The Wild

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Pierre Andre on the solar paneled roof of Sole Technology.

“I’VE ALWAYS BEEN CONSCIOUS ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT...IN ACTION SPORTS WE NEED CLEAN AIR TO SKATE, CLEAN WATER TO SURF AND WE NEED SNOW TO BE ABLE TO SNOWBOARD.“ PIERRE ANDRÉ SENIZERGUES that utilized unexpected materials, recycling them by giving them new life. We continue to use the cassette tape fabric, but we also use things like old recycled army parachutes or constructions tarps and more mixed with other sustainable fabrics to create a collection every year. I figure that with Sole Technology and with projects like the 11th Hour, I’m helping create environmental awareness to a large group of people. With C PAS or with my other project, Skate Study House, which is mid-century modern recycled skate design furniture, I’m able to reach a smaller group of influencers. If I can inspire people in fashion or design to look at materials differently and have them start exploring it in their work, then it contributes to the larger picture in an impactful way. It can be anything really, but what is your wild wish? In an ideal world - a planet to live on in the future, food and water for everyone, no more poverty and the end of wars. It’s a wild wish, but one that we all need to work toward.

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