GO Portland Press Herald, June 7, 2012

Page 16

E16 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, June 7, 2012 3 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg 8c\S %

Ă‚EGDB:I=:JHĂƒ 'PROMETHEUS' Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !


Cup of Soup Du Jour Garden Salad SECOND COURSE

Cafe Calamari Fried Artichoke Hearts

Celebration #ELEBRATION Menu -ENU

extended until EXTENDED UNTIL June 14THth! *UNE

served with garlic, feta and basil cream sauce

Crab Cakes two of our famous crab cakes on a bed of mesclun greens, served with lemon shallot mayonnaise


Grilled Berkshire Pork Chop local all natural center cut chop with roasted shallots and apricots, ďŹ nished with an apricot brandy glace de viande

Cedar Planked Salmon with English pea, corn and asparagus succotash topped with paloise sauce

Tomato Risotto with sautĂŠed spinach and pesto, garnished with a sweet corn and pepper relish

Bell and Evans Chicken Breast Saltimbocca a pan fried chicken cutlet topped with moulard duck prosciutto and sage in a white wine-butter sauce over chicken conďŹ t risotto milanese


Homemade Sorbet your choice of raspberry, coconut or chocolate


25.00 per person.

Coupons, packages, holidays or promotions do not apply. The menu is offered Sunday-Thursday only.

Reservations Recommended:

207-774-4200 20 Milk Street, Portland • theregency.com -ILK 3TREET 0ORTLAND s THEREGENCY COM

