APRIL 2011: Prayer Requests of the Homeless

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April 25 Happy Birthday wishes to John Williams,

Mission Health Services Case Manager, whose birthday was yesterday. 

April 26 Luci requests prayers over her relationship with her daughter and that Jesus will grant mercy to them both. 

April 27 68 yr old Cecil requests prayer for Bill Southrey the Mission CEO and Bill's health. Please keep them both in your prayers. 

April 28 Pray over the Mission's

Farm that workers and volunteers will have a blessed spring planting and a bountiful fall harvest. 

April 29 Please pray that the

“I therefore urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices that are holy and pleasing to God."

Mission resources and programs – Romans 12:1 will continue to flourish and grow in God’s grace to meet the needs of everyone seeking help, whether it’s a spiritual, physical or emotional need. 

“Celebrate for this brother of yours was dead and is alive

again; he was Lost and is


- Luke 15:32

April 30 Happy Birthday wishes to Iris Ruffin, Nightwatch Counselor for Single Women and Family Life at the Mission. 

Thank You for Making Our Mission Yours! Willam R. Southrey President & Chief Executive Officer 2009 Bacharach Boulevard, Atlantic City, NJ 08401 ACRescueMission.org • Ph. 609-345-5517 Follow us @ Twitter.com/ACRescueMission

Prayer& Praise




Oh Merciful father, we surrender our life and our

will to you that we may be made whole and perfect in you, as a living sacrifice to do your will unto those you would appointed for us. Make us forever mindful of your intention as you promised in John 10:10: “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly..." we have been committed to carrying out Your will in complete service to the homeless. In Jesus name we pray… Amen

April 1 Richard requests prayer over his three granddaughters Aliveah, Alesha and Amanda, that God will keep them in his loving light. 

April 2 Desi requests prayer of unity in Christ for his homeless brothers in the Overcomers program. 

April 3 Praise the Lord that Lisa &

Harold, a homeless couple living in the Mission since November found full-time employment and a permanent place of their own. 

April 4 Pray for a woman who

was admitted into residential treatment at the Mission for substance abuse. 

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." – Luke 9:23

April 5 A homeless father, Richard, requests prayer

over his three children Richie, Matthew and Autumn that the Holy Spirit watch over them while he works to overcome the circumstances of his life. 

April 6 Maria, a homeless mom requests prayer for herself and son Stefan, that they may someday find a permanent place of their own. 

April 7 Pray for Doris who is facing legal issues, living

a drug-free life in Christ and taking responsibility for herself. Together, we can face homelessness! - Join us on Facebook

April 8 Malanda, a homeless woman, requests prayer that God bless her and her children with health and a more permanent place to live away from domestic issues. 

April 9 Heather-Marie requests

prayer for all the moms and kids living in the Family Life Center at the Mission and that God will one day bless her with a stable future. 

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." – Matthew 6:21

April 10 Deanna, a homeless woman, asks you

to pray that she and her husband Mike will soon be eligible for more permanent housing. 

April 11 Pray that the men and women in the Work

Readiness Program will be filled with the Holy Spirit and prepared for battling temptation. 

April 12 Pray that the Mission’s facility will remain in

good working condition so that the homeless can have a warm, comfortable place to sleep. 

April 13 Ilene requests God’s protection and guidance during her stay at the Mission. 

April 14 Tom, a homeless man, asks you to pray for

a new life and closer walk with the Lord, that his addictions and self-defeating attitude will be healed by the love of Jesus. 

April 15

Pray that donations for the Mission continue to be fruitful for the homeless in our care and that we will be able to continue to expand our services to meet the needs of the homeless. 

April 16 Blessing and praise for the Mission’s Single Women’s Counselor Kay Petrecca, who is celebrating her birthday. 


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Ask God to protect her as she works through problems created in her former addiction, that her family will see and trust the changes that God is making in her life. 

April 17 Continue to pray for the twenty homeless

people our Street Outreach Chaplains discovered in an abandoned building, that they might trust the Mission and reach out for help. 

April 18 Please pray for Angle a homeless man who suffers from gallstones and cancer. Bless his graduation from the Overcommers Program. 

April 19 God bless the Chaplains, volunteers, and caseworkers of the Mission for their dedication and service to the poor and homeless. 

April 20 Please pray for a homeless couple, Mallory and Gregory who are staying in recovery at the Mission, that they will be strengthened by the Lord and protected “Whither thou from being lead down the goest, I will go; & wrong path in life. 

April 21 Please pray that

all the families struggling with finances will experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding and will be able to continue to turn to the Mission as a source of aid and comfort. 

where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people." – Ruth 1:16

April 22 GOOD FRIDAY – On this holy day, remind me

Lord that all that you ask of me shall not be denied. … ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ MATTHEW 25:40 

April 23 Guy requests prayer that he may experience peace, joy, and faith in Jesus, free from all addiction. 

April 24 EASTER SUNDAY: “Unless a grain of wheat

falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit,” JOHN 12:24. In all things I pray, make me a willing servant, Lord. 

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