TT 163

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TIMES TODAY TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

Pray for your leaders:

August 9th is a


CONTENTS My Pulpit message notes: | Pray for your leaders | 3-4 My Devotional: When trials come, take courage and testify God’s goodness | 6 My Business | How to manage the world’s fertilizers to avoid a prolonged food crisis | 7 My Inspiration: Compassion and Miracles | 8 My Education: The Role Of Teachers In Student Mental Health | 9 My Entrepreneur: The call to be witnesses in all we do | 10 My Health: Monkeypox: Why it is now a health emergency, and how to avoid infection | 11-12 My Kitchen: German chocolate cake |13 My Sports: Rugby: Poor Shujaa out of Commonwealth Games |14

Pulpit Message Notes Pray for your leaders

My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 31st July 2022. Preacher: Reverend Munengi Mulandi, NBC Senior Pastor. Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Topic: Pray for your leaders: Tuesday 9th is a BIG DEAL.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

under bondage and now they are being ruled by Caesar after Caesar. They are under foreign rule and have been given some puppet kings like Herod and those who took over from him. Those are now their kings and rulers. It is in these difficult circumstances, in that context, Paul writes to them with these words of passion, ‘therefore I urge you’, to make this leadership issue of first priority.


You and I many times say that we are being governed in the county, the ward, etc. we are being ruled by thugs here, by corrupt people, but is it anywhere close to what these people are going through? And yet Paul urges them, by the grace of God, therefore - passion - “I urge you, first that we make Paul in similar circumstancthese prayers. I am calling the church now for time of concerted es that we are in Kenya shares I wonder if you personal prayer to go into the theatre room until we three things to Timothy. have allowed Tuesday the have birthed for this nation, leaders, not chanters, not 9th to be a big deal for you promisers, not just people who are adequate in their Passion that it would drive you to abuse. People who can create an environment where this kind of passion, but 1 Timothy 2:1a you and I can live in peace and quiet. secondly to this kind of prayer. Passion is expressed by the language we see God having Paul to pen down. “I therefore urge, first of all that these prayers be made for all Prayer people then, emphatically, for kings and all those in au1 Timothy 2:1b-2a thority.” Do you see the passion in those words, “I urge” and then that word, “first” of all”? Do you see the passion in his writing that this is so important, it is of first priority? It is such a big deal. He uses passionate words. First, make it a priority. Secondly, “I urge you”. It is not just something that Paul is telling, if you had time, could you consider, perhaps. No. He is saying, “I urge”. Other translations use the word, ‘I appeal’, ‘I exhort’, ‘I encourage’. But you see there is a push from Paul. It is not something casual. Then he goes on to the prayers.

A prayer that one commentator in the Message Bible says, ‘Pray every way you know how.’ There are four kinds of prayers listed; “that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority,…” Calling us to pray and it is not the kind of prayer that you can prescribe one type of prayer, no. This one needs all-wheel drive, four by four prayer. First because we recognise how leaders are unable to do anything without the help of God. So they don’t need one kind of prayer, but four kinds of prayer. The last one is a prayer of thanksgiving.

Paul is writing to a people who are not in self-governance, since the days of Christ, the people of God are TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

