WLA Magazine Issue 55 February 2020

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February 2020 • Issue 55



Welcome to the February 2020 issue:

Communication We are gearing up to our annual Conference which this year also sees the very first WLA Awards Dinner. There have been tons of bookings and our dinner is at 70% capacity at the time of writing. I do hope you have booked your ticket if you are planning on attending. We are super thrilled to have Danny Simpson, MD of MidCommunications as our evening speaker and Kat Downes, BBC Sports Presenter as our MC.

February 2020 • Issue 55 2



Can you have too much empathy? By Marcia Reynolds

4&5 Women in the News 6&7 International Women’s Day Conference 8

How to Deal with Passive Aggressive Behaviour By Sandra Green


The SHINE Awards Gala Dinner


The Imposter Syndrome By Kate Atkin


Expert Lecture Series: Marcia Reynold "Uncovering unconscious bias" The best Public Speaking resources


February 2020


Fabienne. Here we are together. She’s an extraordinary woman – full of compassion and drive and a great role model for women around the world. Our focus was on leveraging lifestyle, which was essentially how to get out of overwhelm and live the life you dream of. She talked passionately about taking unplugged vacations which I think applies equally to women in corporate as it does to women in business. All it takes is a shift in mindset and creating a great team around you. (She says!). I know, easier said than implemented. But the concept is a good one and is something I am striving towards in 2020.

We will be celebrating the achievements of four outstanding men and women. And I must do a big thank you to all of our sponsors both during the day and evening. Our headline once again is Sir Robert McAlpine and we welcome Home Instead, N Brown and Amey who are also sponsoring different parts of the event. Of course, I am super delighted to welcome the Ambassador for Iceland, direct from the Embassy in London to the event. He will be opening our Conference by providing an international case study on gender equality.

Speaking of 2020 goals, this month I will be starting my training for my trek to the Great Wall of China. I’m keeping optimistic that the coronavirus will be under control by October… So, I shall be heading to the hills to start my fitness campaign. I’m sure Buddy will be delighted. I’ve never known a dog with so much energy!

If you can find the time this month, then please do join me and Marcia Reynolds who is an American global speaker (incredible woman), for our Expert Lecture Series. All the details are in the magazine and in our Friday update email. She will be offering a Live Q&A and I’d encourage you to get on the call to get your questions answered.


If you are coming to the Conference, keep your eyes peeled for details of booking onto the Masterclasses. We have a selection of excellent topics for you to choose from, including Kate Atkins who is a leading expert on the Imposter Syndrome – there’s a great article by her in the magazine this month too. Last month I had a fantastic couple of days with my mentor

Here’s to a great February. It’s a short one, so please make the most of it! All the best,

“Believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance. Have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside of it” Rainer Maria Rilke.

person’s body language and voice, but acute sensitivity includes being open to the emotional energy vibrating between you. You might feel this energy in your heart or gut. You sense not only what people feel but also what they need. You can tell when they need attention, acknowledgment, or an offer of help. You grasp when they want you to back off and give them space or when they want you to quietly stand by. You know when they are impatient to move on or if they want to take more time.

Can you have too much empathy? By Marcia Reynolds. PsyD Women leaders are often praised for their ability to show empathy. Is empathy really a good trait? The answer to the question is both yes and no.

Empathetic Reactivity – When too much empathy is bad With empathy, you will feel their stress, anxiety, and anger in your body. You might feel their pain emotionally and physically. If you let these emotions sit in your body, your body and mind can be emotionally hijacked. Unbridled empathy can lead to concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol, making it difficult to release the emotions. Taking on other people’s feelings so that you live their experience can make you susceptible to feelings of depression or hopelessness.

