carnival Republic. As is tradition, the carnival will end on Shrove Tuesday, on February 17, with the sentencing of Prince Carnival and the lighting of his doll. See you in Samobor! ď ś

Samobor Tourist Board, Trg kralja Tomislava 5, 10430 Samobor, Croatia, tel: +385 1 3360044, info@tz-samobor.hr, fasnik@tz-samobor.hr, www.tz-samobor.hr www.fasnik.com December 2014 / January 2015





ww w

'Dalmatia is my Tuscany' The successful songwriter who enriched the Croatian music scene with a large number of songs released his first album in English last year. By stepping out onto the international market, a larger public got the opportunity to discover all the qualities of this musical wonder. Conducted by: Vlatka VuŞić Photos: archive of Dallas Records


100 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

s it harder to express emotions in a foreign language? Where have you performed and which cities impressed you most? If you write the lyrics yourself, regardless of the language, you can't have a barrier towards your emotions. When you sing, then you sing about people, the situations you have found yourself in. Memories are more connected to images than grammar...

Even if you want to criticize yourself, it's easier to say such things in another language. What I prefer to sing about in my native language, even in my Dalmatian slang, are the pictures that are non-translatable. Things that are typical for our area and our mentality. I think music has a universal language that surpasses sentences and grammar in it. I have performed in Amsterdam, Hamburg, Cologne, Nurnberg, Berlin,

CULTURAL SCENE Prague, Rome, and seven times in Vienna over the past twelve months. Perhaps I was most impressed by Rome and London. Songwriters like to say that they find inspiration in everything around them. Is it the same with you, or do you have a special place? Although I wrote some songs in London and Munich, I wrote the best ones on Korčula. I am a simple man who functions better in smaller surroundings. I need peace and quiet to hear my own thoughts. I don't think that’s anything new or special. English artists have always fled to Tuscany, and Dalmatia is my Tuscany. While recording your last album you lived in London, you also lived in Berlin for a while... Would you be able to live in a large metropolis for a longer period of time? What would you miss from your hometown Split? I would miss our Dalmatian mentality the most. Living in Split is like living in a pressure cooker. Every emotion is multiplied. It isn't pleasant at all, but it is extremely productive. If you do an average job of something, people instantly let you know. It constantly pushes you forward. I think every city in Croatia has a distant cousin: Zagreb has Vienna, Rijeka has Trieste, and Split has Rome. I felt the most at home in Rome. Not only due to the climate or historical center, but also because of the mentality of the people and very similar sense of humor. Then come the customs...

With 37 Porin music awards, Gibonni is the most awarded Croatian performer.

Many of your fans travel throughout Croatia, and abroad, for your concerts. Which performers would you travel a long distance to see? Dozens of them! From the old school Springsteen, Stones, AC/DC, Peter Gabriel... I travelled for all of them, and when I didn't go abroad for a concert, I would regret it... For example, Queen's concert. I didn't go, and Master Freddie died... That's irreplaceable. You have an excuse for what you couldn't see. For example, I was too young to see the Beatles. Prince, for example, deserves to have someone drive two days to the ends of the world to see him. Eleven years ago, UNICEF named you Croatia's first goodwill ambassador. Which campaigns remain in fond memory for you? Over the first few years, we were exclusively focused on domestic campaigns, which was clearly emotional, because there are problems in your backyard. Who will you help if not your own?! But, the concert for Haiti was truly something special. UNICEF and the Croatian Red Cross, who launched the campaign,

Gibonni released his first album "Sa mnom ili bez mene" ("With or Without Me") in 1991, and his most recent album "20th Century Man" in 2013. The promotional LP records of the last album were made of chocolate.

and our people showed incredible solidarity with those affected in that distant country. The openness towards people we don't know is actually what delights me the most. Where do you like to relax? I love either small places or megalopolises. Either Berlin or Komiža. Those are completely different addresses, but if you want bustle, you go to a beehive with a million people, and if you want to relax, you go where there isn't anyone. That's my recipe. 

The authors of the two most original answers will receive the album as a gift.

December 2014 / January 2015


tip: Would you like to win Gibonni's "20th Century Man" album? Write us why and send your answer to contest@tiptravelmagazine.com

tipTravelMagazine 101

Travel writers


Photo: detail from the city of Wadi El Natrun, Egypt.

Down the route of

great explorers and conquerors Conducted by: Vlatka Vužić ◆ Photo archive: Jasen Boko

He has worked in gold mines in Australia, a fish factory in the Norwegian north, and picked raspberries in Quebec, hitchhiked in Burma and Iran, climbed the Himalayas, and swam in Titicaca... Famous Croatian travel writer and playwright Jasen Boko has followed the tracks of Marco Polo traveling the Silk Road with local transportation, nearly 'met' Odyssey on Mljet, searched for Alexander the Great amongst the Talibans in Afghanistan, and gladly bound his experiences and showed his readers how history and culture can be learned through adventure too. 102 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Jasen Boko has a degree in drama and world literature, he has been an independent artist, playwright, editor, journalist, head of the Drama Department at the Split CNT, a producer...


ou followed the tracks of Alexander the Great after you explored the tracks left by Marco Polo and Odyssey. Which of the paths of the greats fascinates you the most? Each of them fascinate me in their own way. All three men transformed from historical figures into myths with their journeys/conquests, which best describes the importance of their adventures in the framework of western civilization. They had many characteristics in common, primarily curiousity, but also the tendency of mythomania, slightly tweaking what really happened to them. All of the three great explorations were difficult in their own way, but each was also pleasant. Alexander the Great is known as a ruthless conqueror, but it is less known that he was, as you say, a "cultural globalizer". What was his greatest legacy? What differentiates Alexander the Great from other great conquerors is the fact that he didn't destroy the cultures he conquered. He tried to infuse them with his culture, creating a cultural amalgam of Persian, Indian, Central Asian and other civilizations along with the greatest achievements of Classical Greece. Genghis Khan left behind burnt earth, and Alexander left behind infused culture for centuries. One of them got its name from the city of Gandari (present-day

Pakistan), and it combined Hellenism and Buddhism in a unique art that penetrated deep into Central Asian and China, leaving behind an impressive civilization trail. His soldiers married local girls, he himself married Roxana, the Bactrian princess, and the blue-eyed inhabitants of those areas of Asia will still proudly tell you they are the descendants of Alexander's army. He adopted clothing styles and local customs, and infused the western, Greek culture with the eastern culture, and vice versa, whereby he transformed those two distant places, which didn't meet except in war, into a unique cultural area.

