Senior Times (September 2018)

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Malta’s monthly newspaper for the elderly

Qadfa storika Irridu nerġgħu inpoġġu l-isport tar-regatta filquċċata fejn jistħoqqlu. SEE PAGES 4 & 5

Erfa’ salibEk! Salvazzjoni meta nħarsu lejn Kristu msallab, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia. SEE PAGE 9

Learn something new Education and the elderly

trying to tEach thE untEachablE SEE PAGE 19






First cuts aren’t the deepest


n September 7, 1984, seven Armed Forces of Malta personnel perished in a violent explosion on board patrol boat C23, off Qala Point in Gozo, while they were dumping illegal fireworks seized the day before. Only one survived. Five perished while the remains of two of the victims – Bombardier Francis Borg and Private Anthony Farrugia – were never found. Fiona Vella, whose cousin was married to the late Farrugia, lived the tragedy as a 13-year-old and was there – in Farrugia’s house with his pregnant wife, Mary, and two young children – when they heard the news on the radio. All the sorrow of that day, and every day for these last 34 years, is wrung through the sense of waiting. Vella was waiting for Twanny to take her and his two young children to the beach. All the family gathering at Twanny’s house to wait for him. Waiting for news. And, for the following weeks, waiting for Twanny’s body to be recovered. It was never found. Proverbial wisdom says that time heals and that the second cut, and the third, will hurt less than the first one. But in truth, time doesn’t heal. It might blur some details – if at all. And it doesn’t blunt a tragedy – rather, it sharpens it, as every episode that follows a tragedy will be spiked by what-if wonderings, like an old injury which keeps throbbing well after it has healed. And the second and third cut are as deep as the first one. You don’t get used to tragedy, sadness and loss. Like a broken limb, subsequent trials and tribulations will hurt that little bit more. What consoles is the acknowledgement that life is what it is – in all its face-crumpling laughter, stomach-heaving sobbing and beautiful complexity.



4. Qadfa storika Irridu nerġgħu inpoġġu l-isport tar-regatta fil-quċċata fejn jistħoqqlu, Stephen Paris, president tal-Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali, jgħid lil Ramona Portelli.

6. Ġrajjiet mhux mitmuma Fiona Vella tfakkar it-traġedja tal-Patrol Boat C23.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Stanley Borg E-mail: seniortimes

8. L-Antikrist Mattew

CONTRIBUTORS Carmel Baldacchino Tonio Bonello Joe Busuttil Tony C. Cutajar Dun Jonathan Farrugia Louis Gatt Ramona Portelli Fiona Vella

Is-salvazzjoni niksbuha mhux meta nħarsu lejn Kristu liebes ta’ sultan, imma meta nħarsu lejn Kristu msallab, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.

Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.

9. Erfa’ salibek!

PUBLISHERS Allied Newspapers Limited Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000 DESIGN Christian Busuttil SALES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Marion Muscat Tel: 2276 4331 E-mail: marion.muscat © 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publishers is prohibited.

10. A bit of green On an island whose palette is concrete grey, a patch of green is always worth recording. Senior Times and Bay Retro put on their gardening gloves.

14. Learn some more University of the Third Age Malta registrations for academic year 2018-2019.

14. Counselling b’xejn, tfal iżjed protetti Tonio Bonello fuq inizjattivi ġodda

16. The saga of Joe Cini Were it not for homesickness, Joe Cini would have added to his great honours, says Carmel Baldacchino.

19. Trying to teach the unteachable Louis Gatt looks back on the genesis of the Manoel Theatre Academy of Dramatic Art MTADA.

20. Motorcycle man Two and two make for over 80 classic models in John Baldacchino’s garage. And those are just the motorcycles, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.

HILLTOP COMPETITION The winner of last month’s Hilltop competition is Astrid Borg, who answered the questions correctly. Ms Borg wins a day by the pool at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar.





Addressing misconceptions affects the well-being of persons with dementia Prof. Charles Scerri says people with dementia need the right support


ementia is an umbrella term that refers to a number of different medical conditions characterised by a progressive decrease in cognitive abilities. Such decline includes memory impairment, loss of communication skills, inability to perform everyday functions and changes in personality and mood sufficient which is enough to influence negatively normal social activities. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia accounting up to 70 per cent of all cases. Local data indicates that currently 1.5 per cent of the Maltese population has dementia and by 2050, this percentage will climb to 3.3 per cent. The dementia syndrome has long been considered as a silent epidemic and one of the most important major

health and social challenges of this century. It has been estimated that in the current year, the cost of dementia worldwide will reach â‚Ź1 trillion. A significant percentage of this cost is attributed to unpaid care provided by family members of individuals with dementia and expenses relating to community, residential and medical care. Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of dementia. It is often considered to be a normal part of ageing or a condition for which nothing can be done. This false perception affects individuals with dementia, their caregivers and families, and their support structure in a number of ways. Low awareness levels contribute to stigmatisation and social isolation. Poor understanding creates barriers to timely diagnosis and to accessing ongoing medical and

social care, leading to a large gap in treatment. Individuals with dementia live for many years after the onset of the symptoms and diagnosis.

With appropriate support, many can and should be enabled to continue to engage and contribute within society thus benefiting their quality of life.





QADFA storika Irridu nerġgħu inpoġġu l-isport tar-regatta fil-quċċata fejn jistħoqqlu, Stephen Paris, president Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali, jgħid lil Ramona Portelli.


lkoll konxji li r-regatta hija tradizzjoni Maltija li ilha sseħħ għal dawn l-aħħar snin. Filfatt minn informazzjoni li ksibt sabiex preparajt din l-intervista, ir-regatta bdiet bittlielaq tal-barklori, pero laggregate shield kif nafu llum bdiet fl-1955 u ntrebħet millIsla. Skond Joseph Serracino (2010), id-dokumenti juru li rregatta kif nafuha issa ġiet introdotta fl-1822, biex tiċċelebra l-festa tal-Madonna talVitorja, meta ngħataw premjijiet fi flus u ‘bnadar ta’ bjankerija’ (palju). Fit-tmiem is-seklu għoxrin, it-tiġrijiet tad-dgħajjes kienu komuni ħafna fil-jiem

tal-festi, b’mod partikolari filbliet madwar il-Port il-Kbir. Fir-regatta tradizzjonali jintużaw erba’ tipi ta dgħajjes differenti. Dawn huma talmidalji, l-frejgatini, l-kajjikki u tal-pass li tintuża b’żewġ imqadef u fl-aħħar tiġrija b’erba mqadef. Għal din l-intervista, ħsibt li nitkellem mal-president talGħaqda Regatta Nazzjonali, Stephen Paris. Iltqajna l-Belt Valletta, u hemmhekk fl-isfond warajna kellna l-Port il-Kbir, waħda mix-xeni mill-isbaħ li għandna f ’Malta. Paris għandu 44 sena, minn Bormla imma ilu joqgħod Raħal Ġdid għal dawn l-aħħar


16 -il sena. Jaħdem bħala manager ġo fabbrika tal-istampar. Iħobb il-karozzi, il-bnadar u ovvjament ir-regatta. Jiddeskrivi lilu nnifsu bħala ċajtier u jkompli ma’ kulħadd. Idejjqu ħafna l-kuntrarju u l-vandaliżmu. Paris għamel xi żmien kien il-president tal-klabb ta’ Bormla, u filfatt dam sentejn jokkupa l-kariga hemm. Qabel kien ukoll segretarju tal-istess

klabb u kien dam sena u nofs. “Fl-ewwel sena tal-kariga tiegħi bħala president fis-sena 2013, il-klabb reġa rebaħ laggregate shield ta’ Settembru wara nuqqas ta’ 18 -il sena. Bħala president tal-Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali ili biss minn Mejju li għadda,” beda jgħidli Paris waqt l-introduzzjoni ta’ din l-intervista li għamilt miegħu. Interessajt ruħi nkun naf x’jikkonsisti xogħolu bħala president tal-Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali. Filfatt infurmani li x-xogħol tal-president talgħaqda huwa ferm differenti minn ta’ klabb. “Taħtek taqa r-responsabbilta tal-klabbs kollha u issa li qed inħarsu lejn il-qdif barra minn xtutna taħt forma ta’ qdif ieħor, ix-xogħol qed jiżdied ħafna. Jinvolvi ħafna laqgħat mal-klabbs, mal-entitajiet li jieħdu ħsieb irregatta, kif ukoll ħafna xogħol mal-entitajiet sportivi Maltin. Ħafna jaħsbu li għax tkun president tkun fuq xi siġġu kbir u goff u toqgħod tikkmanda; għandhom idea żbaljata żgur mhux forsi. Anzi pjuttost bilkontra,” tbissem jgħidli Paris. Minn informazzjoni li kont ksibt qabel ma’ mort għal din l-intervista kont naf li Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali u Qdif ieħor hi magħmula minn sebgħa klabbs membri sħaħ u żewġ klabbs osservaturi. Ħallejt f ’idejh sabiex jgħaddili informazzjoni dettaljata. “Il-membri sħaħ huma lBirgu, Birżebbuġa, Bormla, lIsla, l-Kalkara, l-Marsa u Marsamxett. Dawn jieħdu sehem regolarment waqt ir-

regatta. L-oħrajn huma l-klabb tas-Siġġiewi u l-klabb ta l-Universita li sa issa għadhom osservaturi u ma jistgħux jieħdu sehem sakemm jgħaddilhom iżżmien stipulat.” B’kurżita fuqi ridt inkun naf x’inhi eżattament il-funzjoni tal-Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali. Filfatt minn informazzjoni li għaddieli Paris, skoprejt li l-funzjoni prinċipali hi li hija responsabbli għar-regatta tradizzjonali Maltija u dak kollu li jirrelata ma’ l-isport tal-qdif tradizzjonali fuq dgħajjes tradizzjonali Maltin li jieħdu sehem firRegatta Nazzjonali, kif ukoll li tippromovi qdif ieħor li jintuża u jsir barra min xtutna. Naturalment biex issir irregatta mmaġinajt li jrid isir xi tip ta’ taħriġ mill-qaddiefa stess. Ħallejt f ’idejh sabiex jispjegali l-proċess tat-taħriġ. “It-taħriġ isir kemm fuq lart, kif ukoll fil-baħar. Isir taħriġ ġewwa l-gym, kif ukoll isir ħafna ġiri biex jiżdied in-nifs. Hemm ukoll taħriġ speċjalizzat ukoll biex iżid listamina tal-qaddief. “Ma rridux ninsew ukoll li lqaddief bil-moqdief tiegħu ikun qiegħed il-ħin kollu jiġġieled kontra l-ilma. Imbgħad meta toqrob irregatta jibdew it-taħriġ filbaħar flimkien bl-opri li jkunu ser jikkompetu bihom”. Dari kienu jieħdu sehem innies li kienu jaħdmu fuq ilbaħar u mad-dawra tal-port Matul din l-intervista, ddiskutejt ukoll ma’ Paris dwar ir-regatta li ssir illum ilġurnata mar-regatta ta’ dari. Filfatt sostna miegħi li huwa


diffiċli mmens li tqabbel irregatta ta’ dari ma’ tal-lum. Ħallejt f ’idejh sabiex jelabora aktar f ’dan ir-rigward. “Dari kienu jieħdu sehem innies li kienu jaħdmu fuq ilbaħar u mad-dawra tal-port. Illum dan l-isport ma baqax tad-dilettanti biss, imma ħafna qaddiefa saru professjonali ħafna fejn jidħol taħriġ u huma ġejjin minn kull stratt tal-ħajja. Il-poplu ta’ dari ma tantx kellu fejn imur u lavveniment annwali tarregatta kien ikun qed jistennih bi ħġaru. Illum inħoss li ntilef ħafna żmien u fl-istess ħin kien hemm żmien ukoll li rregatta ingħatat il-ġenb. Eżempju klassiku kien ikun meta fil-ġurnata tar-regatta kien ikun hemm il-logħob talfutbol bejn it-timijiet tal-Kottonera li fir-regatta huma rivali eterni. Dan kien inaqqas ħafna l-attendenza u sport bħar-regatta mal-ewwel daqqa li jieħu ma jqumx għal oħra. “Il-pjan hu li nerġgħu nippruvaw inpoġġu dan l-isport filquċċata fejn jistħoqqlu, imma t-triq mhux faċli daqs kemm tidher. Inridu ndaħħlu f ’moħħ in-nies li r-regatta hi l-isport tradizzjonali tagħna u li hemm bżonn li dan l-isport ikun sostnut kif jixraqlu u mogħti limbuttatura li għandu bżonn,” saħaq miegħi Paris. Ta’ min jgħid li fuq nota personali, Stephen għalkemm illum il-ġurnata huwa l-president tal-Għaqda Regatta Nazzjonali, sfortunatament qatt ma qadef. Pero r-regatta kien sar iħobbha minn eta żgħira. “Ommi u missieri minn meta

