Refilling the Well

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Refilling the Well There are times in life when you give until there is nothing left. For those of you who naturally take on the role of the giver, you may find yourself running on fumes. Giving of oneself can be one of the most satisfying feelings, but it's important to be mindful of how much you can offer others without exhausting your own resources. As a parent, tending to the members of your family can mean late nights helping with homework or rushing from one practice to another. As a spouse, you may find yourself depleting emotional energy as you respond to the needs of your partner. Being a friend to everyone no matter the day, time or place can be yet another drain on your body, mind, and spirit. Giving of oneself requires balance. You can still give as a parent, a spouse, and a friend, as long as you make time for yourself. Learning how to keep a balance between your giving self and your personal self can give you more energy to feed both. Always remember that refilling your inner well is never a sign of weakness. Consider it just another act of giving—to yourself. Here are the benefits you will see from taking time out of your giving to rejuvenate yourself. Working within Your Limits Whether you realize it or not, hitting empty on your energy level can have far-reaching effects outside of being able to provide support for your family and friends. Depleting your energy both mentally and physically can lead to health concerns such as insomnia, depression, and difficulty communicating effectively. Being tired can also be dangerous. Your cognitive function is slower, meaning reaction time to oncoming threats is diminished. Know your limits where giving is concerned. If you feel that you are extremely low on energy, then make your self-care a priority. Maintaining your strength is vital to your well-being—you can’t give what you don’t have. Freeing Your Creativity While health is at the forefront of reasons why we should all invest a little more time in refilling our well, there are many other reasons why it is a crucial part of a balanced life. Being drained zaps any sort of creativity you might have for things you enjoy. Nurturing your creative side ensures you have a wellrounded self-care regimen in place to combat the fatigue you feel from continuously being on the go. Enjoying specific hobbies you are passionate about—gardening, swimming, playing sports, dancing, reading a good book, creating or appreciating art, playing music, horseback riding, etc. not only refreshes you but also allows your creative mind to play. Fostering Empathy Giving to other people means that you have a certain amount of empathy at the ready. Putting yourself in their place and trying to understand what they are going through allows you to be a true caregiver. But when the well runs dry, it may not be as easy to empathize with other people and what they are going through. Taking time to reenergize yourself also refills your capacity for empathy. Being a caregiver requires great empathy, so please consider keeping your well filled and energized like you would

maintain a car. A car needs attention and care to make sure it's in working order, just as you need to keep your self-care well full to provide your best side for those you love. May you give yourself permission to refill your well so that you feel balanced and whole.

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