Photos: in Uzbekistan, money is carried in a backpack, not in a wallet (top left); Jasen Boko in the company of the locals in Herat, Afghanistan (top right); Jasen with his travel companion Nikolina during a ride in Afghanistan (middle); snowboarding in the Sahara (bottom).

You followed Alexander's trail from the Balkan to Asia, Odyssey's path took you through the Mediterranean. Where did you feel better - on the Mediterranean or in distant Asia? A true myth was made of Odyssey and his journeys, and various "researchers" discovered that he even travelled to present-day Great Britain, Scandinavia, America, and beyond. One even claimed that the entire story is actually about a trip through - the Milky Way! I believe my book proved that Odyssey travelled the Mediterranean, the eastern coast of the Adriatic in particular, which is now the Croatian coast. Where else in the Mediterranean in the late Bronze Age was there an "unknown archipelago" which Homer constantly speaks of? The greatest number of theses about Odyssey placed his travels on the coast December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 103

Travel writers


Photos: a street scene in Afghanistan (top left); in Siwa, an oasis in western Egypt (top middle); on the street in Kabul, Afghanistan (top right); a typical scene in Afghanistan (bottom left); women in Iran (bottom right).

"By profession, at least according to my heart, I am simply - a nomad", says Jasen Boko.

104 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

of Sicily, from island to island, where he socialized with unpleasant natives for lack of better company. Still, to claim that Odyssey traveled the Sicilian coast for ten years means that the skilled sailor and warrior didn't have a clue about geography. However, the claim of Sicily, as the place of Odyssey's travels, is great for Italian tourism, which uses it excellently, so it is no wonder the Italian media attacked my book. For me, the Mediterranean and Asia are similar, they have a kindred spirit, strong cultures, and they logically link together. Throughout history, every Mediterranean story included Asia, and every Asian story the Mediterranean.

to believe that it is because the Slavs, so some of my direct predecessors, spent millenniums there before they stopped attacking the Chinese civilization together with the Huns, and turned west and south to end up on - the Adriatic.

Of all your travel destinations where you followed the paths of historical greats, which ones would you return to? There are many destinations I would revisit, and I never have enough time to see everything I am interested in, to speak to all the people who have something to say. Still, Central Asia attracts me the most. I feel it is my own, and I would like

Could you reveal to those who haven't yet read your book what Marco Polo lied about? Marco Polo was the "Medieval Munchausen". Together with famous romance novel writer, Rutischello, who did time with him in Genoa, and recorded his "travel confession", he is the creator of the greatest travel lie. If he were truly

"On the Silk Road", you found a "different self". What did you find? What exhausted you there, and what fulfilled you? Although it isn't the goal, I always somehow find myself, one way or another. But I can obviously handle myself on the road if I keep on going. Journeys fulfil me, the daily grind exhausts me.

Photos: a scene from Buhara, Uzbekistan (top left); the newest book by Jasen Boko (top middle); a woman in Iran (top right); a map with the paths of Alexander the Great and the route taken by Jasen Boko (bottom).

everywhere where he said he was, then the Kublaj kana, which records every little detail, would surely mention him somewhere. You can find out more about that in my book, or the book "The Travels of Marco Polo", by Sir Henry Yule, which, over three volumes, explains in detail everything Marco Polo made up with his creative imagination or overheard from other travelers.

"Following Alexander the Great - To the Heart of Asia" is the most recent book from Boko's cultural travel trilogy.

What is the "Fifth Side of the World" and where is it? Which of the pictures of the journey you presented in that book remain dear to you? The fifth side of the world is in my head and I like it a lot. I forget things easily, but I always recall a funny smile that is hard to decipher and understand, so I don't even try. As a playwright, have you thought about taking one of your travel experiences to the theater boards? No, I keep those two things separate, it's not good to combine love and work. I know what I do, and what I live for... You started out with "Travel for Beginners", and then published another four travel books. What travels will we read about in your fifth book? Actually, "Travel for Beginners" wasn’t the first, it was the last. I think after four books I have qualified as a travel beginner and its time to start anew. The fifth book? I have at least six in my head, as soon as I decide which one I'll write, I'll let you know! ď ś

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 105

Send and...


The "Send and... win" photo contest continues on! Dear all, our "Send and... win" photo contest continues! We looked over all the photographs you sent us while travelling through the world (and thank you for them!), and have selected and decided to publish a few of the best, chosen by the editors. The authors that we have decided have the 'best eye for photography' will receive one of the books/guides in Croatian or English from our publisher partners: Profil, Algoritam, Ljevak, VBZ and Planetopija. Sounds good, doesn't it?

By February 1, 2015 The Luxemburg palace in Paris (17t h century), the former residence of French princes. As of 1791, the Sen ate of the Republic of France gathers there (Author: Neven Kov ačić, Zagreb)

You can send us interesing and beautiful photographs (min. 3 mpx in size) from a recent trip around the world and everything attractive you experienced and saw by February 1, 2015. Several of the best photographs we'll publish in the next issue of the magazine and on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/tiptravelmagazine as well, so that others can also enjoy them :-) You can send us the photos at contest@tiptravelmagazine.com The condition is that the authors of the photographs send their name and surname, city and country, and email address where we can contact them, as well as a short description of the photograph. And don't forget: the campaign is only valid for readers who have signed up for the newsletter of tipTravel magazine, so if you haven't signed up yet, what are you waiting for?!

Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain (Author: Mario Knežević, Vienna, Austria)

106 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

You can sign up at: www.tiptravelmagazine.com

Vajdahunyad Castle, Budapest (Author: Magda Dežđek, Zagreb)

New York

Nine lives

New York is just one of the famous destinations represented in the series of world famous Eyewitness Travel Guides, published by Dorling Kindersley. The guide allows you to get around the "Big Apple" with ease, and amongst the rest, gives ideas for touring the greatest sites in the city in four days, a list of events throughout the year, descriptions of individual boroughs of New York, and a lot of important information: where to stay, where to eat, where to go shopping, etc. There is also a list of the top places to go out and a city map with a list of streets.

"Not a single writer has managed to describe the east to the west so well until now", said William Dalrymple about this book, where the author summarized 25 years of research and writing about India and its religious traditions, and wrote a kind of Indian Canterbury tales that introduce us to people and take us deep into the worlds that we find hard to believe even exist.



The Adriatic archipelago telling tales Twenty fantastic Croatian writers, poets, painters, and publicists who have never before appeared between the pages of a single book together, told their stories, opinions about islands and life on them. Some of them are islanders themselves, and these are their stories, reflections, opinions... www.algoritam.hr

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 107

Send and...

WIN What I know for sure

UnitĂ d'Italia) The Square of United Italy (Piazza unac, Pula) Ĺ im a Ivan r: tho in Trieste, Italy (Au

With great discretion, Oprah Winfrey, the most famous American talk show host, together with her team, prepared a very interesting gift for women who are following her work: in September 2014, she published a book where she gave her thoughts and advice to women on how to lead a fulfilled and happy life. Even though she gave such advice over a long period of time in her "O" magazine, she has now taken the best pieces and brought them together in this book. www.profil-mozaik.hr

Uri Geller CIA Masterspy?

How to be single

The Sheltering Sky

For decades, Uri Geller has been confusing the world. Is he just a con artist, a charming entertainer, and a skilled magician, or does he truly have special mental powers? It seems that intelligence agencies of various countries didn't have this dilemma because Uri Geller participated in the games behind the scenes in a very special way during the cold war era, and there are profound indicators that he is still active today in the fight against terrorism.

In this book, the author, Liz Tuccillo, opens a new chapter in the great story of unobtainable malefemale relationships. Although it is fiction, Tuccillo leaves nothing uninvestigated, and in order to make her stories as realistic as possible, she took a trip around the world and visited all the cities mentioned in the book. While there, she didn't ignore what had already made her globally popular, so the book has an air of the funny sense of the situations that marked the cultic story, which was also written by Tuccillo.

The legendary novel written by American writer and composer Paul Bowles and originally printed in 1949, for which B. Bertolocci filmed the popular "Tea in the Sahara" with John Malkovich in the main role is finally available in Croatian. Bowles, who spent a great part of his life in northern Africa, also wrote a timeless ode in the book and a sad song about the 'desert as it one was'.




108 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

THE magazine

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www.digitalfoto.com.hr December 2014 / January 2015




An appeal to save

10 million endangered children The Ebola epidemic in the countries of western Africa most affects the most vulnerable - children. Text: UNICEF Croatia Photos: archive of UNICEF


Ebola is a rare and serious illness, which often ends in death, and is caused by the virus of the same name. It is transmitted through direct contact via blood, or other body fluids such as the saliva or urine of infected persons. Now in many airports, travelers from countries that have been most affected by Ebola go through a different procedure, despite the fact that the possibility of infection is very low.

UNICEF / Dunlop

Photo: Fatmata Sesay and her daughter Tata survived Ebola.

110 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

rom February to October 22, 2014, the Ebola epidemic, which has affected western Africa, has taken almost five thousand lives, while more than 13 thousand people have been infected with the virus*. Those are the tragic numbers of the most widespread and deadly epidemic of that disease to date, which has practically cut off the most affected countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone from the rest of the world and endangered the lives of more than ten million children.

A symbol of hope By mid-October, 3700 children in those three countries were orphaned, while thousands were denied health care due to the collapse of the health care system. Due to the collapse of the community, children are at greater risk of neglect and abandonment, and have been denied an education since the schools have been closed. Children whose parents have died of Ebola are the most vulnerable since their extended families

do not want to take care of them out of fear of being infected. Still, good news has also come from the affected areas. Seven-year-old Vandy Jawad survived Ebola. The little boy was treated at a hospital in the city of Kenama in Sierra Leone. He was in a difficult state when he was admitted to the hospital, but one month later test results showed that his body was free of the virus and he could return home. In places like Kenama, where tragedies have become a daily occurrence, Vandy's improvement has become a symbol of hope and healing, just like the case of Fatmata Sesay and her 11-year-old daughter Tate, who also survived the virus. When she was admitted to the hospital, Fatmata showed severe symptoms of the illness, including bleeding, but good care in the hospital supported by UNICEF saved her life. "I am the happiest person in the world", says Fatmata today, hugging her daughter.

A global appeal Their stories give hope that Ebola can be conquered even though official

Photo: Vandy Jawad is also one of the happy few who survived Ebola.