If you notice and release the emotions in your body so you can hold the space for the person to safely express him or herself, the answer is yes. If you instead, embody the emotions you pick up from someone, the answer could be no. If you want people to feel comfortable and be open with you—the purpose of empathy—you need to let your reactions fade away. You create a safe space between you by caring and feeling curious so you can identify and understand what they feel, not mirror it back to them. Empathy as Social Sensitivity Even at work, most people long for you to listen with compassion, the cornerstone of empathy. They want you to sense their discomfort or distress especially when they struggle articulating how they feel. Humans desire to be seen and understood beyond their words. Empathy demonstrates you care. You can experience empathy by noticing a

themselves with you. If they came to you for help, your sympathy is inappropriate. How to foster non-reactive empathy Having non-judgmental awareness is being receptive to whatever people express in a non-critical way. You notice when you pick up what others are feeling. You might name the emotion and offer what you sense to the person to help him or her better understand the experience. You let them think about what you share and accept the response they are ready to give. Then you relax your body and let the emotion subside. We accept, appreciate, and encourage expression in others by sharing what we sense they are experiencing and then letting the emotions go. You can foster this open, non-judgmental awareness with the following exercise. As soon as you notice that you are emotionally reacting: Relax – breath and release the tension in your body. Detach – clear your mind of all thoughts. Center – drop your awareness to the center of your body just below your navel. Feel yourself breathe. This helps to clear the mind. Focus – choose one or two keywords that represent how you want to feel. Feeling curiosity and compassion foster nonreactive empathy.

Not only will taking on people’s emotions as your own lead to burnout, you can break the bond of trust you were hoping to strengthen. When you embody other people’s emotions, you may feel responsible for relieving their pain. You feel the need to fix their problems and make them feel better. Instead of empowering them, you intensify their dramas. Unless people want your help, your desire to ease their pain can push them away no matter the value of your intention. They might feel less understood. They may feel disrespected, undermined, or enfeebled when you interrupt to render aid. They no longer feel they can fully express

When your own emotions distract you, breathe and recall your keywords to maintain trust and connection. Allowing others the safe expression of emotions could help them diffuse their feelings and see a possible path forward. Dr. Marcia Reynolds is a world-renowned expert on how leaders inspire change through conversations. She has spoken at conferences and taught workshops in 41 countries on leadership, emotional intelligence, and transformational coaching. Her books include Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction; The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs; and Outsmart your Brain: How to Manage Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel. Marcia will be presenting the Expert Lecture webinar for this month on 11th February. See page 11 for details.

February 2020




Samira Ahmed wins BBC gender discrimination case

remain missing in significant numbers from top jobs in politics, the law, civil service, trade unions, charities, professional bodies and sport bodies.

The index, published on 13th January, also reveals an alarming lack of women of colour across the top jobs in all sectors.

The TV presenter Samira Ahmed won her gender discrimination case against the BBC in a landmark ruling for equal pay campaigners, which could leave the publicly funded broadcaster open to costly future claims. An employment tribunal on ruled last month that work by the female Newswatch presenter was “of equal value” to that of fellow presenter Jeremy Vine, who at £3,000 per episode was paid almost seven times as much for anchoring another BBC programme, Points of View. “No woman wants to have to take action against their own employer,” Ms Ahmed said following the ruling, thanking the National Union of Journalists for backing her in the case. “I’m now looking forward to continuing to do my job, to report on stories and not being one.”

UK still 'generations away' from equality in top jobs, study shows Women are still vastly underrepresented in positions of power, with such slow progress being made in many sectors that the UK is still “generations away” from achieving equality, according to research.

Sam Smethers, the Fawcett Society’s chief executive, said: “Despite much lip service about the importance of having women in top jobs, today’s data shows we are still generations away from achieving anything close to equality. We are wasting women’s talent and skills.”


February 2020

The Viking festival attracts visitors from across the globe on the last Tuesday in January each year, as near a thousand heavily-costumed men, in groups known as “squads”, parade through the streets of Shetland’s capital, culminating with the burning of a replica long ship.

The world’s 22 richest men have more combined wealth than all 325 million women in Africa, according to a study by Oxfam. Women and girls across the globe contribute an estimated £8.28tn to the global economy with a total of 12.5bn hours a day of unpaid care work, a figure more than three times the worth of the global tech industry. The charity says women around the world, especially those living in poverty, do more than threequarters of all unpaid care work, which is chronically undervalued and taken for granted by businesses and governments alike. “When 22 men have more wealth than all the women in Africa combined, it’s clear that our economy is just plain sexist,” said Oxfam GB’s chief executive, Danny Sriskandarajah. Shetland's Up Helly Aa Viking festival challenged over exclusion of women

The 2020 Sex and Power Index from the Fawcett Society, a women’s rights and equality charity, charts how women

Lerwick, Shetland. The banner depicted a female Viking warrior astride her horse bearing the challenge “Have you forgotten those that bore you? Act lest the gods should intervene!”

