TT 147

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TIMES TODAY TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

The News Is Good

CONTENTS My Pulpit message notes: The News is Good: Is it really? | 3-4 My Devotion: Rich Man’s Pain and Poor Man’s Anguish | 5 Business | 6 My Inspiration: Crowned with favour to reign | 7 My Entrepreneur | 8

My Health: More peopl may be hos-

pitalised with low sodium levels due

to climate change 9-10

My Kitchen: Green Tea Granola | 11 My Sports: Jeptum breaks record | 12

My Pulpit Message - notes The News Is Good: Is it really? My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 3rd April 2022. Preacher: Reverend Pinto Kali. Topic: The News Is Good: Is it really? Scripture: Romans 3:9-20/ 5:12-14 In this world of sin, the answer to this question depends on who you ask and for some, it may depend on what stage you are in life. Even in non-eternal matters, what is understood as good news depends.

This does not mean that we share it carelessly, or without loving concern for the lost, but we must share it faithfully, with Christlike love, with a sense of urgency because these are matters of eternal separation from God. However, the person who hears the good news is the one who has responsibility about how he/she chooses to respond to that news. That is why God warned Ezekiel in chapter 3, “If you declare the sin of the people to them, then I will not hold you accountable for their death, but should you have the good news and refuse to share it, then their death will be upon you.” Imagine the weight of the responsibility that we have so that you and I do not go and stand before the LORD God on that day of judgement and He says, you did not do the work that I gave you to do, there is blood on your hands.”