UNICEF / Dunlop

medication does not exist. Preventive measures and education of the local population are key in stopping the spreading of the disease. So UNICEF, in collaboration with the governments of the affected countries, has been delivering disinfectant solutions, and protective equipment, informing and educating the local population with the aim of preventing the spreading of the disease via mobile teams that tour the communities, television and radio announcements, text messages, educational posters, fliers. UNICEF is training the survivors for caring for the children who have been quarantined and has provided psychosocial assistance for more than 60 thousand vulnerable children and their families. The hardest battle is the one against prejudice. People must be taught how to protect themselves with regular washing hands with soap, and avoiding contact with the deceased, their personal belongings, infected items, and, if symptoms appear, to seek the emergency assistance of a doctor. In October 2014, UNICEF'S Croatian office joined the global appeal to help children and their families endangered by Ebola. Through the campaign, Croatian citizens have been invited to help save children with their donations. ď ś

Source: www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/infographic/en/



Alert airline personnel about a fellow traveller who has Ebola symptoms:

If you develop a fever and Ebola symptoms yourself promptly inform airline personnel.

fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat; followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding.


Avoid direct physical contact with anyone who is displaying the symptoms of Ebola.

DO NOT touch the body of a person who has died from Ebola.

Use alcohol rub throughout the day. When hands are visibly dirty use soap and water. Seek prompt medical attention if you have Ebola symptoms.

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 111

News and announcements


Conventa 2015 in the sign of 'new' destinations The leading regional congress market Conventa, which successfully connects buyers of congress and incentive services with service providers from southeast and central Europe, will be held on January 21 and 22 in Ljubljana. In its seventh edition, the market is opening the gates to some upcoming destinations of 'new' or Eastern Europe, especially interesting for congress organizers from the west. With beautiful nature and environment, cultural and historical heritage, good infrastructure, affordable services, and many new hotels and congress centers, such 'new' destinations are becoming more and more sought after on the international market. An important part of Conventa, along with the many presentations and events, is the diverse educational program that touches on current topics from the congress industry. The keynote speaker will be Kevin Kelly, an international motivational speaker, who will speak about entrepreneurship, leaderships, sales and motivation, and a special motivation method that he developed: Xceptional Execution.

Photo source: World Travel Market

Photo: Robert Kunštek


Photo source: UNWTO

Global Summit on City Tourism in Barcelona The third global summit on city tourism on the topic "New paradigms in the development of city tourism" will be held on December 9 and 10, 2014 in Barcelona. The congress will cover the analysis of key changes in city tourism and the ways this type of tourism can be developed through an interdisciplinary approach. There will also be discussions about sustainable development of cities, and "smart city" applications that successfully combine tradition and innovation. Amongst other things, congress participants will include representatives of national tourism organizations, the World Tourism Organization, the local government, cultural institutions, universities, the public sector (from the transport department), and scientists, architects, ICT experts, etc.

112 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

UNWTO awards ceremony in Madrid This year, the 11th World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) award ceremony for excellence and innovation in tourism will be held on January 28, 2015 in Madrid, within the framework of FITUR, the international tourism fair. During the ceremony, the UNWTO Ulysses award will also be presented as well as for the laureates for lifetime achievement awards, and the winners of awards in special tourism categories will also be revealed. Ever since 2003, when the awards were first handed out, the UNWTO awards have celebrated excellence and innovation in the tourism sector, and they are awarded in categories of creating and sharing knowledge, for lifetime achievements, as well as for excellent projects in categories of public policy and management, research and technology, businesses and non-government organizations.

Research results about habits of event organizers The new issue of Kongres magazine has published the results of an online survey about the habits of event organizers in southeastern Europe, with a total of 167 qualified regional organizers participating. According to the results, most organizers organize up to ten events annually, and most events (62%) had up to a hundred participants. The percentage of congresses with 500 and more participants were relatively low (3.6%), although such gatherings have a greater economic effect. Most organizers choose hotels as the venue for holding the gathering, followed by congress centers and special spaces. www.croatiameetings.com

Switzerland celebrating 150 years of winter tourism

Photo: Željka Kunštek

Photo: Robert Kunštek

Photo: © Marc Weiler (source: Zermatt Tourismus)

More than 7400 kilometers of ski slopes, 5500 kilometers of cross-country trails, around 5150 km of natural walking paths, and 29 trails at an altitude of more than 2800 meters are just some of the numbers that tell of the importance of winter tourism in Switzerland. In celebrating the 150 year long tradition of conducting this kind of tourism, the Swiss tourist board reminisced about the beginning of winter tourism back in 1864, at a press conference held in November 2014 in Zurich. It all started as a bet, they said, when a hotelier from St. Moritz convinced his guest from Great Britain, who was staying with him during the summer, to come and visit him in the winter. He promised that he would be able to enjoy the winter months in short sleeves, and if not, then he would cover all the travel costs. The guest came to visit in the winter, and was thrilled, said the director of the Swiss Tourist Board, Jürg Schmid, to the journalists, and added that he believes that was the birth of popular winter sports such as skiing, ice skating, and curling.

Development of religious tourism in Elche Every year, millions of people travel the world, and there were never so many people exposed to various cultures. Amongst the many motives for travel, the very top of the list is experiencing different ways of life, and visiting cultural sites and shrines. In order to raise awareness about the importance of religious heritage in the development of tourism and start a discussion about the best practices for its sustainable development, an international conference on the topic "Religious heritage and tourism: types, trends, and challenges" was held in the Spanish city of Elche on November 27 and 28, 2014. At the conference, amongst other things, there were discussions about the immaterial aspects of religious heritage and the marketing-focused approach to development in the ever more popular religious tourism.

Photo: GNTB / Willi Pfitzinger / Rothenburg Tourismus Service

By 2020, free Wi-Fi in all of Bavaria Tourists who visit the largest German federal republic, Bavaria, after 2020 won't have to use expensive internet via their mobile phones in order to be online. The Bavarian Minister of Finance, Christian Söder, plans on providing free public internet access by 2020 in Bavaria. The Minister plans on introducing Wi-Fi in at least 60 offices and buildings that belong to his ministry, but also on river tour boats, and Bavarian castles. By 2016, all national and federal buildings in Bavaria should have free Wi-Fi, and Bavarian municipalities by 2020.