kont tifel dejjem kienu joħduni nara t-tiġrijiet u dejjem b’xi bandiera f ’idejja u liebes bilkuluri ta’ beltna. Meta kbirt bdejt niffrekwenta l-klabb jew kif ħafna jħobbu jsejħulu lmaħżen. Kont nieħu gost naħsel u nnaddaf l-opri tar-regatta u dejjem indur mal-qaddiefa ta’ dak iż-żmien li kienu jħobbuni daqs wieħed tal-familja. Nistqarr li dejjem kelli x-xewqa li nkun involut u d-dgħajjes huma f ’qalbi. Meta dħalt filkumitat kont vera ferħan. Imbgħad beda jikber it-tifel u beda jiġi miegħi u kien ukoll għamel xi żmien bħala tmunier fil-frejgatina. Il-ġurnata li kien ħa l-ewwel mal-qaddiefa tal-frejgatina ma ninsih qatt. Kien għad kellu biss ħames snin u veru konna ferħanin. “Illum il-ġurnata fil-kariga li għandi ma nistax nissapportja l-klabb ta’ belt twelidi u dan għal raġunijiet ovvji. Saħansitra meta ġejt maħtur president tal-għaqda b’effett immedjat kont tlabt li ma nibqax membru fil-klabb ta’ Bormla u dan għamiltu biex żgur ma jkolli l-ebda kunflitt ta’ nteress. Ma jfissirx li ma bqajtx Bormliż, pero llum irrid inżomm f ’moħħi u f ’qalbi li jien qed nirrappreżenta lklabbs kollha u mhux wieħed biss. Kif spjegajt ruħi qabel, ixxogħol huwa vast ħafna u jinvolvini l-ħin kollu direttament,” stqarr miegħi. Qlibt l-intervista dwar l-interess tal-pubbliku in ġenerali dwar ir-regatta. Filfatt minn dak li jinnota Stephen stess, stqarr miegħi li interess fadal speċjalment minn nies li ġejjin mid-distretti parteċipanti, pero dan mhux biżżejjed. “Mhux biżżejjed għall-fatt li hemm bżonn li rregatta tkun ta’ nteress millpoplu inġenerali. Hemm ħafna modi ta’ kif nistgħu nilħqu aktar nies anke b’reklamar. Hemm bżonn ukoll li l-isport tal-qdif ikun inkluż bħala dixxiplina sportiva li jkunu jistgħu jattendu għaliha aktar tfal u żgħażagħ. Dan jista jkun possibli jekk ilquddiem tiġi nkluża r-regatta pereżempju fi Skola Sajf”. Tkellimna wkoll dwar il-premijiet abbinati mar-regatta. “Il-premjijiet ivarjaw minn tazzi u midalji għall-qaddiefa u l-klabbs, għal palju tradizzjonali li jkun magħmul mid-drapp u wkoll għal premjijiet ta’ flus, imma fuq kollox il-premju laktar mistenni minn kull klabb u qaddief żgur li tkun is-shield. Ta’ min isemmi li din is-sena ser tkun qed tiġi mżanżna aggregate shield prattikament ġdida għajr għall-anġlu tannofs, wara li fuqha ser ikun sar

xogħol kbir ta’ restawr u li lispejjeż ġew imħallsa kollha minn Sport Malta.” Waqt ir-regatta jintużgħu erba’ tipi ta’ dgħajjes. Filfatt Paris qalli li hemm it-tiġrija talmidalji. F’din it-tiġrija jintużaw opri twal imma baxxi u ħfief. “Fihom jaqdfu erba qaddiefa – tnejn bil-qiegħda u tnejn bilwieqfa. Din hi l-aktar tiġrija veloċi u fiha l-qaddiefa jżommu rittmu għoli ħafna. Imbgħad hemm it-tiġrija tal-frejgatini. Din bil-kontra ta’ dik ta’ qabilha hi l-aktar tiġrija li tieħu ħin. Fiha jaqdfu żewġ qaddiefa darhom lejn il-pruwa tad-dgħajsa u jiggwidhom fuq wara jkun hemm tifel jew tifla li aħna nsejħulhom tmuniera. Wara tiġrija tal-frejgatini tiġi dik talpass b’żewġ imqadef. Din hi tiġrija li fiha tintuża d-dgħajsa tradizzjonali Maltija, pero li tkun b’żewġ qaddiefa biss. Imbgħad ikun imiss it-tiġrija tal-kajjikki. Il-kajjikk jaqdfu fih żewġ qaddiefa u jkunu wieħed bilqiegħda u ieħor bil-wieqfa. Fl-aħħar, iżda mhux l-inqas hemm it-tiġrija magħrufa maddilettanti bħala ta’ b’erbgħa. Fiha tintuża mill-ġdid id-dgħajsa tal-pass, pero jkunu erbgħa l-qaddiefa li jieħdu sehem. Ta min isemmi li din it-tiġrija ġġorr magħha l-akbar ammont ta’ punti. Kemm fit-tiġrija ta’ bi tnejn, kif ukoll fl-aħħar tiġrija ikun hemm l-użin. Kull dgħajsa trid tkun tiżen mhux anqas



Il-qaddief bil-moqdief tiegħu ikun qiegħed il-ħin kollu jiġġieled kontra l-ilma minn 183 kilo,” spjegali b’mod dettaljat Paris. Xtaqt inkun naf jekk hemmx xi etajiet speċifiki sabiex jipparteċipaw fir-regatta. Filfatt Paris infurmani li m’hemmx eta partikolari. Pero hemm faxxa ta’ eta li kważi kulħadd jidħol fiha. Imbgħad hemm il-kategorija B u f’Lulju ssir ukoll it-tiġrija tażżgħażagħ ta’ taħt it-18 il-sena. Ta’ min jgħid ukoll li minbarra r-regatta tat-8 ta’ Settembru, f’Malta ssir regatta oħra fil-31 ta’ Marzu li tagħha hemm shield apposta wkoll u kif spjega ftit

qabel hemm dik taż-żgħażagħ li ssir f’Lulju fil-bajja tar-Rinella. Fl-aħħar tal-intervista, Paris xtaq jgħaddi messaġġ lill-qarrejja kollha ta’ din il-gazzetta. “Ejja nersqu aktar lejn il-klabbs u noffru l-għajnuna tagħna. Għajnuna li avolja hi volontarja xorta tagħtik sodisfazzjon kbir. Ir-regatta hi parti mill-istorja tagħna u tagħmilna dak li aħna. Poplu kkulurit, storbjuż, allegruż u xi ftit jew wisq impikat għal dak il-ħin. Taħlita li fiha aħna magħġuna bħala Maltin u Mediterranji,” temm jgħidli.





Ġrajjiet mhux mitmuma Fiona Vella tfakkar it-traġedja tal-Patrol Boat C23.


ekk kif jibda joqrob Settembru, moħħi millewwel hemm imur. Sfortunatament, meta bniedem iħalli din id-dinja, speċjalment b’mod traġiku, mal-mewt tiegħu jitmissu wkoll diversi ħajjiet oħra li b’xi mod jew ieħor kienu jafuh. Wara n-nuqqas tar-raġel ta’ kuġinti, għamilt snin kbar ma nistax inħares lejn il-qiegħ talbaħar. Kien iwaħħaxxni lħsieb li xi darba jew oħra, hekk kif inkun qed ngħarrex bejn it-twapet folti tal-alka, jinferaq spazju ikrah u nsib wiċċ iħares maħsud lejja. Issa għaddew 34 sena minn din il-ġrajja li mmarkatli ħajti u għalkemm iż-żmien itaffi, mhux la kemm inessi għal kollox. Ċerti feriti ma jfiequ qatt, speċjalment meta ma jkunux jistgħu jagħlqu għal kollox. Is-7 ta’ Settembru 1984 kellha tkun ġurnata bħal oħrajn. Ħadd ma kien jobsor li kellha tittebba’ b’waħda millagħar traġedji li qatt seħħew fil-gżejjer Maltin. Sajjied li kien qiegħed jistad il-Marfa innota lis-suldati tadDejma flimkien mal-pulizija ħerġin fuq il-Patrol Boat C23. Sema’ wkoll l-isplużjoni u ra daħna kbira iżda ma allarmax ruħu. Ħaseb li s-suldati kienu splodew xi bombi ‘l barra filbaħar. Hekk jew hekk bosta kienu jafu li xi mili ‘l barra minn dawk in-naħat, f ’post apposta lil hinn fil-baħar, kien qed jintrema’ xi splussiv maħdum illegalment li kien jiġi maqbud mill-pulizija. Kienet biċċa xogħol normali, parti mid-dmirijiet tas-suldati. Iżda sfortunatament, għal xi raġuni, l-murtali illegali li kienu qed jinġarru dakinhar biex jintremew, splodew fuq illanċa, u swew il-ħajja ta’ sebgħa min-nies. Ħamsa minnhom instabu f ’wiċċ lilma qrib il-patrol boat C23. Żewġ membri oħra ta’ lekwipaġġ ma nstabux. Membru ieħor irnexxielu jsalva iżda kellu jittieħed l-isptar isofri minn xokk qawwi.

Ix-xena li sab il-bdot talħelikopter li wasal fuq il-post tat-traġedja kienet tal-waħx. Iżda d-dehra tal-familjari mnikkta u mitlufa waqt ilfunerali ma kienet xejn inqas kerha minnha. Tnejn mill-mejtin kienu membri tal-Pulizija: isSurġent tal-Pulizija u espert ta’ l-isplussiv Salvu Muscat, 30 sena (Birkirkara) u l-Kuntistabbli Joseph Hare, 24 sena (Sliema). Il-ħamsa l-oħra kienu suldati tad-Dejma: Bdr. Joseph Pace, 36 sena (Santa Venera), Gnr. William Simpson, 36 sena (Ħal-Lija), Pte. Anthony Vella, 20 sena (Għajnsielem, Gozo), Pte. Anthony Farrugia, 27 sena (Żejtun) u Bdr. Francis Borg, 36 sena (Ħamrun). L-aħħar tnejn imsemmija baqgħu ma nstabux. L-uniku wieħed li ħelisha minn ħalq il-mewt kien is-suldat tad-Dejma Pte. Emmanuel Montesin, 21 sena (Paola). Id-destin ried li jien ngħix din it-traġedja mill-qrib. Wieħed minn dawk mitlufa, Anthony Farrugia, kien irraġel tal-kuġina tiegħi Mary. Kellhom żewġt itfal: Josef ta’ ħames snin u Roderick ta’ sentejn u nofs. Mary kienet tqila bit-tielet tarbija. Xi ftit xhur qabel kienet tilfet lil missierha iżda b’xi mod kien irnexxielha tkampa u tgħaddi min-niket. Flimkien magħha, aħna lfamiljari tagħha, nblajna b’din l-aħbar il-ġdida.

