A Silly Conversation

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A Silly Conversation

A Silly Conversation= this-covery

Discovery is what I actually said but you thought I said this covery. What a mistake! Now look what you have done! One misunderstanding has resulted in this! How silly.

Translations happen when a need or desire for another to understand, to learn what is said from a text that would otherwise remain incomprehensible. In the process of translation, there is a change in the text visually and a change within the syntax of the sentence.

Misunderstandings happen within the same process along a different line. The information is transfered from the sender to receiver and within the space of exchange the perception of information alters the meaning. Physical perception in the case of this covery, an unclearly spoken phrase or a poorly lit ear. When the thought process is different or the mind of the receiver exists in a different space to that of the sender, the information travels through the filter of perception where the information goes out looking like an orange when it entered as orange.

It wasn’t until everything had the name this-covery, we realised it should in fact have been thiscover. Back to the Enlightenment when discoveries meant distance to now when there is no distance and rediscovery is what it’s all about: misunderstandings create new understandings.

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