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Kraków Hiking Meetup Group

Well then, this meetup is for you.

DDD to discuss the benefits and trade-

This group is for anyone with a

offs that DDD can offer.

passion for mountain views, fresh air

New in Kraków and looking for

and endorphins... and whatever your

Domain Driven Design

networking opportunities with

heart discovers on the trail.

This is a group for people interested

English club

other expats or professionals?

in Domain Driven Design. They want

English language meetup club in

to promote DDD in Kraków and share


knowledge, ideas and experience. Join

Here is a short selection of regular networking events in

Kraków Fooding In & Out


This group meets to discover and create new flavours, be it by meeting up in restaurants or by hosting

Making Software

cooking events in their private

A reccuring networking event and a

kitchens. This group welcomes anyone

seminar for IT developers and digital

for whom food is fun, rather than a

professionals in Kraków. Organized by


Making Waves in collaboration with

its local partners. Check Facebook and Making Software website for details.

Smartup Meetup

Are you interested in the everyday challenges behind recruiting

Spaniards in Kraków

software? Are you fascinated by new

Join the fast growing community of

technologies, how software can help

Spanish speaking Kraków residents.

in fighting unemployment, handling

scale problems of large systems, how big data solves big problems, how to

Sweds in Kraków

grow your start-up in a smart way,

A networking group for local Swedes:

how to build systems that are loved

by their users and how to optimize recruiting with software gripping? There are plenty of professional networking events in Kraków


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.