NVBCC THRIVE Magazine August 2022

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THRIVE LeadingBusinessMagazineforBlackEntrepreneurs www.northernvirginiabcc.org August2022 TheSt.James VA'sPremier ComplexSports CannabisStart-up InnovativeTechnology inFitness

August 2022

photo credit: Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce FairfaxCountyBoardofSupervisors ChairmanJeffreyC.McKaypresenteda proclamationonAugust2,passed10-0by FairfaxCountyBoardofSupervisors,tothe NorthernVirginiaBlackChamberof CommercerecognizingAugustasBlack BusinessMonthinFairfaxCounty.Fairfax Countyishometo639Black-owned employerfirms.Thisisthehighestnumber ofanylocalityinVirginia.Together,these businessesgeneratemorethan$1.8billion inannualrevenueandemployover11,000 peopleinFairfaxCounty.Clickheretofind outmoreaboutNationalBlackBusiness Month. by E-Bird Newsletter Fairfax County EDA BLACK BUSINESS MONTH

SUMMER ESCAPE KEN MOORMAN AUTHOR,COFFEEENTREPRENEUR,CONNOISSEUR Serving fromNortherngreaterVirginiatheheartofOldTownManassassince2015

the U.S. Census Bureau revealed Black entrepreneurs own approximately 124,551 businesses, with about 28.5% (35,547) of these businesses in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector, the highest percentage of any minority group.

THRIVE Magazine recognizes the role our community plays in health equity, identifying business opportunities, and ensuring our community's needs are being properly addressed. This issue is shining a spotlight on trends, technologies, and opportunities located in our backyard. In addition, we are using THRIVE Magazine as a platform to share resources that impact our community the hardest; Healthy Food, Health-Centered Services, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Prostrate Cancer, Infertility, and Maternal Mortality.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns (CBP), the 907,426 businesses in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector topped all others with 20 million Furthermore,employees.

NVBCC knows good health makes healthy businesses and healthy businesses allow our community to

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that the Health Care sector will grow 14% from 2018 to 2028, due largely to an aging population with increased healthcare needs. As a result, nationally, these sectors include establishments that provide medical care in hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, nursing-residential care, and social assistance such as family and childcare services.




Serving Our Members NVBCCMemberResourceDirectory SheilaDixon NVBCCExecutiveDirector NVBCC has a network of services available for your healthcare needs. Here are just a few. Click here to make your personal selection



CONTENT 11 31 THE ST. JAMES WORLD CLASS SPORTS & HEALTH BANKING PARTNERSHIPSBUSINESS Meet Leanne White, Assistant Vice President of Business Development, FVCbank where building a relationship is key to your success. 35 43 46 CANNABIS START-UPS Cannabis is a $197 Billion industry. Is it for you? If you've been thinking about starting a Cannabis business, begin with some critical information. WB20STRONG FITNESS TECHNOLOGY Husband and wife entrepreneurs, Bernard and Daphne Mustafa bring futuristic technology to the fitness arena. FERTILITY FEM-TECH Endometriosis, Fibroids, and Maternal Mortality affect millions of women who suffer in silence. Craig Dixon and Kendrick Ashton are friends and co-founders of the newest health and wellness sports complex in Northern Virginia. 8

