Aptos Times January 15th 2013

Page 12

Supervisor’s Staff Comes Prepared

Second District has Experienced Duo in Violante and Mulhearn


By Noel Smith

sually people work their way UP the political ladder but Supervisor Zach Friend has found two extremely experienced political professionals for his staff whose experience was gained at the state and national level. Allyson Violante worked for former Assemblyman, now State Senator, Bill Monning for four years while Patrick Mulhearn was part of Congressman Farr’s staff for six years. I asked them why they chose to work in government at the local level. They both were adamant that they felt local government could be more responsive to the individual and to the community than was possible at the state and federal level. Violante said, “Local government has the opportunity to respond more quickly and more specifically to the needs of the community.” Mulhearn added, “Local government can also be more responsive because it works in a non-partisan arena which simplifies the issues involved.” Supervisor Friend noted, “Santa Cruz County is different than many counties in that 65 percent of the

12 / January 15th 2012 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Patrick Mulhearn, Allyson Violante & Supervisor Friend people that live here depend on county government to deliver public services such as roads, parks, planning,

development and law enforcement. It’s important that we in county government listen to our citizens because there is no other level in many cases they can go to for an answer or for a public service.” Both Violante and Mulhearn will be specializing in particular areas of government concern becoming the resident experts for the Second District with a cadre of outside contacts and professionals to consult with as needed. Because of the number of complex issues that come before the Board of Supervisors, in this way they can help Supervisor Friend to evaluate such issues before he makes recommendations, takes action or votes. “And we shouldn’t forget,” said Supervisor Friend, “That whatever action the board takes affects all five districts of the County. So, you have to be sure that such actions or ordinances are really necessary for all and not counter productive for some. That is why I’m fortunate to have found two such experienced and dedicated people for my staff to help me as I represent not only the people of my district, but all of Santa Cruz County.” n

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