Cultural-tourist passport presented in Moscow As of recently, visitors to the Russian capital can get a 'culturaltourist passport' there, which will allow them to save money when buying a ticket to tour the cultural sites of Moscow. It's a seasonal ticket that lasts for one to five days and allows for discounts between 40 and 80 percent on the admission price in 74 museums, and for a hundred events in Moscow. The 'passport' can be obtained at one of nine information centers in Moscow, of which six are located at train stations, two at airports, and one in the National History Museum. The card can also be found online.

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 113



Winter experiences at Austrian ski resorts Plenty of snow and sun, idyllic landscapes, comfy mountain cabins, tasty Carinthian and Alpine-Adriatic delicacies, the aroma of mulled wine and holiday treats, plenty of winter sports options, activities, and events, and a lot of fun for all generations... All that awaits you this winter at Austrian ski resorts in the areas surrounding Salzburg, Carinthia, and eastern Tyrol.

Prepared by: Željka Kunštek Photo archives: www.obertauern.com, www.carinthia.at, www.osttirol.com

114 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Salzburg: "Austria's snow bowl" in the sign of the Beatles A long and diverse winter in Obertauern, "Austria's snow bowl", near Salzburg, awaits you with a hundred kilometers of runs, open until early May. This area has always been a hotspot for alpinists and fans of winter sports, as well as being a synonym for snow society. This year's ski season here will be in the sign of the unforgettable Beatles, the best pop band of all time, who filmed the movie "HELP!" here exactly fifty years ago. The peak of marking this important anniversary will be the "Beatles Anniversary" from March 14 to 21, 2015. However, for the period before that, Obertauern has also prepared many interesting things, such as the Ă–3-Krampusparty (a parade of hundreds of scary krampuses and entertainment) on December 7, followed by Bobby's snow adventure (ski school or snowboarding for children) from January 10 to 17, and the attractive Gamsleite Kriterium from April 16 to 19. On April 18, as part of the largest treasure hunt, participants will be looking for the keys to a new BMW in the snow. www.obertauern.com

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Carinthia: "On the sunny terrace of the Alps" With 24 ski resorts, some of which are at an altitude of three thousand meters, Carinthia is one of the most popular Austrian skiing regions. Its famous representative is Nassfeld, one of the largest ski resorts, a favorite of skiers due to the large amount of sun it gets, which is why they call it the "sunny terrace of the Alps". A total of 30 ski lifts and 110 kilometers of slopes, of varied difficulties, aren't the only guarantee of a great active vacation with a lot of fun. From December 5, 2014 to April 12, 2015, many events will take place here: from Snowbeach on the mountain and waterslide competitions to the fastest cooking course in the Alps, Feste de Cuba, and a party to honor snowmen. This region, near Villach, also awaits you with the Gerlitzen Alpe and Dreil채ndereck resorts, the possibility for ski touring, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing in the Dobratsch Nature Park, the Warmbad-Villach spa and resort for restoring your body and spirits, and the idyllic Advent fair in Villach. www.carinthia.at

116 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

East Tyrol: The best of winter Fans of winter sports, romantics, and true hedonists will come into their own in East Tyrol, with the city of Lienz at its heart. Here you can choose from 150 kilometers of ski runs, divided into seven different areas. The most famous amongst them is the Grossglockner resort Kals-Matrei where you can enjoy winter fun with a view of the highest peak in Austria, Grossglockner (3798 m). Lienz is special for one more experience - the ski runs go down to the shopping street, where you will be tempted by chic boutiques and aperitif bars. This region sets trends in cross-country skiing as well, and has more than 400 kilometers of ski runs for that sport. Nature buffs can also tour the Hohr Tauern National Park, where they can see mountain goats in their natural habitat. From early December 2014 to April 2015, many activities await you here, and the season opener, "The Second Austria Ski Tour Festival", will be held in Lienz from December 5 to 8. www.osttirol.com

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 117

One more reason to visit the Vienna Zoo In early October 2014, the Vienna Zoo, Tiergarten SchĂśnbrunn, got a new inhabitant. She is a two-yearold female koala named Wirri Wirri, who arrived in Vienna from the Beauval Zoo in France. In the Aborigine language, Wirri Wirri means whirlwind, which is a slightly unusual name for a koala, especially considering that these animals sleep up to 20 hours per day, even more than sloths. Thanks to a special permit, Wirri Wirri arrived in Vienna in the passenger cabin, and her French caretaker arrived with her so that she could adapt to her new home well. There is another koala currently living at Tiergarten SchĂśnbrunn, fourteen-year-old Mirra Li, but each of them have their own living quarters since koalas prefer to be alone and get together in the wild only during mating season.

118 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photo: Beaumont Australien & Detoie Botswana Š eoVision GeoEye (source: Compress Zagreb)

Photo: Daniel Zupanc (source: Compress Zagreb)

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Mobile devices - reliable travel companions According to a survey by expedia.com, a total of 97 percent of travelers, who travel for business, carry at least one mobile device with themselves. Mobile phones, for example, can be used for many things: to send a complaint to a travel agency, change your travel plans, reserve or cancel a flight, rent a car, reserve a conference hall, etc. According to survey results, Indians are the greatest users of smartphones in the world of tourism and travel. More than 95 percent of Indians believe that the use of such devices ease their travel experience, both for business and pleasure, regardless of where they travel in the world. Globally, the survey showed that 35 percent of people used their mobile devices more when traveling than at home. More than 50 percent of surveyed travelers emphasized that mobile phones can be a great source of information and entertainment. In other words, they access their favorite blog, social network, newspaper and magazines, and send emails, photos, and video content via their phones.

