Central Texas Relocation Guide - 2011 Spring Issue

Page 90




How to prepare your kids for moving


If you feel stressed about moving, imagine what it’s like for your kids. You have a say in the decisions that dictate the how, when and where of your move. Your kids probably don’t.

from school, sports teams, friends and a familiar house can be traumatic, and the longer your children have been building relationships, the more upset they will likely be. Let them know that you can and will help them through the transiChildren are creatures of habit. tion. Every child is different, but Any disturbance in the routine will overall, kids are pretty resilient; prompt a reaction, whether it's a they just need time to warm up to teenager rebelling or a four-year old new ideas and get adjusted to mapitching a fit. It's normal for them jor changes in their lives. Let them to feel apprehensive and anxious— know why the family is moving and make sure they know that. put the date of your move on the family calendar for all to see. Be honest Talk to children about what to ex- All is not lost pect, answer questions, share your Remind them that moving doesn’t feelings and encourage them to mean they’re going to lose touch share theirs. Make sure they know with their friends. They can still they can come to you at any time. keep in contact via e-mail, text mesThe prospect of being uprooted sage and social networks. You may

also want to arrange a visit where your children’s friends come to the new house after you’ve settled in a bit. Be a role model Kids pick up on their parents' emotion and state of mind. If you're frantic and nervous about the move, they will be too. If you keep it together and express confidence, your kids will likely follow your lead. Concentrate on all the opportunities and emphasize all new experiences that lie ahead. This is an exciting time. Let them help If it's practical, let the kids participate during the home search. Encourage them to ask questions— sometimes kids ask the most

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