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Top Ten Animated Series:

10. Futurama 9. SpongeBob Squarepants 8. Code Geass 7. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 6. Naruto: Shippuden 5.Young Justice 4. Regular Show 3. South Park 2. Avatar the Last Airbender 1.Dragon Ball Series: The original Dragon Ball series first aired in Japan on February 26,1986 and ever since then Dragon Ball has been a cultural phenomenon. Ever since the original air date Dragon Ball has never ceased being on air, be that in syndication or new series. To date there have been five different series, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Gt, Dragon Ball Z Kai, and most recently Dragon Ball Super. Each series has been a continuation of the next except for Dragon Ball Kai, which is a remaster of the original far is the longest running series Dragon Ball Z series. Dragon Ball by on this list and, I have had the pleasure to enjoy Dragon Ball basically for all my life. Which is one of the main reason it number one on my list. Even though I still watch it today, it is the show I have the most nostalgia for.


Top Ten Metal Bands 10. Enterprise Earth 9. Vital Remains 8. Aversions Crown 7. Make Them Suffer 6. Thy Art Is Murder 5. Cattle Decapitation 4. Desolated 3. Ingested 2. Nails 1. Spite

Spite, a band reigning from the bay area, is a perfect blend of brutal growls and insightful lyrics. They are very unique in the Down-tempo subgenre. Despite being labeled as down-tempo, Spite utilizes components from various genres to create the most brutal music as possible. You can feel frontman Darius Tehrani’s clear feelings of malice and evilness throughout every track. Spite’s live performance is undoubtedly one of the best. Darius is capable of every scream, growl, and pig squeal and even uses some black metal-esque screams in tracks like “Snap” off their debut album. I really like Spite because the crowd always loves them live, meaning the pits are amazing, and his unique emotional standpoint in each song is admirable.


Top Ten Video Games:

10. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 9. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 8. Assassin's Creed II 7. Skyrim 6. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 5. Red Dead Redemption 4. Last Of Us 3. Super Smash Bros Brawl 2. Batman Arkham City 1. Kingdom Hearts II: Kingdom Hearts II is video game developed by Square Enix that released in 2005. It is an action games that has some Japanese role playing elements. Kingdom Hearts II has a creative story that revolved around the protagonist, Sora, who is trying to find his lost friends. With a mashup of Disney and Final Fantasy character it tells at cool and convoluted story. Throughout the game you travel to different Disney movies and explore the different worlds. One moment you’re in Tron and another moment you’re in Hercules. Kingdom Hearts II being the third game in the franchise is just one part of a really awesome story. I enjoy the game so much because the first Kingdom Hearts was probably one of the first games that I played and really enjoyed. But I attribute Kingdom Hearts II ,and other PS2 games, into making me a gamer. So Kingdom Hearts II and the Kingdom Hearts franchise itself holds a very special place in my heart. Until the next main series entry of Kingdom Hearts this will be my favorite game of all time.


Top 10 Shooter Video Games 10. Halo Reach 9. BattleField Bad Company 2 8. BattleField Bad Company 1 7. Uncharted 2 6. Battlefield 3 5. Warhawk 4. Star Wars Battlefront 2 3. Halo 1 2. Halo 3 1. Halo 2

Halo 2 is surely one of the most groundbreaking console releases to date. Releasing back on November 9th, 2004. Being one of the first online shooter games the game struck gold shortly after release. The in-game mechanics from Halo 2 were flawless. The game even featured many special button tricks, which were never intended to be in the game at release. Bungie, Halo’s developer, decided to leave these tricks in the game. This made Halo 2 stand out from every other Halo released after. I really enjoyed Halo 2 because of the sheer skill it took to play, sadly after Halo 2 the games would get easier and more beginner friendly.


Top Ten Superhero Movies:

10. The Avengers 9. Incredibles 8. Spider Man 2 7. X-Men: Days of Future Past 6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze 5. Iron Man 4. Deadpool 3. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2. Captain America Civil War 1. Batman The Dark Knight: Batman The Dark Knight is a movie by Christopher Nolan and is the second movie in the infamous Batman Nolan trilogy. The Dark is the most critically acclaimed movie ever. Not only is it wonderful story telling but it has the best on screen portrayal of Batman's most iconic villain the Joker. Unfortunately after Heath Ledger's passing people were not able to praise him for his performance, but after he passed he was awarded the Oscar for best supporting actor for his portrayal of the Joker. No offense to Christian Bale's Batman but Ledger's Joker made that movie. Ledger being a method actor he locked himself in a room by himself and only slept for two hours a day to make himself go insane. Christian Bale himself is known for being a method actor and even he himself says that Ledger's joker blew him out of the water. The reason The Dark knight is my favorite movie is because of Ledger's Joker. His portrayal will never be beaten, no one will ever have the sense of madness that he had and no one will commit themselves to the character like Ledger did. He immortalized himself for this one role and rightfully so. He was one of the best actor of this generation and was a major part of making the best movie of the 2000’s. 6

Top Ten Movies

10. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 9. Holes 8. Starship Troopers 7. Planet of the Apes 6. Star Wars: Star Wars: Attack of the Clones 5. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 4. Star Wars: A New Hope 3. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 2. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 1. Saving Private Ryan Undoubtedly, Saving Private Ryan is a breathtaking film that always kept me on the edge of my seat. Saving Private Ryan was released July 24, 1998. The acting and screen work in the film are amazing. I really enjoyed how brutal the film was, it really deserves its R rating. Also Despite being quite gory at times the film is very inspiring.


Guest Page By: Robert Barragan 10.Be funny/Make them laugh 9. Be kind so he will be kind to others 8. Communication 7. Eat meals together 6. Trust 5. Be a good example 4. Spend time 3. Discipline, Lots of it 2. Expose them to God, and God 1.Love- Show them lots of love every day. Start and end the day with a hug and or kiss everyday. Love them unconditionally no matter who or what they are. When things go wrong, love them even more. No matter what you both may be going through at the end of the day he knows that you love him. This does not happen overnight so, make them your number one priority. Remember, they don't remember what they buy for you. They remember the valuable time you spent together.



5$ The X Bar

20990 Homestead Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014

June 24


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