The world from an altitude of 640 km For thousands of years, people have spread all over the planet and changed their living spaces. Cities are even being built on water and in the desert. Our industrial areas are even larger and in many places the planet looks like an enormous garden with wide fields and meadows. All of those incredible things can be seen from an altitude of 480 to 640 kilometers. The Viennese exhibition by the Museum of Natural Sciences, which will be open until March 8, 2015, was created based on satellite photos from the book "Human Footprint", and it takes visitors on a trip around the world that, besides famous places like New York or Venice, also reveals some areas and places that have never been seen before: from desert cities sinking in the Sahara sands to the icy areas of the Antarctic. The exhibition includes 56 satellite photos, which can also be bought at a price of 240 to 990 euro.

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Golden Gate When completed in 1937 after four years of construction, the Golden Gate Bridge immediately became San Francisco's trademark, and has remained so to present-day. At the time it was the largest suspension bridge in the world, with a total length of 2.7 kilometers, and it is currently the second-largest suspension bridge in the USA. It connects San Francisco with the cities in Marin County, and more than 40 million vehicles cross it every year. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful bridges in the world, and since it is an unavoidable tourist attraction, it is definitely one of the most photographed bridges in the world.



Lufthansa to the USA and Canada

Photo: mediaBase Lufthansa


ew York, Denver, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Vancouver, Toronto... We could go on and on about the destinations in the USA and Canada that Lufthansa flies to. You can choose from twenty of them, so if you're not travelling for business, it definitely isn't an easy choice. To make your trip to the destination of your choice even sweeter, we have dropped all the fares by more than a hundred euro! So, for example, you can fly to Toronto from 509 euro per person, to New York from 529 euro, Orlando from 549 euro, and Miami from 559 euro per person. As of December of

this year, Boeing 747-8s planes fly from Frankfurt to destinations such as Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C., with a special treat: the Premium Economy class. This class, a combination of business and economy class, will ensure even more comfortable travel, with 50 percent more space and many additional services. Besides the more spacious and comfortable seat, you also will have the opportunity to bring along two pieces of luggage, and, if desired, you can pay an extra fee for access to almost all Lufthansa business lounges. All you have to do is enjoy your flight. ď ś

You can find special deals on flights to USA and Canada, but also other destinations in Europe and abroad, at: LH.com December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 119


Photo: Four Seasons Safari Lodge, Serengeti, Tanzania (archive: Glamping.com)

Photo: Four Seasons Safari Lodge, Serengeti, Tanzania (archive: Glamping.com)

We're taking you to...

Photo: sunsets in Tanzania are a true spectacle.

120 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Written by: Lidija Erceg Photos: Tatjana and Martin Bukvić (www.letim.hr), Danijela Kraljević and Lidija Erceg


My African adventure Uganda Lake Victoria





TANZANIA Lake Tanganyika



Indian Ocean

Dar es Salaam DR Congo

Lake Rukwa

Zambia Malawi Mozambique

Tanzania is a country of natural beauty, numerous national parks, hospitable and friendly hosts, and a unique culinary offer. The most interesting places for tourists in the country are the island of Zanzibar and northern Tanzania, mostly for the national parks, and Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. I decided to head out on those beaten tourist tracks...

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 121

We're taking you to...

Photos: a family in the town of Songea (top left); a child from the orphanage in a Croatian jersey (top right); volunteers from Croatia teach the children daily and help them develop work habits (bottom left and right).



tip: Find out more about the "Kolajna ljubavi" Association, its activities, campaigns, and volunteering possibilities at: www.kolajna-ljubavi.hr

122 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

hen I was a little girl, my father worked in eastern Africa, in Ethiopia, and every time he returned he would tell me the interesting, but sad stories of the inhabitants of one of the poorest countries in the world. Those stories touched me deeply and I started thinking about how one day I would go to the Dark Continent and try to help someone who needed the help. Exactly twenty years passed when, in 2012, I finally headed out on my African adventure that continues on today...

A motivating show Although I always thought I would visit Ethiopia or Somalia, fate took me to Tanzania, and so far I've gone back three times for a total of ten months. I got the impulse to go to this wonderful country

after I watched a show where Ivana Marasović (then Parlov) spoke about the "Kolajna ljubavi" association that she founded in 2008 after a year-long mission in Tanzania, and about the St. Anthony orphanage built in Songea, in southern Tanzania, with the help of donations from good people in Croatia and abroad. The everyday costs of the orphanage are still ensured exclusively from donations, and currently the orphanage cares for 33 children, ages 4 to 18. Hardworking volunteers from Croatia regularly care for them. Since the main goal of the association's mission is to give children proper education so that they can, once they turn 18 and leave the orphanage, find a job or continue their education, all children at the orphanage are being educated. The youngest attend preschool, and the older children attend private primary or secondary school

in English. Upon completing their education, most of the children remain in their country and culture, so attempts are made to raise the children in such a manner. Besides daily learning with the children and developing work skills such as washing clothes and dishes, cleaning the rooms where the children live, cultivating land, growing food, etc., the volunteers also try to instill real personal values, habits, and ways of looking at the world into the children so that one day they can contribute to the improvement of their society. Along with the orphanage, association members also built a preschool that will soon be open to the children from the Songea area. The "Godchild" project was also launched where "godparents" (sponsors) from Croatia and abroad help educate more than a thousand children throughout Tanzania.

Photos: Although they have many worries, a lot of them are unemployed, and are unable to offer their children at least one hot meal per day, the people, and children, of Songea can often be seen smiling. Many people with "large hearts" from Croatia and abroad help out more than a thousand children throughout Tanzania for their education.

Water kilometers away Most children in Tanzania live in incredibly rough conditions. Typical Tanzanian houses, which can be seen everywhere throughout this country, are made of mud and straw, and mostly consist of one room where the entire family lives. There is no electricity in houses, and the locals must go several kilometers to get water. Often children take water buckets to school themselves, so you can often see schoolchildren in uniforms with buckets of water on their head. Most of the locals are unemployed,

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 123

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Photos: thanks to the volunteers from the Croatian "Kolanja ljubavi" association, the children in Songea will soon get a preschool (top and bottom left); one of the schoolchildren at the orphanage (bottom right).