There was a dramatic start to Europe’s largest fire festival, Up Helly Aa, when campaigner’s against the persistent exclusion of women and girls to the procession, unveiled a huge banner on the stone pillar at the Market Cross in the town centre in


The festival’s organising committee has faced increasing criticism in recent years for its refusal to countenance the admission of women and girls to the squads, or to recognise the role of female warriors in Viking folklore, while female volunteers are restricted to taking part as “hostesses”, organising the all -night parties that follow the torchlight festivities. In a statement posted on social media, the Reclaim the Raven group, which was responsible for the protest, warned: “No one wishes to see Up Helly Aa become better known for the exclusion of women and girls than for being the biggest and best fire festival in Europe.” Referring to Frigg, the goddess of foresight and wisdom, the group responsible for the protest said “We would hope the Up Helly Aa committee would show these and engage with everyone in bringing a bright and inclusive future to this festival that is loved around the globe.”

THE NEWS World War Two veteran Anne Robson dies aged 108

A woman believed to be the oldest surviving female World War Two veteran in the UK has died at the age of 108. Anne Robson, from Duns in the Scottish Borders, joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1942.

Olympia in September 2017.

During her winner's speech Williams announced she would be donating her winnings to the Australian bushfire relief fund. And the former No 1 said she would be auctioning off each dress she wore across her nine matches in Auckland.

'How to boost Europe’s flagging birth rates

The Women's Royal Army Corps Association (WRACA) described her as a "true pioneer" who was "fiercely independent". Anne joined the ATS in 1942 and rose to the rank of senior commander (major) as an assistant inspector of physical training.

Serena Williams wins first title since becoming a mother Serena Williams secured her first title since becoming a mother with victory in the ASB Classic Final in Auckland. The 23-time Grand Slam winner defeated Jessica Pegula in the final to claim her 73rd WTA title and first in three years.

No country in the EU has a birth rate high enough to replace deaths and many in eastern and southern Europe are in population decline. Economists suggest that slower population growth can have damaging effects: companies invest less for the future, older workers stockpile savings to fund retirement, interest rates fall and growth stagnates. Some European countries are taking radical steps to reverse the falling birth rates. Hungary offers a loan to young families which doesn’t have to be paid back if they have a third child and women are exempt from income tax for life if they have four children. Poland hands out 500 zloty (118 euros) a month to low income families for the first child and to all families for subsequent children. And in Germany, where measures to promote fertility used to be taboo thanks to associations with the Nazis, low birth rates have been increased over the last decade, partly due to a concerted effort to make life easier for working women. More generous childcare and parental leave policies were introduced by Ursula von der Leyen as Germany’s families minister and now as European Commission President, she will doubtless be promoting the same policies Europe wide.

Make Women Great Again' Conference In Florida Led By All Men

The 38-year-old had not previously won a set in any of the finals she had reached since the birth of baby Alexis

A “disturbingly misogynistic” conference that promises to “make women great again” but only has male speakers has drawn fierce criticism from campaigners.

The event, which organisers have billed as the “mansplaining event of the century”, will be held in Orlando in Florida in May. Discussions at the three-day conference, which costs £764 ($999) to attend, will focus on how to “destroy the feminist establishment”, “become the ultimate wife” and “get pregnant and have unlimited babies”. The event, which is only open to women, is not affiliated with Donald Trump's administration but its organisers have red hats which say “Make Women Great Again” and resemble the president's “Make America Great Again” (Maga) hats.

Kate Kelly, a New York based human rights lawyer at Equality Now, a non government organisation which aims to promote the rights of women and girls, raised concerns about the event. “This is not a celebration, it’s a denigration. Misogyny is always couched as a celebration of womanhood. It’s the oldest trick in the book. You can’t be pro-women and anti -feminist.”

Trailblazers in women's sport were recognised in the New Year Honours list, with Sue Campbell, the Football Association's director of women's football, made a Dame. Double Olympic taekwondo champion Jade Jones, former golf major winner and Solheim Cup captain Catriona Matthew, and England and Manchester City footballer Jill Scott were also among those honoured.

