The Winged M, June 2024

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MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC CLUB JUNE 2024 WINGED M Savor Summer Evenings at the Sunset Bistro PAGE 56 Springboard to Sporting Longevity PAGE 34 MAC Helps Members Seize Sunny Days PAGE 26 Bridge to the Great Outdoors

Multnomah Athletic Club’s mission: Enrich lives, foster friendships, and build upon traditions of excellence in athletic, educational, and social programs.



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26 F ind Your Comfort Zone Outside

With great weather comes great responsibility to make the most of it! MAC provides a preponderance of chances to socialize, get steps in, go for rides, and other ways to seize the sunny days.

34 S pringboard to Sporting Longevity

Individuals who take gymnastics as children set themselves up for a lifetime of athletic possibilities. Find out how three members have flipped their skills to new pursuits.


Club cyclists take the Tilikum Crossing Bridge by storm during a recent Thursday evening social ride. Photo by Brandon Davis; design by Julia Omelchuck.

Winged M (USPS 483-210) is published monthly by Multnomah Athletic Club at 1849 SW Salmon Street, Portland, Oregon 97205. Advertising from members and nonmembers is accepted by The Winged M. Advertisers in The Winged M are not endorsed by Multnomah Athletic Club unless otherwise noted. For questions concerning mailings and subscriptions, call 503-517-7280 or email Periodicals postage is paid at Portland, Oregon. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Multnomah Athletic Club Membership, 1849 SW Salmon Street, Portland, Oregon 97205. ©2024 Multnomah Athletic Club. For advertising information, email

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JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 3
Contents 22 JUNE 2024 | VOL. 113 No. 6 Turn to Club Scrapbook to see photos from the Kentucky Derby Casino Party and more.
5 Secretary’s Column 7 Manager’s Column 9 Athletics Column 11 Faces of MAC 15 Balladeers 15 Cereal Donation 16 MAF Annual Fund 17 MAF Tributes 19 House Committee 21 Case for Culture 22 Club Scrapbook ATHLETICS 38 Squash 40 Basketball 42 Climbing 44 Ski 45 Karate 46 Tennis 48 Volleyball 49 Walk Across America FITNESS & WELLNESS 50 Physical Therapy 52 Senior Strength 54 Massage CULINARY 56 Bistro Menu 59 Cocktails 60 Culinar y Calendar EVENTS 62 Summer Tuesdays 63 June Events 64 July Events 72 Advertiser Index The

Committee Chairs


Athletic Ken Meyer

Audit Jenny Kim

Budget & Finance Jenny Kim

Communications Holly Lekas

Diversity Admissions Julie Kim

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion  Devin Fei-Fan Tau

House Mike Kobelin

Member Events Mary Kay Rodman

Membership Jason Hickox

Property Elizabeth Knight


Food & Beverage Jim Hall

Human Resources Brian Lawler

Land Use Randy Johnson

Past Presidents Advisory Mary Turina

Technology Advisory Ashley Fenker


Arts Jan Atwill

Investments Marc Fovinci


Artistic Swimming Neisa Dokken

Basketball Riley Wiggins

Climbing Ryland Stucke

Cycling Bryan Leslie

Dance Rachael Seeger

Early Birds Lisa Johnson

Fitness & Decathlon Eric Skaar

Golf Scott Mears

Group Exercise Jan Murtaugh

Gymnastics Marilyn Litzenberger

Handball Conor Casey

Karate Elizabeth Flores

Outdoor Activities Program David Long

Pickleball Dana Bach-Johnson

Pilates Julia Ju

Racquetball Sanjay Bedi

Ski & Snowboard Matt Elden

Squash Maurice Reid

Swim Bob Radler

Tennis Karl Zabel

Triathlon & Running Dorothy Davenport

Volleyball Lindsey Hern

Walking & Hiking Anna Kanwit

Water Fitness Joanna Bartlo

Water Volleyball Steve Watson

Yoga Nancy Keates


20s/30s Shannon Kehoe

Balladeers Chris Rasmussen

Community & Heritage Kay Hallmark

Community Involvement Sheri Anderson

Culture & Style Kristen Drzayich

Family Events Erica Swanson

Holiday Decorating Ernest Cooper

MelloMacs Kirsten Leonard

Social Activities Victoria Buck


Welcome to the beginning of summer! It’s a wonderful season at the club with fantastic summer classes, the Sunset Bistro (fresh with new furniture!), comfy poolside loungers, and a slower vibe throughout the club. If ever there was a time to consider trying new fitness classes, hiring a personal trainer, or exploring new ways to get moving at MAC, now is the time to do it. I am speaking from experience.

My husband and I joined MAC in the summer of 2013, excited to become part of the community and experience the wide variety of amenities and programs that the club offers. My husband has always been athletic. When he was younger, he enjoyed kayaking, skiing, and squash. At Oxford University, he was captain of the fencing team. He continues to play squash and racquetball every chance he gets.

For him, joining MAC meant he immediately had access to spaces to pursue his love of racquet sports and make new friends. As for me, I had no relationship with a sport or a regular workout routine (avoidance behavior, perhaps?). My comfort zone directed me to the social committee system to make connections and start getting involved. I loved it! I just kept raising my hand and saying, “Yes!” Ultimately, my participation in the committee system paved the way to being asked to join the Board of Trustees in 2022.

However, I felt a slight discomfort — a small sense of imposter syndrome. I am not an athlete. I have never identified myself as athletic. I’ve often joked in the past about how unathletic I am.

Having very little experience or knowledge about the athletic side of the club, how could I confidently represent our members’ interests? Questions came up for me. Who are our athletes? What are the programs offered? How many people participate in all the fitness and sport-related activities? And why was I so intimidated?

It was at the beginning of my tenure on the board that I decided that, perhaps, as a trustee of an athletic club, I needed to acquaint myself with what I had always avoided — being active. My personal, self-proclaimed

“Operation: Trustee Transformation” began in November of 2022. It was time to really embrace my health, confront my lack of fitness, and accept the truth that maybe, just maybe, going out of my comfort zone to see what my body and mind were capable of achieving could be a worthy challenge.

I knew I needed help navigating the workout machinery, techniques, and mindset. So, enter rockstar personal trainer Natalie, who, upon first seeing my 5’11” frame, asked, “Were you an athlete? You look like you were an athlete.” Huh? Was it possible she saw something that I didn’t? Was my narrative about myself about to change?

Yes. Natalie saw potential. And then I started to see the potential. And the potential turned into strength. And visible muscles. And confidence. And more energy. Since we all love a good success story, I’ll let the two photos speak for themselves. The top is my official board headshot when I first joined the board in 2022. The other one was taken in early May for this column. As I continue my health journey, I am inspired rather than intimidated by all our amazing active members — of all ages and abilities!

As I write this, I notice long-forgotten memories start to percolate up about other times I said yes. I remember I tried basketball in fifth grade (the fact that I made a basket for the other team explains why it didn’t stick). I swam on the swim team in junior high and was a lifeguard throughout high school. I spent four years studying and competing in Kenpo Karate. I played a little racquetball in college. I even said yes to skiing — although that was entirely just to impress someone (and it worked! It’s been 30 years since I said yes to him, too). So maybe there’s an athletic inclination within me after all. And maybe it’s never too late for any of us to change a narrative about ourselves. Especially when we have so many options here at MAC.

Have a great summer!

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 5 CLUB LIFE
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Board of Trustees

President Andrew Randles

Vice President Ryan Chiotti

Treasurer Jenny Kim

Secretary Jennifer Strait


Susan Bladholm

Shannon Conrad

Theodore Fettig

David Hanna

Victor Perry

Dana Rasmussen

Alex Young

Daniel Williams

General Manager

Charles Leverton

Executive Leadership Team

Strategy & Portfolio Director

Matt Abraham

Culinary & Events Director

Erik Anderson

Finance & Accounting Director

Mary Averette

Chief of Staff

Laura Boley

Communications Director

Stephanie Cameron

Fitness & Performance Senior Director

C.J. Martin

Athletic Director

Lisa Miller

Engagement Director

Derek Pratt

HR Director

Dena Watson Rybka

Club Operations Senior Director

John Sterbis

Senior Leadership Team

Assistant Athletic Director

Chad Failla

Facilities/Campus Master Plan Director

David Hobbs

Strategy & Special Projects Manager

Nathan Loomis

Technology Director

Mark Marcelline

Portfolio Manager

Patrick Martin

Experience & Member Services Director

Kevin Pollack

Membership Manager

Kelly Robb

Fitness & Performance Manager

Donte Robinson

Food & Beverage Service Manager

Shaun Scott


Ihad a lovely conversation with a member in the subbasement recently. The conversation eventually led to a question that I receive frequently: “What drew you to MAC?” My response has been unwavering since that cold December day in 2019, when I was invited for my first interview by the hiring committee.

We will listen to the distant whispers of Joe Loprinzi, Mel Fox, Fay Sasser, and, of course, our founders to better understand the lessons already gained in the nearly one and a half centuries this community has built lifelong athletes. We will then take our curiosity and learn how to teach those lessons and new ones to this era of MAC members.

At that time, I was serving as the global Director of Sport at Nike, leading the company’s food, fitness, and wellness for their 70,000 global employees. We had created the “healthiest company in the world” initiative, and my team and I spent years researching and implementing innovative programming to improve the health of the company’s most precious asset — its people. We discovered numerous insights and certainly had our share of failed theories. However, one concept consistently proved true: the most important factor in human health is human behavior. This understanding quickly led us to realize that democratizing health was the key to sustainable and effective systems. We are far more likely to build meaningful habits in environments where we feel ownership, where our voices matter, and where those with passion and time can help shape the health of others.

Another key insight was that health should not be seen as a moment in time, nor that intensity necessarily leads to better outcomes. Instead, a holistic, lifelong approach proved far more effective. Finally, we learned that being part of a community that prioritizes health greatly enhances adherence to healthy habits. In a company setting, it’s challenging to genuinely impact an employee’s life outside of work or understand health concepts across all age groups. So, while I had an incredible job, I felt something was still missing. I needed a true community.

I am excited about our upcoming Lifelong Athlete initiative that will launch MAC on a journey to explore the ingredients to a life well-lived. We will partner as a community to ask one simple question: What makes us healthy?

The work begins this year as we organize the myriad of world-class offerings we already provide to help better guide our members on their journeys. Dividing the concept of health into five pillars — community, movement, nutrition, mindset, and recovery — we will focus on creating on-ramps and frictionless experiences for our members. We will also begin to develop our ability to run health cohorts that will eventually serve as onboarding vehicles for our members wishing to improve their health. In the future, as this work progresses, and if members are invested in continuing our collective journey of exploration, we will begin to consider new ideas, concepts, and partnerships driven by the voices of our members and in concert with our member-led committee system. We will also partner with world-class researchers and research institutions to ensure we are able to leverage neutral evaluators and gain access to the latest health insights. And of course, we will leverage the collective knowledge and energy of our more than 22,000 members to create a better future for all of us.

I wonder what we will discover together or what we will relearn or validate together. Perhaps that being social is as important to a life well-lived as physical health. That learning how to swim as exercise might be one of the healthiest activities, or that laughing truly is the cure for all ailments. Our mission for decades has been to enrich lives, foster friendships, and build upon traditions of excellence in athletic, educational, and social programs. We are excited to continue that journey through a lens of “What makes a healthy community?”

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 7 CLUB LIFE
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ost weekdays, I wake up to my piercing 5:30 a.m. alarm and reluctantly drag myself out of bed for my morning workout. While all modern research recommends not immediately glancing at your work email, I do it anyway. Almost every day, I skim new emails timestamped in the wee hours of the morning — 2:04 a.m., 3:50 a.m. I don’t even need to look at the sender. I know exactly who they are from.

Hank Marcus has been a constant in my MAC work life since I started as the Athletic Director nine months ago. He routinely pops in and out of the Athletic office holding the same manila folder overflowing with the same white papers. I still don’t know what the papers are for. We banter back and forth about committee agenda items, policy edits, court times, and the many new athletic event ideas. He relentlessly advocates for members, says it like it is (for better or worse), and rarely exits a conversation without at least one wellplaced sarcastic joke. He speaks my language.

It’s hard to believe that next month Hank will start spending more time with his wife, Kathi, than with me. After 40 years at the club, Hank is set to retire from his full-time position on July 8 (though he’ll remain on in a part-time role through the end of the year). While I’ve best known Hank in his recent role as Committee Support Liaison to Athletics and as our manager for Racquetball, Handball, and Pickleball, his decorated career spans more than four decades. And that career pretty much makes him racquetball royalty.