Pulpit Message Notes We need to pray for our leaders with thanksgiving. Leadership is not easy. Many times we just look at the inadequacies and inconsistencies etc, but thank God that somebody gave themselves to be able to represent us in these different offices. The other three prayers have just a slight degree, of nuance, difference from each other covering pleas, petitions, supplications, request, treaties and prayers of advocacy. There are all kinds of prayers. The ones where you have taken hold of heaven and others where you have allowed heaven to take hold of you. Prayers of pacing up and down, and please O God. Prayers of taking authority in Jesus name and commanding things to be as they are decreed in heaven. Prayers of all kinds. Tuesday August the 9th, is a big deal, but we are not the ones original with it being a big deal. It was a big deal then when they had a corrupt government that was not representative and Paul by the inspiration of God writes to them and says, “Therefore, I urge you”. Passionately, ‘I encourage you’, ‘I exhort you, first to pray.’ To pray as you can and beyond. Now we are at the eleventh how. My wife was brave enough to allow me to be in the delivery room for both our sons. The nine months of pregnancy are important. You do all kinds of things to prepare, but there comes that end time that is so critical, the doctor says breathe and even I am in full labour. That is what we are being called to do today because God is about to birth something in Jesus’ Name in this Nation. And we are not going to be waiting for it at home and ask, ‘was it a boy, or a girl?’ We are going to be in the delivery room and we are going to be pacing up and down in Jesus’ Name making declarations and calling down strongholds and waiting to hold that baby. Not waiting to be told, that baby is a boy, or girl. This week take concerted prayer because August 9th matters. It is a big deal. In the first era of the church when they were sat on proper, Paul would say, by the inspiration of God, “I therefore’ - with passion - ‘urge, first, that all kinds of prayers be made for all, especially kings and those in authority.’ I think of the jurisdiction that these men and women that we choose have, they do need prayer. For Paul to say passionately, “I urge that prayers…” it means that leaders are incapable of the things we jump on the Toyota land cruisers, VX, V8s and the things that we proclaim to do in interviews that we can do in the first hundred days, we can do nothing. If you are a political leader, you are going to make

it by the grace of God, because the church is praying until this baby is birthed, on August the 9th, your 100 days, 600 days, until full service 1800 days.

Price 1 Timothy 2:2 - The price of our leaders not succeeding, the price of us not choosing the right leaders is very high. And Paul says, in verse two, “2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives …” If you and I do not go into the labour room in these next nine days, if we do not pray, then these lives that Paul is taking about, of peace and quiet will be compromised. We have a role to play. And Anglican bishop once said, “Well Lord, I may not be very much, but I am one, I cannot do everything, but I can do something, and what I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, I will do.”

Call to Action I am calling the church now for time of concerted personal prayer to go into the theatre room until we have birthed for this nation, leaders, not chanters, not promisers, not just people who are adequate in their abuse. People who can create an environment where you and I can live in peace and quiet. ……. - We talk about the situations that have happened in our nation; the cost of living especially and we attribute it to natural weather phenomena, Ukraine and Russia. Indeed it is true that inflation is all over the place. But I keep wondering, what if God would raise leaders for us that even if these external circumstances came to us like every other nation but when we fell, we fell on pillows and had a soft landing. You see other nations are facing inflation, Ukraine, Russia related issues, famine and other times things worse than we are facing, but they are not falling on the charred rocks of corruption. They are not falling on an environment of lies and hatred being whipped up each time somebody takes the podium. Is there anybody here who is saying, I want to stand in the gap, I want to pray, I want to be in the theatre room?

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Life How to get saved and spend eternity with God His Love “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NASB) My response that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:9-10 (NASB)

My prayer Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed against You. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead on the third day. Please write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto You. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe. Amen

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Devotional When trials come, take courage and testify God’s goodness

By Liz Omondi | Email: | Image credit:

11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Acts 23:11 (NIV)

you ice-cold treatment. Perhaps, you may not even be invited to social events where ordinarily you would be part of the team. Whichever the case, so long as it is about being a stickler to the authority of God’s word on all issues, like the apostles, we just ought to smile peace into our souls.