The Scriptures that declare the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to us also record different responses / reactions to the gospel. The birth of Jesus for example was good news to the angels who announced it and to all who had been looking forward to the promised Saviour of humanity, Mary and Joseph, the elderly prophets; Simeon and Anna and others. But it was not good news at all for King Herod and definitely it was not good news for Satan. The Scriptures even prophesied that this good news will be received in different ways by different people when they hear that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah. Jesus Himself applied this prophesy in Psalm 118:22, “The Two points: stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” meaning there are peo1. The dark side of the good news. ple who will reject God’s chosen cornerstone and when Jesus applied this proph2. The light side of the good news. esy, He applied it to those who were opposing Him in the time of His ministry, the Pharisees, Sadducees and others . The apostle Peter picked up the same prophesy and added on to it prophesies from Isaiah 8, 28. It says, “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen we don’t have enough sin individually. We don’t have enough and precious Cornerstone and the sin as we are gathered all together. All our sins put together, one who trusts in Him will never (Romans 3:9-20) be put to shame. Now to you who past, present and future, put together are not enough to exbelieve (category one), this Stone is Romans 3 has a kind of dark precious, but to those who do not haust the grace of God. We don’t have enough sin in the whole message background that helps us believer (category two) the Stone nation of Kenya to cause the grace of God to run out. We don’t to see the light in Romans 5. In Rothe builders rejected has become a mans 3, the darkness of sin is our foCornerstone and a Stone that causes have enough sin in every nation on planet earth in this gener- cus so that we are able to recognise people to stumble, a rock that makes just how far we have fallen short of them fall. They stumble because the ation, in past generations and in future generations to exhaust the holy standards of God, too far for disobeyed the message which is also the abundant grace of God. God’s grace is abundantly sufficient us to reach God on our own merit/ what they were destined for. But you with our effort or religion because (category one) are a chosen people, a for all our sins. Praise be to God. outside of Christ, no religious activroyal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s ity, or actions, or faithfulness or sacspecial possession that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of rifice or giving, no righteousness that is outside of Christ has any value because darkness into His wonderful light. Once you were not a people (category one), we are outside of the One who gives it value. but now you are the people of God. Once, you had not received mercy (category This is why the Scripture says ‘We are all together worthless’. That’s not one), but now you have received mercy (1 Peter 2:7-10) something we want to hear because we all want to feel that we matter, have sigThe Scriptures anticipated that there will be different responses to the nificance, have value. But outside of Christ, the Scriptures says that the darkness gospel of Jesus Christ. of sin has devalued us. There is no fear of God outside of Christ. Those of us who have received the mercy of God that is given through Romans 3:9-20 shows us that this is the dark state of our lives outside Jesus Christ, the gospel really is good news for us. of Christ, but it also shows us that sin affects us completely, totally. It affects the But for those who are yet to receive, or who reject the news that Jesus way we think, feel, speak, make choices in life and the way that we relate to one is God’s promised and appointed Saviour, the gospel is not good news as such another and to God. because it has a promise of dreadful judgement. There is a Scripture that talks about creation groaning as it waits for the John 3:19-21 Jesus speaking to a great teacher of Israel shows that the sons of God to be revealed because sin has affected the environment in which goodness of the gospel message also depends on the stage we are in life. “19 This we live as well. And if nothing is done about it, there is only one thing that is left; is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead eternal separation from God which is the final result of that state of sinfulness. of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, - Genesis 2:17, when Adam and Even were warned, ‘Do not eat of the fruit that and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But I have warned you about, or you will surely die’, and we have been dying ever whoever lives by the truth comes into the light,” since they disobeyed that. And yet there is a second death that awaits if we do Therefore if I hear the gospel of Jesus Christ at the point in my life before not turn away from our sins. July 16th 1995, when I loved the dark pleasures of sin, the gospel of Jesus Christ This dark side of the good news is essential. It is a must that we include before that time was not good news to me, because it was news that messed up it in the message of salvation because without it, the good news is not complete. with the things that I valued before that time. However, If I hear the gospel after If you and I are to exclude this dark side of our sinful state from the message July 16th 1995, I hear it at a point that I believe that life in Jesus Christ has great- of the gospel then it will not be the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, because we er value, greater and true peace, greater joy, then at that point when pleasures of need to see that we are desperately in need of a Saviour who can deliver us and sin are no longer my joy and my value, the news will be good to me and I will make us right with God because it is only in Jesus that that is possible, but we not be afraid of the light of the gospel as it shines day after day upon my heart to must first recognise that through the depravity/hopelessness/ utter darkness of show me the ways I should turn away from. Praise be to God! It does depend on our sinful nature, we have to see that we cannot save ourselves we need a Saviour the stage we are in life. from God. - We need to understand that as we share the gospel as we ought, not everyone The dark side of sin is is an essential part of the message of the gospel will receive it joyfully. Not everyone will be happy to hear this good news. and we must declare it faithfully. - Pastor Chris Mwalwa, a former pastor of NBC, recently said, “Disbelief is not Only then will the light side make sense. a result of the lack of information, but a deliberate choice to reject the evidence.” -Therefore, you are I that are sharing the gospel are not responsible for how people receive/respond the good news. Our responsibility is to share it.

The dark side of the good news

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Pulpit Message - notes The light side of the good news. (Romans 5:8-17)

The hope of salvation that is in this passage shines against the dark background of our sin and so much more that it says to us. Three points:

a. b. c.

The good news of God’s love. The good news of Christ’s saving blood. The good news of God’s abundant grace.

The good news of God’s love. We discover at some stage in our lives that the love of this world is very self-centred, very selfish, me oriented. So even when we are crossing oceans for each other, climbing mountains for each other, it is to make us to look like we love the person that we are with. It’s not really about them, but about how we look. The nature of our love for them. It is really not about them. The love of this world is conditional. We sit as judges to decide who deserves to be loved. ‘This one is too light skinned for me, this one is too dark for me, too tall etc. We sit and decide that this person has value and the other does not. This person measures up to my standard in life, while the other does not. It’s a me centred kind of love and lives out many people because in our eyes they don’t measure up. But God demonstrates His own love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God. God demonstrates His love for us in that at the time when the evidence was against us, when it was clear that you and I are not loveable, or up to the holy standards of God, God proved the greatness of His unconditional love, a love that is different from our love, in sending His precious, sinless Son to die in the place of this worthless sinner, so that this worthless sinner might be measured up by God to fit into His standard through Christ. Praise be to God for His unconditional love! Jesus died for us when we were unloveable. We didn’t love Him, want Him, or care about Him, but He loved us nevertheless. A great unconditional love unlike anything that you will ever come across in this world. If you are a teenage being promised the love of this world, allow me to tell you as one who believed that lie, do not listen. Turn to Christ Jesus. There you will have value greater than any human being can ever give to you. There you will have acceptance greater than any human being or group can ever give to you. If you are a young adult, then hear it from me, I grew up as a young adult who didn’t know what it is to be loved without condition until I discovered the love of Jesus Christ through the love of His people. There is a love that loves you when you cannot be loved and it is the love of Jesus Christ and that is the love of Jesus Christ. That is the light side of the gospel and praise be to God.

