Spring 2014

Page 34

he gets overwhelmed or something. I say it’s just

To you?

the way he fights. I say I can’t read minds. I don’t

To anyone.

know, I say. Ask him.

I guess, I said. Yeah. I mean I don’t think

Have you ever asked him?

about it that much. Not in that I’ve-been-plan-

Yeah, I guess. I don’t know. He never real-

ning-my-wedding-since-I-was-six kind of way.

ly gives me an answer.

wedding would you want?

She takes notes on some paper. I imagine

If we got married, he said, what kind of a

she’s writing down that I’m an idiot.

Um. I don’t know, I said. I guess I would—

I would want it to be real big, he said. I

She asks me why I think I keep taking him


was looking at him, but he was keeping his eyes My mom thinks it’s daddy issues, I say

on the ducks.

with heavy irony. She ignores my tone of voice.

Okay, I said.

Do you get along with your father?

What about kids? he asked. Do you want

Sure, I say. Yeah.


Did you always?


I think so.

I want three kids, he said. And I want to

Your mom says he wasn’t around a lot.

live here. Near my family.

Do you think maybe that’s what this is about?

life. For our life.

I cross my arms across my chest. I say,

He went on about what he wanted for his

My mom is the one who has issues with my dad,

He always asked me what I thought first.

okay? Not me. Maybe she’s the one who needs

He always cut me off before I got to give


my answer.

Hmph, she says. Her lip twitches. She

scratches a few notes in her notepad. Hmph.

6 When I was in elementary school, I was


not what you would call smart. I was maybe avOne time when we were “on,” he brought

erage as a student, which never really bothered

up marriage. It was early fall. We were sitting at

me. I was happy where I was. At least until third

a park by the duck pond.


Have you ever thought about getting mar-

ried? he asked.

In third grade I met Eddie. Eddie was pretty smart. And I thought he was pretty cute

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