In fact James 1:2-4 encourages us to consider it pure joy, whenever we face I sat there reflecting what wrong I may have done, or said that caused them trials of many kinds. This joy comes with that inner peace, but it doesn’t to sideline me. Looking deep into my heart, I asked, why those whom con- stop there. We are encouraged to go on speaking the truth of God’s Word. sidered to be my friends would ignore me. Look for every opportunity whenever you are going through a trial to testify about God’s goodness in your life. His love, His mercy, His grace. Realising that I could be going through some kind of trial for speaking the truth of God’s word, I sensed peace flood my mind and once more I was at Turning to Paul’s life and all the suffering he had gone through for preachease. Just then, I remembered how Jesus’ disciples felt after they had been ing the good news of Jesus Christ, during one of his low moments when he thoroughly beaten for talking about Him. In Acts 5:41-42 it says, “The was in jail we read in Acts 23:11, “The following night the Lord stood near apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted wor- Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, thy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts so you must also testify in Rome.” and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” Knowing that it is very easy to get discouraged when the world seems to be against us, especially for the cause of Christ, God spurs us on. He This Scripture reminded me that if suffering has been caused by the good encourages us to continually testifying about Him. Several places in the you are doing for the cause of Christ, not to get discouraged and stop, but Scriptures, we see the Almighty God encouraging His people when they to actually keep on doing what God has called you to do. While our natu- are going through various trials. He reassures them of His presence. He ral tendency would be to get discouraged and be silenced from doing what says in Deuteronomy 31:6, “6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid is good, saying what is true, it may be a sign that you are actually doing or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will what is right and should continue. never leave you nor forsake you.”. Again Jesus tells us in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you In our world today, we may not necessarily go through the same kind of will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” trials the apostles went through. It may come in a very subtle manner. It could be that your contacts stop responding to your phone calls, or text Are you going through some kind of trial? Take courage and use it as an messages because of your stand on the truth of God’s word. It may be at opportunity to testify about God’s goodness in your life. your work place, you colleagues may stop interacting with you and give

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Business

How to manage the world’s fertilizers to avoid a prolonged food crisis


Hidden behind the worst global food crisis in a decade, fertilizer prices have skyrocketed and remain volatile . This poses a serious threat to food security, as the planting season starts this summer. So far, the war in Ukraine has mostly affected countries importing wheat and corn. But many countries, including some major food exporters, are net fertilizer importers. Persistently high fertilizer prices may spread to a broader variety of crops including rice, a staple which has not yet seen war-related price hikes. We must act now to make fertilizers more accessible and affordable to avoid prolonging the food crisis.

efficiency of around 90 percent. Subsidies that encourage excessive use of fertilizers also encourage wastage. Even worse, this has devastating environmental and climate change implications. More efficient use of fertilizers can help ensure available supplies go further, especially to countries most in need. Rich countries consume 100 kilograms of fertilizers per hectare, nearly twice as much as developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa consumes the least, with about 15 kilograms per hectare.

The World Bank’s fertilizer price index rose nearly 15 percent from earlier this year – prices have more than tripled compared to two years ago. High input costs, supply disruptions, and trade restrictions are driving the recent spike. Natural gas prices started rising last fall as tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalated leading to widespread production cutbacks in ammonia—an important part of nitrogen-based fertilizers. Similarly, the rising price of coal in China, the main feedstock for ammonia production there, forced fertilizer factories to cut production.

There are opportunities to rework public policies and better target scarce public expenditures to create the incentives for more productive and sustainable use of fertilizer. An example of the kind of transformation that is possible are the reforms that the European Union’s 1992 Common Agriculture Practice (CAP) implemented. Prior to these reforms, support to EU’s agricultural sector – such as minimum prices, import tariffs, government purchases – kept EU farm prices above world rates, which encouraged excessive use of fertilizers. With the reforms, support to the EU CAP shifted to direct payments and farm prices became more closely aligned with world prices. These changes increased the To ease the current food crisis, action needs to be taken now to maintain food incentives to use fertilizer more efficiently. production by making fertilizers more accessible and affordable. There are several ways to do this. Third, we must invest in innovation to develop best practices and newer technologies that will help increase output per kg of fertilizer used. This includes First, countries should lift trade restrictions or export bans on fertilizers. Export investing in knowledge to ensure the best suited fertilizer and quantity are aprestrictions make things worse, putting fertilizers further out of reach of poorer plied to specific crops. We must also invest in soil health to maximize the effecdeveloping countries who face the highest levels of food insecurity and hunger. tiveness of fertilizers. Precision agriculture is one example of such improved As of early June, there were 310 active trade measures across 86 countries af- technologies that are already available. Fertigation is another, which combines fecting food and fertilizers, and nearly 40% of these have been restrictive. This fertilization with irrigation, using fertilizers in measured quantities determined number is now approaching levels not seen since the 2008-2012 global food by sensors. But much more can and needs to be done by investing in pushing the price crisis. To facilitate trade, countries can reduce delays and cut compliance frontiers of knowledge to make sure waste is minimized, only the right amount costs by getting rid of unnecessary red tape for importing targeted goods. is applied as is needed for a particular plant at a particular stage of growth. Another option is to supplement conventional fertilizers with viable bio-fertilizers One of the local bottlenecks of global fertilizer trade is the financing needs of and practices. This will not only help with the current supply challenges, but also manufacturers, traders, and importers. In some cases, the financing needs for reduce the impact of fertilizers on the climate, and on soil and water resources. fertilizer buyers have tripled, compounding the general scarcity of local commercial bank financing in many of these markets. Short-term credit facilities Our ability to maintain global trade and the movement of fertilizers will be one and guarantees, mobilized with the support of international development ac- of the determining factors on the length and severity of this food crisis. As farmtors, may be necessary in some cases. ers have started to alter their production due to challenges in fertilizers, policy makers must urgently make the right choices so that the world can cut short the Second, fertilizer use must be made more efficient. This can be done by provid- current food crisis. ing farmers appropriate incentives that do not encourage their overuse. Nitrogen use efficiency, for example, ranges from 30-50 percent in general. Meanwhile, the European Union Nitrogen Expert Panel recommends nitrogen use