Kelli 13 -il sena dakinhar tat-traġedja u jien kont qiegħda għandhom, nistenna lil Twanny – hekk konna nsejħulu – jiġi lura ħalli jeħodna l-baħar. Għaddejt ilħin tal-ġurnata bħas-soltu, ngħin lil Mary fil-faċendi tad-dar u nilgħab mat-tfal. Il-folja bdiet tinqaleb wara l-5pm meta waslu xi zijiet għandna jistaqsu jekk Twanny kienx id-dar. Meta raw li ma kienx hekk, kien hemm ħafna ħars stramb bejniethom u tagħfis tax-xufftejn iżda ħadd ma felaħ ilissen kelma oħra. Laħqu saru s-7pm meta Mary saret taf bit-traġedja. Binha l-kbir kien qed jilgħab mar-radju u ħabta u sabta, bdew l-aħbarijiet. Kien dak il-ħin li rrealizzat għala zijietha kienu nġabru kollha hemm. Għall-ewwel baqgħet qisha miblugħa fin-nofs talbitħa, donnha msammra malart. Imbagħad, b’idejha jirtogħdu, ċemplet lil dawk li kienu nkarigati. L-aħbar li tawha aktar ħawditha. Ma kienetx taf kelliex tittama jew titbikkem għax żewġha kien għadu ma nstabx u allura seta’ kien għadu ħaj. Is-siegħat baqgħu għaddejjin sakemm dalam u z-zijiet irritornaw lejn djarhom. Il-ġenituri tiegħi ħallewni ma’ Mary biex inżomm għajnejja fuqha. B’xi mod irqadna lkoll imma kmieni fil-għodu qomt mill-

Kelli 13 -il sena dakinhar tat-traġedja u kont qiegħda għandhom, nistenna lil Twanny jiġi lura ħalli jeħodna l-baħar

ġdid u sibt lil Mary tolfoq u tqalleb l-album tat-tieġ. Kull siegħa għaddejnieha nisimgħu l-aħbarijiet b’tama kbira iżda kien kollu għalxejn. Minn ħin għall-ieħor bdejna nirċievu telefonati ta’ sogħba. Fosthom Mary saret taf li Twanny ma kienx imissu xogħol dakinhar imma kien ħadem minflok sieħbu sabiex dan ikun jista’ jgawdi l-festa. Jgħidu li t-tama hi l-aħħar li tmut u sakemm ġisem żewġha baqa’ ma stabx, Mary baqgħet tistenna. L-għajnuna għat-tfittxija waslet minn kullimkien: għaddasa tal-Forzi Armati, suldati tad-Dejma u anki numru ta’ nies oħra bil-luzzijiet u d-dgħajjes privati tagħhom għamlu minn kollox biex għallinqas jinstabu liġsma taż-żewġ suldati nieqsa. Imma kien kollu għalxejn. Mill-ħsara estensiva li ġarrbet il-patrol boat C23 kien evidenti illi l-isplużjoni li seħħet kienet qawwija ħafna. Għaldaqstant wara siegħat twal ta’ tfittxija, ħarġet ordni mill-Kwartieri Ġenerali talForzi Armati sabiex xi għaddasa jmorru jispezzjonaw aħjar il-patrol boat mġarrfa li kienet iddaħħlet f ’Ħondoq irRummien. Il-pruwa tal-patrol boat kienet miftuħa beraħ. Kien jeżisti s-suspett li s-suldati mitlufa setgħu nqabdu

qalb it-tifrik u l-pjanċi mgħawwġa. Ix-xniegħat millewwel xegħlu u wasal għala widnejna li kienu nstabu xi fdalijiet umani. Madanakollu l-għada fuq il-gazzetti ħarġet ċaħda uffiċċjali ta’ dawn lispekulazzjonijiet. Il-ġranet gerrbu sakemm ġurnata waħda t-tfittxija għaż-żewġ suldati nieqsa waqfet u l-ħajja kompliet bħallikieku qatt ma kien xejn. Iżda kif ser taqbad tispjega lill-qraba tal-vittmi sabiex jirrassenjaw ruħhom għallmewt bħal din ħabta u sabta? U wisq wisq agħar, meta l-ġisem tal-mejjet ma nstabx? Bħal mitlufa, lqalb tibqa’ tispera li xi darba, forsi minn x’imkien, il-bniedem tant maħbub jitfaċċa. U d-dubji u l-isperanza jibdew jieklulek ruħek ftit ftit. Sakemm forsi ż-żmien ikollu ħniena minnek u jgħallmek iġġeragħ u tinsa... jew aħjar taċċetta. Lil Mary talbuha tirrassenja ruħha għall-mewt ta’ żewġha, bħal kif kellha tagħmel ukoll għal dik tat-tarbija li kellha f ’ġufha, li ma felħitx tikkumbatti ma’ aktar għawġ u ntemmet qabel biss qatt twieldet. Iżda r-rassenjazzjoni hija iebsa meta l-paġni kollha tal-ħajja ma jingħalqux kif mistenni.




Konferenza Nazzjonali Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Anzjani ser jorganizza konferenza nazzjonali, bit-tema: Anzjani – Ġustizzja Soċjali jew Esklużjoni? Din il-konferenza, li ser tkun bil-Malti, ser issir nhar is-Sibt, 29 ta’ Settembru fl-Istitut Kattoliku, il-Furjana.

PROGRAMM 8:30am: Reġistrazzjoni u kafè 9am: Merħba, Anthony Mulè Stagno, president, Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Anzjani. Indirizz tal-ftuħ millonorevoli Anthony Agius Decelis, Segretarju Parlamentari għal Persuni b’Diżabilità u Anzjanità Attiva u l-onorevoli Ivan Bartolo, kelliem talOppożizzjoni dwar Akkomodazzjoni Soċjali, il-Ġlieda Kontra l-Faqar, is-Solitudni u l-Esklużjoni Soċjali 9:30am: Keynote speech minn Prof. Marvin Formosa B.Psy., P.G.C.E., M.A., Ph.D.(Bristo) Gerontology 9:50am: Sostenibilita` u Adekwatezza tal-Pen-

sjoniji tal-Istat, minn Carmel Mallia, president tal-Alleanza ta’ Organizazzjonijiet tal-Pensjonanti 10:10am: Brejk tal-kafè 10:30am: L-Istatistika u lAnzjani, minn Etienne Caruana, acting director general NSO 10:50am: Ir-rapport talCaritas fuq l-Anzjani: Xi tbiddel minnu?, minn Anthony Gatt, direttur Caritas Malta 11:10am: Diskussjoni 12pm: Għeluq talKonferenza minn Anthony Mulè Stagno, president, Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Anzjani






Fi żmien l-Inkiżitur Carlo Bichi saret denunzja dwar it-taħlit bejn ir-reliġjon u s-sħarijiet minn Anton Attard, iben Wistin, ta’ madwar 25 sena, mill-Birgu.

L-Antikrist Mattew Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.


apitlu  III:  Il-Ħarba  ta’ Mattew Monsinjur Pietro Dusina intbagħat Malta minn Ruma biex idur il-knejjes bħala Delegat Appostoliku. Huma ġie maħtur bħala l-ewwel inkiżitur ta’ Malta fis-sena 1574 meta beda jinbena l-palazz tal-inkiżitur fil-Birgu bl-għajnuna tal-Gran Mastru La Cassière. Tħaffru guvi taħt l-art biex fihom iħallu l-akkużati li jidhru quddiem linkiżitur biex ipattu għall-ħtijiet tagħhom. Kien hemm ukoll il-bir tasskieken li kien bħal spiera bix-xfafar tax-xwabel ħerġin mill-ġnub biex min jintefa’ ġo fih jispiċċa zalzett. Kien hemm ukoll numru ta’ magni tat-tortura biex min ma jkunx irid jikxef dawk akkużati miegħu jġagħluh isemmi isimhom. Dawn huma kollha parti mil-leġġendi li l-palazz tal-inkiżitur kien imdawwar bihom. Fis-sena li Dusina dam fil-kariga ta’ pro-inkiżitur f ’pajjiżna ma kinux ftit dawk li nxlew quddiemu b’ereżija. Dehru minn kull xorta ta’ nies, millarċidjaknu tal-katidral, Dun Pankrazju Michallef, li kien akkużat li kien joqgħod jitkellem mal-eretiċi, sa furnar bla skola mill-Birgu li ġie mixli li kien miġbud lejn id-duttrina talLuteraniżmu. Kien hemm ukoll każijiet ta’ seħer fosthom ta’ Anġela Cassar minn Ħal Kirkop li fittxet li tagħmel seħer lil żewġha u ta’ Katarin Borg minn Birkirkara li kienet meqjusa minn kulħadd bħala saħħara. Fi żmien l-Inkiżitur Carlo Bichi saret din id-denunzja dwar it-taħlit bejn ir-

reliġjon u s-sħarijiet. Deher minn jeddu Anton Attard, iben Wistin, ta’ madwar 25 sena, mill-Birgu. Ġie mogħti l-ġurament biex jgħid il-verità u stqarr dan li ġej: “Nhar il-festa ta’ San Ġwann li għadha kif għaddiet, jiena kont qed nitkellem ma’ Livia, mara li tbigħ ġisimha. Kont id-dar tagħha hawn ilBirgu, fil-post imsejjaħ Kastilja. Livia qaltli biex immur magħha f ’dar fejn kien hemm mara oħra li bħalha tgħix l-istess ħajja, u jisimha Margerita. “Hi qaltli li din tħabbrilna xortina. Aħna morna għand Margerita u sibna għandha mara oħra jisimha Klara, li hi wkoll tbigħ ġisimha. Dawk iż-żewġ nisa qabdu bajda, kissruha u tefgħu ta’ ġo fiha fi platt. Imbagħad tefgħu kollox ġo flixkun tal-ħġieġ bl-ilma fih. Wara li għalqu l-flixkun b’tapp, huma għattewh b’biċċa ċarruta żgħira ta’ lewn aħmar. Wara dan, irreċitaw ilMissierna u s-Sliema f ’ġieħ San Ġwann. Imbagħad qabdu f ’dejhom il-flixkun u bdew jaraw x’jidher fih. Waħda qalet li qed tara bħal belt ġo fih waqt li l-oħra

Wara li għalqu l-flixkun b’tapp, huma għattewh b’biċċa ċarruta żgħira ta’ lewn aħmar

lemħet bastiment ċkejken. It-tliet nisa bdew jgħidu li jagħmlu dan biex ikunu jafu xortihom. “Jien għamilt din id-denunzja biex neħles mill-piż li għandi fuq il-kuxjenza tiegħi u mingħajr mibegħeda lejn xi persuna.” Wara dan kollu, huwa ġie mogħti l-ġurament li jżomm is-silenzju, u ffirma ismu. Kien hawn Maltin li qanqlu sens ta’ biża’ kbir fost il-poplu meta għamlu użu anke minn maġija sewda. Din id-denunzja minn Grazjella Borg minn Ħ’Attard saret fit-12 ta’ Ġunju 1720 quddiem ilpro-Inkiżitur Ġwannbattista Napulone: “Anna, il-furnara li toqgħod fl-inħawi ta’ Ħal Balzan, minn xi xahar ‘il hawn, qaltli kemm -il darba li hi saħħara. Qalet li taf tagħmel is-sħarijiet. Bilħsieb biss hija kellha l-ħila timmanka, toqtol jew iġġennen lil min trid. Lil kull min xtaqet hija kienet kapaċi tiġbdu lejha. Żewġha kellu l-istess qawwiet. Kienu tgħallmu mingħand l-ilsiera. Anna qaltli wkoll li lill-ilsiera Misilmin kemm-il darba kienet tħallihom ikollhom x’jaqsmu magħha biex imbagħad jgħallmuha kif tagħmel is-sħarijiet.” Iżda l-iżjed każ magħruf u leġġendarju fi żmien il-pro-Inkiżitur Pietro Dusina kien dak tas-saħħar Mattew Falson. Ilkaż kien beda taħt l-Isqof pro-Inkiżitur Domenico Cubelles li kif laħaq intebaħ minnufih li fost l-Insara Maltin kienet qed tidħol l-ereżija. Kienu qed jidhru mċappsin b’tagħlim żbaljat mhux biss xi Kavallieri iżda wkoll anke qassisin. François Gesualdo, qassis u kappillan tal-Kavallieri Franċiżi, kellu skola taż-

