Strategies For Managing Change -

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Strategies For Managing Change What information a consequence of feedback? - what exactly are the goals? - How much information is going to be supplied, messages? - What mechanisms will likely be employed The key EMOTIONAL questions that the communication strategy must address In regard to the psychological resonance facet of the communications, John Kotter makes the point that great change leaders are great at telling visual stories with high psychological impact. Kotter illustrates this the anecdote of Martin Luther King who failed to stand up facing the Lincoln Memorial and say: "I've an excellent strategy" and exemplify it with 10 great reasons why it was a great strategy.

William Bridges focuses around aspect of the change and the psychological and emotional impact and poses these 3 simple questions: to the drivers that make it necessary (1) what's altering? Bridges offers the following guidance - the change leader's communication statement must:- Certainly express aim and the change leader's understanding - "Sell the problem before you try to offer the option." - Not use jargon (2) what'll actually be different due to the change? Bridges says: "I go into organizations in which a change initiative is well underway, and that i ask what will be different when the change is done-and no one can answer the question... a change may seem very significant and extremely real to the leader, but to the people that need to make it work it seems quite abstract and vague until genuine differences it will make begin to eventually become clear... the drive to get those differences clear should be a significant priority in the planners' list of activities to do." (3) Who's likely to lose what? Bridges maintains that the situational changes are as easy for

businesses to make as the psychological transitions of the people affected by the change. Transition direction is all about seeing the situation through the opinion of the other guy. It's an outlook depending on empathy. It is communication and direction process and works with them to bring them through the transition. 5 guiding principles of a change management communication strategy that is good So, in summation the 5 directing principles of a great change management communication strategy are as follows: - Precise targeting - the mental tone and delivery of the message - Timing program - to get Leadership communication skills to the right individuals with the proper message - Feedback process - to achieve timely targeting Failure reasons changed and in change management are many. But one thing is clear. The root cause is too little communication along with lack of clarity. This is exactly what a Programme Management based way of change is all about and why it so significant.

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