The good news of Jesus’ saving blood

When we were growing up the adverts for OMO were pretty straight forward, they just tell you that it works. But somewhere along the way, they started to include many other things. So now it’s not just OMO, but OMO with power foam, etc and each time they give you a newer version and are left wondering, didn’t the old OMO was clothes the same way? That’s not the way it is with the blood of Jesus. The blood that was able to cleanse the sins of Adam is able to cleanse the sins of Pinto Kali. The blood that was able to cleanse the sins of Moses is able to cleanse the sins of our children’s children. The blood that was able to restore Peter who had denied Jesus before he was crucified is the same blood that is able to restore you and I. It is the same blood that cleanses every sinner that comes to the foot of the cross and it is without power foam yesterday, today and forever more. The blood of Jesus is sufficient to cleanse us from all our sin. So you and I as Africans don’t need to sacrifice chickens, goats, camels or whatever else we use in our rituals. the blood of Christ is sufficient for all time and for all sin. So I know today that the sins of my youth have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus. I know that my sins of today can be cleansed through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I know that my sins of next month have been cleansed through blood of Jesus Christ. Praise be to God for the sufficien-

cy of the blood of Jesus Christ. It is His blood that was accepted at the throne of mercy and it is His blood that God said, this is enough. It is finished.

The good news of God’s abundant grace

God’s grace has been described as the free unmerited favour of God (Dictionary definition). Favour that is shown in the salvation of sinners. Pouring out blessings upon us. Meaning that God’s grace is abundant. It doesn’t run out. We don’t get a drought of God’s grace. We don’t get inflation when hitting God’s grace so that there is less of it when things don’t work out. We don’t have a problem if there is war that breaks out. God’s grace is still abundant and sufficient for us because God’s grace never stops giving. It continues giving, because the grace is as eternal as our LORD Himself. Praise be to God. In other words, we don’t have enough sin individually. We don’t have enough sin as we are gathered all together. All our sins put together, past, present and future, put together are not enough to exhaust the grace of God. We don’t have enough sin in the whole nation of Kenya to cause the grace of God to run out. We don’t have enough sin in every nation on planet earth in this generation, in past generations and in future generations to exhaust the abundant grace of God. God’s grace is abundantly sufficient for all our sins. Praise be to God. So there is no time, as we are encouraged in the book of Hebrews to come with great confidence to the throne of grace. There is no time that you are going to be asked, please come when stocks have been improved. The supply of God’s grace is more abundant than the sins of every single person that has been created in the image of God, male, or female, young or elderly. Because of this grace through Jesus Christ, sinners can receive God’s gift of righteousness instead of the wages of sin. He is indeed our hope and our peace. He is indeed our righteousness and our joy, because it is only through God’s grace, through the blood of Jesus, through the love of God that you and I can be saved, in the past, in the present continues and in the future. Because, brothers and sisters, we are not yet there. As long as I have breath in my body, I still have to choose to place myself at the foot of the cross in need of God’s grace. He is not done with me yet. I have not finished the race. So I cannot rest and say, I gave my life to Jesus on July 16th 1995 and therefore I am okay. I am not and my wife will tell you that. I still need the grace of the LORD Jesus today. And until the LORD Jesus comes back, or calls me hone, I will continue to need the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ.