Large Parties Welcome Complimentary Valet Parking

UIFPSZ (JBOUT GSPN UIF TUBST NVTU IBWF theory. Giants from the stars must have visited Earth. Maybe they even populated it. WJTJUFE &BSUI .BZCF UIFZ FWFO QPQVMBUFE JU 5IFZ DBMM UIFTF BMJFOT i5IF &OHJOFFST w They call these aliens "The Engineers." A few years later, we pick up their quest on " GFX ZFBST MBUFS XF QJDL VQ UIFJS RVFTU PO UIF TQBDFTIJQ 1SPNFUIFVT 5IFZ SF HPJOH UP the spaceship Prometheus. They're going to the place in the stars that the cave paintings UIF QMBDF JO UIF TUBST UIBU UIF DBWF QBJOUJOHT describe. They're going to meet their makEFTDSJCF 5IFZ SF HPJOH UP NFFU UIFJS NBL FST UIFZ UIJOL ers, they think. The painting is "not a map," Dr. Shaw 5IF QBJOUJOH JT iOPU B NBQ w %S 4IBX (Rapace) tells her paramour, Dr. Holloway 3BQBDF UFMMT IFS QBSBNPVS %S )PMMPXBZ (Marshall-Green). "It's an invitation." .BSTIBMM (SFFO i*U T BO JOWJUBUJPO w We know better. 8F LOPX CFUUFS Onboard is a robot designed to fit in with 0OCPBSE JT B SPCPU EFTJHOFE UP mU JO XJUI the humans. David is played by Michael UIF IVNBOT %BWJE JT QMBZFE CZ .JDIBFM Fassbender with a lovely mechanical jerk 'BTTCFOEFS XJUI B MPWFMZ NFDIBOJDBM KFSL to his every movement. He is emotionless, UP IJT FWFSZ NPWFNFOU )F JT FNPUJPOMFTT curious and always on task. Alas, he has DVSJPVT BOE BMXBZT PO UBTL "MBT IF IBT a machine's morality. He is all about the B NBDIJOF T NPSBMJUZ )F JT BMM BCPVU UIF mission. NJTTJPO A future trillionaire has sent a team of 17 " GVUVSF USJMMJPOBJSF IBT TFOU B UFBN PG to this distant star system. The scientists, UP UIJT EJTUBOU TUBS TZTUFN 5IF TDJFOUJTUT Shaw and Holloway, are here, with a geolo4IBX BOE )PMMPXBZ BSF IFSF XJUI B HFPMP gist, biologist, a working crew and a folksy, HJTU CJPMPHJTU B XPSLJOH DSFX BOE B GPMLTZ Southern-accented captain, played by Idris 4PVUIFSO BDDFOUFE DBQUBJO QMBZFE CZ *ESJT Elba. &MCB The boss, the lady calling the shots, is 5IF CPTT UIF MBEZ DBMMJOH UIF TIPUT JT Meredith Vickers, played by a steely Charl.FSFEJUI 7JDLFST QMBZFE CZ B TUFFMZ $IBSM ize Theron in a Doctor Evil/ Bond villain J[F 5IFSPO JO B %PDUPS &WJM #POE WJMMBJO suit. TVJU They find the planet, touch down next to 5IFZ mOE UIF QMBOFU UPVDI EPXO OFYU UP a pyramid (shades of "Alien vs. Predator") B QZSBNJE TIBEFT PG i"MJFO WT 1SFEBUPSw and start poking around. BOE TUBSU QPLJOH BSPVOE The first sign that this isn't the young 5IF mSTU TJHO UIBU UIJT JTO U UIF ZPVOH Mr. Scott's "Alien" is in the demeanor of .S 4DPUU T i"MJFOw JT JO UIF EFNFBOPS PG the crew. This is a seriously unprofesUIF DSFX 5IJT JT B TFSJPVTMZ VOQSPGFT sional bunch. Everybody breaks protocol. TJPOBM CVODI &WFSZCPEZ CSFBLT QSPUPDPM Everybody, it seems, has a reckless streak. &WFSZCPEZ JU TFFNT IBT B SFDLMFTT TUSFBL Helmets are removed, alien air is breathed. )FMNFUT BSF SFNPWFE BMJFO BJS JT CSFBUIFE Everybody ignores the first rule mommy &WFSZCPEZ JHOPSFT UIF mSTU SVMF NPNNZ taught them: See something you don't recUBVHIU UIFN 4FF TPNFUIJOH ZPV EPO U SFD ognize - alien urns arranged like the gooey PHOJ[F o BMJFO VSOT BSSBOHFE MJLF UIF HPPFZ eggs of "Alien," for instance? %PO U UPVDI Don't touch. FHHT PG i"MJFO w GPS JOTUBODF It's infuriating, the cavalier way the cap*U T JOGVSJBUJOH UIF DBWBMJFS XBZ UIF DBQ tain "warns" two members of the expedition UBJO iXBSOTw UXP NFNCFST PG UIF FYQFEJUJPO that he's picked up alien "life" and "moveUIBU IF T QJDLFE VQ BMJFO iMJGFw BOE iNPWF ment" on the ship's censors, the idiotic risks NFOUw PO UIF TIJQ T DFOTPST UIF JEJPUJD SJTLT Holloway takes, the arrogant bravado of the )PMMPXBZ UBLFT UIF BSSPHBOU CSBWBEP PG UIF robot, who randomly punches alien butSPCPU XIP SBOEPNMZ QVODIFT BMJFO CVU tons and casually opens alien doors without UPOT BOE DBTVBMMZ PQFOT BMJFO EPPST XJUIPVU weighing risks. XFJHIJOH SJTLT The ship is not the dark and cramped 5IF TIJQ JT OPU UIF EBSL BOE DSBNQFE working vessel of "Alien." It's a bright, open XPSLJOH WFTTFM PG i"MJFO w *U T B CSJHIU PQFO and cheery "Star Trek" set. That robs the BOE DIFFSZ i4UBS 5SFLw TFU 5IBU SPCT UIF picture of its claustrophobia, its dread. QJDUVSF PG JUT DMBVTUSPQIPCJB JUT ESFBE Rapace is the heart of the picture, and 3BQBDF JT UIF IFBSU PG UIF QJDUVSF BOE she's wonderfully brave and soulful, as she TIF T XPOEFSGVMMZ CSBWF BOE TPVMGVM BT TIF was in the Swedish films that made her faXBT JO UIF 4XFEJTI mMNT UIBU NBEF IFS GB mous. Other choices don't work out as well. NPVT 0UIFS DIPJDFT EPO U XPSL PVU BT XFMM Theron's so villainous she should wear a 5IFSPO T TP WJMMBJOPVT TIF TIPVME XFBS B curly moustache. Why Elba, a Brit, attemptDVSMZ NPVTUBDIF 8IZ &MCB B #SJU BUUFNQU ed a grammatically suspect Southern drawl FE B HSBNNBUJDBMMZ TVTQFDU 4PVUIFSO ESBXM is one of the film's great, clumsy mysteries. JT POF PG UIF mMN T HSFBU DMVNTZ NZTUFSJFT But here's what dazzles. Instructions #VU IFSF T XIBU EB[[MFT *OTUSVDUJPOT arrive by the best big-screen rendition of a BSSJWF CZ UIF CFTU CJH TDSFFO SFOEJUJPO PG B hologram ever filmed. Ancient alien surveilIPMPHSBN FWFS mMNFE "ODJFOU BMJFO TVSWFJM lance cameras replay the ghostly pixels of MBODF DBNFSBT SFQMBZ UIF HIPTUMZ QJYFMT PG what happened to the people who built the XIBU IBQQFOFE UP UIF QFPQMF XIP CVJMU UIF pyramid, which had a function the Maya and QZSBNJE XIJDI IBE B GVODUJPO UIF .BZB BOE the Egyptians never told us about. UIF &HZQUJBOT OFWFS UPME VT BCPVU If you've seen the original "Alien" films in *G ZPV WF TFFO UIF PSJHJOBM i"MJFOw mMNT JO their gorgeous pre-digital celluloid glory, UIFJS HPSHFPVT QSF EJHJUBM DFMMVMPJE HMPSZ with their damp sets, their surly but profesXJUI UIFJS EBNQ TFUT UIFJS TVSMZ CVU QSPGFT sional working class crews and soldiers who TJPOBM XPSLJOH DMBTT DSFXT BOE TPMEJFST XIP make one fatal mistake, "Prometheus" is NBLF POF GBUBM NJTUBLF i1SPNFUIFVTw JT bound to disappoint. CPVOE UP EJTBQQPJOU "Prometheus" is still worth a look, the first i1SPNFUIFVTw JT TUJMM XPSUI B MPPL UIF mSTU sci-fi film to challenge "Avatar" in dazzling TDJ m mMN UP DIBMMFOHF i"WBUBSw JO EB[[MJOH visuals and eye-popping future tech. But WJTVBMT BOE FZF QPQQJOH GVUVSF UFDI #VU Scott, trying to top himself, fails. 4DPUU USZJOH UP UPQ IJNTFMG GBJMT

