Virtual offices blog qbc nov 7 (2)

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Frustrated with managing your office administration? Do you run a small business firm or start-up? In that case, you must be finding office administration frustrating and time-consuming, not to mention quite expensive. The most important thing to consider here is the fact that these administration tasks do not bring in any revenue to the business. It is only further cost to company. For most start-ups this is a real hassle – appointing secretaries, renting office space, installing workstations, housekeeping, office stationary, electricity and phone bills – wow, that sure sounds like a handful.

If you are going to have clients visiting you often, and a lot of activities that require these features, office administration is probably worth all the efforts. However, if you think your activities are mostly doable without receptionists, secretaries and conference halls, you might as well not have them. Yes, with the advent of technology, the concept of virtual offices has caught on with small businesses and start-ups across the globe. When you get a “virtual” office, it means that you can still run your office without really renting office space or hiring your own secretaries. For a nominal monthly fee, your

virtual office provider will be able to offer you the benefits of a real office without your having to go through any additional trouble. This lets you focus better on your core business tasks that generate real income. Pretty cool, huh?

Quay Business Center is among the leading providers of office administration services for businesses in Wellington, New Zealand. They offer complete virtual office packages in addition to fixed fee accounting services. They are a one-stop destination for all office administration and business support tasks. Get in touch with them right away. To make an enquiry, please contact Joy on (04) 472 7252 Telephone: +64 04 472 7252 Facsimile: +64 04 473 0569 Email: PO Box 10485 The Terrace, Wellington Postal code: 6134

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