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member-related data regularly. “We do a fairly indepth membership survey every two years,” Kennedy notes. “We always meet with our branch managers about the results to talk about how we can best serve members, what their preferences are, and how we can gauge their loyalty.”

Speak their language When communicating with baby boomers, Kennedy believes you need to give them the respect they’ve earned. “This is a generation that, back in the ’60s, wanted to do things differently from their parents,” he says. “We have this rebellious generation raising a new


one that’s maybe a little more disciplined—they’ve seen a lot of financial upheaval and are a little more wary than this group. But this group has certain demands,” he adds. Baby boomers don’t see themselves as old. “We flavor our messages to them around the concept that they have plenty of opportunities, they still have a lot of life, energy, and things they want to accomplish,” says Kennedy. Above all, he says, don’t discount them. “There’s a tendency to chase gen X and try to figure out what’s going on with gen Y. But don’t forget the boomers.”


The Rewards of Baby Boomer Partnerships

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