124 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

and the lucky few who receive salaries don't have enough to afford one hot meal per day. Educating children is mostly an unachievable dream for most of the people in this country. Although tuition at public schools is non-existent or low, children must have uniforms, bags, school supplies, but also pay for the desk and chair at school, buy a hoe to cultivate the school's land, and landscape of the schoolyard. It is also necessary to pay the school guard, and children regularly bring ingredients to school: flour for ugali, rice, beans, oil, etc., so that they can have one meal per day. Since colleges and universities are very expensive, only a select few get a university education. During all three stays in Tanzania, my participation, as a volunteer for the association, gave me priceless life experience. Each time I learned something new about myself, I had a

feeling that I moved my borders, and came back somehow different, in the positive sense. In participating in the "Godparent" project, I had the chance to see a large portion of the country several times, enjoy its natural beauty, many national parks,

Photos: in order to play chess, the people in Songea had to be creative. In contrast to chess, cards arrived at their Tanzanian address.

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Photos: typical Tanzanian houses are built of mud and straw, although there are also brick houses in the Songea area.

126 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Photos: a teacher in front of a blackboard (top); children during snack time (bottom).

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tip: The round trip ferry ticket from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar, in economy class, costs 70 USD for tourists, while for a more luxurious ride, you will have to spend 50 USD one-way.

Photos: Dar el Salaam is Tanzania's largest city (top); the sandy beach and examples of eastern African culture in Stone Town, capital city of Zanzibar (bottom left and right).

Wherever you go in Tanzania, you will come across a "mzungu price" (a price for tourists) and a price for the domestic population.

128 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

get to know the hospitable and friendly hosts, and their unusual culinary offer.

The bustle of Dar es Salaam The most interesting areas of the country for tourists are the island of Zanzibar and northern Tanzania, mostly due to the numerous national parks and Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest African peak, so I also headed out on the beaten tourist path. Most tourists arrive on Zanzibar by ferry boat from Dar es Salaam ("The harbor of peace"), the largest city in Tanzania. It is located in the east of the country, on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and it is one of the most important harbors in Africa, as well as being the industrial, trade, and cultural center of the entire

region. Get ready for chaotic traffic here, especially at the bus station, where hundreds of buses and thousands of people rush on the dusty and muddy ground, and take care of your possessions carefully since there are pickpockets "lurking" at every corner. Luckily, you can always find someone ready to help you, for the reward of a bill of any currency. Still, you will quickly forget about the bustling capital city upon your arrival on the island of Zanzibar, about a three-hour ferry ride from Dar es Salaam. Although it is part of Tanzania, they will request your passport at the harbor, and ask you to fill out forms, as if you had just entered the country. The reason for that is that Zanzibar, after uniting with Tanganyika in 1964 to become the United Republic of Tanzania, retained its regional autonomy.

From Stone Town to Prison Island Zanzibar is mostly visited by tourists who come to relax on its dreamy long sandy beaches, towered over by tall palm and coconut trees, splashed by a turquoise sea that invites you to take a swim. While here, definitely visit the capital city, Stone Town, with its wealth of eastern African architecture mixed with European, Indian, Arabian, and Persian influence. For that reason, Stone Town was inscribed on UNESCO's list of world cultural heritage. This city is also the departure point for most tourist excursions, of which one of the most interesting and best known is the "Spice Tour". On this tour, you can enjoy many spices such as pepper, cinnamon,

nutmeg, and cloves, for which Zanzibar is famous, not only in Africa, but worldwide too. Six kilometers away from Stone Town you will find Prison Island, an island that was uninhabited to the mid-19th century. Back in 1860, the first sultan of Zanzibar, Majid bin Said, gave the island to the Arabs, who used it as a prison for rebel slaves. Slaves were then sent abroad or were sold on the slave market in Stone Town. Besides the jail, the island is also known for giant turtles, some of which are several hundred years old. Since, unfortunately, over time the turtles were often the target of thieves who sold them as pets or for food, there are less than two hundred left on the island.

Photos: Prison Island is popular amongst tourists (top); the island is also famous for its giant turtles, some of which are several hundred years old (bottom left); a monkey in the Jozani forest in Zanzibar (bottom right).

Zanzibar is a famous global producer and exporter of exotic spices such as pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 129

We're taking you to...


Lo d (a ge, Fou rc Se r hi re Se ve n a : G ge so Pho la ti, ns m Ta Sa to: pi n fa ng za r .co nia i m )

Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti During your African safari adventure, you can find comfortable accommodations at the Safari Lodge, located in the Serengeti National Park. Here they offer 77 comfortable rooms, suites, and villas, furnished African style, where you will be awaited with a canopy bed with mosquito netting. Guests have many things at their disposal, including an elegant spa zone with many treatments, a pool, fitness center, Kijana children's club, safari services, and an especially interesting Discovery center, where they can get to know more about wild African animals, the culture, history, and local customs. www.fourseasons.com/serengeti

tip: The Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater national parks are the best known African safari parks and reserves for many wild animals.

Another must-see tourist attraction on the island is Kizimkazi, a community on the very south of Zanzibar. Tourists visit this town so they can enjoy the underwater bounty of Zanzibar and swimming with dolphins in their natural habitat. The many domestic fishermen will take you to the place where dolphins gather by boat, and, if you're lucky, after some time you will be swimming in the sea with these gentle animals. And you can be sure you will be telling stories about that experience for the rest of your life.