A native Oregonian, Hank was a talented junior and elite professional player in the 1970s and 80s. (I’m reminded by our members that he is still very much a mean player!) He later went on to serve as the Oregon State Racquetball President and the Men’s Pro Tour Commissioner. In 2004, he founded World Outdoor Racquetball, and his leadership saw the sport grow rapidly. A

passionate advocate for the enduring impact of physical activity, he personally co-founded the Military Racquetball Federation, an organization which conducts racquetball rehabilitation clinics for veterans across the country. Perhaps most notably, though, he was inducted into the USA Racquetball Hall of Fame in 2020, highlighting his commitment to the sport he grew up playing. These tremendous accomplishments were all achieved under the backdrop of our clubhouse, where he has loyally served our members as a racquetball pro since 1984.

Over the last couple months, I’ve had a handful of conversations with Hank about his retirement. He usually immediately deflects, sometimes cracks an off-color joke about politics, and quickly pivots to the here and now: the Board of Trustees’ sports tour, Athletic Committee agenda items, Pickleball lines reopening, Racquetball High School State Championships. It’s never been about Hank. It’s always been about the members. It’s always been about the club. I love that about him.

I know for certain that Hank would prefer to retire with his characteristic “Irish goodbye” — quietly and without fanfare. Unfortunately for him, I know many of our members and staff would like to congratulate him on four incredible decades of service. As such (and I’m sure much to his dismay), I’m personally inviting all of you to his informal retirement gathering at 2 p.m. Monday, July 8, in the Ballroom. It will be just like Hank — low-key, no fuss. I assume he will insist no one speaks. Thus, I planned this column with that assumption in mind.

Hank, on behalf of every sport committee you’ve served, the numerous staff you’ve supported, and the thousands of members you’ve impacted, thank you for so passionately advancing sports at MAC during your incredible 40-year career! Our club and our community are better because of your work. You have made and continue to make MAC so special! Happy retirement!

Lisa Miller
JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 9 CLUB LIFE



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Chasing Personal Bests

Jessica Dorrington vividly remembers the moment she fell in love with running. It was an unlikely setting that might not conjure such pleasant memories for many people: second-grade gym class. She was running the mile as part of a physical fitness test when she surprised herself by not only completing the task but surpassing all her classmates.

“This early triumph ignited my love for running and subsequently became a major part of my athletic journey,” she recalls.

Like most athletes, Dorrington’s journey has taken a winding path marked by both unanticipated twists and significant successes. For example, while she excelled in track in middle school and even led her varsity crosscountry team, she faced significant challenges during her high school and college careers due to injuries and an unexpected heart condition that eventually required surgery.

As the adage goes, difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. In this case, navigating these challenges led Dorrington to discover that she wanted to become a physical therapist, which she’s now been happily doing for more than 20 years. “As a physical therapist, I find fulfillment in the opportunity to help others get back to the activities they love,” she says. “The rewarding nature of my job motivates me daily, and I cherish the chance to make a positive impact on others’ lives.”

She also kept up her running as a means of exercise and staying healthy after college. In recent years, she’s found that her love for competing has been refueled, pushing her athletic endeavors back on to the track and up to the marathon as she races and chases personal bests as a masters athlete.

“I’ve gotten faster as a master and last year broke every personal best record,” she says. “I have my heart set to continue to do this as well this year.”

Currently, she’s fresh off the heels of a strong performance in April at the 2024 Boston Marathon, where she clocked her third-fastest marathon time (3:05) while battling higher-than-expected temperatures and a notoriously hilly course. “The atmosphere in Boston is simply extraordinary. The energy of the crowds is overwhelming, and the camaraderie within the running community is truly remarkable,” she explains. “The experience left me with a sense of determination and a desire to push further in the future.”

Her next chance comes in September, when she’ll head to Sydney, Australia, for the Age Group World Championships. Last year, she placed 10th in the Female 40-44 age group. This year, her sights are set even higher as she chases a 2:52 marathon personal record and a top-five placement in her age group.

As Dorrington continues to push herself, there’s one special group of MAC members that she says has been particularly encouraging in her journey. “I really cherish the time spent with the Early Birds running crew, who have not only become friends but also provided a supportive community for my running endeavors.”

While she’s already found her niche, Dorrington admits she’s only just scratched the surface of discovering all that MAC has to offer since her family joined two years ago. “So far, I love strength training sessions in the Strength Room or shooting hoops with the kids,” she explains. “Moreover, the business networking gatherings, business development classes, and various social events at the club

have greatly enriched our overall experience and provided us with valuable connections and enjoyable moments.”

Beyond running and working out at MAC, Dorrington loves to stay active in other ways, such as boating, fishing, skiing, snowboarding, camping with her family, and decorating with antiques. She’s also working with Olympian runner Shannon Rowbury to create a guide to help women exercise during pregnancy and after delivery to increase the likelihood that they will safely get back to running post-partum.

As she sets her sights on future challenges and deeper engagement with the club, her commitment to excellence and personal growth continues to inspire all who cross her path.

Bringing the World a Little Closer Together

MAC member Linda Witt was awarded a medal of distinction on March 13 by the Ambassador of France to the United States, Laurent Bili, who was previously ambassador to China. The ceremony was held at the Heathman Hotel in downtown Portland and was attended by 75 guests. The award, making

Continued on page 13

Every MAC member has moments when they shine extra brightly. Know a member who’s recently won big in their respective sport, been honored for a professional accomplishment, or made a difference in their community? Suggest them to be featured in Faces of MAC by emailing

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 11 CLUB LIFE

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Continued from page 11

Witt an Officer in the Order of Academic Palms, is an honor bestowed by the French Republic on distinguished academics and educators. The program was originally established in 1808 by Napoleon.

“This level of recognition is fairly rare — the Ambassador commented that he’d never previously given that level of award out in his career, and I was the only person in the U.S. to receive it during that award cycle,” Witt explains. “It truly felt like a singular honor and a validation of the work I’ve been doing with French-connected nonprofits for some time.”

Witt was nominated by Embassy of France leaders to recognize her work in promoting French language and culture at the head of numerous institutions over three decades, including Alliance Française organizations in Seattle and Portland, the French International School of Oregon, the Catlin Gabel School, the French-American Chamber of

Commerce of the Pacific Northwest, and others. Most recently, Witt was president of the national Federation of Alliance Française organizations, of which there are 108 locations across the United States.

She and her husband, Hans, joined MAC in 2023. You’ll often find her on the pickleball courts and him in the Main Gym. “I’ve discovered that there is a healthy contingent of Francophiles and native French speakers at MAC, so I felt right at home as soon as we joined last year,” she says. “The current honorary consul of France in Oregon and the two previous French honorary consuls are all MAC members. Quelle coïncidence!”

Witt is Vice President of the National Federation of Alliances Françaises USA and also VP of the French-American Chamber of Commerce. In her spare time, she tutors English to young professionals in Ukraine via Zoom, for

“One is a rising lawyer in their judicial system; the city where she lives is near the front lines and close to the nuclear plant that

the Russians have been targeting. My other speaking partner is a talented software engineer in Ukraine’s capital city. Accompanying these very brave women as they go through unimaginable hardships has been both heart-wrenching and rewarding,” she says.

Witt also invites members who are interested in learning more about — or getting involved with — any of the aforementioned nonprofit programs to get in touch with her.

“As for many people, language has always been an important part of my life. My husband is German, and our daughter is trilingual. I’ve visited almost every continent and have lived in both France and Germany,” she says. “Experiencing other languages and cultures is an important way to promote cross-cultural exchange, understanding, and eventually, more peace in the world — something we’d all love to see more of.”


Help fellow members, deepen your connection to the community, and make club events even more excellent. Find out more about MACorps by signing up for information and opportunities on the My Interests page at

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 13 CLUB LIFE design + build custom homes remodels additions interiors 503.305.8830

Balladeers Honor

Longtime Member

Karl Wetzel has been a Balladeer since 1991 (that’s 33 years!) and has spent many of those years on the Balladeers Committee, serving twice as its chairperson. He’s been a guiding light in benefiting Portlandarea concerns such as local high school and college choirs, retirement facilities, and newcitizen swearing-in ceremonies. He’s served as the Balladeers’ unofficial but highly valued historian, statistician, and all-around institutional memory. He’s been the go-to guy for recruiting and onboarding new singers. He’s maintained the detailed roster of group members. He’s a great singer and can actually read music! And he’s been a neverfailing source of intelligence (he’s a PhD professor in particle physics, for goodness’ sake), wit, good humor, and camaraderie.

Upon learning that Karl was planning to step down from the committee — and following the Balladeers receiving the club’s prestigious McAlpin Award in 2020 for social contributions inside and outside of the club — the committee decided the Balladeers ought to honor him by creating a new award and making him its first recipient.

We chose to name this new honor the Balladeers MacHumble Award as a tonguein-cheek reference to both the club’s McAlpin Award and our longtime popular closing tune, “It’s Hard To Be Humble,” a rollicking, humorous song written by Mac Davis. The first line of its refrain is, “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way.” And, as the award states, we think Karl is both humble and perfect in every way.

— The Balladeers


June 12-19

The Community Involvement Committee and Lift Urban Portland are hosting a drive to help feed lower-income Portland residents.

There are donation bins near the Front Desk at the Main Entrance and inside the Fourth Floor Entrance. Lift UP has requested that donations include healthier, low-sugar cereals.

To learn more, scan the QR code.

Thanks for donating!

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 15 CLUB LIFE
Karl and Barbara Wetzel

MAC’s Board of Trustees and the Multnomah Athletic Foundation’s Board of Directors together endorse the Annual Fund Drive in July, which fuels the foundation's ability to provide community grants and scholarships. Thank you in advance for your support and commitment.



Through MAF scholarship programs, we've allocated $132,000 to support 58 recipients based on both need and merit. Our volunteers consistently refine selection criteria to stay pertinent to our evolving community and world.


With over $120,000 granted to local nonprofits, MAF offers freedom to grant partners in delivering outreach and services. Middle school students drive funding decisions through the impactful Youth Grant Initiative, amplifying their voices.

"WWe e pr p ovidde e acce c ss to at a hletics s and education n throough ouur grants and scholarships. The work we e do o wo w uld not t be pos o sible e withou o t the e suupport from m MAC members. . Your contrributtioon n cr c eates s possibbil i ities for hundreds of f undersserved d youth h and gives our r noonproofit partnners the resources they y neeed to ser rve. . Thank you u for r helping us build d a coommunity y that upliffts youth."

Deebbie e Willi l ams, Board Co-Chhai a r


MAF broadens volunteer engagement, uniting individuals with varied ideas, backgrounds, and energy. This synergy enriches our experiences and extends our outreach.

Learn more and join the energy at

MAF Tributes

Honor someone special or memorialize someone who has passed away by making a tribute gift to the Multnomah Athletic Foundation.

Tributes are noted as: memorial, anniversary, get well, birthday or recognition.

June tributes are listed below, with the honored individuals’ names in bold.

William H. Bishop (memorial)

Charles Johnson

Rob Thompson (memorial)

Charles and Linda Marshall

Peggy Wood (memorial)

Molly and George Spencer

Recognition of MAF’s Youth Grant Initiative Alumni as 2024 Al Tauscher awardees

Ian Garfinkle  Aston Selley

Sophie Yang MAF Board and Youth Grant Initiative Committee


Here to Help You Get There

Multnomah Athletic Foundation provides community grants and post secondary scholarships focused on promoting athletic participation and education in the Portland metropolitan area.

Contributions made to the Foundation are tax-deductible. A written acknowledgement and tax receipt will be mailed following the contribution.

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For more information, contact MAF Executive Director Lisa Bendt at 503-517-2350 or

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 17 CLUB LIFE multnomahathleticclub multnomahathleticclub FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK + INSTAGRAM

House Committee Monthly Report

House Committee enforces rules of conduct for members and guests by investigating infractions and recommending sanctions to the Board of Trustees. Recent board actions are listed below, along with reminders about the applicable Club Rules.

• A 62-year-old adult member with 25 years of tenure was suspended for 6 months for physical abuse of members, nonmembers, or staff. The member was suspended due to their nonmember guests’ behavior.

Rule Reminder: Guest Privileges

Only adult and intermediate members may introduce more than one guest at a time. Junior members 15-17 years old may introduce only one guest at a time. Members must register all guests in advance or at any staffed entrance of the club. Members must complete the guest check-in process in advance online or at any staffed entrance and pay the appropriate fee for athletic guests. Guests are issued a credential at the Main Entrance.

Members may not leave guests unattended in the clubhouse, except for out-of-town guests with a guest credential.

Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and for charges resulting from their guests’ uses of the facilities.

Members that register a social guest at any entrance and are found in athletic areas are subject to the daily guest fee and reported to House Committee.

No member may introduce a guest who has been expelled from the club or is under suspension.

A guest may be enrolled for a class or athletic activity upon approval of club management. Members sponsoring a guest for a class or clinic must register their guest for the class. Any adult or junior guest participating in a class or clinic must check-in at any staffed entrance desk upon entering the club and specify the class or clinic they are attending.

To view the full Club Rules and Junior Handbook, scan the code below or visit


JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 19 CLUB LIFE Choose
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Keep an Eye on Case for Culture

For the past five years or so, there’s been a space dedicated to telling stories of diversity, equity, and inclusion — and spotlighting inspiring MAC members and events — in the trophy case outside the Reading Lounge. It’s called the Case for Culture, and this month it celebrates Juneteenth and Pride. Stop by to find out how you can, too!

The month of May featured a display dedicated to the PI portion of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. The fact that some groups have begun to use the acronym AANHPI Heritage Month, specifically calling out Native Hawaiians, perfectly illustrates the rapidly evolving world of inclusive communications. It’s the hope of case organizers to keep pace and continue to reflect the community and world of which MAC is a part.

Members of diverse backgrounds are integral to this effort, and those interested in telling their stories or loaning historical or cultural artifacts for display in the case are invited to peruse the calendar below and reach out to case4culture@ with new ideas.

“The brand-new Community & Heritage Committee is excited to take charge of displays in the Case for Culture!” says chair Kay Hallmark. “Along with our talented and creative committee member Linh Phan, we hope to bring you member-focused exhibits showcasing the different cultures around us. We believe that representation matters!”

Upcoming Themes

JUNE: Juneteenth and Pride

JULY & AUGUST: Summer Reading List

SEPTEMBER: Hispanic Heritage Month


NOVEMBER: Native American Heritage Month

DECEMBER: Holiday Displays

JANUARY: Lunar New Year

FEBRUARY: Black History Month

MARCH: Women’s History Month

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MAC 12/14U Spring Invitational

MAC Volleyball hosted the second annual Spring Invitational on April 20 featuring local and traveling 12 and 14U squads, as well as four of MAC’s own teams: 11 Select, 12 Elite, 12 Premier, and 13 Elite. PHOTOS

1. Fiona Sullivan, 13 Elite

2. The 11 Select team celebrates.

3. Mabel Baker, 12 Premier

4. Georgina Linden, 13 Elite

5. Ellie Watson, 13 Elite

6. Finley Leipzig, 11 Select

MAC Long-Course Invitational

The Junior Swim Team hosted eight visiting teams for the Long-Course Invitational, an annual competition that has been held in Oregon in April for at least two decades.

22 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
PHOTOS BY BRANDON DAVIS 7. Antonin Marten 8. Andie Wieber 9. Diego Hodge

International Day of Pilates & Barre Party

On May 4, the Pilates and Group Exercise Committees hosted a 30-minute Pilates mat class followed by a 30-minute barre session.


11 10 12 13 15

10. Joy Heinecke, Catherine Kubik, Stephanie Barnes, Julie Kuni, Melisa Lindsay-Lipkins, and Yvonne McVay 11. Nikki Killian, Jennifer Laney, and Jill Jarrett 12. Loann Wong, Terry Lewis, and Janet Murtagh 13. Members practice mat Pilates.

Spring Sprint Triathlon

During this annual fitness event, members tested the time it took them to swim 200 meters, bike 6.2 miles, and run 2 miles.


14. Members bike in the Stadium Studio 15. Teigh Bowen and Melissa Novak 16. Michael Estok 17-19. The swim takes place in the 50-meter Pool.

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18 17


Masters Champions Dinner at MAC

At this first-time event, the club’s culinary team prepared a dinner inspired by 2023 Masters winner Jon Rahm’s menu for the annual Champions Dinner.


20. Bryan and Chrissy Leslie and guests 21. Jeannine Buskuhl, Brandon and Kristi Stokes, Wendy Austin, Susan Kenney, Suzanne Raleigh, and guests 22. The four-course meal was paired with Spanish wines. 23. Timothy and Tiffany Spears, Ben and Kate Rollins, and Marcus and Emily Breuer



The pickleball community gathered on the indoor courts for fun, refreshments, and friendly competition on April 30.


24. Krysten Clist, Kirsten Cowden, Michelle, and Dave Davidson 25. Chester Jamison, Jody Krogh, Mary Willis, and Ellen Wood 26. Sara Bernard, Robert Matteri, Gary Smith, and Douglas Gordon

AdoptOneBlock Cleanup

MAC’s Community Involvement Committee gathered members to clean up around the club on Earth Day.


27. Pausing for a pre-clean-up photo are Christy Uhrich, Dan Polette, Scott Diaz, Mark Uhrich, Joann Mauritz, and Sheri Anderson.

20 21 22
24 26 27 25
24 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024

Kentucky Derby Casino Party

It was an evening of games and glamour as members and guests gathered to celebrate the 150th annual Kentucky Derby and watch Mystik Dan win in a thrilling photo finish.

28. Hat/outfit contest winners included Alexandra Johnson, Preston Steelman, Steve (guest), Andria Shirk, Marcus Davi, Erik Garcia, Julie Parks, and Caroline Schmitz. 29-32. Attendees dressed to the nines for the occasion.

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Exceptional member experiences have been MAC’s bread and butter for more than a century, but most of them have been served up on club property. Taking the action outside has the potential to introduce ingredients beyond the control of staff, and that has both pros and cons.

“On the scientific level, it’s proven that getting fresh air and being in touch with nature significantly improve chemical imbalances in your brain,” says new Outdoor Supervisor Mina Afkhami. “Plus, while seeing something like Multnomah Falls online is really impressive, seeing it in person and having all of your senses be involved is really grounding and makes people appreciate it so much more.”

Given that nature is ever-changing, there’s also something to be said for the one-of-akind encounter anyone can have with the great outdoors at a different hour, minute, or second on any given day. “We can take members to the exact same places, but something is always different. As difficult as it can be for humans, there’s something really amazing about this unpredictability once you accept it,” Afkhami adds.

She embraces her part in MAC Outdoor’s continuing evolution of its offerings, which has seen the club move from staffed outings, through the era of member coaches and increasing reliance on volunteers and outside contractors, and back in the direction of employees taking the lead. As Afkhami works to make sure this summer — and the fall, winter, and spring beyond — continue to burst members out of the clubhouse bubble, her manager, Drew White, feels like MAC is in very good hands. “Mina came to us with a breadth of outdoor experience, and she’s done an amazing job as a leader and as one of our lead guides. Expanding the Outdoor program means pushing more programming outside, and we’re trying to recreate the member experience in that setting,” White says.

“We already know that she has great member service. She’s education-oriented, organized, and passionate about what she’s doing, and those attributes fit in line with us trying to grow classes, clinics, and trips outside during the summer season.”

To most members, the proof of MAC’s quality is in the great memories they make, and Afkhami is confident that outdoor experiences are infinitely more memorable. With the weather steadily warming, nearly everyone seems eager to enjoy the Oregon summer while it lasts. And while every member might not be interested in how the bread and butter are made, they’ll savor the subtle emphasis on community building that Afkhami bakes into every interaction.

Initially hired as a climbing instructor, her first assignments were to teach youth programming and help retool offerings designed for women. Afkhami has lived, traveled, and worked all around the country, from West Virginia to New York to Oregon, and she’s played team sports such as volleyball in addition to her sometimes more solitary — or guiding-oriented — pursuits outdoors. Having interacted with an astonishing array of people, as well as personally analyzed the differences between group and individual activities, she brings real-world wisdom to her current endeavors.

“My parents always thought it was surprising that I got into guiding because I’m very introverted outside of work, but at work and with other people who share my passions, I get really excited and social,” she explains. That deep empathy with others who might not have found their place on courts or fields of play combines with her ability to bond with those who love a good adventure to create a leader capable of helping any member find their community indoors or out.

She takes pride in her ability to create safe spaces for anyone, whether it’s Women Who Rock — but feel more comfortable doing so in an intimate, supportive environment — or a diverse mix of individuals each looking to get something personal out of nature together.

“One of the biggest things to talk about right now is technology. Being in places where you don’t have service, you’re having more intimate connections with people. After a while, even teenagers forget about their phones and rely on each other. People can find unexpected commonalities in nature.”

Members take MAC’s beloved community vibes into nature in a variety of ways. From guided climbing trips to walking and hiking adventures to an overnight stay at Mt. Hood’s Silcox Hut, the sky’s the limit.

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 27

Just Step Outside

Members don’t have to be elite athletes or even in great shape to make the most of Oregon’s sunny season. From casual competitors to socialites to those willing to tolerate exercise only if it takes place amid awesome views, these summer happenings are for everyone. Read on for opportunities to find and enhance connections to other people and the land locals are lucky enough to call home. Keep an eye on the Club Calendar at and the pages of The Winged M to learn more about how club communities are venturing out this summer.


Hoop heads have two very different chances to shoot and score outdoors this summer in the form of the Ray Martinelli Hack Hoop Open and the 3-on-3 Basketball Social. The former takes place July 18 on the greens of the Eastmoreland Golf Course, and it’s a fundraiser for MAC Basketball that encourages members to engage in good-natured shenanigans while bonding with their fellow round ball enthusiasts. For those who just want to bust some buckets, or perhaps get all the assists, head over to Portland Heights Park on Aug. 21 for an evening of power trios, pizza, and plenty of cold beverages.


Some junior members are already looking ahead to the annual Smith Rock Climbing Trip, taking place this year on June 22, and there’s another local climbing walls outing scheduled for July 13. There also are plenty of opportunities for kids to get out on real rock during a variety of Outdoor Adventure Camps. Those looking to charter their own ascendant excursion need only stop by the Outdoor office by the Climbing Gym to discuss on-demand options with one of MAC’s expert guides.


Every week during the summer, it’s easy to get over the hump, and local hills, with MAC Cycling. Wednesday and Thursday evening rides start at 6 p.m. The former are geared toward performance but still welcome athletes looking to take their pedal power to the next level. Thursday night rides are more social in nature and generally include a stop at a local watering hole. On the second Saturday of each month, the whole family is invited to a recreational ride. Check the Cycling calendar at for details. On Sunday, July 21, another highly anticipated event, the MAC Wine Ride, takes cyclists into vineyard country for a thirstgenerating and quenching afternoon.

Early Birds

Celebrate strawberry season with the Early Birds Committee! Get to know fellow members and learn what activities are available for early risers from 5:45 to 6:45 a.m. Wednesday, June 26, at the Rose Garden in Washington Park. All MAC members, friends, and family are welcome. Coffee and strawberry shortcake are provided.

Continued on page 31

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 29

Balsall Creek Winery Invites You to Sip and Savor

Balsall Creek Vineyard and Tasting Room

18430 NE Calkins Lane, Newberg, OR 97132

OWNED AND OPERATED BY LEGACY MAC MEMBERS, Lesli and Jon Owens and family, Balsall Creek Winery is excited to announce the opening of their tasting room, April 19th, 2024.

A true paradise for wine enthusiasts, Balsall Creek’s vineyard of charismatic varietals spans 35 acres within the Chehalem Mountains AVA, just north of the Dundee Hills in Oregon’s Willamette Valley.

June is MAC Member Month at Balsall Creek! Come by our tasting room any open day in June and simply tell your server you’re a MAC member and your tasting fee will be waived! We hope to see you soon.

The Owens family warmly invites you to experience Balsall Creek. Reserve your wine tasting ahead by scanning the QR code.


A course is a course, of course, of course, unless you play that course with fellow members! Take advantage of the MAC Golf Summer Tour, which entices club linksmen and women to a variety of nearby greens. The Reserve Golf Club in Aloha is the second stop on the tour, which started in May, and takes place beginning at 1 p.m. on Friday, June 21. The annual MAC Golf Scramble is always a good opportunity to have fun and forge friendships, and this year it gets cooking at 8 a.m. Sunday, June 30. For those not ready to compete, MAC has plenty of clinics and classes designed to get golfers going on their lifetime love affair with the sport, or simply improve their already strong strokes. Summer Adventure Camps give kids the chance to swing into action, too.


Tennis is known as a fast-paced game, but sometimes even racquet fanatics like to slow down and enjoy the game’s more gregarious aspects.

Tennis in the Park is just such an opportunity for casual play and bonding at Camille Park in Beaverton from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15.