How to Respond For those who have responded in faith to the good news, do you still have a healthy fear of God? Do you still have that fear of God that comes from understanding that we are not there yet? That comes from the understanding the depth of what was done for you and I who were worthless before God? Do you still understand that we need the grace of God today? We are not yet done with this race of salvation. Do you share it faithfully, or do you just look at those who are out there and click. They are waiting to hear from you. They are waiting to hear about the saving grace that you have received. Are you sharing it faithfully, urgently and with Christlike love? The love that pulled you out of darkness into His light. Are you faithful with this grace that you have received? Scripture says, we have to do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, faithfully handling the word of truth. For those yet to respond to the good news of the Lord Jesus, disbelief is a choice. A choice to reject what you have received in the good news. Do not harden your heart, Scripture says, Because 2 Corinthians 6:1-2, “As God’s fellow workers we urge/encourage/persuade you, do not receive God’s grace in vain. For he says, ‘In the time of my favour, I heard you. In the day of salvation, I helped you. I tell you, now is the time of salvation. Now is the day of salvation. Do not put it off to tomorrow because you do not know whether you will be here tomorrow. Our desire is the same desire that God says, His desire is not in the death of the wicked, but for everyone to come to salvation. Do not postpone this decision, my brother, my sister. Come to the LORD Jesus just as you are. He will do the cleaning, you don’t have to do it yourself. The question that is asked, the response is the same for those who are born again and those who are not born again, ‘what can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can for sin atone? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Not the good that I have done, not the labour of my hands can fulfil Thy laws demands, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Devotion Rich Man’s Pain and Poor Man’s Anguish

By Liz Omondi | Email: | Image courtesy: pulse live and

If the rich man is in pain, then the poor man must be in anguish. These are the thoughts that came to my mind from recent observations on the state of the economy of our country. If the rich man is complaining about high food prices, then what can the poor man say about their daily struggle to put a single meal on the table? If the rich man can agonise about having to queue at the service station for some minutes, or hours to get a precious commodity called fuel, what about the poor man staring at death for lack of rain water for months on end?

go away sad because he had great wealth, Jesus answering the question His disciples asked, ‘Who then can be saved?’ He said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Yet God created both the rich and the poor. God loves them both dearly and equally. The Sovereign God sees, knows and feels the pain and anguish of both the rich man and the poor man. He hears them when they cry out to Him. The Psalmist says in Psalm 34 “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.”

Even today, God can see all the pain and suffering in our world. Whether it is in Kenya or Ukraine, in Marsabit, or Nairobi, the rich man, or the poor man, the politician, or the voter. God has compassion on all mankind and would not want any of them to perish.

Both the rich man who is in pain and the poor man who is in anguish can look to God Almighty who created them both to deliver them from all their troubles. We read the story of the rich young man according to Mark 10:17-27 who approached Jesus saying, “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.” 21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Jesus Christ came and died for all mankind. 1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.”

He sees and knows both the rich man’s pain and the poor man’s anguish. Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathise with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin.” So both can call out to God. Only He has the solution to all our problems. Only He can deliver us from our troubles. God says in John 10:9-10 “ I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

Notice verse 21 we are told that Jesus looked at him and loved him. While the challenge Jesus gave the rich man made him

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

Business Four paths to respond to the food price crisis MARI ELKA PANGESTU| As the devastating war in Ukraine rages on causing untold suffering, its impact is being felt far beyond its borders, battering a world emerging from a pandemic that has hit developing countries hardest. Among the most critical is the food price crisis, calling into question the affordability and availability of wheat and other essential staples. There is no downplaying the blow that the war has dealt to food systems, already fragile from two years of COVID-19 disruptions, climate extremes, currency devaluations, and worsening fiscal constraints. Because Ukraine and Russia account for over a quarter of the world’s annual wheat sales, the war has led to a significant rise in the price of food , not only wheat but barley, maize, and edible oil among others exported by these two countries. Global and domestic food prices were already close to all-time highs before the war, and a large question mark looms over the next seasons’ harvests worldwide due to the sharp increase in fertilizer prices as well. “Whether we succeed in managing food price volatility and navigating our way out of this new crisis depends on national policies and global cooperation.” As worrying as these trends are, this is no time to panic. Here is a fact which may surprise you: Global stocks of rice, wheat, and maize – the world’s three major staples – remain historically high. For wheat, the commodity most affected by the war, stocks remain well above levels during the 2007-2008 food price crisis. Estimates also suggest that about three-quarters of Russian and Ukrainian wheat exports had already been delivered before the war started. Whether we succeed in managing food price volatility and navigating our way out of this new crisis depends on national policies and global cooperation. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that we have confronted a food crisis. I’m reminded of the lessons learned during the 2007-2008 global food crisis, which was originally the result of drought and soaring oil prices. When large food-producing countries restricted exports out of concern for their domestic food supply, this exacerbated price increases and worsened malnutrition, particularly for children.