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Inspiration Compassion and Miracles

By William King | Email: | image courtesy:

Have you ever noticed the relationship between the compassion of Jesus and His miracles? All through the gospels we read that wherever Jesus went He was moved with compassion for people. When He saw the multitudes, He had this deep inward moving of love to heal the sick. He had compassion on the widow who was weeping for her son and raised him from the dead (Luke 7:14). Two blind men heard that Jesus was passing by and cried out, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!” (Matthew 20:30). Jesus stopped in His tracks, called them. They couldn’t see Him but I bet they could feel His compassion as He touched their eyes. Compassion is powerful. It brings forth miracles. Jesus didn’t feel sorry for those in need. No, His compassion moved Him to action. In the same way, the apostle John says about us, “If anyone... sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live in him?” (1John 3:17).

We all have a heart of compassion that God wants to work through towards others and it can either be open or shut. If it is shut off, God’s love cannot flow out of it. If we’re going to live the abundant life that God has given us, we need to stir up our heartof compassion and say, “God, open my heart to see the people who need my love today.” It is easy to get so busy with our own lives that we forget the people around us may need something from us. He wants to flow through us to other people and use us as an instrument of His love. We’re never going to be that until we begin to understand that we are directed to follow this love. This compassion is from God and his miracle-working power in it. He wants you to release. We need to be aware of the people whom God puts on our heart. When you feel compassion moving in you towards someone, you never know the impact of what a phone call can do or the significance of your words when you say, “I’m thinking about you.”

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Education The Role Of Teachers In Student Mental Health By Lucy Simiyu, Crawford International School Psychologist | image credit:

Teachers play an important role in the mental well-being of students. A qualitative study titled “Mental Health in Kenyan Schools: Teachers’ Perspectives” (Mbwayo, A. W. et al, 2019) states that 9.5 per cent of children and adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa are reported to have a psychiatric disorder. The study further reveals that the prevalence of different mental health problems of children and adolescents in Kenyan schools vary between 10 per cent and 50.5 per cent. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that half of all mental illnesses begins by age 14 though most cases go undetected and untreated. The major illnesses within this age group include depression, anxiety, conduct disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Since most of these illnesses are not addressed during childhood or adolescence, they cause problems in adulthood, affecting one’s relationships, work and quality of life.

go a long way in building confidence in students. Teachers’ ability to listen without being judgmental will create a safe space for students who may be dealing with overwhelming personal, interpersonal, or family issues such as identity crisis and unhealthy relationships both in school and at home. Following the considerable amount of time teachers spend with students, they are in a better position to identify and flag concerns around mental health challenges in the school setting. Teachers have the unique opportunity to observe aspects of student behavior in the school setting, that may not be evident to parents, guardians, or the school counselor. The classroom setting provides a consistent opportunity to observe any behavioral traits or changes that may be pointers towards mental health concerns. Observations may include change in class participation, grooming, interaction with peers, performance, among others. It is important for teachers to make an objective record of their observations and seek to determine if the behaviors are interfering with a student’s ability to function. Teachers are advised to share these observations with the school psychologist and the student’s parents or guardians. This way, the student can access help as soon as possible in case there is need for psychological or medical intervention.