Walking & Hiking

“I love the Walking & Hiking community and what it represents. It provides weekly opportunities for older members to connect, and that’s really valuable to the Outdoor program and the lifelong athlete model,” says Drew White, and it’s easy to see why he feels that way. For a full schedule of weekly outings, which range from entry-level excursions to more vigorous jaunts, check out the Walking & Hiking calendar at Also, don’t forget to gather the clan for Family Walks & Hikes, which strike out into beautiful locales the last Saturday of each month. For those who feel like taking their trek to new altitudes, stay tuned for information on the next Silcox Hut Trip for the chance to view Mount Hood from a whole new vantage point.

Water Activities

The Outdoor program continues to tweak its water-based offerings, and always is happy to accommodate on-demand member requests for standup paddleboarding and kayaking guiding. Mina Afkhami is particularly excited for a new white water rafting trip on the Upper Clackamas River on Aug. 31. For those just getting started exploring a variety of ways to get wet, there’s an Adult Surf Lesson at Cannon Beach on Aug. 3, a Family Surf Lesson there on Aug. 10, and SUP classes July 6 and 13. Kids can explore Scuba this summer via MAC camps, and adults can get their certifications in club pools throughout the year so they’re ready to take their diving into natural bodies of water when the opportunity strikes.

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 31
Continued from page 29

Triple-mountain vistas await at the top of a paved drive nestled onto a gentle slope. Take in the expansive Mt. Hood views that go on for 100+ miles. This attractive home that overlooks the unique property, it is immediately clear that this is the wine country house and property for which you’ve been searching. Secluded grounds feature ambling paths through thoughtfully landscaped gardens, providing bursts of color at every turn. A patio under the shade of a Walnut tree takes in the entire scene: 3.5 acres of your very own vines. Planted in the hardworking Jory soil that put Oregon wines on the map, the Pinot Noir grapes ripen on the southern-facing slope. The fully updated and renovated from the studs. The home is a worthy match to the stunning setting. Your haven is situated in the heart of Dundee. From sipping to shopping, everything is minutes away.


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Vault Into Infinite Athletic Possibilities

Youth Gymnastics Propels Members to Heights of Potential Pursuits

Many a parent has dreamt of somehow tapping into the seemingly inexhaustible well of their own children’s energy. While modern science hasn’t yet provided such a method of energy transference — meaning moms and dads still have to find their own renewable resources — the sport of gymnastics seems to have the kinetic overabundance of youth properly channeled.

Beyond making sure that kids are adequately fatigued enough for parents to find a little rest and relaxation themselves, gymnastics sets up young people for a lifetime of fitness and competitive possibilities. Because exercise has been proven to provide

energy, improve sleep, and enhance mood, that just might mean that children who hit the mats, beams, and bars are more likely to grow into parents capable of keeping up with their kids.

Maybe gymnastics has all the answers, after all.

Member America Hopson got her start in the sport around the age of 6 in Houston, Texas, where she grew up. As a current and future tennis lover, she now prefers avoiding faults to performing vaults, but her love of pushing her physical limits while perfecting the moves of an endlessly fascinating pastime persists.

John Ladd Steele, who goes by his middle name so he can recognize when someone calls out to him in any crowd, is only 17, but gymnastics already has facilitated a mostly smooth transition to his new sport of pole vaulting. College freshman Alia Cohn stepped out on gymnastics with dance and reports similarly transferable physical and mental strength. With so much anecdotal evidence about the power of early gymnastics, the research team at The Winged M felt compelled to investigate further. These are its findings.

34 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024
John Ladd Steele (above), Alia Cohn (upper right), and America Hopson (lower right) use the skills they learned in gymnastics to excell in other sports. MELISSA SALISKI


Might As Well Jump

The hypothesis that everything is bigger in Texas has yet to be proven, and Alaska makes a compelling argument to the contrary, but it’s certainly true that the Lonestar state has ample land on which to build structures the size of gymnastics arenas.

“Gymnastics in Texas is a whole ‘nother thing,” Hopson says. “There’s a lot of sprawl there, so they have room for a lot of big gyms, and just by nature of the Károlyis moving to Houston, they were so iconic as coaches. They drew a lot of people there.”

But Béla and Márta Károlyis — the famous husband-wife training duo who helped to elevate the talents of Nadia Comăneci, Mary Lou Retton, and so many other great gymnasts — weren’t what drew Hopson to the sport.

“I loved my teammates, number one. We were a bunch of 7- to 12-year-olds moving up the ranks of gymnastics together, and you form a really, really strong bond. You’re with them more than you’re with your family during the week, and it’s a more intimate bond than your school friends,” she recalls. “I’m hyper-competitive, so that really checked that box, and also the physicality of it. It’s a huge adrenaline rush!”

Hopson might not have gotten her start in gymnastics at MAC, but she was on the program’s boosters team, volunteered at meets, and observed its workings as her daughter Paloma participated in the sport here. “It’s a kinder, gentler sport than what I experienced in the ’70s and ’80s in Houston. I also think the MAC does a better job at looking at the whole person, the whole athlete, and the whole child in terms of, you’ve got to have good grades and some

kind of a social life. I don’t think that that was at a premium when I grew up,” she says. She also found her second athletic act at MAC. “Now I’m a crazy tennis player!” she proclaims. “You get the same release, you’re whacking a ball really hard, if you want. You can practice for hours and hours on your own. It’s an individual sport, but you can also be part of a team. And the competitive nature of tennis, I think that resonated with me personally when I finally got the bug.”

Hopson points out that her years in gymnastics prepared her to play tennis in a number of ways. “I love jumping! Even on the tennis court now, because I’m 5'4", people are always like, ‘How can you reach those balls?’ And I say, ‘I have a lot of vertical because that’s what I did my entire life.’” She also

America Hopson learned valuable goal-setting skills and discipline in gymnastics, which have served her well in tennis league play.

reports learning valuable goal-setting skills, the kind of discipline necessary to follow through, and even a modicum of patience, all of which continue to serve her well. Playing five days a week and in three leagues a year has similarly provided social connections, and she regularly travels to compete and spectate.

“It’s much of my social sphere now because our whole group has been doing it for so long. They really become part of your extended family. When we go on tennis trips, I’m always the one out of my 50-something friends who’s climbing over the fence to get in because somebody forgot their key. I’ll climb onto a roof if I need to. Everybody’s like, ‘America, go do it.’ Because it’s just part of who I am now.”

Continued on page 36

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Continued from page 35

High Vaultage

Ladd Steele doesn’t just like to be able to recognize his own name. His handle derives not just from his middle name but also his grandfather’s first. It’s a throwback to another time, much like Ladd himself, whose self-awareness suggests an older soul, and whose dedication to pole vaulting follows in the previously established flying formation of his father.

“My dad pole vaulted in high school and college,” he explains but says his dad was reticent to talk about it because he didn’t want to pressure Ladd to follow in his footsteps. “My parents wanted me to participate in a school sport. That’s a really great way to build community. Even if you’re not going to take it super seriously. It’s good to have people around you who are working hard and have a mindset that you may not be familiar with.”

While baseball was Steele’s first passion, as the years went on, he realized that he was only really in love with the fun parts of the game and not the hard work and repetition

Kinesthesia and core strength learned in gymnastics is the foundation for John Ladd Steele’s current pole vaulting skill level.

a serious competitor has to commit to in order to progress. Fortunately, he’d also gotten into gymnastics through MAC summer camps, and it proved to be the perfect activity to lay the foundation for the sport that would eventually make him go full-on head over heels.

“Once I expressed interest in pole vaulting, my dad found the Willamette Striders

Track Club, and he got me a private lesson with one of the coaches there. I tried it and was terrible at it, but I loved it,” he recalls. “As I saw the progress and how my body awareness was helping me in the sport, I think that really helped to inspire me to keep going, even though it was really difficult.”

He also managed to break his arm and dislocate his elbow pole-vaulting, but not even that could deter him. He lays that resilience, as well as his well-developed physicality, on the mats of gymnastics’ foundation.

“The drills for pole vault are definitely pretty weird, but I think what helped me a lot was my background in gymnastics.” Between the kinesthesia and core strength, he says it made the transition to another acrobatic sport far easier.

Describing his younger self as a “crazy kid, just kind of throwing my body off of stuff and sometimes not in the safest way,” Ladd explains that gymnastics helped him direct his energy in a positive, constructive direction, and that the camaraderie he shared with his teammates, his affinity for coaches, and the sense of sanctuary he felt while unwinding in MAC’s Gymnastics Arena all were incredibly helpful in his maturation process.

If you’re going to bounce off the walls anyway, why not learn to flip?

“You just have to remember that progress isn’t a linear curve. Especially with gymnastics, that can be seen very clearly because the breakthroughs that you have are huge. You’ll be working on a skill for a month or two, and then all of a sudden one day you’ll show up to practice, you won’t think you’re going to do it, but then you do because all that hard work and training finally pays off.”

Now, the Lincoln High School junior — soon to be a senior — is finding the same rewards through his dedication to pole vaulting. At the Oregon Relays, he cleared 13 feet 11 inches and some change, a big personal record for him. He tied for third at the event and got fifth at state, earning him his first ranking.

As he continues to train and refine his technique, Steele says his dad has even suggested that it might be worth going back to MAC Gymnastics’ coaching staff for pointers. “In the pole vault, the goal is to swing upside down, which is similar to a gymnastics move called the free hip, where you swing around the bar to a handstand. I think it’d be interesting to see what my old coach, Rob Saliski, has to say about that. Some of the best pole vaulters have gymnastics backgrounds because it translates so well.”

36 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024

Let’s Dance

“Dancers have incredibly strong legs,” Alia Cohn asserts. “But gymnasts have a different kind of strength because you’re absorbing a lot of shock. You get conditioning at a younger age, which you don’t really get in dance. So, my jumps were always very high because my quads as a child were insane due to gymnastics. I always found my endurance for holding a relevé was great because on beam you have to stay up on your toes the whole time.”

It’s not exactly shocking that gymnastics provides the perfect setup for dance, but the confidence that Cohn gained through the sport extends beyond the obvious. She throws around words like proprioception — which she defines as “knowing where you are in your environment without sight necessarily” — while expressing awe at her body’s functionality and seemingly limitless potential.

“In gymnastics, you’re taught that if you take the time and put in the effort, you can do almost anything,” she says. “There are so many steps that build up your confidence and spatial awareness.”

Given that body image continues to be problematic for a lot of young women, it’s reassuring to hear Cohn talk about the messages she received about her vessel through MAC Gymnastics. She


Alia Cohn credits gymnastics with helping to build her confidence and spatial awareness.

appreciates how she looks and what she can do because coaches like Brin Cavallero and Molly Gill cared about their athletes holistically. They teach that food is fuel, and there’s zero shame in giving the body what it needs to help the individual accomplish whatever they want.

“I look slightly different than my other female friends who work out because my muscle structure was built from gymnastics. If I wanted to, I could try acrobatic skiing or boxing. My body can do incredible things for me, even if it’s just taking a walk, running, or going on a hike. Also, I can still do backflips at age 19 after not training for years.”

Currently at Skidmore College in upstate New York, Cohn says she’s not quite ready to declare a major, but that she knows in her heart she wants to pursue two, biology and dance. She has three different diving certifications and wants to get her fourth, safety diver, in the not-too-distant future so she can start training to become a divemaster and certify others. A master’s degree in marine biology and underwater photography also call to her, among myriad possibilities on her horizon

Even after a hard fall while taking circus classes during her study abroad in London last semester — followed by two months of self-enforced rest to heal a twisted vertebra — Cohn remains unfazed. This is largely due to the commitment to safety and longterm fitness she learned through MAC Gymnastics.

“As cheesy as it sounds, you can literally do whatever you put your mind to. If I can throw myself through the air basically at terminal velocity, I can do anything.”

Squash Doubles Dominates Nationally

MAC doubles squash players have had a busy season competing across the country and have had some incredible successes representing both MAC and the USA.

Doubles Nationals

From March 1-3, members Dennis Cusack and Habib Rahman traveled to Pennsylvania for the 2024 U.S. Squash National Doubles Championship, hosted at The Cynwyd Club. Cusack and his partner, Clark Amos, were crowned U.S. national champions in the 75+ age division. Amos/Cusack played a total of four matches to claim the title and only dropped one game in doing so — essentially a 12-1 weekend game result!