żgħażagħ li kien qed jimlilhom rashom b’tagħlim żbaljat li ma kienx ilu wisq jixtered. Dawn il-laqgħat ġieli kienu jsiru bil-moħbi. Bla ma kienu jafu s-superjuri tagħhom, fost dawk li marru għal dawn il-laqgħat kien hemm xi qassisin u anke reliġjużi. Dawn kienu qed isejħu lilhom infushom Konfraterija tal-Insara Tajbin. Minn qabel waslu l-Kavallieri f ’Malta, kienet teżisti l-iskola talkatidral li kienet maħsuba li ssir kulleġġ b’għalliema differenti li kellhom jinġabu apposta minn Sqallija. Għal xi raġuni dan ma seħħx. Bejn l1539 u l-1560, is-surmast tal-iskola kien Andrea Axac, li kien instab ħati li jissimpatizza mal-Luterani. Numru talaħjar nies ta’ Malta, fosthom ukoll lAvukat Pietru Cumbo, Dun Brandano Caxaro u iben il-Ħakem tal-Imdina li wkoll kien jismu Mattew Falson kienu jagħmlu parti minn din il-fratellanza. Huma xerrdu t-tagħlim tal-eretiku Martin Luteru li minn patri Agostinjan qaleb u qal li l-Knisja mhix istituzzjoni divina mwaqqfa minn Kristu. It-tagħlim tiegħu kontra l-Knisja ta’ Ruma malajr tħallat ma’ kwestjonijiet politiċi u kien stumentalizzat għal skopijiet oħra. Liskola li kien imexxi Andrea Axac kellha tagħlaq fis-sena 1560 għax in-nies kienu tilfu l-fiduċja tagħhom fiha. Reġgħet bdiet tinfunzjona tmien snin wara u t-tagħlim kien jingħata fil-kappella tas-Salvatur fl-Imdina. Din is-sena huwa l-40 anniversarju minn meta l-awtur Tony C. Cutajar ippublika l-ewwel rumanz tiegħu, IdDubbien l-Abjad (Klabb Kotba Maltin).





Erfa’ salibek! Is-salvazzjoni niksbuha mhux meta nħarsu lejn Kristu liebes ta’ sultan, imma meta nħarsu lejn Kristu msallab, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.


eta nħarsu madwarna ninnutaw li nies differenti jagħtu importanza lil affarijiet differenti li għandna kuntatt magħhom fil-ħajja tagħna. Ittobba jagħtu importanza kbira lis-saħħa; l-ekonomisti lill-flus; il-proprjetarji ta’ postijiet ta’ divertiment lill-pjaċir; id-dinja tagħti importanza kbira lillmaterjaliżmu. Fi ftit kliem kulħadd għandu xi jpoġġi fuq pedestall biex iġiegħel lil min iħares lejh u jixennaq għalih. Drawwa antika tal-Knisja, li llum spiċċat, kienet li meta jilħaq papa ġdid, kien ikun hemm kardinal li quddiemu jaħraq biċċa drapp sabiħa u prezzjuża u jgħidlu, “Sic transit gloria mundi”, li tfisser “Hekk tgħaddi l-glorja tad-dinja”. Kull ħaġa fid-dinja, hi kemm hi sabiħa, u tiswa kemm tiswa flus, għad tispiċċa. Is-saħħa, ilġmiel, il-flus, l-għerf, il-pjaċir – kollha affarijiet sbieħ li huma importanti fil-ħajja, imma kollha għad jgħaddu. Lunika glorja li tibqa’ hija l-glorja ta’ Alla, u San Pawl fl-ittra lill-Filippin jgħidilna din xinhi: il-glorja ta’ Alla tidher fi Kristu meta dan kien mgħolli ‘l fuq. Hemm silta fl-evanġleju ta’ San Ġwann fejn Ġesù jkellem lil Nikodemu u jgħidlu: “Kif Mosè refa’ serp fid-deżert, hekk jeħtieġ li jkun merfugħ bin il-bniedem, biex kull min jemmen fih ikollu l-ħajja ta’ dejjem.” Ġesù kien mgħolli bħal dak is-serp meta kien imsallab mas-salib, għaliex kien meta nnies rawh imsallab li huma raw il-glorja tiegħu. Din hija ttifsira tal-festa importanti li lKnisja qed tiċċelebra matul ixxahar ta’ Settembru. Il-festa

ta’ l-eżaltazzjoni tas-salib mhix sempliċement tifkira ta’ meta 300 sena wara Kristu, Sant’Elena u Kostantinu sabu l-fdalijiet tas-salib ta’ Kristu; imma hija l-festa tat-tama li aħna bħala nsara għandu jkollna meta nħarsu lejn ixxbieha tas-salib imqaddes, li permezz tiegħu aħna ksibna mill-ġdid il-ħbiberija ma’ Alla. Ir-raġuni għalfejn il-knisja trid li jkun hemm xbieha ta’ Kristu msallab fuq kull altar li fuqu tiġi ċċelebrata l-quddiesa huwa mod li bih tfakkar ilkliem ta’ Ġesù lil Nikodemu: li meta aħna nħarsu lejh hekk kif il-Lhud ħarsu lejn is-serp tal-bronż fid-deżert, aħna nieħdu l-ħajja mill-ġdid, l-istess kif huma kienu jfiqu millgdim tas-sriep velenużi. San Ġwann fir-rakkont talpassjoni idaħħal vers importanti li jkompli jagħti tifsira aktar profonda lil dan: “Huma għad iħarsu lejn min kienu nifdu.” Is-salvazzjoni niksbuha mhux meta nħarsu lejn Kristu liebes ta’ sultan, imma meta nħarsu lejn Kristu msallab, qiegħed ibati u jmut, għaliex kien hemm li wera lglorja kollha tiegħu. Kien għalhekk li għal sekli sħaħ, ibda mill-ewwel snin talKnisja sa ftit tas-snin ilu, li xxbieha tas-salib kellha post importanti, kważi sagru, filħajja ta’ kuljum ta’ kulħadd. Kull fejn kont issib l-insara, kont issib salib: fi knejjes, fi pjazez, fil-klassijiet, fis-swali tal-qrati. Kien hemm żmien, li mhux daqshekk imbiegħed, meta aħna l-insara ma konnhiex nistħu rroddu salib fil-pubbliku qabel nibdew xi ħaġa, sew jekk tlajna fuq tallinja, sew jekk se nibdew naħdmu, sew jekk qegħdin

f ’ristorant u se nibdew nieklu. Kien hemm żmien meta konnha nkunu rridu xbieha ta’ Ġesù kurċifiss f ’kull kamra tad-djar tagħna, jew inżommu

Jekk aħna nixtiequ ngawdu ma’ Kristu, li llum huwa rebbieħ, l-ewwel irridu bħalu ngħaddu mit-tbatija

xi xbieha ta’ Kristu msallab filportmoni jew fil-kartiera. Dawn ma kienux użanzi tannanniet, imma kienu affarijiet żgħar li ta’ kuljum kienu jfakkruna fiċ -ċentralità tassalib f ’ħajjitna. Illum is-salib, sew fixxbiehat sew fil-ġesti kważi nistgħu ngħidu li qiegħed jinkines u jitwarrab. Kemm hawn mill-bini pubbliku li qed jitla’ llum, skejjel, swali, uffiċji, li fihom insibu xbieha tas-salib? Kemm nies għadhom iroddu ssalib qabel jibdew jagħmlu xi ħaġa? Kultant is-salib bdilnieh f ’xi ħaġa tal-moda – mhux darba u tnejn naraw xi salib daqshiex fuq xi sider mikxuf għax jidher sabiħ u jimla’! Jew inkella xi tattoo ta’ xi kurċifiss fuq xi id jew xi spalla ta’ nies li jgħixu mingħajr Alla. Fejn jidħol is-salib veru, iżda, fejn tidħol it-tbatija, ilmard, l-inġustizzja, ix-xhieda ta’ dak li nemmnu anke meta dan ikun iebes, hemm ma

narawx folol. Għax dan mhux is-salib li jaqbel mal-moda li qed tippreżentalna d-dinja! Il-festa tal-eżaltazzjoni tassalib mhix okkażjoni biex nerġgħu mmorru ndendlu xi kurċifiss fil-kċina, jew biex irroddu s-salib hekk kif nitilgħu fuq tal-linja. Din il-festa hija okkażjoni biex niftakru li jekk aħna nixtiequ ngawdu ma’ Kristu, li llum huwa rebbieħ, lewwel irridu bħalu ngħaddu mit-tbatija. Jekk tassew nagħrfu ngħaqqdu s-salib ta’ Ġesù malħajja tagħna, billi nilqgħu kull tbatija bħala okkażjoni biex nersqu aktar lejh, u billi nagħmlu opri ta’ ħniena ma min hu filbżonn, hemm inkunu qiegħedin verament nagħtu sens nisrani lil din il-festa. Jekk dan nagħmluh, il-ġesti u l-kliem tagħna waħedhom isiru xhieda ħajja tat-twemmin tagħna li ksibna s-salvazzjoni bis-salib. Nadurawk, o Ġesù u nberkuk, għax b’salibek u lmewt tiegħek inti fdejtna.




PHOTOS Evergreen Buskett half a century ago. PHOTO: MARK MUSCAT/BAY RETRO

Paradise Bay in the 1960s with Comino in the distance. PHOTO: MARK MUSCAT/BAY RETRO

A bit of green

Mtarfa in the 1960s. PHOTO: BAY RETRO Ice cream in the sun at Bonello’s kiosk in St Anne Square, Sliema in 1959. PHOTO: ALEX HOSKIN/BAY RETRO

The blue of Mistra Bay offset by the surrounding fields. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

On an island whose palette is concrete grey, a patch of green is always worth recording. Senior Times and Bay Retro put on their gardening gloves. PHOTOS COURTESY OF BAY RETRO


The green past of St George’s Bay. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo

Trees providing shade at Balluta Square in the 1950s. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo

The Xlendi seafront back in 1967, when old olive trees overlooked the sandy beach. PhoTo: Jim Payne/Bay ReTRo

The marsalforn countryside in all its green glory. PhoTo: Bay ReTRo

mellieħa Parish Church surrounded by trees and fields in 1958. PhoTo: adRian allain/Bay ReTRo


















11 14










11 14

16 17











16 20






7 8





28 30








30 31

31 32




ACROSS 1. Plain lies, perhaps, about a politician (6) 7. To eat, is something you might do in bed (8) 8. A champion lino manufacturer? (4) 10. A capital music centre! (6) 11. Nominally he can make one ill! (6) 14. He’s singularly successful (3) 16. Fine ways to get fifty quid (5) 17. On a donkey, say, it looks a bit iridescent (4) 19. Dancer left by a novelist! (5) 21. Too young to be important (5) 22. Dance to give you a taste for love? (5) 23. Many adverts for young men (4) 26.Measure me a half of bitter (5) 28.It follows the quotation’s correct (3) 29.Stop giving partial education in blending teas (6) 30.People jog around being amusing (6) 31. We do wrong in being creditors (4) 32. The dope can catch some fish (8) 33.She may wildly deny having a little house (6) DOWN 1. Here you are, estranged lovers! (6) 2. He’s no pauper (6) 3. Mount up for a bit of a canter (4) 4. It’s in my head that it’s a cutter (7) 5. The sheepish one embracing a girl (5) 6. Usual procedure when the doctor gets sick (5) 8. Go ahead and play cards (4) 9. The person said to have won (3) 12. If snowy, isn’t brown (3) 13. Ireland’s antelope (5) 15. The river Charlie can go on, possibly? (5) 18. Merely standing by, is even slacker (5) 19. A marginal intoxicant? (3) 20.Leave nothing but a sticky mess (3) 21. The officer spoils Henry (7) 22. Somewhere to drive in the late evening (3) 23. Were such lads apt to make TV history? (6) 24.Electricity I had for the burner (4) 25. Nosing around, put your name down (4,2) 26.An even game? (5) 27. Are such calls from a box? (5) 28.Female of the cassowary (3) 30.Tease the little chap (4) AUGUST ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 3. Steam 8. M-a-GI-c 10. Robin 11. Ten 12. Or-bit 13. Finders 15. Sonic 18. (water) Rat 19. Serial 21. Heroics 22. Lo-U-d 23. Re-St 24. Canteen 26. Reckon 29. Tag 31. E-Thos. 32. Altered 34. Rhine 35. No-r 36. MeLee 37. Actor 38. Adieu. DOWN: 1. Matin 2. Kind-red 4. Tors 5. A-rise-s 6. Motor 7. Tibia 9. Gen 12. Ortolan 14. Ear 16. Ni-Ven 17. CL-oth 19. Scuttle 20. Blare (Blair) 21. Hut-Ch. 23. Regen-c-y 24. Co.-shed 25. Eat 27. E-T.-hel 28. KO-rea 30. Hero-n 32. Ante 33. Rot (rev).