Monday, August 29th 8:00



1908Wiehle–RestonamMetrostationRestonStationBlvd,Reston,VA20190 by


CRAIGDIXON(L), KENDRICKASHTON(R) Longtimefriendsandclassmates attheCollegeof Williamand Mary, CraigDixonandKendrick Ashtonhavedisruptedthe healthandwellnesscommunity withastate of the artsports facility. LocatedinNorthern Virginia, TheSt. Jamesis designedtothrilltheathletein allofus Asco foundersofa world class, 450,000 square foot sportscomplexinSpringfield, Virginia, CraigandAshtonhave figuredouthowtoservethenext generationofathleteswhile meetingtheneedsofthecurrent dedicatedsportselite TheSt Jamesflagshipcomplexisa premierwellnesscenterthat openeditsdoorsin 2018. Today, thisdynamicduohasexpanded theirenterprisetoReston, VA, andispreparingtoexpandinto Bethesda, Marylandverysoon THE ST. JAMES The Premier Destination for Sports, Wellness, and Entertainment Craigand Kendrickarenotonly entrepreneurialjuggernauts, they arepassionateaboutinvestingand givingbacktothecommunitythat hasgivensomuchtothem. A homegrownnativesonof Washington DC, Kendrickbelieves inempoweringthecommunityby investingandserving. FACILITYFLAGSHIP TheSt.JamesFlagshipSportsComplex,Springfield,VA TheSt..JamesPerformanceClub Reston,Virginia "Empowering throughcommunitymyinvesting." Dedicated to the Dedicated 11 Kendrick Ashton "We Can!" Craig Dixon

toAttentionDetail five-star Customer Service Wellappointedwithattentiontodetail, TheSt. James world classfacilityhaspulledoutallthestops. Fromthe momentyouarriveatTheSt. Jamesfacility, yourealize thisisnotyoureverydayhealthclub Startingwiththe staff'swarmgreetingandendingwithfabulouschilled eucalyptustowels, itisclearthatTheSt Jamesisaworld classexperiencededicatedtothededicated. Everything youcanimagineisatyourfingertipsandisincludedin yourmembership basedhealthandwellnesscenter. Sportsevents, interactivecampsforthewholefamily, performanceclubs, wellnesscenter, andevennutritional nourishmentfromMightyMealsfoodservice This world classvenuecaterstoyouandyourhealthand wellnessgoalsfromstarttofinish. Whenyouarenotworkingout, TheSt Jamesinvitesyou togatheryourfriends, family, orcolleaguesforan unforgettableexperienceamidstylishsettingsfor corporateevents, aswellas, kidfunwithinpartyrooms. TheSt. Jamessportsandentertainmentcomplexhas somethingforeveryone. 12

A Day of competition, charity, and Learncamaraderie.MoreandRegisterHere NewSpinOnCorporateRetreat WorldClass StJamesCorporateGames CraigandKendrickhavereimagined corporateteam buildingwiththe launchofTheSt JamesCorporate Games Amulti company, sports style retreatisfeaturinggames, exercise classes, andgoodold fashioned sportsmanship, designedtoputanew spinontraditionalbusinessretreats. Whilebuildingateam, proceedswill supportCapitalAreaFoodBank. This eventissponsoredby TheKeynotespeakerisJasonWright, PresidentoftheWashington Commanders. JasonisthefirstBlack teampresidentinthehistoryofthe NFLandiscurrentlytheyoungest teampresidentintheLeague "I'mreallyexcitedtosharenewsofThe St JamesCorporateGamescoming thisFall. Thiswillbethepremier corporatewellnessandnetworking eventintheGreaterWashington Region." saysco founderCraigDixon. JasonWright Pres.,WashingtonCommanders WashingtonCapitals forwardAlexOvechkin 13




Jameel loves to spend time with his beautiful wife, Lakeisha Scott, and two young sons, Thomas and Anderson Scott. He enjoys watching basketball- and believe it or not- reading about the financial market and analyzing trends and predictions in the real estate market. And when he can get outside, he relishes riding his bike.


Jameel Scott Associate, Berkshire Hathaway Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce Board Secretary, Fundraising Chair

Jameel A. Scott is an Associate Broker at Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, where he leads a team of agents known as the JTR Team, located in Northern Virginia. Additionally, Mr. Scott is a real estate instructor with Moseley Real Estate School, where he teaches several classes on various topics. In addition to his profession in real estate, he owns an investment partnership whereby he pools funds with other investors to invest in the financial market. He is also an audit specialist with the U.S. Government.

Jameel has served on boards in the DC Metro area. He has served on First Book DC Board, a nonprofit working to provide books and resources to students in the DC area, in addition to serving on the Ira Dorsey Foundation Board, which raises funds to provide scholarships to students from the area to attend college.

The Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce (NVBCC) is unique among networking groups targeting black-owned businesses. The Chamber connects members to companies, fellow entrepreneurs, public and private lenders, and others who can help them advance their businesses. We inform key stakeholders about the economic, legal policy, social, cultural, and other factors that impact black-owned businesses. info@northernvirginiabcc.org or Call 703.442.4472. IToday,will Become a Member 16

Scott Price

THRIVE Leaders Who THRIVE! 17

Scott is married to Sonia H. Price, Esq. and they have a son, Scott A. Price II, who lives in Alexandria, VA.

Scott was born in Washington, DC, and attended the University of Virginia. After graduation, Scott joined Nation's Bank (now Bank of America) in their managementtraining program and worked in Richmond, VA; Danville, VA; and Washington, DC before joining Senator Mark Warner’s organizations.

Scott Price, the Regional Policy Director at Dominion Energy since November 2019. Prior to that, he was the Regional Director for the office of Senator Mark R. Warner since August 2009. Prior to his federal service, he worked as the Executive Director of the Virginia High-Tech Partnership (VHTP) from June 1997-August 2009.

Scott is currently a Trustee at New Bethel Baptist Church; Board Member, Northern Virginia Community College Education Foundation; former Class President &Trustee, University of Virginia Class of 1993; Board Member, NOVA Parks; Board Member, Virginia Lottery; Board Member, Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce; Founder and President, Capital Investment Club; Board Member, Skill Source Group; Treasurer and Board of Governor Member, Departmental Progressive Club; former Senior Class President, Mount Vernon High School, and Scott is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Regional Policy Director at Dominion Energy Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce Board Treasurer, Fundraising Chair


Finding IndustryHealthPurposeYourintheCare

By Tonya M. White

Some might label this need to work in the Healthcare industry as a calling; others label it as finding your purpose. Because of the wide variety of career paths within the Healthcare industry, finding your purpose doesn't end with knowing the industry you want to work in


By Tonya M. White

When you are led to work in the Healthcare industry, it may be a call that is too loud to be ignored. The problem may be that the industry is so expansive that you may not be sure where your skills might fit. What you do know is that you want to help others in the best way possible.

Discover your purpose...

Command your power. Tonya 20

21 Learn More Contact us for your free 15-minute consultation

Jocelyn Johnson President/CEO, Trillium & Lotus Whole Body Wellness Health & Wellness Editor, NVBCC Thrive Magazine A Journey of Growth Jocelyn Johnson is the CEO of Trillium & Lotus Whole Body Wellness LLC. Jocelyn is a Clinical Nutritionist, CNS (Clinical Nutrition Specialist), LDN (Licensed Dietic Nutritionist), and Therapeutic Herbalist. She has a life-long love of cooking, making her first meal at age 5, a simple meal, scrambled eggs with buttered toast. Her family’s beliefs reinforced her earnedinhowailmentsenergybeganchangingJocelyninvigoratedcookedknowledgeoffoodandnutritionaroundhome-mealswithavarietyofvegetablesherpassionfornutritionandfood.soughtanewcareerpathafteralife-healtheventinJanuary2011.Shetohealherselfwithfoodincreasingherlevelsandreducingalonglistofandsymptoms.OnceJocelynrealizedpowerfuldietwas,shesoughtoutacareernutrition.SheattendedBastyrUniversityandherBSinNutrition/CulinaryArts. THRIVE 22 In 2019 she earned two master’s degrees in Clinical Nutrition and Therapeutic herbalism Maryland University of Integrated Health (MUIH). Sheusesherknowledgeofnutrition skinNaturals,Jocelyngrowingresearchmedicaltomealsart),biochemistryJocelynHowardhealingMoreprepareandhealthaboutofto(food)andherbalmedicinetohelpherclientsreducesymptomsbyusingherknowledgefunctionalnutrition.Jocelynispassionatehelpingherclientstoattaintheirgoals.Bygivingherclientstheskillsknowledge,theyneedtoshopandfoodstoimprovetheiroverallhealthrecently,Jocelynguestlecturedaboutfoodspre/postoralsurgeryatUniversitySchoolofDentistry.enjoysreadingnutritionalbooks,painting(neuro-graphiccreatingrecipes,andcookinghealthfulinhersparetime.Inaddition,shelovesperuseevidence-basednutritionandjournals,searchingforthelatestonfoodandnutrienttohelphernutritionclientele.isalsothecreatorofElliotJamesanaturalpersonalcarehair,andcareline. Live, love & cook! Jocelyn

