Code Name Nanette Read Online Free

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Code Name Nanette Read Online Free

"A guilty pleasure.... The story-telling in this book is amazing." Ingrid Hall"Exciting and soul-searching." -ABNA Review“… a fresh voice, a great writer, I literally couldn't put the book down…. This was one of the strongest books and best written I’ve read for a long time – by any author!” —Royal Palm Literary Award JudgeROYAL PALM LITERARY AWARD WINNER"I AM NANETTE. I BREAK ALL THE RULES. During the war I was a spy for the British and helped save the world. I’ve kept my secrets for fifty years. But now I’m ready to talk.”THEIR MISSION: Gather intelligence behind Nazi lines in World War II.AT RISK: The future of the Free World.THEIR MEANS: Whatever it takes.But the lines blur and the war heats up when Nanette and her spy partner, code name Regina, are forced to choose between their hearts and their duty.SEXY,

SASSY, AND THOUGHT PROVOKING. Joe Parker’s search for his grandfather leads him to a former spy who worked with his grandmother in France during World War II. She still chain smokes, drinks her whisky straight, and loves erotic stories. He’ll never see women, young or old, the same way again.INSPIRED BY REAL WOMEN WHO HELPED SAVE THE WORLD. "Code Name Nanette" is a quirky, erotic, character-driven love story that honors the British and American female resistance fighters in France during World War II, who loved and fought behind enemy lines as intensely as their male counterparts, but whose names and achievements remain largely unheralded to this day. It opens a window into the hearts and the minds of women who take on new roles and risk everything for love, freedom, or just plain adventure. The result is more than a history lesson. It's a revealing and touching triumph of courage, love, and hope against all odds.WAR ALWAYS GETS PERSONAL. Wars are not epic tales recounting the monumental achievements of larger-than-life heroes. They are bloody, devastating battles fought by discrete individuals who are swept up in the tides of history and forced to make personal life-and-death decisions on a daily basis. Each has a story. Most of them never get told. This is Nanette's.

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