Montessori Leadership November 2021

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Dear IMC Members... Our IMC community has shown incredible resilience and optimism through almost two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have worked together to support and encourage each other, share resources, policies, procedures, and inspiring stories. We belong to an organization that cares about each of us. This is how community works! Focusing on gratitude, creating space for silence and breath, movement, and

social connection are some keys to sustaining our mental health through this crisis. You will want to pay special attention to Dane Peters’ article, where he highlights empathy, humor, and trust as signs of emotional intelligence. Dane helps us look at ourselves as leaders through this lens. We are fortunate to have Michael Dorer share his unique insights about how storytelling has, among its many benefits, a significant impact on executive functioning skills. Michael is a master storyteller himself and weaves a wonderful essay with practical tips for our Montessori classrooms. Additionally, you will find an excerpt from Jane Nelson and Chip DeLorenzo’s new book Positive Discipline in the Montessori Classroom

In service to children,

Kathy Leitch, Executive Director International Montessori Council



and a review of the book by Mary Schneider. This issue also addresses the current hot topics of our critical teaching shortage and special needs students. We continue to find ourselves in a COVID conundrum as we look toward 2022. By the time you read this issue, we at IMC will have produced and directed our 25th Annual Montessori Foundation/IMC conference! We were challenged (as most schools are) with navigating a changing landscape of safety and risk mitigation. Knowing that some of us were ready to travel and gather in community to reconnect, learn, and soak up the Sarasota sun, we created a hybrid conference model that we trust met the needs of many of our members. This allowed many to join virtually and participate with our community. On behalf of our IMC board and staff, we thank you for your continued commitment to sharing Montessori philosophy and pedagogy with the children of the world!

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