Exp.at'15 Proceedings

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exp.at’15 — Online Experimentation

#63 Interactive Online Tools for Control Engineering

Abstracts — Tue4B Tue4B UAc, Aud. S. 14:00 — 15:45 Katarína Žáková

The paper points to small number of university graduates in technical areas. It suggests to use interactive educational tools that are very popular among young people to attract more students for this very interesting direction. The attention is dedicated mainly to Control Engineering area. In spite of the fact that the number of online applications is step by step growing this field is not sufficiently covered, yet. The paper presents a set of online tools that are available for students of Control Engineering. They include web interface to some free computational environments such as Octave, Maxima or SciLab; web services to Octave, Maxima, OpenModelica software environments and set of developed online applications that use the introduced web services.

#70 Remote Experimentation in Basic Education Using an Architecture with Raspberry Pi This article presents an alternative architechture implementation with the purpose of provide real experiments of remote access and expand teaching practices focused on experimentation toward physics education. The research uses a low cost open hardware and an available multiplatform with open source applications. With this initiative, lab resources can be accessed from schools, as many of them have not appropriate science lab for practical activities. This research have been applied in two public schools from Araranguá/SC that also face difficulties when using the computer lab. As a solution, the students use their own mobile devices to do science and physics experiments accessing, controlling and observing real experiments installed in the Remote Experimentation Lab (RExLab). Making new experiments is a collaborative work with the teachers of these schools and with the lab staff to adapt their idea to a low cost system with the Raspberry Pi. The study presented here intends to facilitate the experiments adaptation and motivate other research labs to make their experiments available.

Tue4B UAc, Aud. S. 14:00 — 15:45 M. Rocha Daros João Paulo Cardoso de Lima Willian Rochadel Juarez Bento Silva José Pedro Schardosim Simão

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