synthetic fertilizers, would increase sustainable opWe must not make the same mistake. By contrast, tions for farmers. at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries kept food trade flowing even as lockdowns af- This brings me to my fourth and most crucial fected ports, freight, and labor mobility. This coop- point: Even as we respond to immedierative behavior helped limit disruptions to global ate needs, we must work to transform food supply chains and avoided making a bad situa- food systems so that they can become tion worse, thereby benefiting all countries. Such evidence and experience must be our guide, to balance immediate crisis response, with the long, hard road ahead to build a more resilient food system that protects people against shocks. For countries and the international community, I see four priorities :

First, keep food trade open. Learning from

experience, countries and international organizations must again stand united in their commitment to keep food moving. The G7 has called on all countries to keep their food and agricultural markets open, and to guard against any unjustified restrictions on their exports.

Second, support consumers and vulnerable households through safety nets. It is imperative to maintain or expand so-

more resilient and achieve lasting food and nutrition security. Food systems

were already reeling from multiple crises before the war. Acute food insecurity was on the rise in many countries, reflecting economic shocks, multiple conflicts, a historic drought in East Africa, and an extreme locust infestation. In the last two years alone, the World Bank provided significant support for food security measures – about $17 billion annually, up from $12 billion annually on average in the previous three years, primarily for agriculture and social protection measures. We have also been helping countries respond earlier to emerging food security crises, including by mobilizing support from the IDA Crisis Response Window Early Response Financing mechanism and working with humanitarian partners to monitor food insecurity.

“Transformed, food systems can become a cornerstone of green, resilient, and inclusive development, advancing the health of people, economies, and the planet.” It’s crucial to stay the course and help developing countries get back on track in their recovery efforts. In the long term, governments, private businesses and international partners need to work toward more productive, resource-efficient, diverse and nutritious production systems to ensure food and nutrition security in the face of rising climate, conflict and economic risks. This is one of five areas that we Third, support farmers. While global food are prioritizing for climate action. stocks are adequate now, we need to protect the next season’s harvest by helping food producers cope Better targeting public spending, mobilizing private and investing in innovation and R&D will with a sharp increase in inputs including fertilizer funding, be key to “do more with less”: produce more diverse costs and reduced availability. Removing input trade and nutritious food for a growing population, with barriers, focusing on more efficient use of fertilizers, less water and fertilizer, while limiting land use and repurposing public policies and expenditures to change and greenhouse gas emissions. better support farmers could all help safeguard food production six months from now. It’s also time we Transformed, food systems can become a cornerinvest in more Research and Development in this stone of green, resilient, and inclusive development, area: scaling up the nascent science and application advancing the health of people, economies, and the of biofertilizers, less dependent on fossil fuels than planet. cial protection programs that cushion the blow for consumers. Not only food availability, but food affordability is a concern especially in low- and middle-income countries , where people tend to spend a larger share of their income on food than in high-income countries. Many were already cutting back on spending before the war due to reduced incomes and rising food prices. In a resource constrained environment, governments should prioritize support for the most vulnerable households.