“The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself—the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us—that's where it's at." Jesse Owens

The moment we deviate from a whole foods diet, we begin to see the rate of disease, especially in the western world with our prepared and highly processed food-like substances. Yet, we could all learn so much from the teachings of yesteryear. This summer, I challenge everyone and their families to stop and look at the types of foods or food-like substances (mainly highly processed foods with long ingredients lists, including snacks and sports drinks). Isn't that a thought? Good nutrition is essential for life; the body obtains vital nutrients from our food and distributes them through the blood to each body system and the cells that keep these systems functioning at optimal levels. When the body is functioning well, we tend to be relatively healthy and not display symptoms associated with disease. In fact, it was Hippocrates who gave the famous quote, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food ." Who would have thought this quote would be so profound 15 centuries later! Try to shop the outer portion of the grocery store in the fruit and vegetable areas. Only go down the center isles for seasonings like dried herbs, salt, pepper, and spices. When looking for meat products (beef, pork, lamb, chicken), avoid cured meats (cold cuts); they have nitrates, nitrites, and other preservatives that can increase symptoms of high blood pressure. Instead, look for pasture-raised meats and try braising to intensify the flavor of your dish and keep it tender (braising meat leaves it fork tender and flavorful). Fish is another challenging subject. Should you purchase wild-caught or get the farm-raised to feed your family? Again, it's a tough choice. Do you forgo the warnings that wild-caught are higher in contaminants from our oceans and waterways, or do you purchase the farm-raised fish that is given fortified feed and not the fish's natural food source?


It's All Aboutthe Food


I want to leave you with a few quotes that remind me that it is all about the food!


It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes that same village to cook, store and save the foods to feed the family. Try getting your kids and family members to take time out of their busy weekend once a month to batch cook your favorite dishes that can be stored in the freezer for up to one year. When you involve your children, you share the importance of planning in advance for meal prep and educating them on improving their lives by paying attention to what they eat.

"Any food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances should in no way be considered a food." John H. Tobe

I don't want to give all the doom-n-gloom, but I want to inform readers about how the choices affect them and the lives of their loved ones.

"One should eat to live, not live to eat." – Benjamin "ThoseFranklinwho think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness." – Edward Stanley Live, love & cook! Jocelyn

With fruits and vegetables, it's hard to choose; do you buy all organic, or do you take the chance of being exposed to harmful pest/herbicides? I always guide my nutrition client to use the "Clean 15 Dirty dozen" list provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Each year they produce a list of fruits and vegetables to always buy organic; those foods are located on the dirty dozen list, whereas the clean 15 are considered to be generally safe and have little to no pest/herbicidal residues. Always wash your fruits and vegetables in cool water with a teaspoon of white vinegar. You may be wondering where I shop for some of my produce. I purchase fruit, vegetables, dark leafy greens, and root vegetables at the Northern Virginia Wholesale Growers farm stand on Charlestown Turnpike in Paeonian Springs, Virginia, owned by Liz (Battiston) (Vienna, VA) and Ramesh (Seetaram) (from the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago). This is such a special place to me. I first met the owners 4 years ago when I moved back to the Northern Virginia area, and after asking about their growing practices and how they deal with insects (pests), weeds and animals, I was delighted to find out that they are indeed stewards of the land. Sadly, they don't have an organic certification. However, after speaking with the owners, I realized how dedicated they are to respecting and caring for the land. Allowing the weeds to grow and rotating the crops from planting to planting allows them to keep the soil in excellent shape. I have to share that I trust these foods! If you live in the Loudoun County area, you must visit this farm to buy or pick your own produce.


