Tidbits Grand Forks - November 5

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f We carry Meyer plows for Residental and Commercial use, and a wide variety of Salt Spreaders. f We Service and Install All Types of Plows!

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• International Tongue Twister Day falls on November 8th this year. The official definition of a tongue twister is “a phrase containing a combination of alliteration and rhyme strategically designed to be stumbled over.” Some of the more familiar ones include “rubber baby buggy bumpers” and “She sells sea shells by the seashore.” Most of us know that “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,” but were you aware that Peter Piper was a real person? Pierre Poivre, a onearmed French pirate and horticulturist who lived in the mid-1700s, was known for stealing spice nuts, known as peppers, from Dutch trade ships and planting them in his garden. The Guinness Book of World Records states that the English language’s most difficult tongue twister is, “The sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick.” • November 8th is also X-Ray Day, commemorating the day in 1895 when German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered the X-ray in his laboratory. While experimenting with passing high-voltage current through a glass gas tube, Roentgen observed that the beam turned a screen 9 feet away a strange greenish fluorescent color, even though the tube was covered in heavy black cardboard. Realizing that objects could be

penetrated by the rays, he made an X-ray of his wife’s hand that clearly showed its bones. Roentgen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901 for his discovery. • November 19 is also Rocky & Bullwinkle Day, to commemorate the original premiere day of Rocky & His Friends (later known as The Bullwinkle Show) on that day in 1959. The animated series, which featured Bullwinkle the moose and his flying squirrel friend Rocket J. Squirrel (Rocky for short), aired from 1959 to 1964.

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