11 minute read

Are you using the new MyTio app?

By: Louis van Dieteren, Manager IT

With the new MyTio app, you will always have access to your current schedule, your grades, the latest Tio news and your digital student card. You can also use the app to easily evaluate your classes.

What is included in the app? The app offers detailed class schedules, results (grades), notifications if there are changes, news, class evaluations, a digital student card and a follow option with which parents or guardians can track a student's study performance - with the student's consent, of course. For important news, you will receive a special push notification, the message will be displayed in the app's notification centre and an icon will be shown on the MyTio tile on your phone. There are also shortcuts to access Webmail, PrestoStudent, TOPdesk and the Regulations. The app will automatically use your phone's language settings (Dutch or English) and you can restrict access to the app with an access code and/or your fingerprint. The app's functionalities are expanded over time. For example, it is now also possible to evaluate guest lectures and the central exams were recently added to your schedule. Soon, you will receive a notification if your lecturer has fallen ill. More features will be introduced in the months to come. Installeren op iOS https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/mytio/id1459843200?l=nl&ls=1 IOS Installeren op iOS https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/mytio/id1459843200?l=nl&ls=1 Installeren op Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stucomm.mijntio Android Installing the MyTio app You can download the MyTio app from the Apple Store or Google Play or via the following QR codes. Logging in Log in with your Tio username and password. Questions and support If you need help installing the app, contact your campuses system administrator. If you have any remarks, questions or suggestions to improve the MyTio app, send an email to appsupport@tio.nl. •

It offers detailed class schedules, results (grades), notifications if there are changes, news, class evaluations, a digital student card and a follow option.

Holy guacamoly! An inspiring masterclass of The Avocado Show

Door: Ella Smith-Folkersma, Campus journalist Tio Amsterdam

“A crazy story, yet true”, Ron Simpson starts his masterclass at Tio Amsterdam. With an extremely successful background in the music and marketing industry Ron decided to do something else. This resulted in a fully funded global brand: The Avocado Show. During this masterclass Ron Simpson, owner and founder of The Avocado Show, shows us the power of social media and imperfection, and inspires us to always think about what to do next.

How it all started Things were going great for Ron in the marketing industry. "When things are going really well, you have to think about the next step." Together with his friend and business partner Julien Zaal Ron decided to build something that lasts. “Trends were showing people demanding things that look better, prettier and are healthier, fast casual food, really good food but quicker, they wanted a 'mono' restaurant.” All these trends combined, and considering the fact that 400 million people eat avocados worldwide, they chose to go all avocado.

A restaurant in five days This was on a Thursday. On Friday Ron gave his friends the challenge to show him in an hour what an avocado restaurant looks like. Jamie van Heije, friend and top chef, got the challenge to come up with a menu. Ninety percent of what came back is what is now used in the restaurant. On Monday Ron got a wake-up call from Julien saying he found a location in De Pijp (Amsterdam) for their restaurant: The Avocado Show.

One picture – 212 million views Instead of going for a press release, with a well composed press pack, they figured that support from their friends and family is more important. So they put a simple picture of the three of them on Facebook tagging Ron's mum. “It just said: ‘Oh my God, we're opening an avocado restaurant.’ It had zero information.” This picture is the reason why they had 212 million views. It went worldwide and they started to make international headlines before the restaurant had even opened yet. Only four months after it went viral the restaurant opened. The night before opening people actually slept outside. It's been three years now and guests are still queuing outside for a table.

1,200 franchise requests Ron and Julien have three goals. One: sustainability. They believe they can grow big enough to have a positive effect on the sustainability of the entire supply chain of avocados. Two: love. They hope to open up to 25 franchises over the next five years. As there is no love in franchising they look for franchisees that have a love for the concept. They now have 1200 franchise requests. Three: brand. If all of you know the brand Chiquita for bananas, they want everyone to know the avocado brand The Avocado Show. A crazy story, with the avocado as the rockstar! •

Networking at Tio Hengelo Dedicated policy to strengthen ties with businesses

By: Dick Schlüter, Campus journalist Tio Hengelo

At this moment, work is underway at Tio's campus in Hengelo to implement the new policy developed by campus manager Maurice Krabbenborg, which is designed to strengthen Tio's ties with local businesses with the help of the student coach and the team of lecturers. In addition to guest lectures and networking lunches, visits to interesting campuses are also scheduled.

Networking lunch The first networking lunch, held in early February for representatives from various businesses and our vocational- and higher-education students, was a success! Tijmen Keizers, marketing manager Ferrari at Munsterhuis

Networking opportunities aplenty Chatting up Trouwringenvoordeel.nl

Sportscars, had enough questions to answer. The same was true for the nationally operating Trouwringenvoordeel.nl and the other businesses in attendance. The handy carousel structure allowed groups of students to move between businesses and talk to everyone there. Many new contacts were established, which will hopefully lead to exciting internship and final thesis project opportunities in the future.

Guest lecture on Duvel In February, marketing manager Saskia ter Meulen gave a guest lecture about the Duvel beer brewery. This Belgian brewery operates on an international scale and has a sales location in Deventer. Students were told that there are significant differences between national markets. Saskia ter Meulen: “In Belgium, Duvel is generally enjoyed by different demographics. In the Netherlands, however, this beer is said to make you drunk and it is believed to be mostly popular among students and in alternative circles.”

