The Effect of Duplicate Content on Search Engine Optimization

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The Effect of Duplicate Content on Search Engine Optimization To prevent customers getting frustrated and using alternate search engines, Google takes a very hard line on duplicate web content informs a seo expert toronto, harshly penalizing whoever hosts it regardless of whether the content is served on the same domain or on different ones.

Of course, this is a somewhat abstract use of the word "penalty". Duplicating content has no tangible consequences, like fines or jail. Most people tend to use duplicate content on their sites for malicious purposes or to exploit search engine algorithms. Using content that is duplicated on your website does, however, have intangible consequences.

Search engines, especially Google, penalize domains that duplicate content by making their search results less visible and much lower on the list. When a website is less visible in search engine results, it receives a lower ranking as a result. A lower ranking means that all your search engine optimization techniques go to waste. Other drawbacks to hosting duplicated content are lower indexing and lower crawl rates. To avoid falling behind in rankings and wasting money on optimizing your content, it is best to take care of any duplicate content on your pages as soon as possible.

After finding out that duplicate content is impacting the website's visibility and ranking, many website owners and webmasters find that they have no idea where the content is coming from. The first step is to find it, so you can get rid of it!

Website content is considered "duplicated" when links lead to the same content from URL or domain destinations, all on the same website. The different extensions will be continually indexed by search engines and labeled as duplicate if the person running the website does not get rid of the overlapping links.

Many SEO Consultants in Toronto who have been undertaking internet marketing campaigns find that adapting their website to be accessed different ways is immensely helpful. The mobile and printer versions of a site can be a drawback to SEO services, as they tend to be indexed for having the same content. Webmasters should try to find out a way to display their sites on different platforms without duplicating the content.

Ironically enough, the same analytics code websites set up within their sites can also lead to duplicate content. One of the most common ways in which content is labeled duplicate is when the search engine counts each webpage as a separate extension. Another culprit can be session IDs, which tend to tack themselves onto destination URLs when they are not correctly incorporated.

Now that you have found the likely causes of duplicate content, surely you want to learn how to fix them. Using permanent 301 redirects is one way to circumvent the problem. This can be done by implementing this with the root domain to indicate that the page has been redirected permanently to a new location. A permanent redirect is one way to boost SEO services, and keep that page's content from having to compete with other pages to stay relevant. Using the Rel=�canonical" SEO tag in the href portion of the URL will assign a website page to a definite destination, in a more user-friendly way than a 301 redirect.

Far too many webmasters ignore this SEO advice, without knowing just how important it is. Making sure that your content isn't duplicated on your own site or any others is the first step, and the second is to write your own, original content. Copyscape is a great tool to use when performing a thorough search for content that is duplicate to your own.

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