Removing and replacing wall tile

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Removing And Replacing Wall Tile | Tile Removal Utah

Removal Removing wall tile is a time-consuming process that can be streamlined with the proper tools. Your first step is to remove the grout from between all of the wall tiles. Your wall tile may be attached to a cement backer board which will make removing the tile much easier. Begin by removing the grout along the edge of the tile that meets a wall with no tile. Wear protective gear to avoid the dust. To remove individual tiles, angle the edge of a putty knife between the tile and the wall and tap with a hammer until the tile comes off. If you see a sheet of cement backer board, begin removing the tile enough so that you can make a hole about 8 inches in diameter, large enough to angle a pry bar between the cement board and the wall.

Preparation Tile removal utah will clean up all of the debris from the tile removal. Attach new concrete board to the wall studs with roofing nails. Concrete board is inexpensive and gives you a smooth surface to install your replacement wall tiles. Concrete board is not a structural element--it acts as a moisture resistant back for your wall tile. Place a row of tiles across the bottom, beginning at the center of the wall and working your way to the ends. Adjust your tiles so that they are evenly spaced.

Replacement After dry fitting the first row of wall tile, apply tile adhesive to the wall behind the center tile. Make ridges in the adhesive with the edge of your trowel. Replace the tile by pressing it firmly into the adhesive, twisting it just a bit to get it securely seated. Work your way to each edge, adding spacers on all four sides of the tile for a uniform grout line Related Link: Ceramic tile floors

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