ACROSS 1. Commotion (6) 7. Deviant (8) 8. Fairy (4) 10. Ground (6) 11. Shopping street (6) 14. Feline (3) 16. Weapon-bearing (5) 17. Row (4)

19. Answer (5) 21. Marine creature (5) 22. Custom (5) 23. Domestic animals (4) 26.Greek dish (5) 28.Miserable (3) 29.Sensual (6) 30.Procession (6) 31. Particle (4)

32. Prisons (8) 33.Proverb (6) DOWN 1. Small mammal (6) 2. Roman ruler (6) 3. Turn (4) 4. Protective garment (7) 5. Reverie (5) 6. Yielded (5) 8. Rate (4) 9. Decay (3) 12. Weep (3) 13. Subtract (5) 15. Danger (5) 18. Bury (5) 19. Thieve (3) 20.Affectionate tap (3) 21. Furniture item (7) 22. Headwear item (3) 23. Lampoon (6) 24.Dutch cheese (4) 25. Regarding (6) 26.Martial art (5) 27. Leap (5) 28.Was seated (3) 30.Overtake (4)

AUGUST ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 3. Use up 8. Lotus; 10. Neigh 11. Nut 12. Audit 13. Popcorn 15. Tales 18. Hat 19. Relish 21. Refined 22. Aver 23. Whip 24. Illicit 26. Bridge 29. Tap 31. Sit-in 32. Hateful 34. Vocal 35. Oil 36. Floor 37. Curio 38. Tepee. DOWN: 1. Donor 2. Butcher 4. Shun 5. United 6. Petal 7. Ogres; 9. Tup 12. Article 14. Oaf 16. Light 17. Ships 19. Recital 20. Daubs 21. Remit 23. Wipe out 24. Ignore 25. Cat 27. Rifle; 28. Divot 30. Julie 32. Hake 33. Fir.


Advise Affix Ceases Clerk Congratulates Constellations Correspondingly Crafts Crepes Distant

Electromagnetic Emails Fairer Feint Flits Gasps Gulch Ironically Lefts Levels

Octal Owners Peony Raging Resin Retry Rustles Saddle Sneak Soled

Taller Tilde Tinny Trade Twice Unfortunately Weird Wired Wreak Yanked




Ngħidu kelma


QWIEL MALTIN U XI JFISSRU Baqra tajba tinbiegħ f ’pajjiżha. A good cow is sold in its own country. Għarusa ġdida, kull ma tmiss kollu jfuħ. Everything that a new bride touches is perfumed. Imħabba Għamja by Emmanuel Portelli

Previous Convictions by A. A. Gill

Historic Times This month, we are giving away three bestselling paperbacks. To win, tell us the date when this The Sunday Times of Malta front page was published. Send your answers via email to or by post to ‘Senior Times Competition’, Allied Newspapers Limited, Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000. The first three correct answers that we receive win a paperback each. Last month’s winners are Emanuel Borg, who wins a copy of Shadow’s Edge by Brent Weeks, Tony Spiteri, who wins a copy of Gone Without Trace by C. J. Carver and Jesmond Borg, who wins a copy of 12 replica prints by Richard Ellis. The correct answer to last month’s question was February 5, 1995.

7 5 9 6 8 4 1 2 3

6 8 2 4 1 5 7 3 9

9 7 5 8 6 3 2 1 4

Tisjir fi 30 Minuta by Anton B Dougall


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9

4 2 6 3 5 1 8 9 7

Il-liġi mhux għas-sinjur. The law does not apply to those who have money.

Qabbilli waħda

SUDOKU 1 3 8 9 7 2 6 4 5

Aħjar issuq erba’ żwiemel milli ħmar. It’s better to drive four horses than a donkey.

3 4 1 7 2 9 5 6 8

2 9 7 5 4 6 3 8 1

5 6 3 1 9 8 4 7 2

8 1 4 2 3 7 9 5 6

6 8 3 8 7 5 3 8 4

5 2 4


8 3


2 9 7 3

6 7 8 9

Onġi onġella Onġi, o kavallier! Min ġie? Min ġie? Min ġie? Irid tifla sabiħa. X’se ntuha ’l din it-tifla? Onġi, onġi, onġella! Min ġie, min ġie, min ġie? Ġie l-ambaxxatore. Min hija din it-tifla? Nagħtuha ġurdien moqli. Onġi, onġi onġella. Elf zalzetta Hawn raġel, qrajt darba f’gazzetta, li jiekol kuljum elf zalzetta. U mbagħad xarba nbid, u jorqod mhux ftit, u jonħor bil-ħoss ta’ trumbetta. Iż-żunżana Iż-żunżana ddur iddur fuq il-bejt tal-kaċċatur. Meta tasal taħt il-mina tagħmel żinn żann żunn.





Learn some more University of the Third Age Malta registrations for academic year 2018-2019.


he University of the Third Age (U3A) will be soon accepting applications from persons (60 years and over) interested in attending the 20182019 academic programme. Lectures in five centres will be held from Mondays to Thursdays from 9-11am at the Floriana U3A Centre, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 57pm at the Sliema U3A Centre, on Wednesdays from 9-11am at the Attard U3A Centre, on Thursdays from 9-11am at the Cottonera U3A Centre, and on Fridays from 9-11am at the Gozo U3A Centre. The full programme of lectures will be given on registration. To register at Floriana, Sliema and Attard U3A Centres, kindly apply with

Joseph Said at Floriana U3A Centre, Ground Floor, Catholic Institute, Floriana from Monday, September 24 onwards between 9am-noon (Monday to Thursday). For the Cottonera U3A Centre, kindly apply with Daniel Pisani at Cottonera U3A Centre, Cottonera Resource Centre, San Dwardu Str., Birgu, from Monday, September 24 onwards between 9-11am (Monday to Thursday). For those applying to attend at the Gozo centre, kindly apply with Sylvana Pisani at the ‘Care for the Elderly’ (green door), Ground Floor, St Francis Square, Victoria, Gozo, from Monday, September 17 onwards between 9-11am (Monday to Thursday). The membership annual fee, covering from October 2018 to

June 2019, is €12. Payments may be made by cash or by cheque addressed to ‘The University of Malta’. Any other queries can be made at the U3A Floriana centre on 2124 3202 as from September 24, from 9am-noon.

some of this year’s lectures Floriana centre (programme starting on Monday, October 15): Anthropological perspectives on Culture and Human diversity; The Science and Humanity of Geography; Kappelli u Knejjes Żgħar; Marine Biology; Sixties Music and Popular Culture; Criminology. Sliema Centre (programme starting on Tuesday, October 16): An introduction to Ornithology; Revisiting Shakespeare; Geology: A journey to discover planet Earth.

Attard Centre (programme starting on Wednesday, October 17): Il-Maltin tal-lum u dawk tal-imgħoddi; Dante Alighieri – La Divina Commedia. Cottonera Centre (programme starting on Thursday, October 18): Archaeological

Heritage of the Maltese Islands; France in the Maltese collective memory. Gozo Centre (programme starting on Friday, October 12): Understanding Paintings; Ġirja ħafifa mal-istorja ta’ Għawdex.

Counselling b’xejn, tfal iżjed protetti Tonio Bonello fuq inizjattivi ġodda


tehim bejn il-Gvern u l-Knisja Servizz ta’ counselling millMoviment ta’ Kana F’nofs Awissu l-Gvern u l-Knisja laħqu ftehim ta’ kollaborazzjoni bil-għan li persuni u/jew familji li jinħtieġu servizzi ta’ counselling, issa se jkunu jistgħu jitolbu dan is-servizz mill-Moviment ta’ Kana mingħajr l-ebda ħlas. Permezz ta’ dan il-ftehim, il-Gvern, bis-sehem tal-Ministeru għallFamilja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali se jkun qed jiffinanzja dan is-servizz bi ħlas ta’ €30,000 kull sena. Dan il-ftehim jorbot liż-żewġ partijiet għal terminu ta’ tlett snin. Is-servizz ta’ counselling se jkun qed jiġi offrut lil kull min jiġi bżonnu, kemm jekk familji, kif ukoll individwi ta’ kull età. Kull min se jkun qed jagħmel użu minn dan is-servizz se jkun qed jintalab biss donazzjoni. Minkejja dan, familji jew individwi li lanqas ma jistgħu iħallsu donazzjoni, is-servizz lilhom ser jingħata xorta waħda mingħajr ebda obbligi. Il-Ministru Michael Falzon faħħar lil kull min kien involut fil-proċess biex ftehim tali seta’ kien possibbli u

sostna li dan il-pass għandu jwassal lejn aktar tisħiħ f ’dik li hi familja u ssoċjetà nġenerali. L-avukat Arthur Galea Salomone, ilPresident tal-Moviment ta’ Kana qal li sal-lum, il-perċezzjoni tas-soċjetà dwar il-Moviment kienet li dan jagħmel biss ħidma f’dik li hi preparazzjoni għaż-żwieġ, iżda sostna kif dan hu eżempju ieħor tal-attività kostanti u diversifikata tal-istess Moviment. Din hi waħda fost numru ta’ inizjattivi u proġetti bil-għan li f ’kuntest nazzjonali u f ’numru ta’ oqsma tassoċjetà jkompli jkun hemm tisħiħ u sostenn għal dawk bi bżonnijiet speċifiċi bħal m’hu l-counselling.

it-tnedija dwar l-att tal-Protezzjoni tat-tfal Approvat mill-Kabinet u mniedi proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika Inizjattiva oħra reċenti minn l-istess Ministeru kienet dik dwar l-Att tal-Protezzjoni tat-Tfal li f ’Ġunju li għadda kien approvat mill-Kabinet u eventwalment ġie mniedi proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika. F’dan il-proċess, partikolarment dak dwar il-Kura Alternattiva kienu nvoluti

numru ta’ sieħba konċernati fosthom l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Foster Carers, lAssoċjazzjoni tas-Social Workers, kif ukoll il-Knisja. Il-liġi primarjament tiffoka dwar tfal li jkunu f ’ċirkostanzi ta’ out-of-home care. Il-kura u l-kustodja ta’ dawn se tkun qed tgħaddi għand l-entitajiet, fosthom l-Aġenzija Appoġġ, il-foster carers u qraba tal-istess tfal. Dan ifisser li deċiżjonijiet ta’ kuljum dwar dan issa se jkunu jistgħu jittieħdu minn dawk li jieħdu ħsieb tali minuri. Fir-rigward tal-passaport, is-social worker ewlieni li jkun responsabbli minn kull każ speċifikament se jkun jista’ japplika għal dan id-dokument hekk kif jiġi f’kuntatt ma’ minuri li jkun tqiegħed f’out-of-home care. Dan ifisser li se jkunu qed jiġu eliminati proċeduri ta’ burokrazija ffaċċjati mill-istess tfal meta dawn ikunu meħtieġa jsiefru barra, kemm jekk għal btala pero’ aktar, f ’każijiet ta’ mard. Sal-lum, xi tfal setgħu għaddew minn tbatija f ’kuntest ta’ proċeduri burokratiċi jew fejn kunsens mill-ġenituri setà nżamm b’detriment għalledukazzjoni u/jew il-kura tal-istess tfal. Hekk l-aġenzija Appoġġ kellha

tidħol il-Qorti bil-għan li tkun awtorizzata legalment tieħu azzjoni. Fid-dawl ta’ dan id-dipartiment konċernat dwar it-tfal flimkien malAġenzija Appoġġ issa se jkunu jistgħu jemendaw kuntratt soċjali mingħajr ilkunsens tal-ġenituri, sakemm il-minuri jkun f ’riskju li jista’ jitlef, f ’kuntest ta’ saħħa u/jew edukattiv. Il-ġenituri però se jkunu jistgħu jirribattu lazzjoni tal-aġenziji rispettivi fil-Qorti. Għall-ewwel darba wkoll fl-istorja tal-liġi ta’ pajjiżna, din il-liġi tipprovdi wkoll għall-introduzzjoni ta’ ċentru terapewtiku sigur. Din il-liġi se tkun qed tħalli f ’idejn id-direttur rispettiv biex minuri b’ċerta mġieba jitpoġġew taħt kura terapewtika għal perjodu stabbilit mill-Qorti. Kull azzjoni f’dan ir-rigward tkun suġġett għall-approvazzjoni u skrutinju tal-istess Qorti. Tonio Bonello hu l-editur media kif ukoll information and communications executive responsabbli millcorporate-wide media and communications fl-Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju Permanenti fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali.