20th Century Fox bV 1S\bc`g 4]f

James McAvoy in "X-Men: First Class." 8O[Sa ;Q/d]g W\ ÂľF ;S\( 4W`ab 1ZOaa Âś

EG:FJ:AH PREQUELS Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

of power after the "Godfather" and young PG QPXFS BGUFS UIF i(PEGBUIFSw BOE ZPVOH Vito Corleone's similar journey prior to 7JUP $PSMFPOF T TJNJMBS KPVSOFZ QSJPS UP it. But the DeNiro-as-Brando/Vito stuff is JU #VU UIF %F/JSP BT #SBOEP 7JUP TUVGG JT indelibly brilliant and, hey, you try coming JOEFMJCMZ CSJMMJBOU BOE IFZ ZPV USZ DPNJOH up with good prequels... VQ XJUI HPPE QSFRVFMTy "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" i5XJO 1FBLT 'JSF 8BML 8JUI .Fw - Woe to the "Twin Peaks" newbie who o 8PF UP UIF i5XJO 1FBLTw OFXCJF XIP thinks it's a good idea to watch this UIJOLT JU T B HPPE JEFB UP XBUDI UIJT feature film prequel before the TV series. GFBUVSF mMN QSFRVFM CFGPSF UIF 57 TFSJFT Congratulations! Everything's spoiled! $POHSBUVMBUJPOT &WFSZUIJOH T TQPJMFE Don't bother! That aside, "FWWM," while %PO U CPUIFS 5IBU BTJEF i'88. w XIJMF undeniably a mixed bag of some of David VOEFOJBCMZ B NJYFE CBH PG TPNF PG %BWJE Lynch's best and worst ideas, can boast -ZODI T CFTU BOE XPSTU JEFBT DBO CPBTU an Oscar-worthy performance (yeah, I BO 0TDBS XPSUIZ QFSGPSNBODF ZFBI * said it) by the underrated Sheryl Lee, as TBJE JU CZ UIF VOEFSSBUFE 4IFSZM -FF BT well as some genuine Lynchian nightmare XFMM BT TPNF HFOVJOF -ZODIJBO OJHIUNBSF creepiness. DSFFQJOFTT "X-Men: First Class" - The "X-Men" i9 .FO 'JSTU $MBTTw o 5IF i9 .FOw series' inexorable decline was unexpectTFSJFT JOFYPSBCMF EFDMJOF XBT VOFYQFDU edly reversed by this quite respectable tale FEMZ SFWFSTFE CZ UIJT RVJUF SFTQFDUBCMF UBMF of the mutant superhero team's early days. PG UIF NVUBOU TVQFSIFSP UFBN T FBSMZ EBZT Sure, January Jones' traditional wooden4VSF +BOVBSZ +POFT USBEJUJPOBM XPPEFO ness is a drag, but Michael Fassbender OFTT JT B ESBH CVU .JDIBFM 'BTTCFOEFS and James McAvoy bring their A-game to BOE +BNFT .D"WPZ CSJOH UIFJS " HBNF UP the X-Men's Magneto and Professor X. UIF 9 .FO T .BHOFUP BOE 1SPGFTTPS 9 "Indiana Jones and the Temple of i*OEJBOB +POFT BOE UIF 5FNQMF PG Doom" - Taking place before the undeni%PPNw o 5BLJOH QMBDF CFGPSF UIF VOEFOJ ably superior "Raiders of the Lost Ark" BCMZ TVQFSJPS i3BJEFST PG UIF -PTU "SLw (and thus sticking us with the vapid Kate BOE UIVT TUJDLJOH VT XJUI UIF WBQJE ,BUF Capshaw instead of spunky, adorable Kar$BQTIBX JOTUFBE PG TQVOLZ BEPSBCMF ,BS en Allen), this Indy prequel still provides a FO "MMFO UIJT *OEZ QSFRVFM TUJMM QSPWJEFT B respectable (and at one point literal) roller SFTQFDUBCMF BOE BU POF QPJOU MJUFSBM SPMMFS coaster ride of fun. DPBTUFS SJEF PG GVO