Student life is characterized by active interaction with teachers, who for the most part, spend time with students both in the classroom and in co-curricular activities. Teachers do play a custodian role for students who look up to them as “parents or Having said that, teachers will also need support for their mental well-beguardians away from home”. ing so that they can provide students with the much-needed help. Schools can support teachers by making their mental health a priority by developWhile teachers are an important component of student life, they cannot ing resources, policies and programs tailored for their well-being. and should not diagnose mental health problems. Instead, their role is to promote positive mental health at school, identify students who may An ongoing and holistic mental health program for teachers should emhave mental health problems, and connect them with appropriate mental bed self-care activities such as physical activity, outdoor and away from health services. school fun times, and setting boundaries around work. The purpose of these activities is to support teachers to improve and maintain their perCreating a positive school environment involves teachers understanding sonal wellbeing. students’ learning strengths as well as identifying any weaknesses they may exhibit. The show of empathy towards students’ challenges provides teachers an opportunity to support and build students’ well-being as well as resilience. In addition, teachers’ use of positive, encouraging and motivating words

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

Every Good G S ift



The call to be witnesses in all we do By WorkLife Success | | image credit: istock

In Matt. 5:13 Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth” and in Matt. 5:14 he Think of yourself as being strategically placed by God, and think of all says, “You are the light of the world.” the Christians all over the country as being strategically placed by God. A vast army which has infiltrated enemy territory. And if all these Christians It is vitally important that we grasp what Jesus is saying here: we ourselves were to shine as lights, and savor as salt, think of the difference that would are the salt; we ourselves are the light. The salt and light are not primarily make. In NT times, it was very rare for Christians to be found in the top the words we say, or the evangelistic events we organize, or the testimony jobs – the majority of Christians were women and slaves. But now that is that we give. We are the salt, we are the light! Once again, this is something not the case. that involves the whole of our lives. Christians can be found in virtually every profession and industry – from Robert Murray M’Cheyne said this to pastors, but it is relevant to all of us, cleaner to chief executive. There is a vast army out there! There is great po“Covet universal holiness of life. Your whole usefulness depends on this, tential, but there is also great challenge. Whether you know it or not and for your sermons last but an hour or two; your life preaches all week.” Did whether you like it or not, if you are a Christian at work you are a witness you know that you are not only a minister, you are a preacher! Your life at work. preaches all week. What message are you preaching? We may not all be called to be evangelists. We may not all have the gift of evangelism. But we Witness is not primarily something you do. Primarily, it is something we are all called to be witnesses, and as you live, you witness! are. You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. The light can shine and salt can savor in all kinds of ways through Christians in the It is interesting that there are so few instructions in the NT about evange- workplace: in how they deal with difficult clients or co-workers, in how lism or about how to witness. There are no “evangelism in 3 easy steps” in- they deal with failure, in their attitude to money, promotion and success, structions. The assumption of the NT is that if you live for Christ, you will in their concern for junior members of staff, in how they deal with really witness for Christ. If you live as a Christian, your witness will overflow tedious work, in the interest they show in people’s lives, and in their willfrom your life. This is really what Peter is saying in 1 Pet. 3:15 – “Always be ingness to put themselves out for others. prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.” If Christians are serious about workplace witness, the Holy Spirit will give opportunity to share the reason for the hope that is within! You might not The assumption here is that you are living the Christian life and the hope be a pastor, you might not be a missionary, you might not be in so-called of the Christian life is shining out! For Christians who work, this is a vitally full-time Christian service, but God has called each of us to glorify Him important issue. It is vitally important because of the potential that there is in all that we do, to serve Him in all that we do, and to witness to His love in workplace witness. At work, you don’t have to go knocking on doors to and grace in Christ Jesus. find non-Christians. You don’t have to find common ground upon which to build a relationship, because work establishes common ground.