Taking care of our loved ones when they need it the most

A holistic approach helps give our residents the best possible care, says Charmaine Attard.


t the beginning of the summer, I spoke at the Eighth International Conference on Geriatrics Gerontology and Palliative Nursing in Barcelona. This is an important conference for those of us in the sector, as it brings together doctors, health care educators, nurses, but also people from academia, researchers, innovators. The aim is to bring all relevant stakeholders in one room to discuss the most global prevailing problems in palliative care and most importantly, discuss ideas or potential solutions to these issues. I was invited to speak about the holistic care approach that our care home offers towards palliative care clients and the ability for Simblija care home to offer inpatient care to such clients. The approach I spoke about is resident-centric and rooted in respect and dignity.

I believe the key in providing the best possible care to any resident is having the right people working within a multidisciplinary team. This is why at Simblija care home, the team is made up of professional nurses, trained carers, doctors, physiotherapists and with the input of other allied professionals according to the resident’s need. Our hydrotherapy pool in Revive gives soothing relief to palliative patients who may otherwise be in too much pain to exercise on land. As part of the multidisciplinary approach, we also involve NGOs such as the Malta Hospice who advise us about pain relief and patient comfort and on a more social level the K 9 Malta. The latter provide dog therapy, where thanks to the fantastic volunteers of K9 our residents can enjoy time with animals. Unlike people, dogs do not require to chat. All they need is some attention

and love. And given that release from the obligation to interact, many times even because of the pain they may be in, residents really enjoy their time with the animals. Studies in fact show this interaction between people and animals can offer much needed relief and comfort. Another key element of our holistic approach is to keep the families involved in the resident’s care through being able to accompany the resident throughout the day and involve themselves with the resident in community events. This means that residents can be able to join in social activities till the end. Our activity coordinator organises a monthly schedule of events directed at all types of clients and their families. I was proud and honoured to present our work at this international conference and have the opportunity to net-

work with some of the best researchers and educators in this sector. Charmaine Attard is general manager of Simblija Care home, part of AX Group.





The SAGA of Joe Cini Were it not for homesickness, Joe Cini would have added to his great honours, says Carmel Baldacchino.


oe Cini started his career as a minor player with Pieta` Hotspurs and Msida but he made his First Division debut with Floriana FC. In 1956 when Leyton Orient toured Malta, they played against Floriana. That day, the Greens rose to the occasion. They played a memorable game, matching the visitors in every department and with eight minutes to go, the score was still 2-2. It was then that the difference between the teams began to tell. The Englishmen forced the tired Maltese back and scored twice to take home a rather flattering 4-2 victory. Hero of this match was Joe Cini. Then barely 19 years old, he played like a veteran and Orient were so impressed with his skills that they signed him on amateur forms. Cini left an excellent impression in pre-season trials and the British press was full of praise for the Maltese youngster. With his skills and tremendous strength, he seemed to have a brilliant career ahead of him in England. But Cini was still too young. He missed his family and friends and despite the encouragement that he was given by manager Alex Stock, he threw

Joe Cini, during his stay on the books of Sliema Wanderers.

A young Joe Cini during his stay in England when he played as a professional with Queen’s Park Rangers.

away the opportunity and came back to Malta. By 1958-59 Cini was Malta’s greatest prospect. He had already established himself at Floriana, but all the other clubs were wooing the brilliant, young amateur. It was therefore no surprise when he told Floriana that he was leaving the club. Naturally, Floriana were reluctant to part with their talented youngster and when everything else failed, they told the MFA that Cini had accepted payment while registered as an amateur player with the club. Cini denied the accusations and to prove his point he took Floriana to court. Cini claimed that Floriana owed him a fee of £16 for training the club’s minors. While the case was in progress, Cini signed for St John’s FC as an amateur player. The MFA not only approved his registration, but they even considered him as a candidate for the National Amateur XI. Floriana protested this decision. The MFA however, ignored their protests and Cini played against Denmark and Italy Under 23. Later in the season he played as guest with Ħamrun Spartans in the FA Trophy. At the start of the 1958-59 football season, Hibs’ energetic president, Carmelo Baluci decided to have a go at signing Cini. Helped in no small way by coach Salvu Cuschieri, Baluci persuaded Cini to sign amateur forms for Hibernians.

Cini played in the opening league game against Floriana. The Greens won 2-1 but they still protested against his inclusion. They claimed that since the court case was still in progress he should have been considered as one of the professional players on their books. Cini dropped the court case against Floriana and played in Hibs’ next match against Rabat. The Magpies promptly protested against the ineligibility of the player. With the court case withdrawn, the Council had no option but to take a final decision on the issue. The Council reached the conclusion that Joe Cini was a professional player on the books of Floriana with effect from November 27, 1958. Nene Baluci objected to the Council’s decision and appealed to the FA in London. Rabat also appealed to London, claiming the points of their game against Hibernians. Quoting Rule 40, the FA rejected both protests because they were not made within 14 days from the decision of the Association. As such, the appeals could not be heard unless all parties concerned agreed to go ahead. The MFA, Cini, Rabat and Hibernians all gave their consent for the appeal to be heard. As a result, Eugenio Bonello, representing the MFA, Cini, and Baluci left for London to take part in the hearing. The meeting was held on February 10, 1959 at 22 Lan-

caster Gate. The Board of Appeals decided that the MFA could not tie Cini to Floriana even if he had been proved professional. For this they gave several reasons. The main point however, was that Floriana failed to report to the MFA that they had engaged an amateur player as a coach for their minors. They also failed to satisfy the Association that he was genuinely employed as such. In these circumstances they were not entitled to profit by their misdeeds. On the contrary they should have been punished for them. This appeal ended one of the most controversial and celebrated cases in the history of Maltese football. Cini became a Hibs player but to tell the truth he did not reach his true potential with the Paola club and after a couple of seasons he moved to Sliema Wanderers. The Cini affair was a feather in Baluci’s cap. It was he who presented Hibs’ case in London. Born in Paola on September 1, 1925 he was educated at the Lyceum. A civil servant, he was introduced to the Hibs’ committee by Noni Carabott. After serving for a number of years in junior positions, he won the club’s presidency in 1959-60 and held on to it uncontested up to 1965. Involved for many years as the club’s representative on the MFA Council and vicepresident of the Association, he led the club through one of the most memorable periods of its history Three years passed, and Alex Stock was now the manager of Queen’s Park Rangers. Cini must have left a great impression on Stock because as soon as the latter took the reins at Shepherd’s Bush, he invited Cini for another try in England. In London, Cini was an instant success becoming the first Maltese player to play in the English League. The future looked bright and rosy but once again Cini became homesick and in 1960-61 he returned to Hibs. Before long, however he moved to Sliema. With the Blues, he won all the honours that the game could offer, including the Footballer

of the Year in 1969-70 and the league’s top scorer in 1964-65, 1966-67, and 1969-70. Cini’s exploits were never forgotten in Paola and in 1970-71, he re-joined his old club Hibernians. Many assumed that this was only a romantic move by Hibs but Cini soon proved the critics wrong. The old lion still had a lot to offer and in a glorious first season, he led his old club to the unusual triple of FA Trophy, Independence Cup and Sons of Malta Cup. His greatest triumph that season came in the FA Trophy. After battling their way to the final Hibs met their eternal ‘bogey’ team, Sliema Wanderers on Sunday, May 23 in front of the biggest crowd of the season. Sliema were confident of victory but Hibs were determined to break the hoodoo, which haunted them whenever they faced Sliema in a final. They came out strong and deserved to forge ahead with a goal from Freddie Delia. They held the champions well, and with only 11 minutes left for play the trophy seemed destined for the Hibs’ showcase.





Free basic course on internet use for those over 55 Nicholas Vella, senior project coordinator, Malta Communications Authority.


Joe Cini exchanging banners with England captain Alan Mullery.

Then the hoodoo struck again. Edward Darmanin who incidentally started his career with Hibs passed to Ronnie Cocks to score the equaliser. Extra time was given but none of the two teams took any risks and the match fizzled out to a 1-1 draw. There is no one more bitter in football than a player discarded by his team after years of sterling service. There is nothing sweeter than the revenge the same player gets when he scores against his former team. Cini, discarded by Sliema as a has-been, scored two marvellous goals in the replay against his former colleagues to give Hibs the Trophy for the second year running. Justice was done. Ironically it had to be an ex-Sliema player to break the hoodoo which haunted Hibs since the earliest days of their existence. Cini was capped 22 times for Malta including the famous match against Austria in 1956 and the match against England in 1971. Twenty-three major honours speak volumes about this great player.

n an age when information technology is playing an increasingly important role in the lives of citizens, we commonly refer to young people as ‘digital natives’. This cohort bears its name from the fact that many of today’s young persons have been exposed to technology since birth. At the other end of the spectrum, there are those who are being loosely dubbed as ‘digital immigrants’ – in general they are older adults who preceded the widespread proliferation of ICT as we know it today. While the former generally feel at ease with information technology and largely embrace new technologies, there is the tendency that with increasing age, people either take longer to warm up to these technologies or simply shun them altogether. With 56 per cent of individuals having at least basic digitals skills, Malta ranks in 14th place on the Digital Economy and Society Index which is essentially a scoreboard which gauges the general digitisation’s state of play of all member states. On the other hand, while there is a high average percentage (85 per cent) of internet users until the age of 54 years, the percentage drops to 62 per cent after that age and drops even further (41 per cent) after the 65 years of age (source NSO: ICT Usage by Households, 2017). Putting statistics and league ranking aside, most elderly people generally lose out on the numerous potential benefits which ICT can potentially offer. Take for example, a wide range of egovernment services, from payments of utilities to personal health management, online services that provide convenience for the whole

society but for the elderly in particular. Contrasting with the relatively low scoring on the digital skills Malta’s ranks first with regards to the availability of online government services yet the use of such services is comparatively low. Clearly ICT is increasingly permeating in a wide variety of commonly used commodities so there are also clear disadvantages associated with the lack of skills to use the internet. It is also widely known that internet use by the elderly carries multiple benefits including the prevention of social isolation especially when mobility is an issue. But there are also other advantages including personal fulfilment, caregiver support, functional capability and certain health preservation. For example researchers in gerontology have been exploring how teaching elderly individuals to play online activities can boost the brain and

increase cognitive longevity. Also a group of Polish scientists have discovered that all persons between the ages of 65 and 75 years of age who took part in an experiment that involved the completion of a series of several computer games were able to improve memory, expand attention and increase sequencing abilities. Realising such benefits, investment in the provision of training to the elderly is worth its capital outlay in gold. In an effort to address the skills gap among the elderly, the Malta Communications Authority and the Department of Active Ageing and Community Care are jointly offering a free eighthour course which targets persons aged 55 years and older. The course, which aims to increase the basic digital literacy of the participants, will cover a range of topics including communication through social media, how to use search engines

effectively, online shopping, internet banking and other topics related to the use of internet. The course is being delivered in the day centres for the elderly and participants will be provided with a tablet to use during the course so not having a device should not be a barrier to attend and participate fully in these four sessions. Since the launch of the course last May, there have already been over 250 participants and another 300 persons are starting the course this month. For those who would like to attend these four sessions, now is the opportunity to call the department on 2590 3173 and register. You can also fill an online application at For more information call the MCA on 2133 6840 between 9am and 1pm and ask for Charmaine Buttigieg.