We move to what shall

Your first meal is the most important of the day. This is when we break our fast, hence the name of our first meal of the day. It's important to include a few foods for your first meal of the day, Whether you are intermittent fasting or begin before 7 am. Smoothies are a great way to incorporate healthy fats in the form of avocados, seeds and nuts as well as soluble fiber such as sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, beets and dark leafy greens.


Directions: Place banana, avocado, and frozen berries into the blender. Then add half of the coconut water and blend for 2-3 minutes, add more coconut water to smooth out the consistency. Then add fresh or fermented greens powder and blend for a minute or two, once incorporated add molasses or dates, then add protein powder and blend until thoroughly incorporated in the smoothie.


*Note: look for a pea protein that has all the essential amino acids and 25% of the recommended daily Makes:allowance.(2)8-10 oz. smoothie Copyright 2022. Original recipe, J. Johnson

Summer Smoothie

Ingredients: ½ banana (medium size) ¼ large avocado or half of a medium avocado ¼ cup frozen wild blueberries 1 cup frozen berries (blackberries, strawberry, cherries, 1raspberries)cup coconut water (divided) 1 cup spinach (arugula, water cress, or Lacinato kale) or (1 scoop fermented greens) 1 tablespoon black strap molasses (optional) 1 teaspoon chia seeds (optional 2 dates (optional) 1 ounce Pea protein (2 scoops)

Smoothies are a great way to incorporate more vegetables into any diet. This type of smoothie is great in the morning to give you a boost of energy to start your day. Using frozen fruit will make this a refreshing treat.


LEANNE WHITE Assistant Vice President of Business Development, FVCbank Chair of the Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce Events Committee. Hersmileisgenuineand herintentionsare authentic. LeanneWhite isthebankeryouwantto meetwhenplanningyour emergingbusinessor expandinganenterprise. Knowledgeableand insightfuliswhatyouget whenyoudevelopa workingrelationshipwith Leanne Afterabrief conversation Banking Business Partnership HEALTHY withLeanne,VP of Businessdevelopment forFVCBank, youwill learnwhysheshouldbea memberofyourbusiness team Leannetakes prideinherabilitytoput customerneedsfirstand ensuresheprovidethe bestoptionspossible whencollaboratingwith herclientstomeettheir goals. 30

THRIVE WITH A FINANCIAL TEAM Communicatewithyourbankerona regularbasis ( onceperquarter) Inviteyourbankertoyour establishment JointheChamberandvolunteerwith yourbanker Proactivelycontactyourbankerwith goodandbadnews Understandthebanking environmentandhowdecisionsare made. Movebeyondsmalltalkandinclude yourbankerinbusinessdecisions Leannerecommendsthatyoubegin earlierthanlatertomakeyourbusiness moreefficientandprofitableviaa strongrelationshipwithyourbanker. Whetheryouareasoleproprietorship, a smallbusiness, anemergingbusiness, oranonprofit, bankerslikeLeannewant todesignbusinesssolutionsforyou Havingarelationshipwithyourbanker beginswithhelpingthemgettoknow yourbusinessmodel, cycle, and managementteam Developinga relationshipwillgoalongwaywithyour bankespeciallywhenitistimetoapply foralineofcreditoraloan. Hereare sometipstoconsider: Buildingtrustwithyourbankerbefore youneedhelpcanhelpthem understandthebestwaytosupport yourgoalsandprovidesolutionswhen thingsgettough Havingabanking relationshipisjustgoodforbusiness LeanneWhiteinvitesyoutostarta relationshipwithFVCBanktoday! 31