Company visit to the University of Twente In early March, Marlies Tijhuis led a group of students on a visit to a laboratory at the University of Twente in Enschede. In this lab, researchers study the effects of virtual reality and neuromarketing. The students were given an exclusive look behind the scenes of the laboratory. •

Students from Hengelo speak their minds

By: Vera Mast, PR and Communications

On 13 February, the student representatives from Hengelo spoke their minds about Tio. Among other things, they discussed the Wi-Fi network, the new Tio app, free-choice subjects and the temperature in the classrooms. A tip from the students: offer a wider selection of healthy sandwiches in the cafeteria. Students from Hengelo can look forward to a fun break from their summer internship: on 14 July, Tio will organise a midsummer barbecue! •

Top entrepreneur Michiel Witteveen in Hengelo

By: Vera Wonink, Lecturer Tio Hengelo

April 2019: Michiel Witteveen is taking over Blokker Holding, the corporation that - at that time - consists of the retain chains Blokker, Big Bazar and Marskramer. It is up to him to turn the tide for the ailing holding. Since then, an upward trend has been realised. In early February, Witteveen came to Hengelo to talk about this experience during a guest lecture.

Dare to jump Witteveen starts with an anecdote. He is six years old and doesn't know how to swim yet. His father takes him to the pool, throws him in the deep end and that is how he learned to swim. In other words: dare to jump, because the best way to learn is by doing.

A true entrepreneur Witteveen is a true entrepreneur at heart. His father founded the fashion retail chain Claudia Sträter and his great-grandfather was also a business owner. Witteveen himself started his career at C&A and eventually became secretary for the trio of Brenninkmeijer (C&A), Heijn (AH) and Blokker. After working for Jaap Blokker for some time, he opens his own retain chain: Witteveen. Over the years, he has always kept in touch with Jaap Blokker.

Control the controllables The Witteveen retail chain is sold off in 1998, clearing the road to take on new projects. When Toys’R’Us is at risk of going bankrupt, Witteveen acquires a stake in the organisation. In less than a year, it is breaking even again. Witteveen's advice: control the controllables, i.e. revenue, margins and costs. At Toys'R’Us, this maxim was translated into concrete measures, which Witteveen is happy to share with the attending students.

Witteveen and Blokker Next, Witteveen talks about the trouble at Blokker, where fewer and fewer customers were coming to the stores, and he explains how things got to this point. Els Blokker, the widow of Witteveen's former employer, asked Witteveen to join Blokker's supervisory board in an attempt to turn the tide. Witteveen accepted and was eventually chosen as the new chairman of the board. During the guest lecture, he talks about the concrete measures that were taken to make the retail chain profitable once more.

The secret of success At the end of the guest lecture, students ask Witteveen some pertinent questions, which he answers in great detail. One of the students asks the big question: “What is the secret of success?” Without revealing his own secrets, Witteveen does answer the question. You need to have money. You must be able to borrow from private individuals, because banks are not forthcoming enough. What you need on a personal level are perseverance and passion, especially when you start small. •

This is how you start a business!

By: Hilde Gilissen, Reporter

New businesses are springing up like mushrooms; some more successful than others. Do you also dream of your own business, but are you unsure of how to tackle it? Not to worry, getting started is easier than you think. Our step-by-step plan will have you fully prepared for a successful start in no time!

Start with a plan Make your ideas tangible by describing the most important aspects of your future business in a business plan. Conceive a clear description of your product or service, but also devote attention to your vision, target group, marketing and revenue model. What are your goals; what do you want to have achieved in a year’s time? 1

Underaged? Do you want to start your own business before you turn 18? That is no problem in the Netherlands. Remember to request emancipation via the district judge to ensure you will not require your parents’ or guardians’ permission for every action you undertake as an underaged business owner. You should also check whether having your own business affects your entitlement to child benefits and/or student finance to avoid nasty surprises down the road. 2

Visit the Chamber of Commerce Once you've made detailed enquiries, come up with a company name and a legal form, it is time to register your business in the Chamber of Commerce’s trade register. You will then receive your VAT identification number and will officially be classified as an entrepreneur by the Tax Authority! 3

Work on a website Yes! As a brand-new entrepreneur, you are ready for the real deal. Do you have a website yet, so your potential clients know where to find you? Build your site yourself or hire someone to do it. Use compelling texts, attractive photos and clear calls to action. Also spend some time on search engine optimisation (SEO), so people can actually find your business online. 4

Spruce up your portfolio Is your website up and running? Your first priority should now be to develop an eyecatching portfolio, so potential clients can see exactly what you are capable of. To fill up your portfolio faster, consider offering your product or service at a discounted rate for a little while. In exchange for the generous discount you offer, you can ask clients to give you feedback or a testimonial that you can post on your website! 5

Utilise your network Tell your friends and family about your business and make sure to inform fellow students, lecturers and colleagues as well. They often have (large) networks of their own and might be able to help you expand your client base. Do not underestimate the value of free publicity: with a little attention and creativity, you can achieve a great deal with social media these days! 6

Communicate with your school Inform your study coach of your business and enquire about the options. Think of e.g. exemptions or a modified class schedule, should your business really take off. Tio can offer students who own their own business tailor-made solutions to encourage their entrepreneurial aspirations and give them the opportunity to make the most of their business and their studies. 7

Happy boss Congratulations: you are now a genuine entrepreneur. That means you are in charge of everything to do with your business and you get to manage your own time. You can be flexible and take advantage of the latest trends and developments immediately. Above all, it means you are now your own boss. Good luck! • 8