TICCIH 2018 National Reports

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São João del Rei Railway Complex (Minas Gerais).

the historical and ethnographic values attributed to the building, as one of the last testimonies of the work of the engineer André Rebouças in the port region of Rio de Janeiro. The protection proposal also includes the Fundamental Stone and objects found inside a Time Capsule, both launched on September 15, 1871 and found in 2012, during the archaeological excavations in the Pier Valongo area. In 2015 occur the restoration of the old Santa Amélia Factory (São Luís, Maranhão) that was completed and transferred to the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) to be used for the classes and destination for a hotel training. The Santa Amélia Factory, established in 1902, was the old factory of the Maranhense Wool Company, founded in 1892. It is an important example of Maranhão’s industrialization and the installation of cotton culture in the region. Complementarily, it is sought the requalification and restoration of the old Progresso Factory also located in São Luís, managed by the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). In it will be installed the Center of Archeology so that it can be used as a place of preserva-

tion of archaeological artifacts that are the result of the work of diagnosis and archaeological prospecting conducted by Petrobras in the municipality of Bacabeira (MA).The revitalization works have an agreement between Petrobras, UFMA and IPHAN, and it is proposed to install the History course of the University, as well as the Archeology Center and the Museum of Archeology. The Progresso Factory, together with the Santa Amélia Factory where the Tourism and Hospitality courses are held, are part of the UFMA University Complex in the Historic Center of São Luís. Another revitalization project, approved in October 2016, comprises the Ver-O-Peso region, in Belém, Pará. The market consists of an architectural and landscape complex comprising an area of 35 thousand square meters that includes historic buildings such as the Iron Market, Meat Market, Clock Square, Docks, Açaí Fair, Castelo Hill and Beira’s House.The group has been inscribed on UNESCO’s Indicative List since February 2014 and seeks to establish, through its valorization, conservation and restoration activities, all the necessary elements and criteria to receive the title of World Heritage.



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