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Inspiration Crowned with favour to reign By William King | Email: | image courtesy:

We weren’t created to go through life overcome by problems, happen. What God promised you will come to pass. struggling to make it, stuck in mediocrity. God didn’t create you to live defeated, burdened. He created you to reign, to Jehoiada, the priest in the temple, and his wife took care of be a victor not the victim. The Scripture says that “God has little Joash year after year, knowing he was destined to take crowned you with favour.” the throne. When Joash was seven-years-old, Jehoiada That crown is symbolic of gathered the military comthe fact that we’re supposed That crown is symbolic of the fact that we’re supposed manders and heads of the to reign. You are crowned to to reign. You are crowned to defeat enemies. Crowned Israelite families. He showed defeat enemies. Crowned to to take your family to a new level. Crowned to succeed, them that Joash was alive take your family to a new lev- leave your mark. and declared, “The time has el. Crowned to succeed, leave come for the King’s son to your mark. Anything negative reign” (2Chronicles 23:3). that’s been reigning over you; there’s about to be a shift. It didn’t seem as though young Joash was ready to reign. He didn’t have the training, experience, wisdom. It seemed like You are about to reign over what’s been reigning over you. it was years away but Jehoiada said, “It’s your time to reign.” In 2Chronicles 22, when King Ahaziah of Judah was killed, I can imagine Joash didn’t even understand what “reign” his mother decided to take the throne. She killed the whole meant. royal family of the house of Judah, except for Ahaziah’s baby son Joash who was taken and hidden by his aunt in the tem- King Joash went on to do much good for Israel as long as ple for six years. Jehoiada was alive. What am I saying? It’s time for the King’s children to reign. Whatever negative thing has been reignHis grandfather, Athaliah’s husband, was a descendant of ing over you is about to end. This is a new day. You are comKing David. If she had succeeded in getting rid of all her ing into destiny moments. husband’s relatives, the promise God made to David that one of his descendants would always be on the throne, wouldn’t

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

Every Good G S ift


Entrepreneur The true value of our work By Jim Brangenberg | |Image courtesy: istock

“Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume” (2 Corinthians 2:15-16 NLT).

Sharing the Gospel doesn’t have to be complicated or full of complex theology. We just need to learn to tell our Jesus story.

I was introduced to Christ by a missionary during a conference when I was six. But I was challenged to walk with Jesus and make Him my Lord by a speaker when I was 13; that’s when I went all in. My life When you think of your job, what comes to mind first? Your to- has never been the same. Everything about me started changing. do list? The promotion you’ve been working towards? An upcoming meeting or presentation? A project? Your story will not be like mine; your story is your story. But it will have something in common: the grace of the cross and the power of So often, our focus centers on tasks rather than on relationships. Christ. Yet, the true value of our work—the eternal value—is not found in accomplishments but people. Our lives and stories are like a signature fragrance with the same base note of “Jesus.” The reality is that God placed you where you are, right now, today, for a purpose: to share the love of Christ with everyone around you. And your faith story will seep out of you and impact others long And when we live by faith, inevitably, our lives become a catalyst for before you realize that anyone is paying attention. As the Apostle conversations with those around us. Paul writes, some people will think your fragrance stinks, and others will be attracted to it. But your story—and how Jesus is changing the Customers, coworkers, and clients will want to know why we have very way you think and act—will flow out of your every word and hope, why we care, why we don’t gossip, and why we go above and movement. beyond. And that curiosity is a golden opportunity to share the Gospel! So, don’t be afraid to share the Gospel at work; just focus on living your faith openly each and every day! And if you need a few tips You may be thinking, “But Jim, I don’t know how to share my faith. on what that looks like, check out theiWork4Him Nation Covenant, I’m afraid I’ll say something wrong or something stupid.” which gives four simple steps to sharing your faith at work. First of all, you aren’t alone in that fear. And second, let me remind you that most people are led to Jesus by hearing someone’s story.

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Health More people may be hospitalized with low sodium levels due to climate change |Written by Anna Guildford, Ph.D. on April 1, 2022 — Fact checked by Harriet Pike, Ph.D.