MAC member Habib Rahman and his partner, Ed Winter, competed in the Mens 70+ category and had a terrific run to the final, also only dropping one game but lost to a very in-form Albert Tierney and Sean Mcdonough. Derrick Cameron competed in

the Canadian Doubles Nationals in Toronto from April 4-7 and finished in second place with his partner, Rick Ng, in the 65+ division. Cameron/Ng took out the favorites in the semi-finals but ultimately lost 3-1 to the Canadian Hisey brothers in the final. Terrific achievements by MAC players!

Lapham Grant Trophy

The Lapham Cup matches between Canada and the USA, dating back to 1922, are believed to be one of the oldest amateur sporting events between two countries, having been played for 90 consecutive years. The Grant Trophy matches were inaugurated in 1945, the Crawford Trophy matches in 1999, and the Lawrence-Wilkins Trophy matches in 2001. These four events, held at the same time and venue, are hosted in alternate years by Canada and the United States. This year’s Lapham Cup was the 102nd tournament and took place from April 19-21 in Vancouver, BC, and MAC had a strong representation

Derrick Cameron (second from right) and his partner, Rick Ng, in Toronto

Dennis Cusack (right) and his partner, Clark Amos, are national champions.

of five players competing in the various divisions. Team USA featured members Habib Rahman, Gary Johnson, Phoebe Trubowitz, and Dennis Cusack, while Team Canada featured MAC member Derrick Cameron. Team USA was victorious for 2024, and MAC squash players were responsible for 9 of the 13 matches won to clinch victory for Team USA.

38 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024

Adam Perkiomaki and Will Gruner

Bill DeLacy and Emerson Loustau

Club Championships 2023/24

The 2023/24 Squash Club Championships took place in April and were a wonderful showcase of the best squash players that MAC and Oregon have to offer. Here are the results.


Men’s Open: Adam Perkiomaki/Roger Miller

Men’s B: Kristian-Foden Vencil/Tom Harvey

Women’s Open: Kara Hale/Emily Couch


Men’s Open: Adam Perkiomaki

Men’s B: Bill DeLacy

Men’s C: Maurice Reid

Men’s D: Sid Agrawal

Men’s 40+: Bill DeLacy

Men’s 50+: Sean Ryan

Men’s 60+: Alex Burt

Women’s Open: Rachel Wagner

Women’s B: Kara Hale

Women’s C: Anureet Waraich

Runners-Up: David Yahng/Will Gruner

Runners-Up: Habib Rahman/Josh Hilton

Runners-Up: Marcia Wood/Cristin O’Brien

Runner-up: Will Gruner

Runner-up: Jonas Jacobson

Runner-up: Sid Agrawal

Runner-up: John Spain

Runner-up: Emerson Loustau

Runner-up: Josh Hilton

Runner-up: Derrick Cameron

Runner-up: Phoebe Trubowitz

Runner-up: Cristin O’Brien

Runner-up: Lesley Raphael

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 39 ATHLETICS
Maurice Reid

Two MAC Teams Dominate on the Court During PCAC

In a thrilling display of skill and determination, two MAC basketball teams emerged victorious in their respective divisions during the 2024 Pacific Coast Athletic Clubs Regional Tournament.

In the AA (35+) division, MAC’s team soared to the top of the pool with an impressive blend of teamwork and individual brilliance. Led by their hot shooting and supported by a roster of talented players, the team showcased a relentless commitment to hustle and grit throughout the tournament. Their electrifying offense, combined with a suffocating defense, left opponents struggling to keep pace. With each game, they demonstrated not only their athletic prowess but also their unwavering resolve to grind out a win by any means necessary.

Meanwhile, in the Golden Masters (55+) division, the MAC team rose to prominence with a series of inspiring performances that showcased their teamwork. Armed with a potent combination of size, speed, and skill, the team proved to be a formidable force on the hardwood. Led by their coach Randy Krichevsky and fueled by their passion for the game, they overcame every challenge thrown their way, leaving a trail of defeated adversaries in their wake.

As the tournament drew to a close, both teams found themselves atop their respective divisions, earning the coveted title of PCAC champions. Their remarkable wins serve as a testament to the power of perseverance, teamwork, and unwavering determination.

But their quest for basketball glory is far from over. With the NACAD Tournament looming on the horizon, the AA and the Golden Masters now set their sights on an even greater prize: the national championship. With their eyes firmly fixed on the ultimate prize, they prepare to battle against the best of the best, knowing that the road to victory will be arduous but believing that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

Golden Masters team (from left to right) – Coach Randy Krichevsky, Mark Hesse, Brian Currier, Robert “Doc” Phillips, Rick Ravio, Rodd Miller, Kevin Grant, Tom Ferris, Mike Aas, Glen Coblens, Steve Lommen

40 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 ATHLETICS
AA team (from left to right) – Brad Krichevsky, Sam Jakola, Greg Laybourn, Shawn Malloy, Jon MacDonald, Ian Crawford, Scott Dougherty, Coach Jon Willis, Mitch Henke, Gray Garrett, Mitchell Carver, Robert Day
JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 41 ATHLETICS 503-671-9966 JMI Limousine JMI Limousine 503-671-9966 THE RIP CITY RIDE Party Buses Game Day Special Occasions Wine Tours Team Building Extreme Adventures MAC MEMBER SPECIAL 20% OFF MAC MEMBER SPECIAL 20% OFF *Excludes Saturdays | Ask for details * 503-984-1723 Christy MacColl & Carrie Gross Brokers + Sisters, Licensed in OR WINDERMERE REALTY TRUST Elegance in Willamette Heights 1827 NW 32nd Avenue | Portland, OR 97210 6 Beds | 5 Full/1 Half Baths | 6,194 Sq Ft | Offered at $2,350,000


MAC Athletes Compete at National Team Trials & Beyond

The 2024 USA Climbing National Team Trials were held at Sportrock Climbing Centers Rio in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on March 5-8. This event is used to determine which athletes will represent USA Climbing in international competitions.

MAC Climbing athletes Austin Oviatt, Alyssa Keanini, and Jordan Chapman were all invited to compete based on their performances during the 2023 Elite season.

The event began with Lead climbing, where both Oviatt and Keanini had qualified to participate. Oviatt placed 32nd. Keanini advanced to the semifinal round and finished 14th.

Speed Climbing came next, giving Keanini and Chapman the opportunity to race against some of the fastest women in the country. Chapman placed 15th, and Keanini placed 11th, barely missing finals by .063 seconds.

It ended with athletes competing in the Boulder discipline. Only Oviatt had qualified to compete, but he had a strong showing, placing 27th.

With the points she earned at Team Trials, Keanini was placed onto the USAC National Development team and was invited to

Austin Oviatt placed 27th in the Boulder discipine at the USA Climbing National Team Trials.

Alyssa Keanini competed in Lead discipine at the IFSC World Cup in Wujiang, China, in April.

compete at the IFSC World Cup in Wujiang, China, in April. She placed 52nd among the women competing in the Lead discipline. This is the first time that a MAC Climbing athlete has been invited to compete at an IFSC World Cup event in the lead discipline.

Jordan Chapman placed 15th in Speed Climbing at the USA Climbing National Team Trials.

42 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 ATHLETICS

From Childhood Pastime to Olympic Sport

As we enter summer, I find myself reflecting on what I was most excited for during summer as a kid. I usually wanted nothing more than to climb trees and play my Gameboy. We all fondly associate being a kid with having fun; from running to playing games to climbing trees, children want to explore, with dreams of reaching life’s summits.

I eventually progressed from climbing trees to climbing in an indoor climbing gym and lost that Gameboy at school. As I progressed, I came to find rock climbing promises to build aspirations, confidence, and athleticism. My sole goal was to climb cool-looking rocks, quoting climbing legend and Everest first ascensionist George Mallory, “because it’s there.” Now, with climbing in the Olympics, kids have even more to reach for in the sport. Climbing competition has redefined itself many times, yet consistently proves that it’s about the journey, challenges, exploring, and defying gravity.

When climbing debuted in the pandemicera Tokyo Olympics, athletes had to take part in all disciplines of climbing. Now, with

climbing featured as three separate events in the Paris Olympics — lead climbing, speed climbing, and bouldering — athletes have even more opportunities to shine and focus in on what they perform best in. Finding your niche in a sport can help keep you in it longer and excel faster.

Climbing has a complex, robust, and sometimes contentious past. However, as climbing has progressed through the decades, more attention and professionalism has gravitated to it. The invitation of the sport to participate in the Olympics has cemented its future a lifelong, challenging, and respectable sport. Be sure to tune into the Paris Olympics this summer, as it will certainly be one to remember.

What sets climbing apart, especially for the young ones, is the accessibility and inclusivity. You do not need to be a specific body type to excel. Climbing rewards determination, problem-solving, creativity, and confidence — qualities that kids have a ton of. Climbing at MAC provides instruction for all ages, where you can set your own goals, train at your own

pace, or get personal coaching to drive you to the next level.

Our climbing programs instruct kids and adults in resilience, patience, and perseverance. It’s about learning trust, pushing through fears and unknowns, and celebrating achievement, however small or large. These lessons extend far beyond the walls of our Climbing Gym.

While the sport grows ever more popular, the future for younger and older climbers alike is brighter than ever. Having the opportunity to train in world-class facilities such as MAC’s, compete in local, national, and international levels, and receive professional instruction provides everyone with the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Whether it be the Olympics, climbing out at Smith Rock, or just having an enjoyable time with your friends before a drink in the Sports Pub, I look forward to seeing our MAC athletes succeed, hopefully one day bringing back Olympic medals.

— Philip Wilson, Climbing Gym Supervisor

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Jesse Scroggins Wins Two Events at Alpine National Championships

Jesse Scroggins placed first of all competitors in the Super Giant Slalom and Parallel Panel Giant Slalom at the U.S. Masters Alpine National Championships at Granite Peak Ski Resort in Wausau, Wisconsin, from Feb. 5-10. He placed second in the Giant Slalom and Slalom. The four FIS-approved courses included a Super Giant Slalom, Giant Slalom, Slalom, and Parallel Panel Giant Slalom. The event drew more than 100 top racers aged 18 to 84 from throughout the U.S.

Scroggins is also the U.S. Ski & Snowsport Speed Series overall winner for Group 9 (age 65-69) and Class D group (65+) after competing in SGS at Granite Peak, Sun Valley, and Mount Bachelor this season.

Scroggins has been a ski race coach at MAC for the last 20 years. He was program director for eight years, a member coach for six years, and an employee coach leading the Masters program for five years. He is also the head coach for Hood River High School and is working on his Technical Delegate certification for running sanctioned ski races. He is also a lead coach at Willy Camp.

For the past seven years, Scroggins has been designing and building his sought-after 541 Skis brand. The one-quiver skis are custom-built.

44 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 ATHLETICS Madeleine Rose Oregon Principal Broker Dedication, perseverance, and professionalism. Cell: 503-781-4667 Welcome Home!
Jesse Scroggins


Spotlight on MAC Karate

The MAC Karate program is a small sport program at the club. Beginning classes are usually small enough that each student gets individual attention. Though it’s a solid program, there is room to grow.

Family Fridays provides the Karate program an opportunity to let members know we are here. Members participate in sessions scheduled into three 20-minute time slots. Each session resembles a mini beginner’s class, giving participants a flavor of karate class. Thank you to the Karate Committee and those who helped.

I want to recognize all the students who participate in the program for their commitment to training and embracing the long history of karate.


JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 45 ATHLETICS 503.206.8380
Wright Architecture is a collaborative firm based in Portland, Oregon. We design buildings and build relationships. We’d love to discover your path.

League Tennis at MAC

Tennis is more than just a game; it’s a vibrant community filled with laughter, friendly competition, and lifelong friendships. For tennis enthusiasts looking to enrich experiences on and off the court, look no further than league tennis. MAC offers play in both the USTA and City League (an all-women’s weekday, daytime league). Here are five reasons why members should jump into the fun and join a league at MAC.

Grow Your Tennis Circle

One of the best parts of tennis is the people you meet along the way, and league tennis is the perfect place to expand your social circle. Whether a seasoned player or just starting out, players will find a warm welcome and plenty of friendly faces. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with others who share the love of the game and forge lasting friendships both on and off the court.

Embrace Competition

Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? In league tennis, players have the chance to test their skills against players of all levels in a supportive and encouraging environment. Whether you’re aiming for the top spot or just out to have a good time, every match is a chance to challenge yourself, improve your game, and maybe even score a few bragging rights along the way.

Build a Tennis Family

Joining a league team is like gaining a second family. You’ll share triumphs and setbacks, celebrate victories, and lift each other up through defeats. It’s all about teamwork, camaraderie, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re playing singles or doubles, you’ll always have your teammates by your side, cheering you on and making every match an unforgettable experience.