BestSmallBusinessLoansin2022 SourcedfromLendingtree:WrittenbyMelissaWylie|EditedbyKurt Adams|UpdatedonJune28,2022 FUNDING TRENDS Funding YourFundingBusinessBusinessYour Smallbusinessesaccountforasignificant chunkofAmericaneconomicactivity—the U.S.SmallBusinessAdministration(SBA) estimatesthatthereare32.5millionsmall businessesacrossthecountry.Whilethe natureofeachonevaries,manyholdone majorthingincommon:theneedforbusiness Clickfinancing.heretoreviewthelendingtrendfor2022 bythelender,rates,creditscore,amount,and loantermsgeneratedbyLendingtree.com 32

2022 COMING FALL www.thepearlprojectinstitute.org Learn More


CANNABIS Market For Start-ups 35

Alzheimer's Amyotrophicdiseaselateral sclerosis (ALS)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use of cannabis as a treatment for any medical condition. However, the FDA has approved the cannabinoids cannabidiol (Epidiolex) and dronabinol (Marinol, Syndros). Cannabidiol can be used for certain forms of severe epilepsy. Dronabinol can be used for nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy and for anorexia associated with weight loss in people with AIDS.

Severe nausea or vomiting caused by cancer

MultipleGlaucomaEpilepsyCrohn'sHIV/AIDSdiseaseandseizuressclerosisand muscle spasms

Severe and chronic pain

ThetreatmentCannabis industry is gaining more and more acceptance due to the increasing belief that it may have medical and therapeutic applications. Depending on the state, you may qualify for treatment with medical cannabis if you meet certain requirements and have a qualifying condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have reported that medical cannabis could have possible benefits for several conditions such as:



Cannabis Start-up 101

Registration Cards No Longer Required as of July 1, 2022

Effective July 1, 2022, HB933 removes the requirement for patients, parents, and legal guardians to register with the Board of Pharmacy. A Written Certification for the Use of Medical Cannabis from a Registered Practitioner for Medical Cannabis is still required and must be presented at the dispensary, along with a government-issued ID, to obtain medical cannabis products. A pharmaceutical processor is a facility that has obtained a permit from the Board of Pharmacy pursuant to §54.1-3408.3 to cultivate Cannabis plants for the production of medical cannabis, and dispense medical cannabis products to patients registered by the Board of Pharmacy for treatment or to alleviate the symptoms of any diagnosed condition or disease determined by the physician to benefit from such use.

As set forth in §54.1-3442.6 of the Code of Virginia, the Board may issue or renew a maximum of 5 permits, one for each health service area established by the Board of Health. Currently, 4 pharmaceutical processors have been permitted, Dharma Pharmaceuticals, LLC in Abingdon, Columbia Care Eastern Virginia, LLC in Portsmouth, Green Leaf Medical of Virginia, Inc. in Richmond, and Dalitso, LLC in Manassas.

Additionally, the Board may issue or renew a maximum of 5 permits for cannabis dispensing facilities in each health service area. The cannabis dispensing facility must be owned in part by the pharmaceutical processor permitted in that THINKINGarea.ABOUT





Did Know?You



African American Men More Likely to Die From Low-Grade Prostate Cancer F.Smith & BlackCelebrities LaunchNationalProstrateCancer Awareness Campaign


Black Billionaire Robert F. Smith, along with Steve Harvey, Chris Tucker, Cedric the Entertainer, and Charlamagne tha God, kicked off a national campaign to raise awareness over the importance of Black men getting tested for prostate cancer. Blackmenare76%morelikelytodeveloplow-gradeprostate cancerandtwiceaslikelytodiefromthisdiseasecomparedto whitemen.

Anewjointinitiativewasannouncedon Friday,April1,2022,inHarlembetweenMount SinaiHospitalinNewYorkCityandSmithto addressthedevastatingimpactofprostate cancerwithintheBlackcommunity.Smithis thenation’swealthiestBlackbusinessleader andthebillionairephilanthropist,founder, chairman,andCEOofVistaEquityPartners. Blackmenare76%morelikelytodevelop high-riskprostatecancerandtwiceaslikely todiefromthisdiseasecomparedtowhite men. BlackConsumerNews


Prostrate Cancer prevention Tip


Promote Your Business AdvertiseTHRIVEWith

African Americans have a higher diabetes incidence among hypertensive individuals may be explained by BMI, fasting glucose, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol. African American population disproportionate levels hypertension diabetes.