Sodium is an electrolyte that is essential for a wide range of have also been linked to an increase in the prevalence of hybody functions. ponatremiaTrusted Source in patients attending the emergency department in the summer months. Hyponatremia is a common condition that causes sodium levels in the blood to be lower than normal. In a recent study, researchers at the Karolinska Institute A new study has found that more people become hospital- quantified the effect of outdoor temperature on the risk of ized due to hyponatremia in temperatures above 15 degrees hospitalization with hyponatremia. Celcius. A nationwide study With climate change expected to increase temperatures The retrospective study, published in The Journal of Clinical across the world, the study predicts that an increase of 2 de- Endocrinology and Metabolism, included the entire Swedgrees Celsius could increase cases of hyponatremia by 13.9% ish population over 18 years of age. The human body needs sodium for various body functions — from conducting nerve impulses to regulating heart rate, The researchers used data from the National Patient Regisdigestion, brain activity, and blood pressure. ter (NPR) in Sweden to study the incidence rates for hyponatremia at a given outdoor temperature, in increments of 1 Hyponatremia is a common electrolyte disorder character- degree Celsius. They identified 11,213 patients hospitalized ized by low levels of sodium in the blood. The condition is with hyponatremia between October 2005 and December seen in up to 30% of all hospitalized patients. 2014. A person with mild hyponatremia may have no symptoms but if sodium levels drop too low or too fast, symptoms might include difficulty concentrating, headaches, and nausea. In more severe cases, symptoms can include confusion, seizures, and coma.

The researchers retrieved data on the 24-hour mean temperature of the day when each patient was admitted to hospital from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).

Speaking to Medical News Today, study co-author Dr. Jakob Having diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, or having underlying Skov pointed out a critical finding: heart or liver disease and/or kidney failure can causeTrusted Source hyponatremia. Seasonal changes in temperatures TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Health More people may be hospitalized with low sodium levels due to climate change “[T]he risk of severe hyponatremia appears to increase 30% of hospitalized patients that may occur independentdramatically above certain temperature thresholds, and ly of a kidney problem.” [the] elderly (unsurprisingly) are at greatest risk.” “The results suggesting an association with increased hyOn the hottest days, women and those over 80 were at the ponatremia hospitalization with global warming are inhighest risk. Those over 80 were 15 times more likely to teresting,” he said. be hospitalized due to hyponatremia compared to cooler days. Describing the study as “hypothesis-generating,” Vassalotti cautioned that “[It] will require investigation in other The team also noted that the incidence of hyponatremia was the highest over the summer months and decreased climates, countries and with more contemporary data afgradually toward the winter, with January seeing the low- ter 2014 to confirm.” est numbers. On to countries with warmer climates The study estimates that an average increase in temperature of 1 degree Celsius will lead to a 6.3% increase in the incidence of hospitalizations due to hyponatremia. An increase of 2 degrees, according to projections, would result in a 13.9% increase.

When asked about the next steps for the research, Dr. Skov explained to MNT that the team will look to expand their findings to other countries with warmer climates. “The threshold of 15°C observed in Sweden (above which the risk increased rapidly) is unlikely to be relevant in warmer climates,” he said.

Discussingthe mechanism behind the rise in cases, Dr. His team will now seek to uncover whether there is a difSkov told MNT: ferent threshold in regions with higher temperatures. “Oversimplified, hyponatremia can be the result of sodium deficiency (low intake or high losses) or excess water. [T]here are two plausible explanations for heat-related hyponatremia—salt loss from sweating resulting in a sodium deficit or excessive hydration due to an exaggerated fear of dehydration. Both conditions can be easily treated, but we need to know which one is responsible.”

The study suggests that rising temperatures over the coming decades could increase the number of patients hospitalized with hyponatremia by around 10%. Hence, the researchers say, countries will need to employ clinical monitoring strategies to protect the vulnerable and reduce their risk.

“[T]his study highlights the risk of hyponatremia in relation to high temperatures in vulnerable populations. Dr. Skov speculated that for the elderly in nursing homes, Consequently, these individuals should be monitored for overhydration might be the most likely cause, but more symptoms of hyponatremia during heat waves,” Dr. Skov said. data was needed to confirm. However, he also acknowledged a shortcoming of the MNT spoke to Joseph A Vassalotti, MD, chief medical study: officer for the National Kidney Foundation and clinical professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Si- “By design, the study can’t explore potential mechanisms of hyponatremia (that could result in changed treatment nai, who was not involved in the study. He explained that recommendations).” hyponatremia is “a relatively common condition in up to TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Kitchen