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Health

Monkeypox: Why it is now a health emergency, and how to avoid infection | Written by Corrie Pelc on July 27, 2022 — Fact checked by Alexandra Sanfins, Ph.D.

Earlier this month, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the recent monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency.

monkeys, giant-pouched rats, African dormice, and certain types of squirrels. The disease belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus of viruses, which also includes smallpox. Because of that, its symptoms are generally similar to, but not as severe as those of smallpox.

There are more than 16,000 reported cases of monkeypox within 75 countries and territories.

Medical clinicians found the first cases of monkeypox in 1958 during two outbreaks in monkeys being kept for research.

Monkeypox has a current fatality rate of between 3-6%. A recent study found 95% of monkeypox cases between April and June Researchers recorded the first human case of the disease in 1970 in the 2022 occurred during sex between men. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since then, 11 African countries have reported cases of monkeypox. Two vaccines are currently available to help protect against monkeypox. On July 23, 2022, WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye- The first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa happened in the United sus declared the recent monkeypox outbreak a “public health emergency States in 2003. Scientists tied this incident to prairie dogs infected with of international concern(PHEIC).” monkeypox.

According to Dr. Tedros’ official press statement, this decision stems from the current monkeypox outbreak growing to more than 16,000 reported casesTrusted Source within 75 countries and territories, along with five deaths. As previously mentioned, monkeypox is a virus that transfers from infected animals to humans. Transfer of the virus from an animal to a human “I welcome the decision of the WHO Director to declare the current glob- occurs through: al monkeypox outbreak a PHEIC,” comments Dr. Boghuma K. Titanji, assistant professor of medicine at Emory University. “For several weeks being bitten or scratched by an infected animal now the criteria for making monkeypox a PHEIC had been met.” eating meat or using products from an animal with monkeypox coming into contact with an infected animal’s body fluids. “I hope that this will raise the international priority level on monkeypox and galvanize a more coordinated global response which has sadly been Once a human becomes infected with monkeypox, they can transfer the lacking so far,” she continues. virus to another human through:

How does someone become infected?

“It is also an opportunity to get things right on global health equity and access to resources such as testing, vaccination, antiviral medications, etc. which are areas in which historically we have seen many failures, resulting in countries with limited resources being left behind.” – Dr. Boghuma K. Titanji

What is monkeypox? Monkeypox is a zoonotic virus, meaning it transfers from animals to humans. Some animals that can carry monkeypox include various species of

respiratory droplets during prolonged face-to-face contact intimate physical contact, including kissing and sexual intercourse directly touching the infectious rash or body fluids of an infected person touching clothing, bedding, and other materials that have been in contact with an infected person’s rash or body fluids. Because monkeypox is spread between humans through close contact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers guidelinesTrusted Source for people who are sexually active to protect themselves and their partners from contracting the virus.

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Health A recently released study in the New England Journal of Medicine found in the United Kingdom. that, between April and June 2022, 98% of the persons with a monkeypox infection were gay or bisexual men, and 95% of monkeypox cases In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved occurred through sexual transmission. Tecovirimat for the treatment of smallpox, but not currently monkeypox. Is monkeypox, then, a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?

For that reason, the CDC holds a non-research expanded access Investigational New Drug (EA-IND) protocol allowing clinicians to use tecoviriAccording to Prof. Piero Olliaro, director of clinical research at the Epi- mat to treat all orthopoxvirus infections, including monkeypox, in both demic Diseases Research Group Oxford (ERGO) and International Severe children and adults. Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (ISARIC), not so. “The U.S. has 1.7 million courses of TPOXX in the strategic national stockpile,” Dr. Hruby told MNT. “It is distributed by the CDC under an He emphasized it is important to remember that monkeypox is transmit- EA-IND for the treatment of monkeypox. SIGA has donated small quanted on the occasion of close contact via a variety of means. That includes tities of tecovirimat to the U.K. for use in the most severe cases.” sexual intercourse, but that is not the only means of transmission.

How can people stay safe?