February 2020



IWD Conference 2020 5th March, Crewe Hall, Cheshire

Why we’d love to see you there... Inspirational Speakers include: Stefán Jóhannesson, Ambassador, Embassy of Iceland in the UK

“Get off the fence and come along, you won't be disappointed but you will

Aly Fadil, Chief People Officer, N Brown

be invigorated and

Steve Smith, Olympian & Motivational Speaker

“This is an opportunity to

enthused to challenge yourself and your way of thinking.”

Business Leaders’ Panel

connect with women who work in very different circles.

Dr Marnie Millard, OBE, Chief Executive, Nichols plc

The day allows a bit of fresh air from our own work environment, gives us space to

Alistair McGeorge, CEO, New Look

be re-energised and challenges us to do something different-

Alison Cox, Director of Engineering and Technical Services, Sir Robert McAlpine

be the best we can be!”

Tickets still available. Visit www.thewla.com Choose from one of three Masterclasses: Kate Atkin MSc: Success: what lies behind the mask? An informative and inspiring talk exploring courage, confidence and the imposter Andy Bird: How leaders can discover, experience and maintain their inspiration Lorna Chudleigh: Discovering Unconscious Bias


February 2020


“Well worth the investment of time. To be surrounded by successful women, is affirming and motivational.”

“You need to attend an event to

“Try it...I guarantee you will

feel the genuine warmth and

take away something that you

support from the women who

can use to move forward, both

attend and come from a variety

personally and professionally.”

of backgrounds. You will not fail to meet new contacts and enhance your career. Guaranteed.”

Our Sponsors: sponsor Conference andHeadline Gala Dinner Headline Sponsor: Sir Robert McAlpine

Conference Breakout Partner: N Brown

“It's definitely not about networking. It’s an environment where you can listen to some

Networking Drinks Reception Sponsor: Home Instead

Award Category Sponsor: Amey plc

great people in a relaxed way and easily 'chat' to others without judgement. It really is suitable for all women at what ever stage in their career... and you don't even need to be in business to enjoy it.”

International Women's Day (8th March) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.

International Women's Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific.

International Women's Day 2020 campaign theme is #EachforEqual An equal world is an enabled world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.

Let's all be #EachforEqual. February 2020



Passive people struggle to voice their wants, needs and desires. Passive people believe others are more important than themselves. Aggression on the other hand comes from a belief that my opinions, wants and needs are more important than another. (Behaviour includes being pushy, direct, controlling). As the label ‘passive-aggression’ suggests, this is where someone expresses their anger indirectly. They believe that they cannot share their anger or frustration and do it in more subtle ways. Most passive-aggressive people suffer from:

How to Deal with Passive Aggressive Behaviour By Sandra Green A friend of mine contacted me the other day about an issue she was experiencing in the workplace. The ‘problem’ – one of handling passive aggressive behaviour in the office – caught my attention. I was reminded of the many times I had experienced passiveaggression when I worked in corporates. This behaviour was typically from male managers, but occasionally I also experienced this from female leaders too. Firstly, let me explain what PassiveAggression is I’m sure you are familiar with classic assertiveness. This is where we are confident and share our opinions, thoughts and feelings with respect for the other person. People who struggle with assertiveness are usually either passive or aggressive.

8. 8. February 2020 February 2020

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Poor self image An inability to express their feelings An intense dislike of conflict

Where does Passive-Aggression come from? According to psychologists, passiveaggressive was once recognised as a mental disorder. The phrase first came about after World War II: soldiers who wanted to avoid combat without being openly disobedient. But it became so common that it was no longer in the ‘Bible of Mental Health’. As with a lot of unhelpful behaviour, passive aggression comes from our childhood. Specifically:

A parent who punished a child for showing aggression

Living with a dominant / controlling parent

The family not valuing a child’s needs or wants

Essentially, there is a deep-rooted fear of what might happen if feelings are expressed. This creates an odd blend of behaviour that is very subtle. That feeling you get when you hear a remark that you think was undermining you, but it was not quite so overt as that. Or it can be more overt, such as a clear put down. Passive-Aggressive Behaviour in the Workplace Passive aggressive behaviour exists for many reasons. There seem to be two core factors at play: A perceived threat to autonomy. Will you expose their weaknesses?