By Sarra Sedghi |

Green Tea Granola



3 ¼ cups old-fashioned oats 1 ½ cups chopped nuts (such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, macadamia nuts, or pistachios) ½ cup pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds) 1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon green tea powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 teaspoon ground ginger ½ cup agave syrup ½ cup neutral flavored oil (such as vegetable oil or safflower oil) 1 package toasted coconut chips (such as Dang or Bare)

Step 1 Preheat oven to 275°F. Step 2 Stir together the oats, nuts, pepitas, spices, green tea powder, coconut chips, and salt in a large mixing bowl. In a smaller, separate bowl, whisk the oil, vanilla extract, agave syrup, and brown sugar until evenly combined. Pour the agave mixture into the oat mixture and stir to coat evenly. Spread the mixture into an even layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Step 3 Bake at 275°F, stirring (and spreading back into an even layer) every 15-20 minutes, until golden brown and toasted—about 1 hour, 15-20 minutes total. Allow granola to cool and crisp completely on the baking sheet. Store in an airtight container.

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022

My Sports Jeptum breaks French all-comers’ record at Paris Marathon, Teklu breaks course record in Barcelona By Quentin Guillon for World Athletics | https:// worldathletics. org/

Judith Korir Jeptum produced the first women’s sub-2:20 marathon record of 2:06:36. on French roads when winning at the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris on Sunday (3). The 27-year-old Kenyan won the World Athletics Elite Label road race in a lifetime best of 2:19:48, while Ethio- Soon after reaching 30km in 1:29:28, Gelmisa and fellow Ethiopian pia’s Deso Gelmisa took the men’s race in 2:05:07. Seifu Tura started to kick on. They opened a 50-metre gap over Amdouni who had separated himself from the rest of the field. Gelmisa and Tura clocked a strong 29:13 between 30-40km on the hilliest Sharon Chelimo and Marion Kibor, who spearheaded the lead group section of the race. of seven runners, set out at an aggressive pace from the outset in sunny but cold conditions. They covered the first 10km in 32:23, suggesting a finishing time inside 2:17 – well under the course re- Following a fierce sprint, Gelmisa prevailed in 2:05:07, nine seconds cord of 2:20:55 set by Purity Rionoripo in 2017. The rhythm slowly faster than the PB he had set in Valencia in December where he had faded over the next kilometres, though, as the pack reached half way finished runner-up. Tura, winner in Chicago in 2021, finished three in 1:08:31. seconds in arrears in 2:05:10 as Amdouni rounded the podium in a national record of 2:05:22. Five kilometres later, Keptum moved up a gear and broke up the lead Leading results group. By 30km, reached in 1:37:44, she had built a one-minute gap over the rest of the field. Although her pace slowed in the waning stages, she reached the tape in 2:19:48, taking almost three minutes Women off her PB and more than a minute off the course record. 1 Judith Korir Jeptum (KEN) 2:19:48 2 Fantu Jimma (ETH) 2:22:52 “The cold weather made the race hard,” said Jeptum, who set a half 3 Besu Sado (ETH) 2:23:16 marathon PB of 1:05:28 earlier this year. “But I tried to do my best 4 Adanech Anbesa (ETH) 2:24:07 and to push hard.” 5 Yenenesh Dinkesa (ETH) 2:24:09 Fantu Jimma crossed the line 3:04 behind the winner in a PB of 2:22:52 as Besu Sado rounded the podium in 2:23:16. The men’s contest went down to the wire. 15 runners passed through the 10km checkpoint in 29:45, 15 seconds ahead of a second group of nine runners. Pacemakers Kirwa Yego and Sila Keptoo set a steady rhythm, followed by France’s Morhad Amdouni, who was targeting the national

Men 1 Deso Gelmisa (ETH) 2:05:07 2 Seifu Tura (ETH) 2:05:10 3 Morhad Amdouni (FRA) 2:05:22 4 Abayneh Degu (ETH) 2:06:03 5 Olika Adugna (ETH) 2:06:27

TT 147 | April 5th - April 11th | 2022 The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.

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