Stay Active & Healthy

Tennis is a fantastic way to stay active, healthy, and happy. By participating in league tennis, you’ll enjoy all the physical and mental benefits that come with hitting the court. It’s a great workout for your body and mind, helping you stay fit, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your mood. Every match is a chance to recharge and rejuvenate.

Personal & Professional Growth

League tennis is not just about tennis, it’s also about personal growth and development. As you navigate the ups and downs of competition, you’ll learn valuable life lessons about resilience, sportsmanship, and teamwork.

Win or lose, every match is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become the best version of yourself both on and off the court. It’s a journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment that will enrich your life in ways you never imagined.

Tennis is known as an individual sport, but joining a team provides the opportunity to become part of a group larger than just yourself. MAC league teams offer members an opportunity to challenge themselves, embrace competitive opportunities, and develop new and lasting friendships along the way. Be sure to check out all the opportunities MAC Tennis has to get members dialed in on a team.

46 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 ATHLETICS
TENNIS | 503.244.7467 Honesty. Caring. Community. ORCCB#54065 WACCB#OLSONJC889OR © Blackstone Edge Studios Home. Inspired.

Another Year in the Books

Congratulations to all the 2023-24 volleyball athletes who competed on MAC teams this season! All in all, there were 110 athletes across 10 teams, 20 amazing coaches, and 17 weekends of volleyball — both in and out of the state.

This season saw tremendous growth and cohesion across all 10 teams, and it will truly be a year to remember!

Some major highlights of the season include:

• O ver half of MAC teams went undefeated at their Power League tournaments (and did it multiple times, which resulted in a quick climb in regional rankings).

• 15 Elite, 13 Elite, and 12 Elite all took the gold at MAC-hosted tournaments.

• Nine out of ten teams qualifyied for the CEVA Regional Championship Tournament.

• 13 Elite and 15 Elite competed at the Salt Lake City Showdown.

• 18 Premier competed at the Sierra National Qualifier in Sacramento.

• 14 Select gave back to the community by putting together 50 care kits for the Blanchet House.

• 12 Elite only dropped one match during Regionals and moved up two spots to #21.

Here are the final finishes for all 12-14U teams:

12U Division (82 CEVA teams total)

• 12 Elite: #21

• 12 Premier: #51

• 11 Select: #79

14U Division (194 CEVA teams total)

• 13 Elite: #47

• 14 Premier: #59

• 14 Select: #150

At the time this article was written, 15-18U teams had not yet competed in Regionals.

Interested in learning more about training this summer or joining a team in the fall? Email to learn more!

— Taylor Canoso, Volleyball Head Coach

Salt Lake City Showdown

Member Numbers:

Walk Across America Mileage

Walk Across America is a national program that allows members to create annual mileage goals, with end-of-year rewards. The idea is to set a mileage goal that is reasonable, attainable, challenging, and motivating. MAC members may join at any time.

For more information or to submit mileage, please contact Claire Galton at

Mileage as of April 30, 2024

Ann Blume 8,290

Ann Durfee 49,867

Claire Galton 45,918

Norm Frink 18,959

Vuong Vu 4,684

Robert Jarrett 493

Shannon Leonetti 85,355

Harriet Maizels 29,417

Tom Neilsen 7,807

Linda Opray 22,123

John Popplewell 5,010

Dee Poujade 15,886

Nancy Sergeant 29,784

Carrie Stucky 31,634

Barbara Wetzel 30,880

Ellen Wax 3,764

Dave Huffman 3,019

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M ATHLETICS MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC NOVEMBER WINGED M HolidayTraditions Shine FESTIVECLUB MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC CLUB WINGED ChillOut ChowDown ontheSunDeck –page24SAVORTHESUMMER MULTNOMAH ATHLETICWINGED PITCHPERFECT CheckingInwithSoccerStar ShannonBoxx&Family –page MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC FEBRUARY WINGED M PickleballPlayers HoldCourtat MAC&Beyond –page MULTNOMAH WINGED MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC OCTOBER WINGED M MemberCreativity TakesManyShapes –page MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC SEPTEMBER WINGED NewMembers FindValue, Community PAGE OneFamily’s Impact PAGE SCORE BIG AT MAC Connect with MAC’s member community by advertising in The Winged M. Secure your spot by contacting Showcase Your Business to the MAC Community PRINCIPAL BROKERS WINDERMERE REALTY TRUST MACEYANDMJ.COM 503 730 4576 1816 SW HAWTHORNE TERRACE PENDING | 2155 SW EDGEWOOD ROAD 2148 SW EDGEWOOD ROAD PENDING | CAMBRIDGE 5-205 3463 SW DOSCHVIEW COURT

With Injury, Return to Sport Is Not the Finish Line

After an injury, patients ask, “When can I get back to my sport (running, alpine skiing, snowboarding, soccer, etc.)?” The answer, “It depends.”

There are so many factors in the decision, including type of healing tissue, time, the age of the athlete, mental readiness, if there has been a prior injury, and the demands of

the sport. The Return-to-Sport Clearance Continuum is proposed by medical professionals for the phases of healing and to give more objective criteria for informed decisions. The timeline may be longer than you think and includes return to participation, then sport, then performance. Part of the inspiration for providing this information is to help with perspective for injured athletes.

After an injury, which may require surgery, the repair phase begins, as well as initiation of physical therapy. Pain and swelling are the focus, along with range of motion (if appropriate), muscle activation, protection of healing tissues, and education. Progression is per criteria benchmarks, which must be met before progressing to the following phase. This leads to the next phase of rehabilitation and recovery for restoring range of motion, strength, balance, and proper mechanics. This is the stage that equipment such as neuromuscular electrical stimulation for muscle activation, blood flow restriction to assist with strength gain, and technology to capture metrics can be helpful to determine deficits that need to be addressed and provide objective data on when to progress.


The next phase, reconditioning, is the phase that may add a personal trainer and/ or a strength and conditioning coach. Collaboration is needed between physical therapist, personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and team coach for precautions, training guidelines, and loading limits. Load tolerance, cardio conditioning, force, power, and sports-specific exercise for skill development are the focus. At this stage, if criteria is met, the athlete may return to participation for sports drills and some limited non-contact practice. Once the physician and physical therapist determine that it’s appropriate, the athlete will undergo return-to-sport testing to indicate readiness for unrestricted sports and decreased reinjury risk. Testing may include range of motion, strength, endurance, power, rate of force development, neuromuscular control, movement quality, and psychological readiness.

It is crucial to realize that the athlete’s performance level prior to the injury will not yet be achieved. Even elite athletes can have strength, power, force development deficits, and asymmetries for 18 months, showing just how long the length of recovery can be. Additionally, fear of reinjury can limit performance and may require the assistance of a sports psychologist. The first season back may be a rust buster, with a goal of getting comfortable with full competition.

A local World Cup skier sustained a complex multi-ligament, meniscus, fracture, and nerve damage knee injury shortly before the Olympics, which required surgery and extensive physical therapy and strength and conditioning. Return to snow (participation) occurred at 14 months, training (sport) at 17 months, and competition at 22 months, with prior performance reached later with Olympics at four years post-injury and World Cup podium thereafter. Very few are returning to this level of competition or have this extensive of an injury, but the timeline shows the length between participation and performance. Patience and perspective are invaluable during the recovery process to ensure there are fewer hurdles both mentally and physically.

If you are dealing with an injury and need guidance, reach out to me at 503-272-8785. If you are further in the process but do not feel your performance has returned, reach out to MAC personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches.

Sasha Kolbeck is an independent contractor from Rose City PT. This article is for information only and is not intended to replace medical advice.


Second Friday of the Month 4:30-9 p.m.

Parents are invited to enjoy a night out while their child has fun doing art projects, reading books, playing games, and watching a movie. Snacks are included but parents must provide a pre-made dinner. For children ages 6 weeks to 6 years old.

To register, email or call 503-517-7215. Reservations open on the first of every month.

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 51 FITNESS

Senior Strength

Members Build Muscle & More in Popular Group Exercise Class

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon, an enthusiastic cohort of members makes their way down to the basement and into Studio One, ready to enjoy an hour of strength-building, confidence-building, and camaraderie. There might be a little optional singing and dancing that happens, too.

They’re there for Senior Strength, a class that has quickly become a member favorite. Under the expert guidance of Perparim “Papi” Ferunaj, a former weightlifting champion and seasoned instructor, the class has flourished over the last few years.

“Senior Strength seems to be one of our fastest-growing group exercise sessions. It’s an incredible offering for an important demographic, and it embodies our commitment to serving this community of lifelong athletes,” says C.J. Martin, Senior Fitness & Performance Director.

It started as a virtual class when the club closed temporarily during the pandemic. When the club reopened, Ferunaj recalls that he began teaching it in-person with just two couples in attendance. Now, due to an overwhelmingly positive response from members, it’s on the Group Exercise schedule three days a week and regularly draws upwards of 30 participants.

The class combines light weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and techniques from various martial arts to challenge participants

Explore More Programs

in a safe, engaging environment. Each class — set against a backdrop of light music — focuses on technique rather than intensity, emphasizing the mind-body connection.

Participants at a recent Monday afternoon session cite a variety of reasons why it has become a staple in their fitness routine. Jacqueline Aranté, for example, has been a MAC member for less than a year but has quickly found a place among friends. “This is the one class that’s kept me coming back. It’s challenging, and Papi always changes it up,” she says.

Ferunaj brings a unique blend of expertise to the class, drawing from his roots as a former weightlifting national champion in his home country of Albania, as well as his rich background in martial arts and sports science education. Participants note that he is very particular about teaching and demonstrating proper form to ensure that each exercise is safe and effective.

Check out a few more opportunities specifically designed to help older adults stay active and connect with others.


Workshop: Functional Movement

10 a.m. Thursday, June 13 | Virtual

for Seniors

This movement workshop with Mandee Louie caters to seniors of all levels, focusing on their specific needs including balance, stability, strength, posture, and everyday functional movements. Props include a mat, chair (any kind — even a kitchen chair will work), and optional light weights. Join via Zoom from the Group Exercise Calendar on

Senior Social Spin

11-11:45 a.m. Mondays | Stadium Studio

Connect with other members in this low-impact social and interactive class. It’s designed for those interested in gentle cycling while discussing a variety of topics, from health and wellness to the Wordle of the day! Sessions include assistance with bike setup and adjustment, cycling time, and gentle stretching.


• 12:30 p.m. Mondays

• 3:15 p.m. Wednesdays

• 12:30 p.m. Fridays

There is no cost for members to participate.

Pam Howard, a regular in the class, says she sees benefits despite a shoulder injury that partially limits her upper-body mobility. With guidance from Ferunaj, she’s able to adapt the exercises to work for her. “I’m still getting stronger!” she exclaims.

Strength training is especially important for older adults because it helps counteract the muscle loss that naturally occurs with aging. “A lot of people do cardio, like walking. That’s good for the heart, but it isn’t enough to build muscle,” says Ferunaj.

Studies show that regular strength training can improve muscle strength, muscle power, and balance, all of which play a key role in preventing falls, a common cause of injury among adults aged 65 and older. Regular strength training may also provide other benefits, such as improved bone density and a boost in metabolism — not to mention a boost in confidence.

And that’s what it’s really about, says Ferunaj — inspiring and empowering people to live their healthiest lives. “There are many members who have been coming for a long time because they feel themselves getting stronger. They show that muscle strength and muscle power can be improved over time,” he says. They also show that it’s not just about building muscle; it’s also about building a community that inspires each other to have fun and keep improving.

52 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 FITNESS
YOUR FACE. OUR FOCUS. Schedule your free consultation today Facial injectables are our focus. Your confidence is our passion. Ignite self-love at Skin by Lovely. CAMAS | LAKE OSWEGO | PORTLAND 877 568 3594

Prenatal Massage: What Are the Benefits?

It’s no secret that pregnancy can take a major toll on the body. Aside from the more common side effects such as nausea, vomiting, weight gain, and cravings, there are lesser-known effects like neuralgia, tingling, sciatica symptoms, difficulty breathing, general anxiety, and headaches. Receiving regular massages during pregnancy can help manage or even prevent these symptoms.

In studies, prenatal massage has been shown to help:

• Reduce joint pain

• Reduce swelling

• Reduce stress and anxiety

• Reduce nerve pain such as sciatica

• Reduce muscle tension

• Improve circulation

• Improve quality of sleep

Some people should not receive massage during pregnancy, including anyone considered high-risk by their OB-GYN, those with preeclampsia, those with history of pre-term labor, and those with history of miscarriage unless cleared by their doctor.

