Heal Yourself

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by Markus Rothkranz

When we don’t fear reality, we can truly appreciate every little thing in our lives- the sound of a voice, the sparkle in someone’s eyes, the soft caress of the wind and the touch of someone’s hand. It is when we totally let our guard down and humbly gaze at the world in awe, that we start to see the grand design in everything, and how it all is the same... it all speaks the same language. We realize there is a deep current of love connecting everything. We know just like there are unseen radio and satellite waves running through the air, that there are higher frequencies of consciousness and mature understanding out there. Call it whatever you want- God is a good one.

THE QUIET VOICE INSIDE Close your eyes. Relax. Forget all your worries for a moment. Let go of your thoughts, your fears, your hopes, your incessant mind chatter. Shhh. Listen. There is and has always been a peaceful quiet voice talking to you. Many times you didn’t want to listen because it was telling you to do things you didn’t want to do. It told you to do things that were new , scary or uncomfortable. It asked you to push your comfort level or possibly risk everything you owned. It tested your faith. Many times you knew it was the right thing to do but you still didn’t do it. You asked all your friends and family what to do, but didn’t trust that voice. Sometimes it was the very last thing you listened to. But no matter what you did, it never abandoned you. Despite what the voice said, you did what you wanted. You just wanted to feel good. The years went by and you got sick, hurt, knocked down, and confused. Yet the voice quietly whispered more suggestions. Why are you fighting the voice? What are you afraid of? That if you do what it says, life might not be fun anymore? That you may lose everything? What if you did lose everything, ... and then shortly thereafter got NEW things that were much better than anything you ever had before? The only way to find out is to try. This is called FAITH. You should try it sometime. Do everything that feels right, and nothing that feels wrong, no matter how strong the temptation. This is what every religion in the world is simply saying. Don’t act from your mind. Act from your HEART. Listen to that quiet voice coming from your heart. Your mind is only a bunch of chatter and crap that people have told you. It will screw you up royally. Your heart on the other hand listens to something much more universal. Animals can’t understand words... they never went to school and yet they get along a lot better than we do. My suggestion is to take a few moments in the day to simply stop... close your eyes and listen. if you are confused, sad, lost or stressed out, then ask for help. Be genuine. Let your guard down. Let the tears come up and out. Cry for help. Let it out. Let it all out. Be quiet. Listen. Know you are heard. There are forces at work far beyond anything you can comprehend.

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