Credit:NationalInstituteofHealth Did Know?You PREVENTIONHEALTHCARE African Americans At Higher Risk of High Blood Pressure & Type 2 Diabetes HighBloodPressure Diabetes& American Diabetes Association tips on What To EatlikelyAfricanAmericansages35-64yearsare50%moretohavehighbloodpressurethanwhites. 40

According to research conducted by the National Institute of Health, the


In the busy, on-the-go society that we live in today, everyone is doing their best to remain healthy while they live, work and play. Most people run, bike, join gyms, or even complete home workouts with video or home equipment. However, how many of you have considered WB20 EMS? Never heard of it? Neither had I until I met Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce (NVBCC) members Bernard and Daphne Mustafa. They are the owners of Be Fit Technologies Whole Body 20 EMS (WB20). So, what is WB20? I can definitely say it’s not your average workout equipment. It’s so much more. But I digress. Let me first take you on the journey that led to the Mustafa family’s acquisition of this new workout technology.



Written by Tonya M. White

Burn calories, reduce cellulite, build lean muscle and meet your fitness goals faster with the WB20 training system.

FB: @wholebody20ems


The Mustafa family realized they already had everything they needed to pursue their business venture and leave a legacy behind for generations to come. Their advice to others is to take an inventory of what you have, and you will be surprised at what you can build with the talent and skills within. Website: http://www.wb20.io/ IG: @wholebody20ems

excellent about this company is that they value your time. They understand that you may be unable to drive to their studio for various reasons. Their trainers provide mobile training services and will provide training at your location. For those who would still prefer to go, the studio is semi-private, with no more than three clients at a time.

Bernard was a retired CPA turned entrepreneur, and his wife Daphne worked in healthcare in Loudoun County after raising five children. After suffering an injury to his rotator cuff, Bernard endured an operation which left him weak, unable to place weight on his shoulder, and he couldn’t even do a pushup. It was at this time and only by chance, he was introduced to this new workout technology. With the introduction of WB20 EMS into his workout, Bernard was now able to complete a full pushup. He also noticed other changes as he continued to use this new system.

This was when Bernard realized he was on to something great. Bernard decided he should speak to his son Bernard Mustafa II, a personal trainer at the time. His son took a little extra convincing before becoming a believer, but he eventually became convinced of its benefits. With a family of health care professionals and gym rats, they all knew they had to take this to the next level.

Bernard, Daphne, and Bernard II did their research. They learned that WB20 might not have been widely used or available in the US, but it was certainly used in Europe. The family saw this as their opportunity to become a distributor for the system as well as own a studio with trainers. The family immediately initiated the process of launching this new business venture. So how does this system work?

WB20 EMS - Whole Body Electro Muscle Stimulation is an FDAapproved technology that uses electrical impulses to stimulate your muscles to enhance your workout. This system condenses a workout that usually takes 90 minutes to about 20 minutes. The suit you wear during the training contains electrodes that gently stimulate all your muscle groups, causing them to contract.

The system is designed to improve strength and fitness overall by building muscle and burning fat. This is ideal for weight loss as well as for those who are rehabilitating from injuries. Another advantage of this workout is that it is a low impact on What’sjoints.

Now that Be Fit Technologies WB20 EMS is an established part of the community, the company has launched new goals. Part of those goals is to expand its brand nationally.