Visit MAC’s multiple massage therapists who specialize in prenatal massage for relief and comfort during this exciting and lifechanging time!

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with your own healthcare provider regarding your health or medical concerns.

Celebrate Father’s Day with the Gift of Massage

This Father’s Day, show your appreciation with a gift that speaks volumes — the gift of relaxation. Treat the special dad in your life to a rejuvenating massage to help him unwind and feel his best.

Pick up a gift card by visiting the At Your Service desk.

54 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 FITNESS


One might argue there’s no better way to end a busy day than by sharing a delicious meal, drink, or both with friends and family in a relaxed outdoor setting. That can be easily accomplished at the Sunset Bistro, where each dish is crafted with care and served with a side of spectacular summer views.

This season, Executive Chef Philip Oswalt and his team have reimagined the dinner menu with an emphasis on new, fresh, and crisp ingredients. “The menu items are full of flavor and spice but are light at the same time,” he explains. In crafting the lineup of appetizers, main courses, and desserts, the culinary team leveraged the bounty of fantastic local produce that’s hitting farmers markets right now.

Continued on page 58


heirloom tomato, cucumber, fennel, creamy chive dressing


braised daikon, shiitake mushrooms, baby bok choy, ota tofu, yuzu-miso dressing

56 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 CULINARY


cheddar grits


toy box tomato, castelvetrano olive, feta, grilled sweet potato flatbread


JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 57 CULINARY
tabbouleh, roasted garlic feta yogurt sauce


Continued from page 56

Each dish is a celebration of seasonal freshness and vibrant flavor. From crunchy, flavorpacked chicken wings to a super food bowl that’s curated with micronutrient-dense ingredients, the menu is designed to delight and nourish in equal measure. Another standout is the BBQ Platter, a shareable feast featuring Carlton Farms pork ribs, smoked beef brisket, corn bread pie, bacon-braised collard greens, and more, dreamed up by Sports Pub Chef Mathew Wells. Oswalt recommends adding a bucket of ice-cold Pacifico beers to complete the al fresco dining experience.

For those who prefer to pair their meal with something else, expert mixologist Roni Pervizi is ready with an abundance of options, including the fan favorite Frosé and a fresh lineup of tasty cocktails. Nothing says summer like his spicy margarita, which brings together tequila and a rotating fruit puree with housemade habanero syrup and fresh-squeezed lime juice. Most of his cocktails can also be made as mocktails or with alcohol-free spirits. This is summer dining as it’s meant to be experienced, and it’s ready for MAC members and their guests to enjoy. Make a reservation through Open Table via, or just stop by to find your place in — or out of — the sun.



– serves up to four –half rack pork ribs, 1 lb. smoked beef brisket, 1 lb. burnt ends sausage, corn bread pie, bacon braised collard greens, baked beans, pickle


nuoc cham reduction, crushed peanuts, cilantro


sorghum, amaranth, hemp seed, avocado, red bell peppers, baby kale, button mushrooms, crushed brazil nuts, green godess dressing

58 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024
chilled, heirloom tomato


Woodinville rye whiskey, Amaro Montenegro, and Gran Classico bitters


tequila, blood orange (or rotating fruit) juice, house-made habanero syrup, lime juice


Channel vodka washed in coconut oil, mango puree, pineapple orgeat, lime juice


El Toroso tequila, solerno orange liquer, coconut puree, orange juice, orange zest

NASHCO JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 59 CULINARY
Bar Manager Roni Pervizi shakes up the cocktail menu for summer. Executive Chef Philip Oswalt’s team has created a new lineup of dishes that intrigue and satisfy.

Sunset Bistro


Grill Nights

June 16 & July 28


June 30 & Aug. 11

Low Country Boil

July 14 & Aug. 25

On select Sundays this summer, hit the bistro for themed menu nights and head into the week supremely satisfied. In addition to the regular menu, Executive Chef Philip Oswalt feature special items to make your al fresco dining experience even more memorable. The menu items are offered during dinner Bistro hours, 4-8 p.m., while supplies last. Reservations are recommended but not required and can be made at Open Table via

Restaurant Hours


Monday-Friday 7 a.m-7 p.m.

Saturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m.


Opens Friday, June 14

Monday-Friday Noon-8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Noon-6 p.m.

Sunset Bistro

Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.

Sports Pub

Starting Sunday, June 9

Monday-Friday 6 a.m.-8 p.m.

Saturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-4 p.m.


Starting week of June 3

Thursday & Friday 4-9 p.m.

Reservations are recommended, but not required, for 1891. Minors are allowed in 1891 during lunch service and in the East Room only for dinner service. Visit to make a reservation and for the most up-to-date hours.


Taste of Thailand Supper Club

6-10:30 p.m.

Tuesday, June 18

Treat your tastebuds to Thai cuisine’s perfect blend of spicy, sweet, and savory flavors! The Social Activities Committee hosts a Thai-themed Supper Club at the Sunset Bistro with authentic dishes, special cocktails, and live entertainment. SAE0618

Stop by Splash This Summer

Opens Friday, June 14

MAC’s casual outdoor dining spot, Splash, opens just in time for the summer heat. Pick from a selection of wraps, salads, smash burgers, smoothies, and beverages to enjoy right outside the Sun Deck Pool.

Team USA: Summer BBQ Supper Club

6-10:30 p.m.

Tuesday, July 16

Usher in the Summer Olympics with a festive barbecue celebrating Team USA. Indulge in a sweet and savory menu featuring regionally sourced ingredients, cool off with the John Daly signature cocktail, and listen to folk and blues by Portland band Hushfire. SAE0716

60 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 CULINARY


Join us for an open house and brunch!

Wednesday, June 12th | 10:30 am–12:30 pm

In addition to our independent and assisted living options, we’re proud to offer Opal, our signature memory care program. Based on a whole-person approach, Opal ensures that your loved one is comfortable, cared for, and celebrated in their own individualized way.

• Learn about how we use the Life Story to provide well-rounded care that encourages and inspires, meeting each resident where they are.

• Speak to our caregivers about how they use our 54 Things About Me to know each resident’s personal preferences and monitor how those change as dementia progresses.

Space is limited, so please call 971-257-5845 to RSVP.

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 61
11795 NW Cedar Falls Drive | Portland, OR 97229 | 971-257-5845 |

Supper Club returns to the Sunset Bistro this summer while a new Night Market sets up in the Turnaround.

Enjoy Summer Tuesdays at MAC

Summer nights just got a whole lot more exciting with MAC’s Supper Club and Night Market series. Every third Tuesday of June, July, and August, members and guests can look forward to an evening of entertainment, gastronomy, and community.

The Supper Clubs, held at the Sunset Bistro and hosted by the Social Activities Committee, offer themed experiences accompanied by live music and specialty menus. It’s an opportunity to indulge in culinary delights provided by MAC’s own chefs. June kicks off with a Thailand theme, featuring an exquisite Thai specialty menu and live Thai music to set the mood. Keep an eye out in the upcoming issues of The Winged M for the announcement of the July and August Supper Club themes! Reserve a table today via OpenTable at Meanwhile, the MAC Night Market, hosted in the outdoor Turnaround, promises an eclectic mix of artisans, farmers, and

live entertainment, creating a vibrant atmosphere. To add to the ambiance, local musicians take to the stage while guests are treated to a culinary journey courtesy of MAC’s talented chefs. But perhaps the most magical aspect of the Night Market is the sense of community it fosters. Here, friends and family come together to enjoy each other’s company, share stories, and create lasting memories. There is no cost to attend. Registration is encouraged but not required at

Whether you’re tantalizing your taste buds at the Supper Club or browsing at the Night Market, MAC’s summer evenings are sure to be lively and memorable. So, mark your calendars, gather your loved ones, and immerse yourself in summer nights at MAC — it’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

62 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024

Wednesday, June 5

Duplicate Bridge

12:30-3:30 p.m.

Explore the strategic and skillful world of duplicate bridge, a variant designed to eliminate the luck factor in card distribution. Coffee and tea are provided. SOA365

Collective Wisdom Salon

6-8 p.m.

The Murmuration Collective and the Culture & Style Committee offer members and guests an opportunity to engage with like-minded women, share experiences, and cultivate meaningful relationships in a relaxed and supportive environment. SCE0605

Wednesday, June 12

MAC Professional Business Networking Group

7:30-9 a.m.

Members meet monthly in 26 Founders to discuss challenges, successes, and hurdles facing professionals and their enterprises. The cost to attend is $5. SOA191

Friday, June 14

MAC Field Day

6-8 p.m.

CAE0614 — waitlist only

Friday, June 14 & Saturday, June 15

MAC Dance Recitals

6:30 p.m. Friday

11 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Saturday

These recitals, held at Lincoln High School, are end-of-the-season shows for all schoolage classes and the MAC Company. The Mini Recital features performances based on classic Saturday morning cartoons; the Main Recital references iconic television shows; and the MAC Dance Company Review spotlights choreographies from their 2024 competitive season. DAE0614, DAE0615, DAE0616

Monday, June 17

MAC Company Dance Auditions

4:30-6 p.m.

Dancers ages 9-18 are invited to try out for MAC Company’s 2024-25 season. Audition for Junior Company 1, Junior Company 2, Senior Company, Hip Hop Company, and Tap Company. It’s recommended that dancers have one full year of training to participate. Dancers must wear all black clothing.


History Book Club

6:30-8 p.m.

This month’s book is A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America and the Woman Who Stopped Them by Timothy Egan. HBC2024

Tuesday, June 18

MAC Night Market

5-9 p.m.

Come browse and shop at the MAC Night Market, taking place in the Turnaround on the third Tuesday in June, July, and August. Stroll through an artisan and farmer market featuring local vendors, live music, activities, and more. There is no cost. Registration is encouraged but not required. SOE0618

Join one of three classes celebrating International Day of Yoga on June 21.

Taste of Thailand Supper Club

6-10:30 p.m.

Treat your tastebuds to the perfect blend of spicy, sweet, and savory when the Social Activities Committee hosts Taste of Thailand at the Sunset Bistro. Enjoy Thai flavors and sounds with live entertainment, authentic dishes (in addition to the regular menu), and beverage specials. SAE0618

Thursday, June 20

Business Essentials – Leading Through Uncertainty & Change

5:30-7:30 p.m.

PlayBook Consulting Group covers six strategies that increase capacity to lead others in an increasingly complex world. SOA490

Friday, June 21

International Day of Yoga 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Celebrate the International Day of Yoga with a variety of classes suitable for all levels. And don’t miss the social reception, featuring tea from Portland’s Smith Teamaker along with healthy snacks and wellness vendors. YOE0621, YOE621, YOY621

MAC Golf Summer Tour at The Reserve

Tee times start at 1 p.m.

Join the golf community in its summer tour of area courses, including this stop at The Reserve in Aloha. The cost is $115 and includes a round and range balls.GOE0531

Tuesday, June 25

Evening Literary Group

7-8 p.m.

Join the Evening Literary Group in Kamm for a lively discussion of Transit of Venue by Shirley Hazzard. Please email Martha Dixon at with any questions. ELG2024

Continued on page 64

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 63 EVENTS
Select June and July events and classes are presented here. Additional experiences are listed on the Events and MAC@Home pages at


The Junior Lounge is a space for children ages 7-14 to hang out solo or with friends.

The following special events are planned for June:

Tuesday, June 4

Taylor Swift Eras Tour Watch Party

Thursday, June 13

Last Day of School Party

Wednesday, June 19

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Movie Marathon

Friday, June 28

Origami Ninja Star Contest

The Junior Lounge is open from 2:30-6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday.

Continued from page 63

Wednesday, June 26

Early Birds Strawberry

Shortcake Social

5:45-6:45 a.m.

All are welcome to celebrate strawberry season! Get to know fellow members and learn what activities are available for Early Birds. Coffee and strawberry shortcake are provided at the Rose Garden in Washington Park. EBE0626

Friday, June 28

Dine With Pride

5:30-8 p.m.

Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month with the Community & Heritage Committee. Be inspired by speaker Carolyn Wood and the Portland Lesbian Choir, and entertained by a drag show featuring Poison Waters, Meesha Peru, and friends. Plus, enjoy a cocktail social and dinner, and a Pride market featuring local LGBTQ+ businesses. This is a 21-and-older event and is open to guests. The cost includes a plated dinner, entertainment, and raffle tickets. CHC0628

Saturday, June 29

Dad & Me Timbers Game

6 p.m.

Dads and kids are invited to watch the Timbers take on Minnesota United FC. The Reading Lounge opens at 6 p.m. for pregame activities, including giant Jenga and ping pong, and the match kicks off at 7:30 p.m. Free ice cream treats are included. PTFC010

Sunday, June 30

Golf Scramble at Pumpkin Ridge

8 a.m.

