The Wordsmith Journal Magazine; June 2012 Issue

Page 27

June 2012 Issue

purpose for you too that’s why you are a Believer today. So you may say that you are not a Believer, well you are curious and that’s good too; it’s His Holy Spirit drawing you to Him. Why not just trust Him; why not try positive faith? When I was little, I hated living with my grandparents. I wondered why God took my mother so young and I resented that I had to grow up in that Holy Roller environment. I grew up Pentecostal; have been Pentecostal since the day I was born and I hated that too. As I grew older you could tell those who wondered why since I was such an educated executive, none of my friends were Pentecostals; they were Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Unitarian, Lutheran or one of those more sophisticated denominations. As I look back over my life my comment is: so what? I am a Believer. I love God, I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit; I believe in miracles ---look at me! I am the result of the Believers that laid the foundation early in my life. Like me, if you had Believers in your family as you grew up, you may not have appreciated them or their faith back then. In fact I think back on how embarrassed I was about how my grandma & grandpa spoke and how they acted; really weird! All of a sudden I grew up and I was them! The things that have made me the woman I am; the determined, disciplined, positive and yes even the successful woman, are all attributed to them. They were people of faith. I would hear my grandpa sing to himself "I'm going to trust in the Lord until I die." I think of those words now and I think that I never knew how deeply those words would mean to me one day. Yet I hold onto them. In sickness, I will trust; during times of chaos, I will trust; in hard times, I will trust; when I face extreme challenges, I will trust; when I feel lonely and afraid, I will trust.


song, I know it was the Blood, I know it was the blood; I know it was the blood that saved me. Yeah, I know this sounds so weird to you, but these songs and this type of positive faith of my grandparents to trust Jesus and to trust the power of the blood of Jesus made me the woman I am today Go ahead, laugh if you will; but faith is built by learning to trust God one day at a time. So I am going to trust in the Lord no matter what; no matter what others say or try and judge. I have learned to trust Him at work, at home, for healing, for promotion, for challenges & for opportunities, I am going to trust in the Lord, no matter how hard it gets. So what’s the problem? Us. We have grown to believe that this old-time thinking is too weird and too old-fashioned. Okay. You want to build your faith? Try it anyway…

Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith, PhD, MBAA, MA, BPS, is an Empowerment Advocate, personal life coach, motivational speaker & leadership expert. She knows that in order for anyone to experience success in their personal or professional lives, there must be a fundamental change in attitude. One cannot be or think negatively and expect positive results. In addition, she loves to interact where she can encourage, enable, empower and energize others. Read Dr. Beckwith’s column, The Power of Positive Faith @ The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s Website!


There were other things planted in me; the

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