FERTILITY ENDOMETRIOSIS Endometriosis, Fibroids, and Maternal Mortality Affects more than 11% of American women between 15 and 44 FIBROIDS The most common benign pelvic tumors in women and are the major indication for hysterectomy. 80% of Black women will have Fribroids by age 50 44


Endometriosis (en-doe-metree-O-sis) is an often painful disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your Endometriosisuterus.canbe a challenging condition to manage. An early diagnosis, a multidisciplinary medical team and an understanding of your diagnosis may result in better management of your symptoms. Mortality


FERTILITY AMONG BLACK WOMEN In Virginia, black women are three times more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death than white women, reflecting a national pattern of racial disparities in maternal health outcomes. As the largest fertility clinic in the United States, Shady Grove Fertility is a leading fertility and IVF center of excellence. From Arlington to Norfolk, SGF patients in Virginia have access to state-of-the-art fertility treatment and exclusive programs.financialShouldyou wish to freeze your eggs, there are two components of the total egg freezing cost: the cost of freezing eggs and the cost of using frozen eggs later to have a baby.

Ifyou’re person,competitiveathatstayswithyou.Youdon’tstop.MagicJohnson

MEMBER VOICES IT'S ABOUT YOU! Tell Us What Our Community Needs to Know 47

Now more than ever! We're experiencing a rare golden market for acquiring cash flow real estate property that we may not see for many years to come (or ever see again)! By Michael K. Houston Member Voice 01. 04. 05. 02. 03. If I were to ask if you ever thought about investing in real estate, my guess is you would answer "yes." Many have dreamed of purchasing an investment property to supplement their income, build wealth for retirement, or fund their child's college tuition but have sat on the sidelines watching their dreams turn to mere wishful thinking. ClicksuccessfulhomeownersmissionRealMichaelHoustonisanNVBCCmemberandEstateConsultant,withaprofessionalofhelpingrentersbecomeandhomeownersbecomerealestateinvestors.heretolearnmoreat investors.becomehomeownersmissionandflowvoidenjoyedgenerationaltheIPlanSecureflowStartGetinvestor-friendlyScheduleaconsultationwithanrealestateagentpre-approvedforinvestorfinancinglookingforyourfirst,ornextcashpropertyatenanttoholdthepropertylong-term.trulybelievethatrealestateiscornerstoneforbuildingwealth.Ihavethebenefits(althoughnotofchallenges)ofowningcashrentalpropertyfor11yearshavemadeitmyprofessionaltohelprentersbecomeandhomeownerssuccessfulrealestate Investment Real Estate A Golden Market For Buying Rental Property Jump Start Tips 48

THRIVE IS ABOUT YOU! JOIN US! DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? ofinsights,businessesempowermentusWeAfricanpromoteleadership,committeddesignedvaluablebringingTHRIVEMagazineisdedicatedtoournetworktimelyandbusinessinformationforsuccess.Wearetoprovidingresources,andadvocacytoprosperitywithintheAmericanCommunity.inviteyoutocollaboratewithtofacilitatetheeconomicofblack-ownedwiththelatesttrends,anddatafromyourareaexpertise. 1)AmplifyWeinviteyoutoshareinformationthatwill:thevoicesofNVBCCmembersand their 2)Showcaseservices. events, resources, and expertise 3)Inspireavailabletoourmembershipcommunity.andelevatetheNVBCCcommunity. "Your voice is important. Click Here to tell us what our community needs to know." ShareStoryYour THRIVE Magazine Contributors Invited thrive 49

Knowing what must be done does away with fear. –Rosa Parks

Become a ConnectNetworkMemberGROWTHRIVE! www.northernvirginiabcc.org

Through the generous financial support of outstanding partners, we are committed to the ongoing development and success of the NVBCC members. NVBCC Sponsors & Community Partners

THRIVE Tonya JocelynMichaelWhiteHoustonJohnson Editor-in-Chief  Robin McDougal ManagingEditor RealEstate Contributor Health&Wellness Editor 8300 Boone Blvd, Tysons Corner, VA 22182 (703) 442-4472 |  info@northernvirginiabcc.orgwww.northernvirginiabcc.orgEDITORIALOFFICE contributors Thank You! 54

Believe In Your Idea Leverage Relationships to Realize Your Idea Persevere Through Set Backs Be the First to Invest In Your Idea Have Confidence In Your Capacity to Succeed Life Is About Execution Craig Dixon & Kendrick Ashton Co-FoundersTheSt.James

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