While the virus does not only circulate through intercourse, the fact that it can transmit through respiratory droplets might mean that it may more Two vaccines are currently available for monkeypox. easily transmit between members of close-knit communities, such as LGBTQIA+ communities. The FDA approved the JYNNEOS vaccine — also known as Imvanex — for preventing smallpox and monkeypox. The U.S. Health and Human “The fact that the current outbreak in non-endemic countries is — so far Services announced in early July the ordering of 2.5 million additional — essentially involving men who have sex with men means the involve- doses of the JYNNEOS vaccine. ment and buy-in of the LGBTQ+ community is essential,” Prof. Olliaro also told Medical News Today. The EMA recently recommended the use of Imvanex to help protect adults from monkeypox. “This has proven to work in other similar circumstances to help identify what would work, and make it happen to break the chains of transmis- The JYNNEOS vaccine includes two shots, with people considered fully sion,” he added. vaccinated about 2 weeks after the second shot.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

The second vaccine, ACAM2000, is approved to prevent smallpox in the U.S. and has an expanded access IND for monkeypox.

If a person becomes infected with monkeypox, the incubation period before they begin to show symptoms lasts anywhere from 5 to 21 days. The ACAM2000 vaccine includes only one shot and considers a person vaccinated about 4 weeks after. Additionally, clinicians recommend cerMost people experience two sets of monkeypox symptoms. The first symp- tain populations do receive the ACAM2000 vaccine, including: toms occur for about 5 days and include: pregnant individuals, infants under 1 year of age, people with very weak fever, headaches and/ or back pain, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches immune systems, those with cardiac disease, people living with HIV and low energy. other immune deficiency disorders, those living with atopic dermatitis/ eczema. A few days after having a fever, a rash normally appears on the person infected with monkeypox. The rash looks similar to pimples or blisters and While vaccination is important, Prof. Olliaro stressed it may not be the can appear on many parts of the body, including: complete solution. face, chest, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, inside the mouth genitals and/ or anus.

“Vaccination alone may not work unless supported by other measures — including also capacity to diagnose and treat early,” he emphasized.

Symptoms normally last between two to four weeks. Monkeypox current- Medical professionals suggest people take the following steps to help prely has a fatality rate of 3% to 6%. vent the spread of monkeypox: avoid intimate and skin-to-skin contact with a person who has a rash similar to that of monkeypox try not to touch bedding, clothing, or other materials that may have touched a person with monkeypox wash hands Disease treatment normally includes medications to treat certain symp- frequently with soap and water in certain African regions, keep away from toms. known animal carriers of monkeypox, and do not touch sick, or dead animals. Tecovirimat (TPOXX) is an antiviral drug developed by SIGA Technologies for the treatment of smallpox and related diseases. According to Dr. Dennis Hruby, chief scientific officer at SIGA Technologies, TPOXX is the only approved antiviral for the treatment of monkeypox.

How is monkeypox treated?

The public health agencies that have so far approved TPOXX for the treatment of monkeypox infection are the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Kitchen German chocolate cake

This impressive cake has everything going for it - it’s moist, jam-packed with interesting flavours and much easier to make than it looks.

25 Ingredients 645g (3 cups) caster sugar 450g (3 cups) plain flour 95g (1 cup) cocoa powder 3 tsp bicarbonate of soda 11/2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp table salt 3 eggs 375ml (11/2 cups) buttermilk 375ml (1 1/2 cups) vegetable oil 375ml (1 1/2 cups) boiling water 2 tsp vanilla extract 150g pecans Coconut flakes, to decorate Caramel spread, to decorate Coconut pecan filling 215g (1 cup) caster sugar 250ml (1 cup) evaporated milk 3 eggs yolks, lightly whisked 125g unsalted butter, chopped 130g (2 cups) McKenzie’s Moist Flakes Coconut 150g pecans, roughly chopped 1 tsp vanilla extract Chocolate buttercream

450g unsalted butter, chopped, at room temperature 600g (4 cups) pure icing sugar, sifted 50g (1/2 cup) cocoa powder, sifted 2 tbs milk 6 Method Steps Step 1

Step 4 To make the chocolate buttercream, use a stand mixer with paddle attachment on medium-high speed to beat the butter for 6-8 minutes or until pale and creamy. Reduce speed to low. Add the icing sugar , cocoa and milk . Beat until well combined. Increase speed to medium-high and beat for 3-4 minutes or until fluffy. Spoon 1 cupful of the buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a 1cm plain nozzle. Spoon another 1 cupful into a piping bag fitted with a large fluted nozzle.

Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan forced. Grease two 18cm (base size) round cake pans. Line the bases Step 5 and sides with baking paper. Use a large serrated knife to trim and level the top of Step 2 each cake. Pipe a little buttercream in the centre of a plate. Place 1 cake, cut-side up, on the plate. Whisk together the caster sugar , flour , cocoa , bi- serving the plain nozzle piping bag to pipe a ring of butcarb , baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Add Use around the top edge of cake. Fill with onethe eggs , buttermilk , oil , boiling water and vanilla . tercream of the coconut pecan filling. Repeat layering Whisk until well combined and smooth. Divide half third the remaining cakes, buttercream and coconut of the mixture evenly between prepared pans. Bake with filling, finishing with the final cake, base-side for 40-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the pecan up. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill. centres comes out clean. Set aside in the pans for 10 minutes to cool slightly before transferring to a wire Step 6 rack to cool completely. Grease and reline pans. Repeat the process, using the remaining cake mixture Spread the remaining buttercream over top and side to bake 2 more cakes. of cake. Use an offset palette knife or cake scraper to smooth the top and side. Reserve a few whole peStep 3 cans then roughly chop the remainder. Gently press chopped pecans around the base of cake. Use Meanwhile, to make the coconut pecan filling, place the fluted nozzle piping bag to pipe swirls of butthe caster sugar , evaporated milk and egg yolk in the around the top edge of the cake. Decorate a large saucepan. Whisk until combined. Add the tercream swirls with reserved whole pecans and coconut butter . Place over medium heat. Cook, stirring con- the . Drizzle caramel spread over top and side of stantly, for 4-5 minutes or until the butter melts. flakes Continue to cook, stirring constantly, for another 10 cake to serve. minutes or until the mixture starts to boil and thicken. Remove from heat and stir through the coconut , pecans and vanilla until combined. Transfer to a bowl and set aside to cool completely.

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022

My Sports Rugby: Poor Shujaa out of Commonwealth Games

| |By Washington Onyango | Jul 31st 2022

Kenya rugby sevens head coach Damian McGrath (R) talks to Daniel Taabu during a training session on July 26, 2022 at the Broadstreet Rugby Football Club pitcch in Coventry, United Kingdom ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games between Thursday, 28 Jul 2022 – Mon, 8 Aug 2022 in Birmingham, United Kingdom. (Kelly Ayodi, Standard)

Kenya Sevens were on Saturday night knocked out of the 2022 Commonwealth Games after losing to New Zealand in the quarterfinals of the Rugby Sevens category. Damian McGrath’s charges were hammered 31-0 by the All Blacks at the Coventry Stadium.

nowned sprinting nation Jamaica in the second match. With two wins on Friday, Kenya was already assured of a quarterfinal place and faced Australia just to determine who will top the pool heading into the knockout stages.

In the other quarterfinal matches, South Africa saw off Canada In the very tight and low-scoring affair, indiscipline mistakes 33-0 while Fiji knocked out Scotland 34-7. Australia edged off saw Kenya lose their first match in Birmingham after a 7-5 deSamoa 7-0 in the last quarter-final match. feat to the Aussies. Kenya will now meet Scotland in the semi-finals for the fifthplace play-off today (Sunday) at 1.58 pm Kenyan time with Samoa taking on Canada in the other plate semifinal match. Shujaa finished second in Group D behind leaders Australia after losing their last match to the Aussies. Shujaa started the Commonwealth Games on the front foot with a statement 27-14 win over neighbouring rivals Uganda before booking their last four places with a massive 45-0 win over re-

TT 163 | August 2nd - 8th | 2022 The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.

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