Casa Antonia marks 15th anniversary


asa Antonia, Nursing and Residential Home in Balzan has been offering long-term and respite care to residents for the past 15 years. At Casa Antonia every single occasion is a reason for a celebration and this milestone called for a special 15th anniversary which was marked with a number of entertaining activities for the residents, their families and the staff to enjoy. The celebration kicked off with the presentation of awards to 33 employees for their excellent service and longterm employment, of whom six were specially honoured for their 15 years of service at Casa Antonia. The awards were presented by Parliamentary Secretary for Persons with Disability and Active Ageing Anthony Agius Decelis. Earlier on, Mr Agius Decelis was shown around the home and met the residents personally. Casa Antonia also linked its celebration with the opening of a paintings exhibition Rest-Rospection by one of its residents, Chev Maestro Pawlu Grech. The exhibition was inaugurated during an open day as the home opened its doors for the public to see the home’s pleasant environments and meet the caring and dedicated staff. The highlight was the anniversary classical concert with the participation of internationally acclaimed Maltese tenor Nico Darmanin and Italian pianist Leonardo Barilaro. Guests were entertained to a lovely reception, and further enhanced with music by harpist Dr Lydia Buttigieg. Casa Antonia is a distinguished yet affordable retirement home. It is nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac in Balzan and overlooking San Anton Gardens. The home offers an ideal and central location where privacy and

tranquillity are felt the minute one walks in. “At Casa Antonia we endeavour to provide the best care, love and good quality of life. Celebrating occasions and festivities with our residents is part of our family life. It gives us great satisfaction to see our residents happy and content, knowing that they are being cared for all day long,” said Dr Sarah Cassar, general manager at Casa Antonia. For more information call on 2149 6277 or e-mail





Trying to teach the unteachable Louis Gatt looks back on the genesis of the Manoel Theatre Academy of Dramatic Art, MTADA.


long time ago, before the invention of iPhones, and when pretty girls looked like pretty girls without tattoos and multiple piercings, I thought – erroneously as it turned out – that I’d like to be an actor. A minor civil servant first, but an actor in my spare time. And not just any old ham – I wanted to be the Daniel Day Lewis, the Robert De Niro of Malta. Poor deluded fool that I was. I mean how was I to know that back then – and sadly even today – I was to the art of acting what Donald Trump is to truth and modesty. But still I dreamed of triumphing on stage. Oh yes, I was full of it. Until, that is, I met Adrian Rendle. This was 1977 and the government of the time thought it would be an awfully jolly wheeze to set up a drama school in the building adjoining Teatru Manuel. And the guy they turned to, to set up and run this establishment was to be this Rendle. I later got to know him quite well and feel that he was indeed the ideal man to pioneer drama education in our island. He was not the only ex-pat involved with MTADA and was soon joined by a tall, balding Englishman called Peter Cox. He was mainly in charge of theatre in education, a task for which he was very well suited, having worked in the same sector in the UK for many years. But back to Rendle. I soon learnt that he had spent many years involved in theatre in all its many forms. Perhaps his most prestigious appointment had been that of artistic director of the famous Theatre Royal, Stratford East in London. This was the theatre made famous by that theatrical maverick Joan Littlewood, who was Rendle’s illustrious predecessor. He had also worked as a freelance director both in London’s West End and the provinces. In fact he had worked with some of the biggest names in British theatre. Never one to name-drop, he would nonetheless, after a scotch or two, open up on some of the people he had worked with. He even managed to persuade a few to perform in Malta. I was in the audience when he brought over the distinguished actor Michael Dennison to give his one-man show, based on his career on the boards, at our national theatre. Rendle was also responsible for writing a book on acting entitled So You Want To Be An Actor, an extremely readable tome that is still, I believe, in print and is essential reading for any wannabe thesp. Again he was no stranger to set-

Tony Cassar Darien, who had a fairly long tenure as the head of MTADA.

Josette Ciappara, former principal of The Drama Centre.

The cover of Adrian Rendle’s book So You Want To Be An Actor?

A very young Albert Marshall, who succeeded – albeit briefly – Adrian Rendle.

ting up drama academies in overseas locations having started the first such establishment in Zimbabwe. As a person Rendle was extremely friendly. He was also very anxious to pass on his vast knowledge of theatre to his students and to anybody else who was interested. I always remember him saying to me: “Acting is 90 per cent talent and 10 per cents technique. I can teach technique but if you don’t have talent, take up some other form of leisure pursuit like basketball or basket weaving.” I often wondered if he had me in mind when he said that. In his later years Rendle was beset with many health problems and he died at the comparatively young age of 68 back in the UK. He is still much missed by his many friends in Malta. Having got MTADA up and running, the reins of the academy were taken up by one of Malta’s brightest and most innovative theatre directors, Albert Marshall. Sadly not for long. He barely had time to get his feet under the desk when he emigrated to Australia. After his abrupt departure the Manoel Theatre Academy of Dramatic Art underwent a period of instability. Many heads came and went including at one stage a triumvirate of the late Joe Borg Ghigo, Peter Borg and Vanni Riolo. The arrival of Ronnie Abdilla brought some stability for an extended period, but MTADA was beginning to suffer reputational damage due to a rather less than discriminating audition process.

There were also other problems. A friend of mine who lectured at MTADA told of one occasion when he turned up in the evening to take his classes, only to be greeted by, in his words, “A blackclad harridan brandishing a clipboard.” This apparition was apparently sent by the powers that be politically in order to tick off the names of those who actually attended. Unknown to my friend this was one particular Imnarja, the day that the Opposition party had called for its supporters not to attend work. The blackclad harridan was in attendance to dismiss anyone who should have been present and wasn’t. As my friend explained, it was only sheer luck that he turned up, since it happened to be the day that he was scheduled to take classes. Following Abdilla’s tenure the headship was taken over by the actor Narcy Calamatta – and this prefaced an upturn in the fortunes of Malta’s first ever drama school. Calamatta was later to hand over to Tony Cassar Darien who, in many people’s opinion, did a very good job of running MTADA for several years from the mid-1980s. This was also a rather fruitful period where acting talent is concerned. A few of the very best actors to grace the boards were nurtured by MTADA during this time. People like Mikhail Basmadjian, Chris Gatt – who nowadays mostly directs – Pierre and Charlotte Stafrace and Paul Portelli.

Mario Azzopardi, another of the distinguished heads of The Drama Centre.

Mikhail Basmadjian, one of the more talented and successful alumni of MTADA.

During the 1990s MTADA left the precincts of the Manoel Theatre and decamped to the Maria Regina School at Blata l-Bajda. It also acquired a few more principals including that fine actress Josette Ciappara and one of our most talented directors and writers Mario (Mulé) Azzopardi. It is still very much in existence today and still turning out some very talented actors. I often wonder what Rendle would make of the academy’s new millennium incarnation. I’m fairly sure he would be delighted to see the thing he began not only still in existence but thriving. Long may it continue to do so.





Motorcycle man Two and two make for over 80 classic models in John Baldacchino’s garage. And those are just the motorcycles, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.


n Malta, many classic car enthusiasts, besides their old vehicle, also profess a love for, and possess, an old motorcycle. For some, the old car came first, followed by the motorcycle. Others were always motorcycle aficionados, and then an interest in classic vehicles followed along. Without any shadow of a doubt, John Baldacchino falls perfectly into the latter group. Moreover, with a collection of over 80 old motorcycles, 40 in a roadworthy condition and the rest awaiting restoration, it can also safely be said that his collection, meticulously displayed in a clinically clean and thoroughly organised basement garage in Ghaxaq, can be described as Malta’s largest private old motorcy-

cles museum – not to mention many old bicycles and his childhood tricycle. “My interest in powerful two-wheelers goes back to my childhood, although there was no one in the family remotely connected with them,” he says. “From the age of 12, I started buying motorcycle magazines. By 17, I was driving them, and the years that followed saw me owning a number of motorcycles.” As often happens, there was an eventual lull when he broke off with motorcycles to do other things in life. However, in 1984, he met a friend, Stephen Zerafa, who rekindled in him his old passion. “Encouraged by him, I bought a battered 1944 Matchless G3L, and started to restore it. By the time I finished the

project, I had bought another three old motorbikes, and the collection was on its way.” Taking 1976 as the cut-off date, Baldacchino started looking around for older motorcycles. “In the late 1980s, it was not difficult to amass motorcycles, as people started falling under the Japanese invasion spell, disregarding other brands, and relegating them to the scrapheap.” Baldacchino started buying all sorts of marques – BSA, Matchless, Ducati, Douglas, AJS, Triumph, Norton, Ariel, Excelsior, Lambretta, Honda, Royal Enfield, Velocette, Legnano. The oldest specimen in his possession is a 1925 Raleigh. Some have a story to tell, like a French Moto Becane 19 which came to Malta as a sample, never sold, never used, and found in a





garage full of spares for sale. Military motorbikes also feature prominently. Obviously, some of these two-wheelers came to Baldacchino on their last legs. Yet, despite their battered condition, he undertook their restoration with verve and determination, doing everything himself. “My professional career was in administration, nothing to do with technical or mechanical aspects,” explains the selftaught Baldacchino. “I just watched how it was done, and got on with it.” His fervour for motorcycles has also seen him serving for the past 21 years as a committee member of the Historic Motor Cycle Club – Malta, eight of them as chairperson, besides membership of the Military Vehicles Collectors Club and the UK Vintage Motor Cycle Club. Baldacchino has a policy to not sell any motorcycle unless he has a similar one. It happened that in 1996, he partexchanged an old bike for a 1969 MGB GT, and the twowheelers subsequently started to find four-wheeler companions in the classic stable. “The vehicle, in British racing green, was in a very good condition, and still is, 20 years down the line, without any major overhaul being undertaken.” Soon after, Baldacchino went looking for spare motorcycle parts in a garage full of vehicles and parts, saw a BMW Isetta, fell in love with it, and bought it. The Isetta was an Italian-designed micro car which because of its egg shape and bubble windows, became known as the Bubble Car. Only

six were imported in Malta by Frans Service Station of Fgura, then local agents for BMW. “The 1958 300cc little vehicle was in a very bad condition – everything was there, but a nut and bolt restoration job was on the cards. All the work was carried out by myself, a task that took one and a half years.” In the process, Baldacchino changed its colour from maroon to Wedgewood Blue, and became a member of the Isetta Owners Club of Great Britain. Baldacchino has an English friend who visits the island annually. Eight years ago, Baldacchino visited his friend who lives in Buxton, and knowing his interest in old motors, took him to a neighbour who had an old car. “To my surprise, the old car was a 1935 BSA – I had no idea that BSA Cycles also produced

The two-wheelers subsequently started to find four-wheeler companions in the classic stable





motor cars. Obviously, I did not hide my intentions of wanting to buy the car, but the owner refused. I kept pleading with him for the next five years, until eventually he gave in.” The 1090cc, front-wheel drive, 12-volt electric vehicle was in an impeccable condition, so much so that Baldacchino uses it regularly to take part in local rallies as well as driving in Sicily – a favourite destination with his other cars and bikes. Besides his three roadworthy old motors, Baldacchino also has a similar number awaiting restoration. One is a 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia found in a garage with spare parts. There is also a 1962 BMW 700 coupe, a sole model in Malta which Baldacchino says was imported by the local agent together with five saloons of the same type. Finally there is a 1981 Toyota Celica that Baldacchino bought himself brand new and wanted to sell, but luckily, his wife Doris persuaded him otherwise. Baldacchino has two sons, Peter and James, who besides following their father in his

passion for old cars and bikes, also possess their own classic motorcycles. What is his favourite old motorcycle and old vehicle? “While I love all my old bikes and cars, I have a soft spot for 1930s models. In that decade, there were great technical and mechanical changes, an industrial revolution. In cars, for example, wooden spoked wheels turned into steel rimmed wheels. Motorcycles evolved from oversized bicycles into the modern layout concept that we still have today. I harbour no favourites, but for these reasons, I consider my 1936 350cc AJS, having a twin port engine, hand change gear system with chrome tank adorned with an instrument panel, as a trailblazer, a gentleman’s bike. As to the old cars, I can say that the BSA presents no problems, it is just start and drive, despite being an octogenarian.” On one hand, Baldacchino is very happy with the local old motors scene. He contends that given the size of the islands, we have the biggest concentration of old cars and

bikes in Europe. The workmanship of the technical and mechanical personnel who undertake restoration projects is second to none. However this skilled group is ageing and passing away, and

unfortunately not enough young blood is replacing it. On the same lines, Baldacchino, who belongs to a number of local old car and motorcycle clubs, also laments the lack of young members is such organ-

isations. Finally, he is perturbed about the quality of today’s fuel and its ethanol content – something which he claims is detrimental to old engines, especially if left there for too long.





