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from the 16th to 19th centuries, ranking among the most important in the country. The museum is housed within a beautiful colonial mansion, which dates back to the late 16th century. Located at the corner of Cuenca and Mejía St. Open Tuesday to Friday 9h-17h00, Sat 10h-14h00. Phone: 2282-297. Free Admission. CASA DEL ALABADO MUSEUM OF PRE-COLOMBIAN ART This private museum is housed within a colonial mansion in the Old Town. It would be worth visiting just to admire the incredible restoration and regeneration work. It acquired its name from the inscription on the lintel of the front door, which carries an ‘alabado’ or prayer to the house, and states that it was built in 1671 – making it one of the oldest surviving edifications in the capital and in the country. The museum is divided into several spaces and is not ordered chronologically, but rather by themes that focus on pre-Colombian Man’s concept of the cosmos. It’s a true museum-journey through the ancient spiritual past of the country: stimulating, challenging and surprising.

Guided tours without additional cost are offered at 10h30, 12h30 and 15h00 in English, Spanish and French (Aprox. 45 min). Auto/guides are rented for $3, with explanations both in English and Spanish, plus a selection of music especially composed for the museum. Located at Cuenca St. 335 between Bolívar and Rocafuerte. Open Tuesday to Saturday 9h30-17h30 Sunday: 10h00 to 16h00. Phone: 228 0940. Admission fee: $4. For children until 12 years old $ 0,50

LA COMPAÑÍA DE JESÚS CHURCH This is one of the richest churches in America. The extraordinary facade can be described as a lacework on stone. Six Salomonic columns in the lower part support a second body of different widths, reminiscent of the Church of Gesu in Rome. The columns are a copy of those by Bernini in the Vatican. The splendor that meets your eye as you go into the church is unforgettable: the vaulted ceiling and the walls with beautiful Moorish ornamentation, the perfect harmony and the richness of

the main altar, the reproduction of the Salomon columns of the facade, the incredible clustered Baroque on the tribunes on both sides of the main altar, in the pulpit, and in the lateral chapels. Everything is covered with gold leaf. It is a magnificent exhibit of foliage, vines, fruits, birds and caryatids. The Holy Trinity in the main altar and the images of Saint Francis and Saint Ignatius in the side altars are works of the famous Legarda. Paintings of the prophets and works of Goribar are hung in the majestic archery that divides the aisles. It is located at Benalcazar St. Open Monday thru Friday 09h30 to 17h30, Saturdays and holidays 09h30 to 16h30, Sundays 13h30 to 16h30. Phone: 2581895. Admission fee is US$ 3, and includes guide service.

MARÍA AUGUSTA URRUTIA MUSEUM Located at García Moreno 760. Follow along the life and activities of a wealthy and very generous woman of Quito’s early XXth century. Observe the architecture of a typical house in colonial Quito. Enjoy the beautifully decorated interiors (especially the


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