Communication Communication

A fear that you might outshine them Here are some obvious signs:

• • • • • • • •

Negativity Procrastination Finding fault Blaming Demeaning others Sulking Being Obstructive

Non-communicative With passive-aggression, there are also more subtle signs. For example: Appearing to be in agreement but behind the scenes doing everything in their power to sabotage Is positive in front of you and then undermines you once you have left the room Tells you that you can trust them and then their behaviour and words clearly show that they don’t Uses sarcasm with the intent of ‘I was only messing around’ if they are challenged Postponing or procrastinating on a decision – anything that frustrates colleagues / bosses. He / she then claim that the boss has unrealistic expectations. So, What Can You Do With A PassiveAggressive Colleague or Team Member? This is by no means a magic formula. Passiveaggressive behaviour, as mentioned above can be a deep-rooted condition that may never shift. But here are a few thoughts to help you if you are faced with passiveaggressive behaviours in the workplace. 1) You can’t change the behaviour of a Passive Aggressive. Period. 2) You can change the way you feel about working with them. 3) Start to pay more attention to what they do than what they say 4) Hold them accountable for their results not their promises 5) Inhale before you react 6) Work on your own self talk: ‘They’ can’t make you feel a certain way, act or react in a certain way. 7) Ask them directly for their concerns in front of others (so you have witnesses to their reaction) 8) Keep your expectations clear and put them in writing 9) Ensure you have a paper trail 10) Don’t let the other distort the truth. Stand up for what you believe to be true and stick to your guns.

Kindly sponsored by

Crewe Hall

After Dinner Speaker: MC for the Evening:

Danny Simpson

BBC Sport’s

MID Communications

Kat Downes

2020 Join us at our inaugural Gala Awards Dinner Immediately following the IWD Conference on Thursday 5th March

2019 Remarkable Woman Award winner Dr Kate McAlpine

An intimate dinner for just 100 guests in the wonderful surroundings of Crewe Hall’s historic Long Gallery

Networking Drinks Reception Sponsors Home Instead

We look forward to you supporting us as we announce the winners in our four categories...

For tickets, visit www.thewla.com

when I was taking my CSEs at the Sir John Franklin Secondary Modern school in Spilsby, Lincolnshire.


The Imposter Phenomenon By Kate Atkin Meet Kate in person at the IWD Conference on 5th March Have

you ever wondered when you

would be ‘found out’ or felt terrified at making a mistake because it ‘proves’ you are not perfect, and therefore not up to the job? I know I have, and according to research I’m not alone as some 70% of us, men and women, report feeling like a fake at times.


syndrome is the name we can

now give these feelings, a name I came across while studying for my masters in applied positive psychology and timely it was too as the feelings of imposterism, as they are sometimes called, were looming large. In 2013 I gingerly stepped through the doors of the University of East London to meet my fellow students, who were a friendly bunch I’m glad to say. One of the first, and obvious questions, I was asked by most people I met was: “What’s your first degree?”. And then the inner critic started, big time! You see, I don’t have a first degree, in fact I didn’t go to university as “I’m not university material”, or so my inner critic told me


February 2020

are other times these feelings

surface, when my dog-walking friends start discussing books or films (I don’t read much fiction, haven’t read the classics and my brain just doesn’t retain names of actors or film directors, so why do they want to be friends with me?), or when someone tells me I’ll be an amazing keynote speaker (which I know I can live up to… but what if this time I don’t?!).


having given you some examples of

out one day. The internal fraudulent, inadequate or undeserving feeling is completely opposite to the objective evidence. We truly are competent, knowledgeable or skilled, but inside we just don’t believe it.


if it is just a feeling, where’s the

problem? The issue arises because many of those who experience this feeling are successful, highly capable, intelligent people who are holding themselves back from going for that next promotion, speaking up in a meeting, or saying what needs to be said to the client. The belief that they are not really as good as everyone else thinks they are prevents them from reaching their full potential.