The tenth natural wonder of the world The many national parks are just one of Tanzania's strong points, and the most famous are the Serengeti and Ngorongoro in the north of the country. 130 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

The Serengeti is the largest national park in Tanzania and also one of the largest national parks in all of Africa, and it is often called the "tenth natural wonder of the world" for the largest migration of mammals in the world. In May and June, many wild animals, zebras, antelopes, lions, hyenas, gazelles, etc. move from the plains in the central part of the Serengeti towards the western part of the park which is abundant in water. So it is no wonder that tourists swarm here for safaris at that time since it truly is an unforgettable experience. One of the most visited national parks here is the Ngorongoro crater, which is, actually, the caldera of a dormant volcano. It was added to UNESCO's list of world heritage sites in 1979 in order to preserve its unique biodiversity and many endangered species of animals.

Sanctuary Saadani River Lodge

Ph , e: ats iv e ch etr ar yR o ot uar t ia nc an Sa anz T

Sanctuary Saadani River Lodge, with its 17 luxuriously furnished suites and "The Wami Suite" private villa with a pool, are an oasis for rest and relaxation on the south bank of the Wami river, near Sadaani National park. With comfortable houses, deep in the exotic untouched nature, the Lodge also offers a spa zone, and guests can choose from an entire selection of activities and local excursions. www.sanctuaryretreats.com/sanctuary-saadani-safari-river-lodge-tanzania

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 131

We're taking you to...



This park truly thrilled me because many wild animals: zebras, lions, elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, leopards, African buffalos, wild boars, etc. truly live in a widespread area, rich with diverse plant life: from jungle slopes, bare desert hills, to the especially interesting African savannah covered in low-lying grass, where you can clearly see wild animals, driving through the crater of the dormant volcano. The other special feature of this park is the fact that the Masai, the best-known traditional African tribe, live here, and due to that, they are also part of the protected cultural heritage of this area. Touring a Masai village within the Ngorongoro crater is usually a lively and interesting experience. It is a common occurrence that, for example, you head to a village, and in front of the gates you come across an African buffalo, giraffe, or wild boar. Then, of course, you have 132 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

Around 40 000 Masai, a seminomadic shepherding tribe, who you will recognize for their tall and thin constitution, colorful clothing, and a lot of colorful jewelry that they make themselves and sell at every step, live at the Ngorongoro crater on Kilimanjaro. Members of this tribe are polygamous, so the Masai elders have a dozen wives and up to a hundred children, and sometimes they don't know the names of all of them. Interestingly, in the Masai culture, men are divided into three groups: youth, warriors, and elders. In contrast to the elderly who live in "kraals" (communities of polygamous families), Masai warriors live in a special village (manyatta), with their mothers, sisters, and lovers. The warrior remains in the manyatta as long as he protects the village, and when that task ends, the warrior can get married and move into the "kraal".

to wait for the animals to walk on so that you can continue your path. But that unpredictability, adventurism, and those unexpected situations that occur at every step of your journey through Africa make this trip an irreplaceable and unrepeatable experience.

Climb up Kilimanjaro On my way to Ngorongoro crater, I passed through Moshi, one of the most beautiful cities I came across in

Tanzania. This city in the north of the country is located at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Even though it is small and not packed with crowds like in the cities of Dar es Salaam or Arusha, you will find everything you need there. Here on the streets you will see mostly young people since Moshi is one of the largest educational centers in Tanzania, with many schools and universities. Tourists visit it for the safaris that are often organized from there to one of the northern national parks (Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire), but also for climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro, whose highest peak Uhuru (which means "freedom" in Swahili) reaches an altitude of 5895 meters. The first time I saw Kilimanjaro in real life and saw its recognizable Uhuru peak, covered in snow, just as I was used to seeing it on television or on photos, I felt that the mountain was "calling" me. At that moment, I knew I would try to do what thousands of people managed to do already. So, my third time in Tanzania, after three bouts of malaria, stomach problems, and bronchitis in just a month and a half, I headed out on a new adventure. The Uhuru peak can be reached from various sides, and I headed up the oldest and most popular "Marangu" path, better known

Photos: the Ngorongoro crater (top); the African buffalo is one of the inhabitants of this region (left); Zebras in the Ngorongoro National Park (middle); the Uhuru peak on Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa (right).

as the "Coca-Cola path" (domestic citizens used to sell Coca-Cola to climbers so that they could refresh themselves on their way to the peak), which starts on the eastern side of the mountain. The expedition lasted a total of five days, of which we climbed one day (more precisely three days and one night), while the descent took one day. Although I suffered from altitude sickness, and all the accompanying symptoms, I managed to make it to the top and feel the feeling, incomparable to anything I had ever experienced before. On one side, the view was of large glaciers, on the other, an impressive snowcovered slope, and the sun warmed me as if it were a stones-throw away. In that picture, in front of myself, I saw the long expected sign that said: "Congratulations". Priceless... ď ś



... is a country on the eastern coast of Africa, which is touched by the waters of the Indian Ocean on the east. It borders Kenya and Uganda on the north, Rwanda, Burundi, and DR Congo on the west, and Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique on the south. Kilimanjaro, the mountain with the highest peak in Africa, is located in the north east of the country, while Victoria Lake, the largest African lake, is in the northwest. Capital city: Dodoma Official language: Swahili, English Area: 947.303 km2 Population (2014.): 47,4 million Currency: Tanzanian shilling Area code: +255 Time zone: UTC +3

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 133

World attractions


ot Ph





Solar "supertree" in Singapore Ever since late June 2012, Singapore has been home to another wonder of the world - an open park with solar towers that look like enormous trees. Those 'supertrees' are 50 meters high, and are used to gather rainfall from the rain that often falls in that area of the country, and they also act as a vent for the nearby parks. The parks are designed so that energy use has decreased by an average of 30 percent, and they use waste as a source of biofuel. The garden, 54 hectares in size, has a total of 18 'trees', designed by British architectural firm Grant Associates.

134 tipTravelMagazine December 2014 / January 2015

December 2014 / January 2015

tipTravelMagazine 135


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