Futur mimli tama


x-xahar id-dieħel, dak ta’ Ottubru, huwa xahar marbut mal-festa tal-Madonna tarRużarju. Dan għaliex l-insara ħarġu rebbiħin fuq l-armata Ottomana fil-battalja ta’ Lepanto, fl-1571. Il-Papa ta’ dak iż-żmien, San Piju V, għaraf li din il-battalja, li kienet deċisiva għall-pajjiżi kollha tal-Ewropa, intrebħet bl-interċessjoni tal-Madonna tar-Rużarju. Minn dak iż-żmien sal-lum, il-papiet kollha ħeġġew lill-poplu nisrani sabiex jitlob din it-talba tant għażiża għal Marija. Barra minn dan, ix-xahar ta’ Ottubru huwa marbut mal-missjoni, għaliex fil-Ħadd ta’ qabel l-aħħar Ħadd ta’ dan ix-xahar, tkun iċċelebrata l-Ġurnata Missjunarja. Din il-ġurnata twaqqfet minn Papa Piju XI fl-1926 fuq talba tas-Soċjetà Pontifiċja għall-Propagazzjoni tal-Fidi. Din is-sena, il-Ġurnata Missjunarja ser tiġi ċċelebrata mad-dinja kollha l-Ħadd, 21 ta’ Ottubru. L-iskop ta’ din il-ġurnata huwa li nitolbu lil Alla sabiex iseħħ il-kmand ta’ Ġesù li ta lill-Knisja qabel ma tela’ s-sema: “Morru fid-dinja kollha, xandru l-Bxara t-Tajba lill-ħolqien kollu.” (Mk 16,15) Il-Knisja mwaqqfa minn Ġesù hija minnatura tagħha missjunarja. Jekk ma tkunx hekk, allura ma tkunx il-Knisja ta’ Ġesù. Il-messaġġ imxandar mill-Knisja

huwa essenzjalment wieħed: “Alla hekk ħabb lid-dinja li ta lill-ibnu l-waħdieni, biex kull min jemmen fih ma jintilifx, iżda jkollu l-ħajja ta’ dejjem.” (Ġw. 3,16) F’din il-ħidma l-Knisja mhix waħedha, għaliex Ġesù taha l-Ispirtu Qaddis Tiegħu biex jibqa’ magħha sal-aħħar taż-żminijiet. (Ġw. 14,25; Mt. 38,20) Il-papa, biex jgħinna ngħixu din ilġurnata, jibgħat messaġġ lill-insara kollha. Għal dan il-messaġġ, il-Papa Franġisku għażel bħala suġġett: ‘Flimkien maż-żgħażagħ inwasslu lEvanġelju lil kulħadd’.

Dan huwa suġġett attwali ħafna għaliex il-papa nnifsu ser ikun qed jiddiskuti dan is-suġġett mal-isqfijiet miġbura għas-sinodu. Fost ħwejjeġ oħra, il-papa, f ’dan ilmessaġġ qalilna li ħadd ma ġie fid-dinja għax ried jew għażel hu li jiġi. Dan il-fatt għandu jgħinna biex nirriflettu li lkoll kemm aħna għandna missjoni x’inwettqu, li hija r-raġuni waħdanija tal-eżistenza tagħna fuq din l-art. Kif nistgħu nwettqu din il-missjoni? L-ewwel u qabel kollox, billi nfittxu nitolbu lill-Ispirtu s-Santu sabiex idawwalna ħalli nagħrfu r-rieda tal-

Missier, u fl-istess waqt sabiex jagħtina l-qawwa u l-kuraġġ biex inwettquha. Ittieni, li nkun xhieda ħajja ta’ dak li nemmnu fih. L-ewwel Insara rnexxielhom jirbħu d-dinja pagana bl-istil ġdid ta’ ħajjithom. “Araw kemm tassew iħobbu lil xulxin,” kienu jgħidu l-pagani bejniethom. Din il-ħajja ġdida ta’ dawn l-insara kienet ukoll mixtla ta’ tant vokazzjonijiet missjunarji. It-tielet, billi naqsmu mal-oħrajn il-ġid li l-Mulej għoġbu jipprovdilna. Il-karità mal-fqir u mal-batut qatt ma għamlet nies foqra, iżda tgħinna biex nidhru b’kotra ta’ frott f ’idejna la nidhru quddiem il-Mulej. “Tassew ngħidilkom kulma għamiltu ma’ wieħed mill-iżgħar fost ħuti, għamiltuh miegħi.” (Mt. 25, 40) Matul dan ix xaghar Missio Malta ha tkun qed tigbor flus biex nagħmlu proġetti fil-Vjetnam u pajjiżi oħra talMissjoni. Hemm aktar minn 12 -il miljun familja ta’ bdiewa minsija madwar il-Vjetnam li jeħtieġu b’mod iddisprat aċċess għal ilma nadif u ikel nutrittiv peress li jbatu biex jgħixu – b’inqas minn €2 kuljum. Flimkien nistgħu nipprovdu lillkomunitajiet fil missjoni riżorsi bażiċi bħas-saħħa, l-edukazzjoni u t-tkabbir spiritwali essenzjali biex ikollhom futur mimli tama.

Discovering Borġ in-Nadur


omething big was happening in Malta during the Temple Period (3600BC to 2500BC). There are simply too many temples for an estimated population of a mere 10,000 people. Possibly, at the time, the islands were used as some sort of hub and these temples played an important role. Yet, somehow a drastic change appears to have taken place during the Bronze Age (2400BC to 700BC). Archaeological finds suggest that a different culture had taken over the islands; a people who preferred to live on high grounds, carried weapons, and changed the use of the temples. The archaeological site of Borġ in-Nadur is a fine example of this as it sheds light on the changing cultures from the Temple Period to the Bronze Age. A megalithic temple was constructed in the area around 2500BC. The chosen location was idyllic since it was situated in open fields, on high grounds, between two valleys and overlooking St George’s Bay in Birżebbuġa.

Borġ in-Nadur Temple has a typical four-apse plan, although the wall made up of megaliths is quite low. The temple’s entrance has two upright megaliths which can still be seen. There are two characteristics which makes this temple different from the rest. The first is that it lacks the artistic decorations associated with similar temples from the era such as Tarxien Temples or Ħaġar Qim. The second is that its forecourt is the only remaining example that has been enclosed by megaliths and which includes its own entrance preceding the actual entrance of the temple. The shifting character of the site during the Bronze Age is evidenced by the construction of a defensive wall which marks the earliest fortification in Malta. The wall was built facing inland, thereby implying that the inhabitants of the village were more apprehensive of an attack from the land than the sea. The abandoned megalithic temple was converted into a group of dwellings, and various huts were built in the area around it. Cart ruts and silos sit-

uated close to Borġ in-Nadur are also believed to date back to this era. The site seems to have been deserted again around 500 BC, when the Maltese Islands started falling within the sphere of the Phoenicians. Borġ in-Nadur Temple was discovered in the 16th century. Frenchman Jean Quintin (1500 to 1561) who resided in Malta between the years 1530 and 1536, serving as chaplain of the French Knights and auditor of the Grand Master, noticed the megaliths and the ruined structures and published this information. The first excavations took place two centuries later by archaeologist Antonio Annetto Caruana. Further excavations in the area followed in 1882 by the Archaeological Commission. In 1921, archaeological investigations of this site continued under renowned Egyptologist and archaeologist Margaret Murray. Further work was conducted by archaeologist David Trump in 1959. The remains and the items which were retrieved during these excavations are to this day still being analysed by

researchers, using techniques which were not available to archaeologists of decades past. For many years, the archaeological site of Borġ in-Nadur could only be visited by appointment. However, from last July, Heritage Malta has made this site accessible daily to the public. Visitors may also take the advantage to explore other interesting sites which are located very close to this area, such as Għar Dalam.

Tickets can be purchased from all Heritage Malta museums and sites, including the closest one, Għar Dalam. Cost is €3 for adults, €2.50 for seniors and students, and €2 for children. A combined ticket to visit both Borġ in-Nadur and Għar Dalam is also available at the price of €6.50 for adults, €5 for seniors and students, and €4 for children. For more information visit








Replacing old bridges with implants


he most popular way to replace a missing tooth used to be with a fixed bridge. This would involve trimming one of more teeth on either side of the missing tooth and fixing a conventional metal-ceramic bridge to each of these supporting teeth. The bridge literally bridges the gap with a suspended tooth in the middle of the supporting teeth. Advantages: 1. Quick 2. Aesthetic 3. Very good track record 4. Strong and reliable 5. Cheaper than implants Disadvantages: 1. Lifetime of bridge is dependent on the supporting teeth. If supporting teeth fail, the bridge fails and would need replacing. 2. Trimming of the teeth causes irreversible loss of healthy tooth tissue 3. Supporting teeth may require root canal treatment 4. Area of missing tooth below the bridge will continue to lose bone 5. Bridge may need changing after 10years. 6. Maintaining good hygiene below the bridge may be difficult.

Today the most widely recognised way to replace missing teeth is with dental implants. This involves the insertion of a fixture or screw in the jaw. Once healed, a tooth is then attached onto it. This method may be utilised to replace single or multiple missing teeth. Advantages: 1. Independent from other teeth 2. Very good track record 3. Maintains bone and therefore reduces bone loss 4. Very good aesthtics Disadvantages: 1. Expensive 2. Not suitable for every patient 3. Oral hygiene must be well kept 4. Involves surgery 5. Long duration of treatment 6. Sensitive procedure Not every patient is a good candidate for bridges. The same applies for implants. It is important to know your options and hear your physician’s advice on what is best for you. Ask your dentist.

Intra-oral before treatment

A CASE SCENARIO A middle-aged lady decides to remove a bridge done many years ago to replace two missing teeth. The six-tooth bridge spanned across the patient’s front teeth, fixing them altogether. The bridge was supported by four of the patient’s natural teeth having another two teeth suspended on it to replace the missing teeth.

Two implants were inserted in the jaw to eventually replace the two missing teeth. Once healed the once six-tooth fixed bridge was replaced with six individual full ceramic crowns; four on the natural teeth and two on the implants. This solution allows for better aesthetics and hygiene maintenance.

Intra-oral after treatment

Extra-oral before treatment


Extra-oral after treatment

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