my own, what might your own examples be? For some it is at work, with clients, others it is at home parenting, friendships or intimate relationships. Research When I'm speaking at conferences, I'm defines the imposter syndrome as a always surprised by the waves of phenomenon, something which occurs at recognition which ripple through the certain points in time for people, and it is audience as I start to speak about the different for different people. Men and imposter phenomenon. So, what can you women experience these feelings and it is do if you find yourself experiencing this those who are successful at what they do phenomenon? Here are three ways that who tend to experience can help: First, and them more often. Yes, “...the imposter phenomenon is most importantly, you read that right – acknowledge it to those who are an intense, internal feeling of yourself, and to successful. That means phoniness; a feeling that we are someone else. It there is a big misnomer helps to talk about it. not really as good as everyone in the term imposter Secondly, accept that syndrome, as you are no-one, not even you, else thinks we are…” neither an imposter, will be perfect no nor is it a syndrome. matter how hard you try. Thirdly, acknowledge the role your skills and The imposter phenomenon does not refer abilities have played in your success. to people who really are imposters. Nor Don’t put it all down to luck, timing or does it refer to those who ‘fake it until hard work. Without your skills and they make it’ (or ‘become it’ as Brene abilities no amount of luck, timing or hard Brown suggests). Nor does it refer to work would have enabled you to achieve those moments self- what you have achieved. Be objective in doubt that we all your self-assessments, and recognise that experience from imposter chatter for what it is, it’s not time to time, you! especially when doing something Before starting her own learning and development business in 2000, Kate had a new. No, the successful career with Barclays Bank plc. In imposter 2015 she completed an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology which has brought insights into phenomenon is an well-being, meaning and positivity. This also intense, internal led to opportunities to lecture at Cambridge feeling of phoniness; a feeling that we are University Judge Business School. She is continuing with her research, currently not really as good as everyone else thinks focussing on courage, confidence and the we are; that we are an imposter who is imposter phenomenon. Kate is also author of somehow pulling the wool over other The Presentation Workout and The Confident Manager and a world debating champion. people’s eyes and that we will be found


Expert Lecture Series - February Our expert lecturer for February is:

Marcia Reynolds World-renowned expert on how leaders inspire change through conversations. Discussing her book

The Discomfort Zone •

Mentally prepare for an uncomfortable conversation.

Move away from your judgment and reactions back to listening when the conversation triggers your emotions.

Use techniques to shift how someone thinks about a situation.

Registration is required to take part in this session. Watch out for the registration links in the regular WLA email updates.

“The Business of Professional Speaking: Expert Advice From Top Speakers To Build Your Speaking Career” by Kate Atkin, Rob Brown and others (Panoma Press Ltd, 2013) This unique collection of tips and strategies from some of the UK's most successful speakers will show you exactly how to build your speaking career. (Kate will be presenting a Masterclass at the IWD Conference) “... and Death Came Third!: The Definitive Guide to Networking and Speaking in Public“ by Andy Lopata & Peter Rope (Ecademy Press, 2011) In this updated second edition you can discover how to: • Walk into a networking event and approach people with CONFIDENCE • STRUCTURE a talk so that you can get your key message across POWERFULLY • ENGAGE people in conversation and get them interested in YOU • FOCUS on the results you want from networking and achieve them EASILY • STAND and speak with CONVICTION and AUTHORITY and much, much more..

“Executive Presentations: Develop presence to speak with confidence and skill” by Jacqui Harper (Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2018) This book equips executives to give compelling and clear presentations: the kind of presentations that drive corporate change and innovation AND make reputations. And it’s all down to presence.

Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results by Judith E Glaser (Routledge , 2016) Conversational Intelligence translates the wealth of new insights coming out of neuroscience from across the globe, and brings the science down to earth so people can understand and apply it in their everyday lives.

February 2020



International Women’s Day Conference 2020 &

Gala Awards Dinner #BetterTogether Thursday 5th March Crewe Hall Hotel, Cheshire Guest speakers include:

Stefán Jóhannesson, Ambassador, Embassy of Iceland in the UK

Alyson Fadil Chief People Officer at N Brown Group

Steve Smith Olympian & Motivational speaker

Business Leaders Panel

Marnie Millard CEO Nichols plc

Alistair McGeorge Executive Chairman and COO, NewLook

Alison Cox, Director of Engineering and Technical Services, Sir Robert McAlpine

Masterclasses include: Success: what lies behind the mask? - Kate Atkin , Tackling Gender Bias - Lorna Chudleigh & The Inspired Leader: How leaders can discover, experience and maintain their inspiration - Andy Bird

For more information and tickets visit: www.thewla.com

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