Come one, come all to the annual MAC Scramble, held at the Ghost Creek Course at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club in North Plains. Tickets include green fees, cart, range balls, lunch, and appetizers at the awards banquet after the event. Members and guests are welcome. GOE0630


Monday, July 8

Women’s Summer Golf Mixer – RedTail Golf Center

2 p.m.

The Golf Committee invites members to grab their clubs and tee up for a fantastic opportunity to connect, play, and make birdies at local clubs. Each nine-hole mixer has a capacity of 24 players and includes range balls. GOE0708

Tennis Summer Social & Wilson Racquet Demo 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Swing by and test out the latest Wilson tennis racquets. A regional Wilson representative is on hand with more than 75 frames to demonstrate. MAC coaches run drills on courts 1-3 while court 4 houses the ball machine for demoing racquets. After play, enjoy refreshments and light appetizers outside. TEE0708

Wednesday, July 10

MAC Professional Business Networking Group 7:30-9 a.m.

Visit the Junior Lounge page to see the full event calendar:

The annual Golf Scramble takes place at Pumpkin Ridge on June 30.

Members meet monthly in 26 Founders to discuss challenges, successes, and hurdles facing professionals and their enterprises. The cost to attend is $5. SOA191

Friday, July 12

Bali Night Pool Party

8-11 p.m.

The 20s/30s Committee invites members and guests ages 21-45 to celebrate the summer heat at the coolest pool party of the year! Exotic ambiance and music by DJ Jupiter Williams make the Sun Deck Pool the place to be at this adults-only evening. Bali Night is all about good vibes, great people, and unforgettable memories. STE0712

Continued on page 66

64 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 EVENTS
JEFF ETCHISON 503.440.2540 $6,750,000 81208 SUNSET VISTA ROAD ARCH CAPE, OR 97102 STEVE BACKER MARIA FITGERALD 503.459.2319 $3,650,000 2208 NE 28TH AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97212 JACKIE WEBER 503.440.2331 $2,299,000 747 OAK STREET CANNON BEACH, OR 97110 ANN THOMPSON 503.314.5886 726 NW 22ND AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97210 ALICIA EDELINE 530.575.2519 19440 SE DEBORA DRIVE DAMASCUS, OR 97089 BETSY MENEFEE 503.260.5866 $1,200,000 3708 SW SHATTUCK ROAD PORTLAND, OR 97239 AIMEE VIRNIG 503.803.7678 $915,000 2032 NE MASON STREET PORTLAND, OR 97211 AIMEE VIRNIG 503.803.7678 $539,000 223 NE IVY STREET PORTLAND, OR 97212 RENE SUSAK 503.449.2313 $725,000 754 NW WESTOVER SQUARE PORTLAND, OR 97210 DENNIS LAIRD 503.317.7972 $400,000 5110 S LANDING DRIVE, #304 PORTLAND, OR 97239 PORTLAND BUSINESS JOURNAL 2022 & 2023 Oregon’s most admired — residential real estate co. WINDERMEREPORTLAND.COM $1,700,000 $1,295,000

Continued from page 64

Sunday, July 14

MAC Wine Ride

9 a.m.

Members and guests are invited to join in a relaxed ride through Oregon’s picturesque wine country. Then, head to Torii Mor winery for lunch, wine tasting, and fabulous views. CYE0721

Monday, July 15

History Book Club

6:30-8 p.m.

This month’s book is American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Robert J. Sherwin. It’s the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an iconic figure of the 20th century and a brilliant physicist who led the effort to build the atomic bomb. HBC2024

Tuesday, July 16

MAC Night Market

5-9 p.m.

Come stroll and shop MAC’s farmer and artisan market featuring local vendors, live music, and more. Plus, MAC’s Chef Flinn showcases his culinary skills during this fun-filled evening. Registration is recommended for this free event but isn’t required. Invite guests, friends, and neighbors to join, and don’t forget your reusable bags! SOE0716

The club participates in the Portland Pride Parade for the second year on Sunday, July 21.

Team USA: Summer BBQ Supper Club

6-10:30 p.m.

Head to the Sunset Bistro to usher in the Summer Olympics with a festive barbecue celebrating Team USA. Indulge in a menu featuring sweet and savory specialties made with regionally sourced ingredients and complemented by the John Daly signature cocktail. While dining, enjoy the sounds of folk and blues by Portland band Hushfire. SAE0716

Thursday, July 18

Ray Martinelli Hack Hoop Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m.

Round up a foursome for this best-ball scramble hosted by the Basketball Committee at Eastmoreland Golf Course. With no refs to whistle players on their hacks, this longrunning event invites shenanigans and good fun. BBE0718

Continued on page 68

Exclusive Opportunities for Moda Center Events

Check out the following summer and fall events at the Moda Center. MAC members have the opportunity to enter a lottery to purchase an entire suite for Blink 182, Jelly Roll, and Def Leppard/ Journey. Individual suite tickets are available for the Zack Bryan show.

Blink 182

One More Time Tour with guest Pierce the Veil

7 p.m. Saturday, July 13


Jelly Roll

Beautifully Broken Tour with guests Warren Zeiders & Alexandra Kay

7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 1


Def Leppard & Journey Monday, Sept. 2

7:30 p.m.


Zach Bryan

The Quittin Time Tour with guests Matt Meason & Levi Turner Tuesday, Nov. 26


A suite buyout includes seats for up to 16 people, a catering package, parking passes or a private bus to and from the Moda Center, and a drink allowance of $500.

To register for the lotteries, use the QRN for each event at Lotteries open 60 days before the event.

66 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 EVENTS
LICENSE #50R522 2404-PPP-3866A 1540 NW 13th Avenue | Portland, OR 97209 503-205-3083 | INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE Progressive worldview. Phenomenal Portland views. No buy in or large deposit. The view is pretty incredible from here.

Continued from page 66

Saturday-Sunday, July 20-21

Pride Parade

Help build MAC’s float for the Portland Pride Parade on Saturday, join the march on Sunday, or help clean up afterward. More details coming soon. CHE0720, CHE0721

Tuesday, July 23

Evening Literary Group

7-8 p.m.

Join the Evening Literary Group in Kamm. This month is a reader’s choice meeting. Please email Martha Dixon at jollyology@aol. com with any questions. ELG2024

Saturday, July 27

MAC Mile

8-10 a.m.

The Tri/Run Committee invites members to partake in this annual tradition at the Lincoln High School track. It is open to members of all ages and abilities, and small prizes are awarded for the first-place men’s and women’s winners. The cost is $10. TRE0727

Monday, July 29

Tennis Summer Social: Coaches Exhibition

6-8 p.m.

Join the Tennis community for an evening of racquet-swinging excitement as MAC’s top coaches display their expertise on the court. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious spectator, come together with fellow enthusiasts for an unforgettable summer gathering. TEE0729

Tuesday, July 30

Summer Olympics

Women’s Gymnastics Watch Party

9 a.m.

Join members for an exhilarating morning of Olympic Women’s Gymnastics Team Finals. Witness the grace, skill, and athleticism of the world’s top gymnasts as they compete for glory on the global stage. Light snacks are provided and beverages are available for purchase. Don’t miss the chance to be part of the excitement! GYE0730

Portland Timbers

Save the Date

Friday, Aug. 9

Portland Spirit Happy Hour Cruise

3-5 p.m.

See the city from a new perspective as you sail past some of Portland’s iconic landmarks and homes, and learn interesting tidbits about the city’s history and culture from the river’s perspective. All ages and guests are welcome. SOE0809 – registration opens June 10

Friday, Sept. 20

MAC Comedy Club

7:30 p.m.

The club hosts national headliner comedian Mo Mandel for an evening of laughter and fun. SOE0920 – registration opens July 22

Portland Thorns

Tickets are required to enter the Stadium Terrace during Timbers/Thorns matches. For more information, search Timbers/Thorns at or contact At Your Service at 503-517-7235 or

All matches are subject to change by the MLS/NWSL. For any changes by the MLS/NWSL affecting the match time or date, there is a period of time where tickets may be canceled at no charge. This period of time will be communicated to those with reservations.

68 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024 EVENTS
Registration Registration Date Kickoff Opponent Opens at Noon Code Saturday, June 1 7:30 p.m. Houston Dynamo FC Open PTFC008 Saturday, June 22 7:30 p.m. Vancouver Whitecaps FC Open PTFC009 Saturday, June 29 7:30 p.m. Minnesota United FC Open PTFC010 Sunday, July 7 7:30 p.m. Nashville SC June 7 PTFC011 Saturday, July 13 7:30 p.m. Real Salt Lake June 13 PTFC012 Registration Registration Date Kickoff Opponent Opens at Noon Code Saturday, June 8 7 p.m. North Carolina Courage Open PTFC105 Sunday, June 23 1 p.m. Kansas City Current Open PTFC106 Friday, July 5 7 p.m. San Diego Wave FC June 5 PTFC107

Set Sail with MAC’s Moana Sing-Along!

Lights, camera, action! Mark the calendar for Nov. 15 because MAC is gearing up for its annual Movie Sing-Along, which this year dives into the world of Moana! As anticipation builds for the release of Moana 2 on Nov. 27, the Social Activities Committee invites members and their guests to be a part of the magic.

Set against the backdrop of the stunning Pacific Islands, Moana has captured hearts worldwide with its unforgettable characters and infectious melodies. Now, MAC offers the chance for volunteers of all ages to step into the spotlight and become part of the adventure. Whether you dream of sailing the ocean with Moana, cracking jokes alongside Maui, or dancing with the spirited villagers of Motunui, there’s a role for everyone in this family-friendly event.

The Movie Sing-Along event is a beloved tradition at MAC made possible by the dedication and enthusiasm of members. This year, the committee calls on volunteers to join onstage and behind the scenes. Performers have the opportunity to embody their favorite characters from Moana, bringing the film to life in real time as the sing-along version plays for the audience. From the brave voyager Moana herself to the mischievous

demigod Maui, each role is a chance to spark joy and ignite imaginations. But the magic doesn’t stop there. Backstage, a team of stagehands works to ensure that every detail is perfect. From setting the scene with dazzling props to orchestrating seamless transitions, these unsung heroes play a vital role in making the Sing-Along a night to remember. No singing or acting experience is necessary — all parts are nonspeaking, and volunteers just need a willingness to lend a helping hand and a passion for creating unforgettable moments.

Rehearsals for the Moana Sing-Along begin in October, giving volunteers plenty of time to perfect their performances. With only about three rehearsals scheduled, including one the week of the event and one on the day itself, the process is designed to be fun, low-stress, and accessible to all ages. Performers with larger roles may have additional rehearsals as needed, ensuring that everyone feels confident and prepared to shine onstage.

To make this event truly spectacular, the committee needs your help! Whether you’re a seasoned performer or a first-time volunteer, there’s a place for you in the Moana ohana. Members and their guests are invited to register on the MAC website to join the adventure and be part of something truly special. VOL1115

70 | The Wınged M | JUNE 2024

Pick the Flick for MAC Movie Night 2024

What movie would you like to see at the second annual MAC Movie Night? Vote to see your pick on the big screen at Providence Park on Friday, Sept. 6!

All votes must be placed by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, June 13. Once voting closes, the featured movie will be announced in the Events section of the July issue of The Winged M

Register for this special event at starting at noon Monday, July 8. SOE0906

JUNE 2024 | The Wınged M | 71 EVENTS The Wrenn/Ferguson Group The Wrenn/Ferguson Group, helping individuals and families with financial planning and professional investment management for over 30 years. You can reach us by emailing, or by calling 503-248-1309. Wrenn/Ferguson Group, UBS Financial Services, Inc. Member SIPC 5285 SW Meadows Rd., Suite 495, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Joseph M. Ferguson Senior Portfolio Manager Senior Vice President – Wealth Management John D. Wrenn Senior Vice President – Wealth Management James A Wrenn, CIMA, CRPS Senior Vice President – Wealth Management Ted Ferguson, CFP® Senior Portfolio Manager Senior Vice President – Wealth Management PORTLAND FACE DOCTOR From Botox Cosmetic and Lasers to Facelifts, and Everything in Between… LET US HELP YOU BE MORE YOU. Mention you’re a MAC member when calling and receive a free consultation ($100 Value) 503-297-6511 PROVIDENCE ST. VINCENT’S MEDICAL CENTER, 9427 SW BARNES RD., #394 ENHANCING YOUR NATURAL BEAUTY DR. DAVID MAGILKE Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

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