THE BAD K?< 98;

"Star Wars" Episodes I to III - It's i4UBS 8BSTw &QJTPEFT * UP *** o *U T become cliche to mock these long-awaited, CFDPNF DMJDIš UP NPDL UIFTF MPOH BXBJUFE inconceivably disappointing "Star Wars" JODPODFJWBCMZ EJTBQQPJOUJOH i4UBS 8BSTw prequels, but my childhood still cries out QSFRVFMT CVU NZ DIJMEIPPE TUJMM DSJFT PVU for vengeance against George Lucas. GPS WFOHFBODF BHBJOTU (FPSHF -VDBT "Butch and Sundance: The Early i#VUDI BOE 4VOEBODF 5IF &BSMZ Years" - This 1979 prequel to "Butch Cas:FBSTw o 5IJT QSFRVFM UP i#VUDI $BT sidy and the Sundance Kid" trades Paul TJEZ BOE UIF 4VOEBODF ,JEw USBEFT 1BVM Newman and Robert Redford for Tom /FXNBO BOE 3PCFSU 3FEGPSE GPS 5PN Berenger and William Katt. Think about #FSFOHFS BOE 8JMMJBN ,BUU 5IJOL BCPVU that for a moment. Just think about it... UIBU GPS B NPNFOU +VTU UIJOL BCPVU JUy "Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry i%VNC BOE %VNCFSFS 8IFO )BSSZ Met Lloyd" - Remember that scene in .FU -MPZEw o 3FNFNCFS UIBU TDFOF JO "Dumb and Dumber" when Jeff Dani%VNC BOE %VNCFSw XIFO +FGG %BO iels has, um, distress on the toilet? 8FMM Well, JFMT IBT VN EJTUSFTT PO UIF UPJMFU stretch that out to 85 minutes, only with TUSFUDI UIBU PVU UP NJOVUFT POMZ XJUI two nondescript young guys doing Daniels UXP OPOEFTDSJQU ZPVOH HVZT EPJOH %BOJFMT and Jim Carrey impressions. BOE +JN $BSSFZ JNQSFTTJPOT "Gods & Generals" -1 didn't regret a i(PET (FOFSBMTw o * EJEO U SFHSFU B minute of the four hours I spent watching NJOVUF PG UIF GPVS IPVST * TQFOU XBUDIJOH "Gettysburg," but anyone who actually i(FUUZTCVSH w CVU BOZPOF XIP BDUVBMMZ makes it to the end of this similarly lengthy, NBLFT JU UP UIF FOE PG UIJT TJNJMBSMZ MFOHUIZ un-similarly interminable Civil War prequel VO TJNJMBSMZ JOUFSNJOBCMF $JWJM 8BS QSFRVFM should get a medal. TIPVME HFU B NFEBM "Alien vs. Predator" and "Alien vs. i"MJFO WT 1SFEBUPSw BOE i"MJFO WT Predator: Requiem" - We can only pray 1SFEBUPS 3FRVJFNw o 8F DBO POMZ QSBZ that Ridley Scott's return to the "Alien" fold UIBU 3JEMFZ 4DPUU T SFUVSO UP UIF i"MJFOw GPME means the end of these limp, toothless sciNFBOT UIF FOE PG UIFTF MJNQ UPPUIMFTT TDJ fi crossovers. m DSPTTPWFST Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

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