THINK - Issue 32

Page 20

being taken seriously and Mardi

incidence plummeted, but most have

protective equipment or using the

Gras celebrations were allowed to

treatments and cures. COVID-19 is

money to maintain existing services,

go ahead. Now data suggests that

an anomaly that requires hospitals to

they would always go for the latter.’

per capita New Orleans may be as

regress in ways, and that is difficult

badly hit as NYC. It is certainly the

for modern hospitals to do.

second epicentre of COVID-19, and

Orr points to politicians’ selfishness

differences there too. With the Spanish flu, according to Lone Simonsen and

preparations in most societies.

her colleagues writing in The Journal

place now to deal with COVID-19

‘Politicians are only interested in

of Infectious Diseases, 99% of deaths

are similar to what we’ve seen

what is going to happen up to the

in the US occurred in people under 65,

in the past, because that is what

next general election,’ she says. ‘The

and nearly half of deaths were in adults

works. But we are still not reacting

last decade’s austerity has reduced

20 to 40 years old. Though young

fast enough,’ Orr warns.

spending on health in places like

people aren’t ‘spared’, as the World

the UK, so there just has not been

Health Organization has repeatedly

learnt but they aren’t remembered

enough cash to spend on things that

stated, COVID-19 seems to affect

very long,’ Cohn concludes.

might not be [immediately] needed.

older people more. ‘I know of no other


If healthcare administrators had

pandemic that had this age structure,

the choice of replacing out-of-date

in which those under ten years old

‘The precautions being put in

‘Lessons from history may be

have almost totally escaped,’ notes Cohn. ‘This COVID-19 is an enigma

Heraclitus taught his students that they could never step into the same

and the uniqueness of this pattern has

river twice. At this point, it’s not

not been addressed in the media.’

just the water that has changed, but


the river itself and us. Earth is now home to nearly 8 billion people, four times as many as in 1918. Air travel

People reveal who they are in times

is ubiquitous, with 39 million flights

of crises and this pandemic is doing

annually. Thanks to unions like the EU,

just that. ‘Often, diseases are thought

borders are no longer what they used

to bring out the worst in people,’

to be after WWI. Our communities

Cohn says. ‘There’s a lot of blame and

and economies are more interwoven

collective violence towards carriers.’

than ever before. Nowhere is this

Talking about cholera, Cohn outlines

clearer than in our healthcare systems.

this ‘great conspiracy among marginal

In the 1900s infectious diseases

populations’ that medical professionals

such as cholera and tuberculosis

were working with the state to kill off

were the leading causes of death,

the poor. ‘We saw riots; people burnt

and so hospitals were built to deal

down hospitals and killed doctors and

with them. Today, not only has their Focus

its targets, there seem to be notable

as one reason for insufficient

you can trace it back to Mardi Gras.’


Looking closer at the virus itself and

Dr Jane Orr

nurses. Ebola was a repeat but on a

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